Cases are people who have tested positive for coronavirus. Figures include reinfections. In England, Scotland and Northern Ireland reinfections include anyone who tested positive more than 90 days after their last positive test. In Wales they include anyone who tested positive more than 42 days after their last positive test. Public health bodies may occasionally revise their case numbers up or down. Case rate by age only available for England. *The “average area” means the middle ranking council or local government district when ranked by cases per 100,000 people.
The case rate chart shows how many people have tested positive each day for every 100,000 people in that area. The dark blue line shows the average daily rate over the past seven days. This average helps to show whether cases are rising or falling. The case rate by age chart shows how many people have tested positive in each age group per 100,000 people. Steeper rises in older age groups are of more concern because older people are more likely to be badly affected by the virus and are more likely to need hospital care. The case rate by age shows a rate. This means the values for the two age groups cannot be added together to get the overall case rate in each area.
Source: UK public health bodies – updated Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
Vaccines are data for first, second, and booster and third doses. England, Scotland and Wales data is by local authority, Northern Ireland is national data. In Scotland and Northern Ireland percentages are calculated using the most recent mid-year population estimates from the national statistics agencies. In England the percentages are calculated using the number of people on the National Immunisation Management Service (NIMS) database. Percentages in Wales use data from the Welsh Immunisation System. These data include people who have an NHS number and are currently alive. Booster and third doses are not being offered to everyone over the age of 12 but the same denominator is being used for this figure. Areas will have different demographics which will affect how many people have been vaccinated. Caution should be taken when comparing areas. Booster doses and third primary doses for those with suppressed immune systems, are combined in the data. Source: UK public health bodies, dashboard – England, Scotland and Northern Ireland data updated Monday, Wednesday and Friday, Wales data updated weekly.
Deaths are where COVID-19 was mentioned on the death certificate. The chart shows the number of deaths recorded each week per 100,000 people in that area. Recording of deaths from Christmas to New Year is affected by the bank holidays – trends in this period should be treated with caution.
Source: ONS, NRS and NISRA – data updated weekly.