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Tuesday, October 22, 2024

symptoms and remedies –

Ear pain in the baby can be noticed through some signs and symptoms, such as the baby putting his hand to the ear many times, shaking his head to the side repeatedly, increased irritability and frequent crying, for example.

This situation is quite uncomfortable and can happen as a result of ear infections, water getting into the ear, the presence of objects in the ear canal or increased pressure in the ear, which is common to happen on plane trips.

Depending on the cause, the baby’s earache can go away without treatment, however if the pain is persistent and other symptoms are noticed, such as fever and the presence of secretion in the ear, it is important that the pediatrician is consulted, as this is the case. It is possible that an evaluation will be carried out, the cause identified and treatment initiated, if necessary, which may involve the use of anti-inflammatory drugs, analgesics and antibiotics, in the case of bacterial infection.

Baby earache symptoms

Ear pain in the baby can be perceived through some signs and symptoms that the baby may present, which may vary from baby to baby according to the cause, the main ones being:

  • Irritability;
  • Cry;
  • Lack of appetite;
  • Fever that does not exceed 38.5ºC, in some cases;
  • Difficulty breastfeeding and the baby may even reject the breast;
  • Put your little hand on your ear many times;
  • Difficulty resting the head on one side;
  • Shake your head from side to side many times.

In addition, in case the earache is caused by the perforation of the eardrum, there can also be a bad smell in the ear and pus, which in some cases can cause momentary hearing loss, but which if not properly treated can become permanent.

Main causes

The main cause of earache in a baby is otitis, which corresponds to inflammation of the ear canal due to the presence of viruses or bacteria in the ear, or due to water entering the ear, which also favors inflammation and causes pain in the ear. baby ear.

In addition to otitis, other situations that can cause earache in the baby are the presence of objects in the ear, increased pressure in the ear due to plane travel and other infectious diseases such as flu, mumps, measles, pneumonia and virus, for example. Check out other causes of earache and what to do.

Remedies for baby earache

Medicines for baby’s earache should be indicated by the pediatrician according to the signs and symptoms presented by the baby and the cause of the pain. Thus, some of the remedies that may be indicated by the doctor are:

  • Analgesics and antipyreticssuch as Dipyrone or Paracetamol, for pain and fever relief;
  • anti-inflammatoriessuch as Ibuprofen, for relief of inflammation and pain;
  • antibioticssuch as Amoxicillin or Cefuroxime, should only be used when the infection is caused by bacteria.

In some cases, decongestants can be used when otitis is accompanied by a cold or other respiratory infection that causes secretion, and should also be guided by the pediatrician.

It is important that the medicines are only given to the baby after the pediatrician has indicated, so that the most appropriate medicine is indicated, the frequency of use and the dose, avoiding adverse effects.

home treatment options

A complementary home remedy for baby’s earache is to iron a cloth diaper, with the iron and put it close to the baby’s ear after warm. It is necessary to pay attention to the temperature of the diaper so as not to burn the baby.

In addition, throughout the treatment, it is important to offer your baby plenty of liquids and soft foods, such as soups, purees, yogurts and mashed fruits. This care is important, as earache is often related to sore throat and the baby may feel pain when swallowing, and the less irritation there is in the throat, the better he will eat and the faster he will recover.

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