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Saturday, October 5, 2024

Mpox: Brace yourself for another Lockdown

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The dreaded Professor Salim Karim has resurfaced on the public stage, the Lockdown is on the horizon.

The Bill Gates funded Africa Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (Africa CDC) has this week declared Monkey-Pox (MPox) as a public health emergency.

Africa CDC Director General Dr Jean Kaseya said: ‘Today, we declare this PHECS to mobilize our institutions, our collective will, and our resources to act—swiftly and decisively.

This empowers us to forge new partnerships, strengthen our health systems, educate our communities, and deliver life-saving interventions where they are needed most. There is no need for travel restrictions at this time.’

The World Health Organisation (WHO) followed suit declaring Monkey-Pox a public health emergency of international concern, ‘new sexually transmissible strain of the monkeypox virus, is an emergency, not only for Africa, but for the entire globe’.

One wonders if Monkey-Pox as a public health emergency on the African continent, is a play on words, considering that many disparagingly refer to us Africans as monkeys.

To add insult to injury, the MPox is allegedly sexually transmitted, the same claim as with HIV – AIDS. When will we Africans stop being portrayed as the wretched of the Earth!

Let’s not forget the Small-Pox outbreak falsely attributed to dirty blankets and which wiped out almost the entire population of the Khoi in the Western Cape province of South Africa and paved the way for the colonisation of the Cape.

I fear that this ‘public health emergency’ will soon morph into a National State of Disaster, plunging the entire country into yet another Lockdown, at the whims and mercy of the ‘expertise’ of Prof Karim. During the COVID-19 Lockdown, Prof Karim played a pivotal role as Chair of the Ministerial Advisory Committee on COVID-19.

I requested Prof Karim to appear in court and produce (within 14 days) an isolated and purified physical sample of the SARS Cov-2 virus (not a culture isolate or any mixture within which the supposed virus is, nor photograph or the RNA-sequence only) to me at a place and with security measures of his choice.

I was flabbergasted to learn that Prof Karim informed my attorney that he (Karim) does not work in that position anymore, and that we should not request such information from him nor from the President, according to him such a request should rather be directed only to Dr Nkosazana Dlamini Zuma, the then Minister of COGTA.

The Lockdown means the suspension of constitutional democracy and the Bill of Rights. The 2020 Lockdown turned this country into an open-air prison ruled by dictate, where ‘effective midnight tonight’ was Ramaphosa’s favourite despotic refrain!

Lockdown is a prison term, meaning confining prisoners to their jail-cells, however, it has recently been commandeered as a term for a public health emergency.

The Covid-19 vaccine roll-out was a mass public medical experiment, the like of which has never been conducted before. There are many reports of Covid- 19 vaccine injuries.

Surely, these necessitate an independent public investigation, a commission of inquiry akin to the Zondo-Commission before we plunge into another Lockdown and mass vaccinations.

The Gates Foundation is heavily invested in the vaccine industry, which is always the go-to treatment for any so-called virus outbreak, hence a vaccination drive for Mpox is sure to follow.

Prof Karim is currently a member of the Scientific Advisory Board for Global Health at the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation – need I say more?

Believe it or not, SARS-Cov-2 virus has not been proven to exist. On Feb. 16, 2016, the Stuttgart Higher Regional Court in Germany, in a dispute between two virologists on the existence of the Measles Virus, ruled that the methods employed to determine whether the virus exists or not, were invalid.

The method that virologists use to prove the existence of viruses, are what they refer to as cell- culture. The technique roughly works as follows – a swab is taken from a suspected infected person, then placed in monkey kidney cells amongst other chemicals.

When there is a reaction, usually the cell dies, that reaction is attributed to the presence of the said virus. The problem with this experiment is how do you discount the probability that the effect or reaction was not caused by the other elements. Where is the experiment where only the so-called virus is present?

People often ask, ‘if you say that there might not be a virus, then why are people dying or getting sick’? Sickness and or death is not proof of the existence of a virus, thus the need for medical and post-mortem investigations. There are many different causes of sickness and death, it is not just viruses.

The Lockdown was accompanied by an aggressive media campaign, which influenced public perceptions.

I personally took a case to court under the slogan ‘Show Us The Virus’ , as mentioned above, to this day no proof was ever produced; the court, instead, dismissed the case with punitive costs orders against me – for daring to ask such a question; without compelling Ramaphosa, the Minister of Health and Prof Salim Karim to provide proof of the virus they claimed to exist.

‘He who makes a claim should prove it!’ This simple legal maxim was violated when the courts ruled against me!

When the National State of Disaster is declared, the leader of the IFP Velenkosini Hlabisa (as Minister of COGTA), a member of the Pro-Israel bloc of parties, will become the de facto ruler of the Republic. A National State of Disaster will usher in a police-state, I don’t know if they will let us out of the Lockdown this time!

Beware of the wolf in sheep’s clothing.

* Ricardo Maarman, Leader of Azania Peaceful Revolution and author of ‘The Subversion of South Africa’ (available at xarrabooks.com)

** The views expressed do not necessarily reflect the views of Independent Media or


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