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Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Can Turbulence Break Airplane Wings? –

Turbulence is a phenomenon caused by the movement of air outside an aircraft, causing its course and kinetics to be altered in mid-flight, making travel much more “exciting”, so to speak.

Anyone who has experienced strong turbulence knows that it can be traumatic, but there are very few records of planes that crashed because of it. And if you’ve already sat at the windows, close to the wing region, the despair can be even greater, because seeing the structure of the aircraft practically bending is quite common.

But can turbulence break the plane’s wings? The answer is: almost impossible.

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Flexibility is the key

Wings do not break during flight because of engineering effects that are applied to them. As we mentioned, it is quite common to see the wings flapping on planes during turbulence, but it is precisely this movement and this flexibility that guarantee everyone’s survival.

Wings are usually constructed of aluminum or composite materials, but tuned for flexibility. If they were rigid, these structures could easily break due to the force of the wind or the speed imposed by the aircraft.

As is also known, the wings of an aircraft are hollow, as the fuel is deposited there. In addition, the spars and ribs, generally made of ultra-resistant material, ensure greater safety for the plane.

That’s all that guarantees the call elastic deformation to the wings, which constantly move during turbulence, leaving their point and constantly returning to their original shape.

In addition, the planes are extensively tested in absurdly adverse conditions to measure not only the wings, but also the engines, windows and fuselage. So, if you are on a plane, know that it has already been approved for this service.

How much force can a wing hold?

The degree of force that a wing can withstand can vary greatly from one aircraft to another, but most models, whether commercial or business aviation, can withstand up to 2.5G, that is, two and a half times the force of gravity. Translation: your weight multiplied by 2.5.

Therefore, we can say with relative tranquility that the chances of the wings breaking due to turbulence are almost non-existent. In other words, you can travel peacefully and without fear.

with information Aero – Behind aviationAbear

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