Available from the iOS 15 update, the filtering feature of SMS received by unknown numbers blocks the push notification of messages that fall under this filter, so as not to annoy the user with what, possibly, is spam, scam, telemarketing, or other abusive and inconvenient practice.
As mentioned, this feature is not present in previous iOS versions, so please update your device to be able to use it. iOS 15 can be updated even on older devices, reaching the iPhone 6S and 6S Plus models.
Find out below how to enable iOS 15 Unknown Numbers SMS message filtering feature on your iPhone:
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- In your iPhone Settings, scroll down and enter “Messages”;
- Scroll all the way down and click on the “Unknown and Unwanted” option;
- On the next screen, activate the option of “Filter Unknown”;
- Now, open the Messages app on your iPhone;
- You will find the SMS filter separating between messages received from known and unknown numbers. When receiving new messages from unknown numbers, iPhone will no longer send you notifications.