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Sunday, September 8, 2024

Naledi Pandor Was Asked Why France President Was Not Invited To BRICS And This Is What She Said

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When people says Naledi Pandor for president, they means it. The minister of International relations Naledi Pandor has made South Africans proud on so many occasions. She is someone who speaks her mind and won’t allow anyone to bully her to say things she does not want to say. She says the truth as it is, be it good or bad.

We know that prior to the BRICS summit, there were a lot of things being said and there were many countries that have indictated that they wanted to join BRICS. We know that the president of France wanted to attend BRICS summit but he was not successful in that regard.

Now minister Naledi Pandor was being asked why was the President of France not invited to attend BRICS after he indicated that he was interested in attending BRICS. But we know that the main questions that BRICS members had to answer was that, what was his contribution to the BRICS and they could not find anything that could have made them to allow him to attend the summit. Naledi Pandor said it out loud and said that they did not think that there was a place for him in their delibarations in the summit, and they had a great deal of business to go through. She says that even the interest lf the president of France to attend BRICS came a little late. She is just a straight talker like that and this is why South Africans can’t atop talking about her. She represents South Africans without fear of favour. She is always prepared for any question. If only South Africa had many ministers like her, South Africa would be a better country.

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Naledi Pandor

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