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Sunday, September 8, 2024

Digital detox – here’s how to take a break from your device

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Having a phone and data is all one needs to get sucked into your electronic device.

These days, the first and last thing many people do every day is to check their phones.

Some people can’t get even get through a meal without being on their phones.

People have become anti-social because they are more interested in what’s happening on their phones than being in the moment.

People have become anti-social. Picture: Kulik Stepan / Pexels

How often haven’t you found yourself scrolling through TikTok into the wee hours of the morning or checking other social media apps out of fear of missing out?

Sometimes folk would just pick up their phones even if no notifications come through.

People who are constantly on their phones can experience stress and anxiety, poor sleep and a decrease in productivity.

If you’re one of those people who simply cannot be without their devices, then perhaps it’s time for a digital detox.

Digital detox refers to the practice of disconnecting from digital devices such as phones, computers, and tablets in order to focus on real-life interactions.

Here are ways you can take time out and digital detox effectively.

Turn off notifications

Constant alerts and notifications can create distractions and make it difficult to fully disconnect.

Consider turning off notifications or setting specific times to check emails and messages.

Engage in offline activities

Find hobbies and activities that do not involve digital devices, such as reading a book, going for a walk or spending time with loved ones. Or gardening.

Set boundaries

Establish specific times throughout the day when you will refrain from using digital devices, such as during meals or before bedtime.

Refrain from using your phone before bedtime. Picture: shvets Production / Pexels

Create a tech-free zone

Designate certain areas in your home, such as the bedroom or dining room, as tech-free zones where digital devices are not allowed.

Limit social media usage

Social media can be a major source of digital overwhelm.

Consider limiting the amount of time you spend on social media platforms or taking breaks from them entirely.

Get outside

Spending time in nature can help reduce stress and improve mental wellbeing.

Take time to disconnect from digital devices and enjoy the outdoors.


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