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Friday, September 20, 2024

Mihlali Ndamase Apologizes For Her Looting Joke Gone Wrong

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Mihlali Ndamase Apologizes For Her Looting Joke Gone Wrong. Often times, celebrities have a foot in the mouth moment on social media that they usually go back and apologize for. This time on the chopping block is content creator and YouTuber Mihlali Ndamase who recently tried to make the masses laugh by telling a joke but instead rubbed the twitter community the wrong way.

Yesterday, Mihlali had twitter divided after tweeting a joke asking when people are going to loot at Mercedes Benz. The people of twitter were angered by Mihlali’s joke claiming that it is insensitive to the public considering what is happening around the country. Of course her fans defended Ndamase, pointing out that she is not the only person who has made joke about looting on social media and haters are always out to get their fave.

Mihlali deleted the tweet after receiving major backlash and also tweeted an apology to all the people who were offended by her like as well as Mercedes Benz for putting the thought of committing such a horrible act. The social media star shared how she is immediately retracting her statement claiming that she hadn’t considered the harm that the joke could have unleashed.

“With immediate retraction, I’d like to apologize on the tweet I published earlier. I jokingly put that out without considering the harm it may cause given my position. The intent wasn’t to be insensitive” Mihlali said.

In a follow up tweet Ndamase revealed that Mercedes Benz is one of her favourite car brands which was the root of the joke but she wishes no harm on any person or business. Mihlali shares that the misunderstanding served as a valuable lesson learnt.

“Mercedes Benz is one of my favourite car brands, I adore them, hence the joke. Of course I wouldn’t wish that on any business or person. This is a lesson learned and once again, I sincerely apologize” she wrote.

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