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Friday, September 20, 2024

DJ Fresh Pens A Heartfelt Tribute To Legend Ray Phiri

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DJ Fresh Pens A Heartfelt Tribute To Legend Ray Phiri! Condolences continue to pour in for the Jazz Music legend Ray Phiri from fans and those who were lucky to experience his greatness and fans.

Whilst the younger generation might consider DJ Fresh as an inspiration, the big dawg took to Instagram sharing how Phiri helped him in his teenage years.

In a heartfelt message, Fresh shared how he is more saddened by the fact that he never took the opportunity to thank Phiri for saving him from teenage depression through his music and his own testimonies.

Read the touching tribute below.

Dear Ray Phiri,

Your sad passing does not sadden me as much as how I never got a chance (or maybe TOOK the chance) to thank you for saving me from teenage depression and suicidal thoughts.
When I was 15 (and in boarding school) my mother left to go and study in the USA. I was devastated because she was the parent I was closest to. That I was always fighting with my dad, did not help.
A month later by best friend’s family relocated back home to Norway, obviously taking him with. That very Saturday night I broke up with the girl I was convinced was the love of my life (Loooong story, don’t ask). All this happened within a space of 2 months and had me feeling alone and abandoned. I put on a brave face every single morning, all the while slowly slipping in what was a lonely, dark, hell.
Most Break times were spent alone with my thoughts, and these gradually started being those of suicide. I was In a boarding house full of friends and crazy boys, but always ended up wallowing in self pity and loneliness.
One day I picked up a copy of Drum magazine with you on the cover. You were one of my many idols whose music I played at school discos, so anything with you on the cover, I picked up and read.
In this issue you spoke of how much of a recluse you were; about the loneliness that came with it; how despite all the fame, constant attention etc. there was still a loneliness/void! (Am paraphrasing)
Reading how MY idol was going through what I was feeling, was all I needed to snap out of it and start embracing that there is a massive, bright future ahead of me, and suicide cant be an option.
For some, that article was probably just another of many about you. For ME, it was the light / glimmer-nyana I needed when I felt alone and abandoned.
Thank you , Bra Ray. I am eternally grateful, and glad I got to see you perform one last time, at the #AfricaDay concert at NASREC.

A fan since childhood.”

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