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Friday, September 20, 2024

DJ Zinhle Opens Up About Being Attacked About Her Weight Before She Announced That She Is Pregnant.

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dj zinhleeeee

Now there’s honestly nothing as cruel as people wishing ill on an unborn baby or insulting a pregnant lady because of her man’s actions and not her own actions.

DJ Zinhle has opened up about the comments that she’s been receiving regarding her pregnancy on social media. As we all know the DJ is expecting her first baby with rapper AKA.

She took to Instagram to share her thoughts about what people have been saying to her and expressed how people don’t always know how harmful their words could be.

Zinhle posted a picture of herself in a bikini on Instagram and wrote: “… This was in Jan, I was 3 months pregnant. I remember posting this pic & 1 lady commented that I needed to hit the gym immediately before wearing a bikini ever again. She told me that I shouldn’t be wearing a bikini with a tummy like that. I didn’t care, I still don’t…


She went on to say that she doesn’t understand how people can be so expressive or angry over social media at people they don’t even know on a personal level.

“Their words are weapons meant to hurt & discourage people they don’t even know…”

Baby Belly In  A Bikini…

zinhle and being attacked

Most recently DJ Zinhle was attacked on social media because of the ‘fight’ AKA had with iFani about his 1st Day Gold. People threw mean and rude comments in Zinhle’s direction, one guy even wished a miscarriage upon her unborn child.

Regarding that whole altercation between the two rappers, Zinhle had this to say: “This also didn’t affect me much as these were not my words but his & they will manifest in his life not mine, but as someone who was raised to respect & care for people his comments felt cruel & inhumane.” 

She went on to say: “Why are people so sad, why do people need to steal other people’s joy in order to make themselves happy or relevant?I have a strong mind & great support, my joy is in my hands, therefore this war of words will not make my life miserable…”

What Zinhle is touching on is really so true, the huge problem with social media is that people think that their words don’t have any consequences and that because you’re just typing words and putting them on the internet you’re untouchable.

Zinhle ended her post with a few words of wisdom and advising people to be in control of their own happiness.  “So my advice is, be in control of your JOY, that way, no one can take it away from you… If these people knew how happy & amazing my life is, they wouldn’t bother trying to steal my joy cause there’s too much of it, they would need a couple of lifetimes to steal all of my JOY…

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