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Monday, September 16, 2024

Mbeki, in a letter to Mashatile, warns ANC that it is alienating the masses

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Durban – Political experts yesterday said former president Thabo Mbeki’s 17-page letter to ANC deputy president Paul Mashatile, questioning why the party has consistently blocked any parliamentary probe into the Phala Phala scandal, sends a message to its members that they should heed his advice or risk alienating the masses ahead of next year’s elections.

Mbeki said he had written to Mashatile because President Cyril Ramaphosa had previously excused himself from “the ANC NEC (national executive committee) when they discussed the Phala Phala matter”.

Mbeki, in the letter sent on Wednesday, also warned that the actions of the party would alienate people from the ANC.

“To be honest to ourselves, as our Comrade President insisted, we must expect that the already existing gulf between the ANC and the people widened, as the latter saw the former refuse to investigate the alleged criminality which has resulted in these masses

suffering from long periods of very destructive load shedding!” Mbeki wrote.

He said he was concerned that the ANC had twice used its majority caucus in Parliament – in December and last week – to vote against any probe into the Phala Phala scandal. He said it appeared that the ANC wanted to protect Ramaphosa at all costs.

He said the ANC needed honest self-introspection on why it was blocking investigations into Phala Phala and he compared it to the scandals surrounding the “Nkandla matter” which involved former president Jacob Zuma.

He said the ANC caucus used its majority in the National Assembly on December 13 to block an inquiry into the Phala Phala saga, voting against an impeachment committee following the report of an independent panel, led by former chief justice Sandile Ngcobo, which found that Ramaphosa had a case to answer on the matter.

The panel report found that Ramaphosa had a case to answer regarding the break-in and theft of a large sum of foreign currency from his game farm Phala Phala in 2020.

“I would assume that as ANC members we would assume that our president would not do and has not done anything impeachable,” Mbeki wrote.

He said he could not understand why the ANC had voted against the establishment of a parliamentary committee when it would have established whether Ramaphosa has not done anything impeachable.

“Or are we saying that we suspect or know that he has done something impeachable and therefore decided that we must protect our president at all costs by ensuring that no MPC (multi party committee) is formed?” asked Mbeki.

He questioned the rationale behind the ANC again using its majority in Parliament on March 22 to vote against the formation of an ad hoc committee to investigate the Phala Phala matter.

He also questioned why the ANC caucus had used its majority again on March 23 to vote against a parliamentary inquiry into corruption at Eskom after serious claims were made by former Eskom CEO André de Ruyter, detailing corruption allegedly taking place.

ANC secretary-general Fikile Mbalula yesterday confirmed that the party had received Mbeki’s letter, saying although it was regrettable that the letter had been leaked, the NEC would engage with the former president.

Mbalula said the matters raised in the Mbeki letter were of great value and important for the survival of the ANC.

“The national officials will discuss the letter and seek an audience with the former president, it is only then that the ANC will consider a commentary on the contents of the letter and discussions with former president Mbeki,” Mbalula said.

Political analyst Dr Ralph Mathekga said Mbeki was aware that the ANC was too complacent to listen to a voice of reason, but the former president wants it known that he has taken a position and does not want to be linked to the decisions made by the party.

“It is coming from someone so prominent, so outspoken, and he wants it known how serious the Phala Phala scandal is in terms of sophistication, more so than Nkandla.

“This scandal involves foreign currency and bribery allegations.”

Another analyst, Professor Bheki Mngomezulu, said Mbeki was not one to mince his words if he was uncomfortable with his party.

“The ANC is as strong as its support and to alienate the masses misses the point, especially with the 2024 elections coming.”


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