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Friday, September 20, 2024

NPA looking into prosecution those behind the murder of anti-apartheid activist Dr Neil Aggett

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Johannesburg – The National Prosecution Authority (NPA) says it was giving serious attention to the investigation and prosecution of those behind the murder of anti-apartheid activist Dr Neil Aggett.

This comes after the judgment on Friday that set aside a prior judgment of the inquest in 1982 that had found that Aggett had committed suicide.

Judge Motsamai Makume overturned Magistrate Pieter Kotze’s finding, and found that the death of Aggett was brought about by acts committed by members of the security branch stationed at John Vorster Square, among them, Lieutenant Stephen Whitehead and Major Arthur Cronwright.

Makume referred his judgment to the NPA for possible prosecution.

NPA regional spokesperson Phindi Mjonondwane said the NPA commits to studying the judgment with the aim of determining, with the necessary urgency, the course of action following the judgment.

Aggett was found hanging in a police holding cell while in detention at John Vorster Square in February 1982. In September 1982, an inquest, presided over by Magistrate Kotze found that no one was to blame for the death.

“Kotze accepted the version of the police, despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary,” said Makume. Magistrate Kotze’s judgment further drew an inference that Aggett committed suicide as he felt embarrassed for giving out information about his comrades to the Security Branch officers.

“The NPA commends the team work of investigating officers Colonel Mathipa and Warrant Officer Frank Kgamanyane, retired Deputy Director of Public Prosecutions, Advocate Jabulani Mlotshwa and Senior State Advocate Shubnum Singh,” she said.

Mjonondwane said this team worked tirelessly together with law firm Webber Wentzel to ensure that witnesses were traced and could testify in this inquest hearing, following the authorisation to hold the hearing by Justice and Correctional Services Minister, Ronald Lamola in 2019.

“The NPA acknowledges the pain and suffering of the Aggett family, his partner Dr Elizabeth Floyd (Liz) many others that lost loved ones due to apartheid era atrocities. The NPA is on record having said that the unwarranted delays in bringing perpetrators to book was an injustice to the families of these victims and will work swiftly in applying its mind to implement the recommendations by Makume,” Mjonondwane said.

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