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AFN congress remains adjourned, Vice President George insists |

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• Says no one is bigger than the body’s constitution
The Athletics Federation of Nigeria Vice President, Olamide George, has said that the Federation’s yearly general Congress scheduled for December 4 in Awka, Anambra State is illegal and remains postponed.

George stated that the less than one month notice given for the Congress runs contrary to the letters of the AFN constitution, which stipulates a 60-day notice for the convening of a yearly General Congress or Assembly.

He added that only the Secretary General of the Federation is empowered to issue notice of meeting upon clearance from the board and the president and that any other notice outside that renders the meeting illegal.

The AFN vice president insists that the earlier notice issued on November 5, 2019, has been withdrawn and a notice of postponement issued by the Secretary General of the AFN, Prince Adisa Beyioku, on Friday November 22, 2019 is the only notice that has emanated from the secretariat of the federation since that date.

He stated the notice was withdrawn after it was discovered that the November 5 notice is 29 days instead of the 60 stipulated by the constitution of the federation.

“The federation’s constitution states in 6.1.4 thus: The convening to the Congress shall be sent to the Secretariat of each member association by the AFN head office at least sixty (60) days prior to the date of the Congress.’’ What this means is that any meeting that holds in the name of a congress and decisions or resolutions taken thereof are null, void and of no effect,” explains George who also revealed another anomaly contained in the earlier notice of meeting issued on November 5, 2019.

“The notice of congress sent out on November 5 did not contain any agenda which will also render whatever decision taken illegal. Athletics’ constitution states clearly why an agenda is compulsory and why it must accompany notice of meeting sent. We are not operating in a banana republic,” George added.

George is surprised that the federation’s president, Engr. Ibrahim Gusau, who was once a member of the House of Representatives, one of the two highest law making organs of the country could be feigning ignorance of the constitution he unilaterally wrote.

“We are still having issues with the constitution he foisted on us which will be addressed at a later date and president Gusau cannot be running the AFN as if it is a private estate. We appeal to all 36 state chairmen and that of the Federal Capital Territory not to embark on any fruitless journey to Awka. The Congress is illegal and it has been postponed.”

George is also concerned that board members could allow themselves to be used to conduct the business of the AFN secretariat.

“This is really worrisome. When has it become the business of board members to issue notice of meeting when the AFN constitution and that of Athletics clearly state who is empowered to do so? The AFN board did not meet to deliberate and set an agenda for the so called Congress nor give a date,” added George.

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