At least three researchers at the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China were hospitalized with symptoms similar to those of covid-19 before the disease caused its first outbreak in the Chinese city, according to information from The Wall Street Journal.
The newspaper cites a report produced by US intelligence in the last days of the Donald Trump administration that states that the researchers were hospitalized in November 2019 “with symptoms consistent with those of covid-19 or a seasonal illness”.
The report, hitherto in secret, raises discussions about a possible accidental escape of the new coronavirus, despite a WHO ( Health Organization) mission to Wuhan to investigate the origins of the disease that said that this hypothesis was “unlikely. “.
The first recorded case of coronavirus in the world happened on December 8, 2019, in Wuhan. Thereafter, covid-19 spread across the world and was classified as a pandemic in March last year by the WHO.
* Text in update