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Monday, September 16, 2024

DJ Zinhle Opens Up About How Mean Comments From Social Media Have Affected Her…

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We’ve always loved DJ Zinhle because of the mature manner that she carries herself with and well she’s one of the few celebrities that’s never made any room for drama in her life.

Social media has made it easier to bully celebrities and be mean to them directly to their ‘faces’. People tweet mean things, tag a celeb and think that they’ll never see it, well news flash, they do!

mama ka kairo man

DJ Zinhle is one of the many celebrities that have fallen victim to social media slander and hate. Being in a relationship with SA’s most ‘cocky’ rapper didn’t help much either, but the businesswoman managed to keep her composure and ignore most of the hate.

In her interview with Gareth on CliffCentral Zinhle reveals that she’s seen the craziest and meanest things about her on almost all social media platforms that she’s on.

Most of them being about her and AKA and some even wishing death on their little baby girl. Her break up with AKA also added a little fuel to the fire. (Read how she feels about the break up HERE.)

“Things no one will ever say to my face. Like I look like a man, like, what else have I heard? It used to hurt my feelings. But I thought ‘it’s just one guy somewhere in Mlalazi you know, in a shack…’ A lot of people on social media have too much time, people in this country don’t have jobs… Social media is a bad drug… social media is definitely a powerful thing, but it’s a painful thing sometimes,” she told Gareth.

Uhmmm…we must agree that we’ve heard that looking like a man comment too many times. Well we’re glad that she soldiers on through all the hate, after all who has time for haters when you making 70K per gig? (Read about that HERE.)

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