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Friday, September 20, 2024

Ace Magashule to announce his political future

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Former ANC secretary-general Ace Magashule will announce his political future following months of speculation.

Magashule confirmed on Monday evening that he would make the announcement but refused to give more details. He will make the announcement on Wednesday in Soweto.

However, he said he would still be involved in politics.

“I am in politics; I won’t leave politics,” said Magashule.

There has been speculation around the future of Magashule since he left the ANC.

Magashule was initially asked to step aside from his position in the ANC after he was charged over the asbestos matter in the Free State.

This led to Magashule not being able to contest for any position in the ANC leadership at the national conference last December.

Magashule was later charged by the ANC National Disciplinary Committee. He was expelled in June after the ANC said he failed to make representations on why he should not be expelled from the ANC.

He had been given seven days to make representations.

The charges were in relation to his refusal to step aside after he was charged over the asbestos case and attempting to charge president Cyril Ramaphosa in May 2021.

Magashule was elected at the 2017 Nasrec conference to be secretary-general.

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