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Friday, September 20, 2024

Phuti Khomo Accused Of Owing owing R250 000 In Unpaid Rent

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Phuti Khomo has been accused of owing R250 000 in unpaid rent!

If you follow the model and actress on social media, then you’ll already know her life appears to be full of lavish things. But it turns out that Phuti is being dragged to court after allegedly failing to pay rent for seven months. Phuti is involved in a nasty legal battle with businesswoman Marli Hoffman over their lease agreement. Hoffman claims Khomo owes R210,000 for rent and R25,000 for utilities. The landlord also added R60,000 for legal fees she incurred.

Phuti has not been silent over the accusations. She fired back saying she had signed the lease agreement on behalf of a friend.

“I did sign a lease agreement during June 2018 as a favour to a close
friend but, regrettably, he could not keep up with lease agreement
payments and he eventually evacuated the leased premise after my lawyers
engaged Marli’s lawyers in a brief discussion regarding the matter,”
Khomo said. In these situations, it is always important to ensure that you are insured with something like Epremium Renters Insurance. Insurance can make a huge difference if you are unable to pay rent, meaning you always have a lifeline to fall back on.

Phuti admitted that she had made a bad decision that has put her in a bad situation. “I’m trying to solve [it] as best as I can through the law. Now I’m in this situation because of my friend. I’m also suing this friend and I’m trying to get that money. I’m not going to run away and our lawyers were corresponding,” she added. It might be time she looked at credit cards for no credit to help pay this debt as her credit score is going to be very poor.

Hoffman revealed Phuti had been struggling to pay rent from the get-go, going against the lease agreement which Hoffman had sourced and they had both signed. Phuti fired back speaking to the Sowetan saying she is going to sue her former landlord.

“I’m now certain that I will sue Marli Hoffman for reputational damage caused. I don’t understand her end-game by taking me to the papers. Yes, a friend defaulted and there is no problem with her coming after me through the law. But [why do it] in public like this, what is she trying to achieve? I think she has a problem with my lifestyle.”

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