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How does a stack work?

Today we are less dependent on batteries. Even controllers for TVs and other products that used to use batteries began the migration to internal rechargeable batteries — the big exception being the joystick on Xbox consoles. In addition to them, toys and other accessories still depend on this material that, for some, has its functioning as an unknown. So let’s demystify how batteries work.

How is a pile made?

Before understanding how they work effectively, it is necessary to have an idea of ​​the materials used in the construction of a pile. It is first formed by the basic steel structure, then filled with a mixture of manganese dioxide, graphite and electrolytes that form a black mass at the cathode — the positive electrode, usually marked by the “+” sign — where the chemical reduction reaction takes place. .

The anode — negative electrode, marked by “-” — brings a paste with zinc, cadmium and other metals, which serve to generate the chemical oxidation reaction triggered by the battery and transmit electrons when the battery is coupled to a device.

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In the center of the cell there is an electrolyte slightly exposed on the positive pole of the cell, responsible for functioning as the trigger for the activation of this “mass”, caused by oxidative stimuli, which causes a disturbance responsible for the movement of electrons. It can be of simple construction, in graphite, zinc or copper. The important thing is to function as an electrical conductor.

How does a stack work?

From there, the internal system is pressurized and is ready to unleash electrical current through a process called oxidation-reduction. This process gives the name of the activity of transferring electrons from the anode to the cathode, which is bound to the electrolyte. When there is this stimulus, the electrons move to the negative pole of the battery, they are basically stored there until use.

Thus, when the battery is fitted into a product, the conductive tube (electrolyte) is able to remove the energy from the cathode and transmit it to the target product. When this occurs, naturally the base product, the battery, undergoes a reduction in capacity during the transformation of chemical energy into electrical energy.

And the rechargeable battery?

Despite the similar internal structure, rechargeable batteries have the great advantage of being used for several cycles for the same activity.

What changes within them is the chemical composition. As we have seen, an ordinary battery can cause an irreversible chemical reaction, scattering its electrons to the cathode, and then transmitting an electrical discharge via the electrolyte. In the rechargeable battery, the process is reversible!

This is because the mass that makes up the battery tube is made with nickel cadmium, nickel metal hydride, or lithium ions, at least in the most widely marketed models so far. In this way, this compound is “restimulated” after its ability to produce energy is zero. That is, when used with a suitable charger.

This is possible because the anode is not completely undone, functioning as an essential bridge for reintroduction of charge by the cathode so that the “mass” works on generating energy once again.

summing up

Basically, batteries are batteries that can be rechargeable or not, depending on how they were built. They generate energy from a chemical process, and have a “tank” that stores the result of chemical reactions, until they are coupled to a toy, control, or whatever, so that the electrons are transformed into an electric current.

Note that they are safe precisely because they need a compatible connection at the positive and negative poles. If you just put your finger there, nothing happens. Only when another metal comes into contact, at both poles, can the battery work to cause the energy discharge. Without any kind of intelligent controller system. Pure science and chemistry.

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