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Black Twitter Applauds Date My Family’s Ntombi For Standing Her Ground Against Arrogant Bachelor

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Reactions! Black Twitter Applauds Date My Family’s Ntombi For Standing Her Ground Against Arrogant Bachelor! Sunday night’s episode of Date My Family has left twitter divided on whether it was necessary to air it or not.

Others felt it was a great way to let people see what women go through with abusive, controlling men. One thing everyone agrees on is how the bachelor showed abusive traits and how Ntombi handled him accordingly.

Watch the clip from the final date below.


Very very difficult date
Why subject self to such

Guys this is not how to treat a lady. Good luck to his partner not this one who totally told him off pic.twitter.com/zv77ox1xjp— Sure Kamhunga (@sure_kamhunga) December 9, 2018

Black twitter applauded Ntombi for standing up for herself and not be bullied by the bachelor. Check out some of the reactions.

These are some of the reasons why our mothers and sisters are being killed daily ?? #DateMyFamily pic.twitter.com/rdBLkcgjIx— Prunnie Mhlabane (@PrunnieMhlabane) December 9, 2018

Hi #DateMyFamily
You guys owe the nation and Ntombi an apology. How do you guys subject women to such patriarchial, misogynistic and tribalistic trash?— Morwa (@iam_morwa) December 9, 2018

A guy who demands respect in a relationship usually lacks it….#DateMyFamily pic.twitter.com/lohg9R973U— Patriq Harper (@PatriqDuma) December 9, 2018

On behalf of all Xhosas we reject this guy and we will gladly pass him to the Zulus #DateMyFamily— Munangiwa (@Chris_matams) December 9, 2018

It was at this point where Ntombi had no fucks to give??? #DateMyFamily pic.twitter.com/K9BS3TzM3M— Maka-GTI??? (@zamandelu) December 9, 2018

This guy doesn’t respect women. I’m actually annoyed #DateMyFamily— Menzi Ngcobo (@MrMenziN) December 9, 2018

Clear pic of Ntombi walking out the restaurant after that date. ??? pic.twitter.com/AA37lxhrrU— Ngoako? (@lebogang_lehora) December 9, 2018

When a Xhosa woman laughs at you sarcastically while you’re speaking, just know that you are a joke my brother and aren’t worth a second of her time. I LOVE NTOMBI #datemyfamily #dmfmzansi pic.twitter.com/12eTqyKHNp— AfroLuvo (@creatingluvo) December 9, 2018

This guy represents so many. He’s what we dealing with? ku worse than this out there in the dating jungle #DateMyFamily— Portia Gumede (@portiagumedesa) December 9, 2018

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