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Friday, September 20, 2024

Pabi Moloi On Fitness And Jokes About Losing Her Chest!

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We should just start calling celebville fitnessville now!

Everyone is about fitness and taking care of themselves. One celebrity that has been sharing her weight loss journey with us from the beginning is Pabi Moloi. The TV personality like others enjoys sharing fitness video’s with her fans on Instagram to inspire them to do more for themselves regarding staying in shape.

Pabi’s biggest fitness influence by the looks of things is singer and King of the music industry Beyonce. She’s constantly sharing pictures of Beyonce on her Instagram and basically forever thanks God for Beyonce or she wouldn’t be hitting the gym if it wasn’t for her.

Recently Pabi noticed that as a result of her fitness she’s losing a few key features on her body, one feature in particular being her breast, but she honestly doesn’t mind cause she even jokes about it. After all you have to lose some to win some.

Check out one of Pabi’s video’s below and some of the posts she’s shared of her new body!

Talk About Being In Shape…

And scene! #fitness #fitfam #Fitspo #fitness #fitsporation @twobadbodies #WooShem #PabiMoloi #PushPushPush #LifeGoals

Fitness Is Your Responsibility…

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The life you desire. Creating it is nobody’s responsibility but your own. It’s a beautiful liberation. #GrownWomanSteez #DirtyThirties #Happiness #LifeGoals #LifeIsBeautiful #MyLife #Mampudi #NobodyOwesYouShit #Obsesh #PabiMoloi #SoBae #thickyfit #WooShem

 Fitness Is A Journey…

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It’s a journey. It’s a fight. It’s commitment. It’s change. It’s the word no. It’s yes to self. Thank you for sharing your journeys with me everyday. You keep me inspired. #OldPicStillRelevant #fitfam #Fitspo #fitness #Goals #Instagramfitness #LifeIsBeautiful #Mampudi #exercise #WooShem

 Thank God For Beyonce!…

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#WooShem Thank God for Beyonce because the cold and fatigue almost had me skipping gym today. #PoseForTheCamera #Instagramfitness #fitfam #Fitspo #fitness

Lost My Chest But, It’s Okay!😂

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😂😂😂 You win some, you lose some. 💪💪💪 #Arms #biceps #exercise #fitfam #Fitspo #fitness #fitsporation #getfit #gymrat #Instagramfitness #Johannesburg #Mampudi #WooShem #WaWinnaWednesday

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