When the brain is injured, its ability allows it to form new connections between neurons to boost lost functions. It is because of this that some children are able to recover from certain accidents completely, reaching adulthood without sequelae, for example. This characteristic is called neuronal plasticity, also known as neuroplasticity.
As each brain cell has thousands of different connections, neuroplasticity allows you to redirect signaling. This process depends on the nerve cells themselves to happen, such as glial cells, which help make new connections and repair the protective layer around the fibers that accelerate nerve impulses.
Experts explain that the first few years of a child’s life result in rapid brain growth. At birth, each neuron in the cerebral cortex has about 2,500 synapses; by age three, that number grows to 15,000 synapses per neuron. However, in adulthood, the number of synapses is reduced by half, because as new experiences are gained, some connections are strengthened while others are eliminated.
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This does not mean that adult brains are not capable of adapting, but it is necessary to understand that the brain is not infinitely malleable. There are areas that play critical roles in factors such as movement, language, speech and cognition. Thus, damage to key areas of the brain can be irreparable, because while there is some recovery, other areas of the brain simply cannot fully take over the affected functions.
In any case, studies point out that neuroplasticity can be stimulated in situations such as:
- learn a new language
- Learning to play an instrument
- Travel to new places
- Do some artistic/creative activity
- Read a book