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Thursday, September 19, 2024

Sizwe Dhlomo Apologizes To Tweep For Posting Mean Response About Black Women Deserving Love

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Sizwe Dhlomo Apologizes To Tweep For Posting Mean Response About Black Women Deserving Love. Twitter is a very cold place because once the gloves are on, there is no telling just how far things can escalate. Twitter is the one place where celebs have no qualms about retaliating to any disrespect from tweeps and trolls that comes their way.

Sizwe Dhlomo recently had a back and forth argument with a tweet however, the Kaya FM radio host led by example and apologized for his discretions even though shade was thrown from both sides of the spectrum. A tweep shared their views about women of colour deserving love without having to settle for drama or going through the most to acquire it.

Dhlomo replied to the tweep claiming that the a love like the one described by the her is more of a mediocre love, which nobody wants. According to Sizwe, the good love comes at a price of some heavy tears and unnecessary stress.

“Yeah but who wants that mediocre love? The Sh!t slaps when it’s soaked in tears B” Sizwe wrote.

The tweep replied to Sizwe’s response by pointing out that he is too old to be making those kinds of statements at his age. Dhlomo didn’t take the response to kindly and retaliated by posting the tweeps photo to prove a point that she isn’t all that age defying as well.

A few minutes later, Sizwe deleted all the tweets and apologized to the tweep, owning up to his actions, claiming that they were unnecessary and out of line. The people of twitter were split about the entire altercation pointing out that she was wrong for involving age, while others claim that he was wrong for posting her photo in response of her sharing her own opinion..

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