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Thursday, September 19, 2024

Nandi Mngoma Gets Recognition For Being A Trendsetter!

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nandi queen

If you’re a female and have never thought about cutting your because Nandi looks so good with short hair, you’re probably lying to yourself.

A number of celebrities have influenced the masses in one way or another and we must say there’s a lot of females getting short hair lately. Looking at the likes of Luthando Shosha and Pearl M, short hair is the in thing.

Nandi’s hair is not the only this that sets her apart from all the other females in the industry, her dress sense is also quite unique and fashion forward. In all honesty Nandi is always on point!

Nandi Mngoma has always deemed herself an African Queen and now she gets the chance to be recognised as one. She shared on Instagram recently that she will be awarded for being a trendsetter, influencer and a leader of pop culture.

Congrads Nandi, you definitely are a huge influence to South African pop culture.

Nandi The Trendsetter!…

nandi mngoma

Wow! Next month I’m being recognized for being a trendsetter, influencer and a leader of pop culture! That’s insane! All I ever wanted to achieve amongst other things.. Is for African young ladies and grown women to embrace who they are aesthetically and internally. To pride themselves of their continent, whether it be natural hair, their skin etc. and essentially love who they are. Never in a million years would I think I would be getting honoured for this. I’d like to acknowledge those who came before me who had been preaching the same thing! This is for every girl who loves her hair being natural now, who loves the skin she was born with, who strives to be M.A.D (to Make A Difference). YOU ARE ALL QUEENS! Wear your crowns and smiles with pride❤️. And THANK YOU for supporting me! Stay Mnandi, much love Nandi. #Queens #Humbled

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