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Friday, September 20, 2024

Pic! Linda Mtoba Gets Vulnerable To Encourage Body Positivity

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Pic! Linda Mtoba Gets Vulnerable To Encourage Body Positivity. Social media has made it impossible for people to embrace their flaws because of the high standards of beauty that have been encourage by Snapchat and Instagram filters. We think it’s rather refreshing when celebs we thought were pretty close to being perfect, prove us wrong by exposing their very own bodily flaws and having a sense of relatability to their followers.

Taking to Instagram, The River actress Linda Mtoba took a minute to be real with her followers and share a little more about her journey to self acceptance. The mother of one shared photos of her body mainly her thighs and legs, sharing how she too has stretch marks and cellulite. Mtoba opened up to her followers, encouraging them to not compare themselves to her because she is also not perfect.

She added that it took her a long time to get to where she is in terms of loving herself completely however, she is taking it one day at a time and letting the journey to self acceptance take its course.

Cellulite, stretch marks it’s all there & it’s okay. I never want you to see a picture of me and have it make you feel unpretty. It took a lot to get to a point where i am comfortable in my skin and everyday we work a lil more on self acceptance” she wrote.

Since becoming a mommy, Linda has been quite open about her body and its changes revealing that since giving birth, she has been struggling with accepting her body not meeting the high standards of society. She revealed how she developed more stretch marks on her legs and more cellulite as compared to her ‘used to be’ toned body.

In an interview with Bona magazine, Linda candidly opened up about how she expected to quickly bounce back to the way she looked before having a baby which emotionally affected the way she looked at herself.

In a previous Instagram post, Linda shared a photo of herself wearing a revealing bikini at the beach and wrote a lengthy note about the emotional journey that she went through to get to the place she is in now. The River actress shared that she took some time to reflect on the eye opening journey of body positivity sharing that she remembers a time where she didn’t recognize her own body. Mtoba shared how her new body was very unfamiliar to her and she had to go through the emotions of learning to love her new self.

Took some time to get to this point in my postpartum journey…I remember touching you and feeling a stranger, In the darkness I’d hold you hoping you’d feel familiar. Id run my fingers down you and try to find traces of you, the old you but this was new. You weren’t there, I wasn’t there. So I took the time and reintroduced myself tried to get reacquainted with this stranger my soul inhabits” she wrote.

Linda revealed how her bruises and stretch marks had become part of the new her which also took some time to get familiar with. Now that she has allowed herself to experience the journey to self love, she is at a better place and has become confident and is learning to love herself again.

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