The celebrations of 20 years of Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone made fans of the saga begin to reflect on which objects would work well as horcruxes. The subject took over reddit and resulted in very interesting hypotheses both inside and outside the magical saga.
In view of this, the Kenyannews gathered the five best suggestions of objects that could be used as horcruxes in the universe of Harry Potter.
5. The Declaration of Independence
No, this is not a movie anymore. Legend of the Lost Treasure, but for fans of Harry Potter on reddit, it makes a lot of sense that the Dark Lord would use the US Declaration of Independence to imprison a part of his soul.
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In the feature starring Nicolas Cage, we learn that this is one of the most important documents in American history, which means that it is well out of the hands of any civilian, being kept, literally, under lock and key.
Although the Horcruxes were also well guarded, that didn’t stop Harry, Ron and Hermione from hunting one by one with the aim of destroying Voldemort. However, the Declaration of Independence would be a rather unlikely hypothesis to think about precisely because it is such a well-monitored and well-loved artifact of Muggle history.
4. One coin
Who remembers that in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – Part 1, Bellatrix Lestrange hid one of the horcruxes in Gringotts, the bank kept safe by goblins? However, there are many valuable items in the place that are not only kept under lock and key but are also protected with a lot of magic. The mistake, however, was precisely the object that Voldemort chose to be a horcrux.
One of the reddit users pointed out just that: if the intention is to hide the item in Gringotts, why not choose something that will be absurdly difficult to find there? Or rather, something that exists in so much quantity that it is impossible to find the correct one? Thinking about it, it makes sense that a horcrux is a coin, regardless of value.
3. A Nokia cell phone
This is a nostalgic point: who remembers the famous “Nokia brick”? For many millennials, this was the first cell phone, very popular in the early 2000s.
One reddit user went far beyond the wizarding world to hypothesize that a horcrux could be a Nokia, suggesting that the Dark Lord could very well put a part of his soul into one of these phones.
“They were impossible to break,” added another user, referring to the effort it took Harry, Ron and Hermione to destroy it. Although they didn’t specify a model, the Nokia 3310 was widely known for being the tough, “unbreakable phone”.
2. Mona Lisa
No, Robert Langdon would never discover that what is in fact hidden in Monalisa’s painting is actually a piece of Lord Voldemort’s soul.
Following this line of reasoning, a reddit user suggested just that: turning the infamous Italian painting into a horcrux, once it’s kept quite safe, as we could see in The Da Vinci Code, one of the films inspired by the work of Dan Brown.
Furthermore, there is a lot of daring (and even a certain selfishness) in having a piece of someone’s soul tucked away in what is now one of the most famous works of art in the world, celebrated and admired by millions of people who are passed down from generation to generation. Sounds like the kind of twisted thing Voldemort would do, at least that’s what reddit users think.
1. Golden Snitch
One of the most fascinating objects in the wizarding world (and in Harry’s life) is the curious Quidditch ball: the Golden Snitch. On the one hand, this item would be a fantastic Horcrux option, as it is incredibly fast and smart, able to fly around the world freely and as fast as it wants. Literally, a constantly moving target.
Thinking about it, the difficulties of destroying a Golden Snitch are also very high, since it can detect human movement, avoiding being caught. Its size is also an excellent advantage for being light and small, being able to hide where you want, when you want and for as long as you want.