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Buckle up South Africans ‒ It’s going to be a tough 2023, warns renowned psychic

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Johannesburg – Buckle up, South Africans, because you are in for another wild ride in 2023.

If renowned tarot card reader Ursula Wania is right, we all face a challenging year ahead.

Wania, an astrologer, numerologist, and certified theta healer, successfully predicted the election of US President Bill Clinton, the break-up between Prince Andrew and Fergie, and the choice of the new South African flag before the elections.

Wania has been reading cards for more than 25 years.

Two unemployed South African men hold self-made advertising board offering their services at a traffic intersection in Cape Town. EPA/NIC BOTHMA.

These are her predictions:

You might as well keep your gloves on for 2023. Let’s just say we will become masters in patience.

South Africa will change some of its laws. This happens so that the ANC still maintains some power, even when they are no longer the ruling party after the next election.

Many people will leave South Africa.

People will want to break free from having to rely on government, and many will focus on doing so. They will want to become more independent to the point of being off the grid. Government knows this, and hence the new rules will come into play.

Solutions to problems will be found by individuals, not large organisations or government.

Still, many promises will be made regarding building new homes, new lives, and new jobs, none of which will materialise.

We will see new viruses emerge, and Africa will be hit. This year, we can see cycles repeating from the past. I see issues in getting treatment. Medical supplies will have issues. Medical facilities will not be able to provide what is needed. This is not a good year where health matters are concerned.

April / May are challenging months in the medical and health industry. Water issues will arise, so it might be a good idea to keep some reserves.

Climate change will be brought into the limelight and used to create restrictions, also with travelling.

Weather disasters will continue and will cause a lot of destruction.

Load shedding will worsen, extended hours and more regularly.

Renowned tarot card reader Ursula Wania Picture: Supplied.

Although I am not seeing a total collapse of the grid, it shows it will need to be rebuilt and eventually, power suppliers will be privatised.

Financially, people will continue to struggle. Unemployment will increase. This will increase crime in the country. There is a lot of resentment, and people will be over serious and impatient. The will lead to violence and riots.

There will be a change in our money system as well as tax laws. The Rand will weaken further. This might be later on in the year. Education systems will worsen. People will move more into home schooling and forming community groups to teach.

Government will be taken to task, but don’t hold your breath. Betrayal and corruption will continue, and no justice will be served fairly.

Sars Bellville offices. Picture: Henk Kruger/ANA/African News Agency.

So much will collapse, but after the year is over, we will look to rebuild better. Communities will begin pulling together and sorting things out.

Social activities will be low during 2023. It’s a slow moving year, but a lot will happen. Relationships will suffer.

People are awakening at a rapid pace, and much is being done to stop the process.

They are realising how manipulated they have been. A lot of truth will come out, and for those who can’t face it, new digital technology will capture their minds, so they don’t need to deal with reality.

There will be so much going on that it will be difficult to keep up. So much talk of all the great futuristic plans.

Extreme greed for wealth and material gain will cause more loss. Addictions and lack of confidence will be rampant among the younger generations. So, too, will suicides.

We are being pulled in two different directions, and our focus should be on where we are going and not where we are seemingly being taken.

There will be many distractions, and you shouldn’t give into them. This year is important for humanity as it determines where we go in the future.

People will be replaced by robots, and initially, it seems so cool, but this can be disastrous for humanity. So many jobs will be lost as a result. Medical, services, transport, and even cars, all enter the digital space, and before we know it, robots will be running our lives.

There are positives as well, and you can make life better if you stay focused on where you’re going and don’t fall into traps.

The Saturday Star

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