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Friday, September 20, 2024

“Some Would Rather Starve Than Work For Me” Shona Ferguson On His Relationships Within His Industry

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“Some Would Rather Starve Than Work For Me” Shona Ferguson On His Relationships Within His Industry. The Ferguson’s are Mzansi’s most elite TV power couple, with an empire of award winning productions. Believe it or not, there was a time before all the fame started paying off where one half of the dynamic married duo didn’t have people convinced of his talents.

Uncle Sho as he is affectionately known took to Instagram to Inspire his followers with a touching story about his come up in the industry. In the lengthy story, Shona revealed a lot of shocking facts about himself including that he was once rejected by a doubtful Hollywood producer, who was concerned about his career. This obviously broke Shona’s heart seeing that he had just done an audition multiple times for him.

Apparently the agent was adamant that Shona does not have the star quality acting wise and look wise and it would be hard for him to get any work in the industry. he was also nit picked by veteran actors in the industry who were also convinced that Shona would amount to nothing in the industry and that hit him very hard.

A moment of reflection: 17 years ago a Hollywood producer asked me if I had a back up plan. I was obviously shattered because I had just done multiple takes of an audition. He continued to say… “You don’t have what it takes.” An agent told me it wasn’t going to be easy to get me jobs because I didn’t have the right “look”. A veteran actor, loved & respected by millions told me I am not memorable & so did lot of producers. Many actors criticized me & made bets I would never make it in this industry. In 2010, I eavesdropped on a couple of fellow actors saying I was overrated & didn’t have real talent. The insults got personal” he wrote.

He continued to share that he didn’t hold anything against anyone who had that sort of opinion about him and just did what he loved. Fast forward the years and some of those negative people are the very same people that he has given work to. Even though this is the case, some people would rather die than ever work for him and he is more than okay with that.

Anyway. I don’t hold grudges the same way I don’t listen to anybody’s opinion, about my life. I’ve given most of these folks, agencies & naysayers work opportunities regardless. Some are on my payroll & some would rather starve than work for me & that’s OK. I’m NOT for everyone & not everyone is for me” he wrote.

The Rockville actor also reflected on how his faith in God, helped him through the tough times during poverty when he had close to nothing. Thanks to his parents and of course Jesus, the actor has built one of the strongest spirits that can be broken by no man. Shona shared how he hopes his struggle is a constant reminder to others that positivity can take you a long way in life, if you just work hard at what you love.

There was a time in my life I couldn’t afford toothpaste & I brushed my teeth with sunlight bar soap. Had bogobe le cabbage for years coz I couldn’t afford meat. We were so broke we couldn’t afford paraffin for lamps. We didn’t have much but GOD was with us. We prayed day & night. To this day, the prayers haven’t stopped. Thank you MOM and DAD ❤️ THANK YOU JESUS” he wrote.

Now that’s what we call food for thought!!

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