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Cabinet approves major infrastructure plan for implementation

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Cabinet has approved the implementation of the National Infrastructure Plan (NIP) 2050. 

The plan is set to provide catalytic projects that are meant to contribute towards the country’s long-term economic and social developmental goals. 

Speaking on behalf of Cabinet, Minister in the Presidency, Mondli Gungubele, said the plan received a number of written comments after it was published for public comment in August 2021.

Inputs were also received from public consultations with various stakeholders in the infrastructure sector.

“The consultation included regional and continental bodies, such as the Southern African Development Community and African Union Commission for Infrastructure.

“The NIP provides for the development of the country’s infrastructure networks that are aligned to the National Spatial Development Framework and the District Development Model (DDM),” Gungubele said on Thursday.

NIP also focuses the construction of infrastructure towards socio-economic development, while generating employment and broad-based black economic empowerment opportunities.

LPG Rollout Strategy 

Meanwhile, Cabinet has approved the publication of the Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) Rollout Strategy of 2022 in the Government Gazette for public comment. 

The strategy seeks to contribute towards addressing the country’s energy supply challenges. 

“The strategy deals with, amongst others, the structural features of the current LPG market, existing infrastructure, the pricing structure and the current local manufacturing capacity of the LPG cylinders.

“The strategy also deals with the safety and awareness campaign to raise the profile of domestic gas as an environmentally friendly fuel,” Cabinet said.

Mining exploration strategy 

Cabinet also approved the Exploration Strategy for the Mining Industry of South Africa, which will, among others, provide immediate interventions in its implementation plan to undertake a comprehensive geoscience mapping to improve the country’s geoscience data.

Cabinet said the strategy also proposes a collaboration between the Department of Mineral Resources and Energy and the Industrial Development Corporation to ensure that exploration provides for the inclusion of emerging exploration companies.

“It also reinforces the research role to be played by research institutions such as MINTEK and the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, and the skills development programme,” Cabinet said.

The strategy is the product of a broader consultation between government, industry and other social partners.

Cabinet said the mining industry remains the vital lifeblood of the country’s economic ecosystem. 

Taxi Relief Fund 

Cabinet has also approved the extension of the cut-off date for applications for the COVID-19 Taxi Relief Fund

(TRF), from 31 March 2022, to 31 March 2023.

The TRF, with a budget of about R1.135 billion, was allocated as a once-off payment to mitigate the negative financial impact of COVID-19 on the taxi industry. 

The National Empowerment Fund is responsible for the disbursement of compensation to all legal taxi operators with valid operating licences, including minibus-taxis, metered taxis and e-hailing partners.

Approved bills 

South African Post Office (SAPO) Amendment Bill of 2021

Cabinet has approved three bills, including the publication of the SAPO Amendment Bill for public comment.

The Bill seeks to amend the SAPO Act, 2011 (Act 22 of 2011).

“The proposed amendments seek to enable SAPO to take advantage of the technological developments in its environment. It will be able to revise its duties and expand its mandate.

“It will be a service provider of a universal postal and courier; an integrated logistics, e-commerce [service], and will be a digital hub for business and communities,” Cabinet said.

Cabinet said the proposed amendments, which are aligned to the National Integrated ICT Policy White Paper of 2016, also make improvements to the governance provisions of the SAPO. 

South African Postbank Amendment Bill of 2021 

Cabinet has approved the submission of the South African Postbank Amendment Bill of 2021 to Parliament. The Bill amends the Post Bank Act, 2010 (Act 9 of 2010) to align it with the Banks Act, 1990 (Act 94 of 1990).

It provides for the establishment of the South African Postbank Holding Company, in terms of the Banks Act of 1990.

“The Bill has gone through public consultation to strengthen it. Once adopted into law, the Postbank will be able to operate as a separate entity with its regulatory framework outside of the SAPO,” Cabinet said.

Radioactive Waste Management Fund Bill

 Cabinet has approved the publication of the Radioactive Waste Management Fund Bill for public comment. The Bill provides for the creation of the fund, as directed by the Radioactive Waste Management Policy.

Cabinet said the funds will be collected to be used towards the management of radioactive waste.

“It will enable the setting up of the infrastructure to handle, provide storage and oversee the permanent disposal of radioactive waste.”

The fund will be managed through the National Radioactive Disposal Institute.

“South Africa benefits from clean energy generated through the Koeberg Nuclear Power Station. It also remains one of the biggest producers of the radiopharmaceuticals products that diagnose and treat cancer in the world,” Cabinet said. 

Other decisions taken by Cabinet include the approval of the operationalisation of the Batho Pele Revitalisation Strategy of 2021, and the approval of the amendment to the policy on high-demand spectrum and the policy direction on the licensing of a wireless open access network (WOAN). – SAnews.gov.za

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