Millions of people use online Q&A platforms to search for accurate, timely, and valuable information. Many prefer using sites like Quora because of the social element involved, whereas simply searching on Google might be less exciting and, in some cases, more time-consuming.
Despite the many benefits afforded by Q&A platforms, it’s undeniable that some of the information they contain is inaccurate, misleading, or outdated. This problem is made worse by users who publish answers to questions with the ultimate goal of directing traffic to their website or online store. Unfortunately, putting personal gains ahead of offering valuable information inevitably leads to low-quality answers.
Raza Rizvi has his eyes set on developing a new Q&A platform called Answerly, which operates on the Stellar blockchain. His goal is to leverage the power of blockchain technology to reward users who provide unique, authentic, and accurate information. Raza is well aware of the challenges presented by such a massive project. Still, his passion for revolutionizing the Q&A space fuels him to keep on pushing and working toward meeting his goals.
Algorithm for analyzing the content quality
According to Raza, one of the biggest roadblocks he had to overcome was creating an algorithm that automatically evaluates the quality of the answers. Integrating this algorithm is critical to the success of Answerly, as the platform will only be as good as the content users can find. Together with co-founders Zain Haider and Usama Akhtar, Raza developed the algorithm and integrated it into the core function of Answerly.
The algorithm takes into account several factors to determine the quality of each answer. These factors include uniqueness, length, grammar, sentence structure, keywords, and several upvotes. Raza says that the algorithm has been rigorously tested to ensure that it can detect any kind of spam content. However, he’s aware that spam content might be able to bypass the algorithm. In such cases, users can report the posts so they can be manually evaluated and removed.
Compensating users with ANSR tokens
Raza and his team believe that by offering incentives to users who publish the best answers, they can create a Q&A platform that trumps everything of its kind. This incentive comes in the form of Answerly tokens. Upon reaching 10 ANSR tokens, users can withdraw their earnings through their Stellar wallet and trade it for fiat.
With the potential to generate a handsome amount of money even by just spending a few minutes on the platform, it’s reasonable to expect users to spend more time doing their research and crafting the best possible answer instead of simply posting for the sake of earning a backlink to their site.
A premium feature is also set for release. Answerly, Pro allows users to access additional features such as messaging, analytics, and the built-in P2P exchange, all for just $10 worth of ANSR tokens per month.
Answerly is still in its infancy, but it’s shaping to be one of the most exciting Q&A platforms yet. Sharing knowledge lies at the core of such websites, and it’s always welcome to do so while generating money at the same time.