Nov. 22 (UPI) — Firefighters and wildlife officials in Alaska responded to a home where a young moose was found trapped in the basement.
Firefighters with Central Emergency Services said they responded alongside Alaska Department of Fish and Game wildlife biologists and Alaska Wildlife Troopers when the moose was found to have fallen through a window at the Soldotna home and became trapped in the basement.
The responders determined the moose had fallen into a window well and crashed through the glass, ending up trapped in a basement bedroom.
The moose was sedated and the rescuers used a people mover, a tarp used to transport unconscious patients, to carry the animal through the house.
“Luckily, he was conscious enough to honestly help us out a little bit,” CES firefighter Gunnar Romatz told the Anchorage Daily News. “Luckily, it wasn’t a full-grown moose.”
Wildlife biologists treated the moose for minor lacerations on its legs and administered medication to reverse the sedative’s effects once the animal was outside.
Romatz said the moose trotted away from the area after about 10-15 minutes.