The Rock, the highest paid actor in Hollywood continues to make commitments left and right, including appearances on TV, movies, TV series, documentaries and various series. Every day, he has to follow a very strict and super protein diet, which allows him to maintain his devastating musculature, with The Rock even taking food to restaurants when he goes out for dinner with colleagues.
In one of the latest interviews of him, one of his former directors, Stephen Merchant spoke about The Rock and his diet, saying: “I think someone told me, maybe he just told me, that when he goes out to dinner with friends he takes his food to the restaurant and has it cooked because he has such a structured diet that he has to follow.
I remember when we had a meeting in Texas right before Wrestlemania and we had to talk about the movie, his alarm clock reminded him that at 3:17 he had to go to the fridge where there was turkey and rice, with 3:17 ‘and she threw it in the microwave.
He is so disciplined! ”
Latests on The Rock
One of the most important matches that WWE seems to want to build in its immediate future is the clash between cousins of Samoan origin, The Rock and Roman Reigns, both descendants from the Anoa’i family tree and both absolute Superstars of the world of wrestling.
In recent years, The Rock has focused solely and exclusively on his acting career, with the former WWE Champion wanting to leave wrestling, returning only from time to time to the McMahon family rings. During one of the usual backstage segments that aired at last year’s Survivor Series, we saw Roman Reigns walk into Vince McMahon’s office, where the WWE Chairman welcomed his Universal Champion, making him sit at his desk where a huge egg, called Cleopatra’s Egg, which Vince McMahon revealed was a gift from Reigns’ cousin to the WWE Chairman, worth $ 100 million.
After this scene, a Roman Reigns quite annoyed by the thing left the WWE boss’s office, letting fans realize how annoying it was.