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The DA’s R1.2 Billion IT Tender Scandal: Where Is the Accountability?

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By Faiez Jacobs

The Democratic Alliance (DA), often touted as the party of clean governance, now finds itself at the heart of a corruption scandal involving a R1.2 billion tender for LAN services to Western Cape schools.

The tender, awarded to the Blue Networks Consortium (BNC), has been marred by irregularities and red flags. Despite SITA’s (State Information Technology Agency) recommendation to cancel the tender, the Western Cape government, led by Premier Alan Winde, proceeded with the contract, raising serious concerns about transparency, fairness, and corruption.

A forensic report by Cliffe Dekker Hofmeyr Inc. revealed multiple issues, including the submission of conflicting pricing options by BNC, which should have disqualified them. Only three of the 11 bidders met local content requirements, and Dimension Data, a major bidder, was disqualified unfairly on a technicality. The report calls for a re-evaluation of the tender, but thus far, no decisive action has been taken by the DA-led administration.

Where Are the Opposition and the Hawks?

This scandal begs the question: Where is the outrage? Opposition parties such as the ANC, EFF, and GOOD, who should be demanding accountability, have been remarkably silent. Furthermore, law enforcement agencies like the Hawks and the Special Investigating Unit (SIU), which are quick to investigate corruption cases involving the ANC, have yet to act on this major corruption case in the Western Cape.

Why is there selective enforcement of justice when it comes to DA corruption? If this were an ANC tender scandal, the streets would be filled with calls for accountability, investigations would be swift, and the media would relentlessly pursue every lead. But in this case, we see nothing but silence.

A History of DA Corruption

This latest scandal is not an isolated incident. The DA has a long track record of questionable dealings, especially in Cape Town and the Western Cape.

Grant Twigg Sanitation Irregularities: The DA’s Grant Twigg was implicated in sanitation-related tender irregularities, yet no meaningful investigation or accountability followed.

Housing Budget Mismanagement: The City of Cape Town, under DA leadership, once spent R30 million on a roof for a boxing match while leaving a significant portion of its housing budget unspent. This misallocation of funds highlights the DA’s skewed priorities, favouring vanity projects over essential services like housing.

Booi Housing Corruption: Another scandal involved corruption in housing, where senior DA officials, including Malusi Booi, were implicated in improper dealings.

Gang Connections: There have also been allegations of DA politicians having political ties with known gang bosses, further tainting the party’s image.

The Hypocrisy of Cape Town’s Voters

Yet, the most glaring hypocrisy is not just in the actions of the DA, but in the complicity of Capetonians. Where is the public outcry? If these scandals had involved the ANC, the streets would be awash with protests. But when the DA, the supposed “clean governance” party, engages in corruption, there is a disturbing silence. The DA is no different from the parties they criticize, yet the people of Cape Town continue to vote them into power. Why are you not equally outraged?

It’s Time to Demand Answers

The people of Cape Town need to ask themselves why they tolerate such blatant hypocrisy. Why is there no anger when the DA is implicated in corruption? Why are you not holding them accountable with the same fervour you would if the ANC were involved?

It’s time for the Hawks to investigate this tender scandal thoroughly and for the people of Cape Town to stop enabling corrupt governance by their silence. Demand answers. Demand better.

This is your city, and your voice should matter. If you remain silent, you are complicit in the corruption that the DA perpetuates. Cape Town, it’s time to wake up.

* Faiez Jacobs is a former ANC MP. He writes in his personal capacity.

** The views expressed do not necessarily reflect the views of or Independent Media.

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