Mumps is an infectious disease caused by the family virus. paramyxoviridae, which settles in the salivary glands and leads to the development of characteristic symptoms of the disease, such as swelling and pain in the face, in addition to pain when swallowing and opening the mouth and fever.
However, in the case of men, in addition to affecting the salivary glands, the virus can reach the testis glands. This is because these glands have physiological similarities between them and that is why the disease can “descend” to the testicles.
When this happens, an inflammation in the testicles called orchitis appears, which destroys the germinal epithelium of the testicles, the place where sperm production occurs, which ends up causing infertility in men.
Thus, the main complications of mumps for men are:
1. Orchitis
Orchitis is inflammation of the testicles, and when it’s related to mumps, symptoms can appear about 7 days after the swelling on the face. Some of the symptoms that indicate the “descent of the mumps” into the testicles are:
- Ejaculation and bloody urine;
- Pain and swelling in the testicles;
- Nodule in the testicles;
- Fever;
- Discomfort and discomfort;
- Excessive sweating in the testicles region;
- Feeling that your testicles are hot.
It is important that as soon as signs and symptoms of changes in the testicle are noticed, the urologist is consulted, as this way it is possible to start treatment immediately and prevent infertility. See more about orchitis.
2. Infertility
Infertility is one of the consequences of mumps that affects the testicles, as this is where sperm production occurs. Thus, if there is inflammation at the site, there is interference in the production of viable sperm, resulting in infertility.
Any child or man who has had symptoms of mumps in the testicles is likely to suffer from infertility, even when the doctor’s recommended treatment for the disease has been taken. Thus, it is recommended that all men who have had mumps in the testicles and who are experiencing difficulties in getting pregnant, undergo tests to assess infertility.
The diagnosis of infertility can appear in adulthood, when a man tries to have children, by performing a spermogram, an exam that analyzes the quantity and quality of sperm produced. Understand how the spermogram is done.
How is the treatment done
The treatment of mumps in men and its complications is similar to the treatment for common mumps, in which rest, hydration, softer and more pasty food and the use of analgesic and anti-inflammatory drugs such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen are indicated. for example. Check out more details of mumps treatment.
In addition, your doctor may also recommend applying cold compresses to the testicle area to help alleviate pain and swelling in the testicle.
how to prevent
The best way to prevent mumps, also known as mumps or infectious mumps, is to avoid contact with other individuals infected with the disease, as this disease is spread by inhaling saliva droplets or spit from infected people. Learn more about mumps and transmission.
In addition, to prevent mumps, it is recommended that children from 12 months of age take the MMR vaccine, which protects the body against the disease and its complications. This vaccine also protects the body from other common infectious diseases such as measles and rubella. In adults, to protect themselves from the disease, attenuated mumps vaccine is recommended.