Novak Djokovic received the support of Robert. F. Kennedy, J.F.K.’s nephew, in his attempt to participate at the US Open despite his unvaccinated status. “Take action! Tell Biden Administration to let Djokovic play in US Open,” Robert F.
Kennedy, Jr. tweeted on July 28th. Along with his tweet, Kennedy attached a link to a petition supporting Novak Djokovic’s participation at the US Open. “In short, Djokovic poses no public health risk — his participation is good for the game and he shouldn’t have to forfeit his principles to compete.
The US Open is willing to let Djokovic compete. Don’t let tyranny stop him,” says the conclusion of the message preceding the petition’s signing process.
TAKE ACTION –> Tell Biden Administration to Let Djokovic Play in US Open — Robert F.
Kennedy Jr (@RobertKennedyJr) July 28, 2022
According to the description on the Children’s Health Defense site, a company which Robert Kennedy chairs, “Kennedy is an esteemed author, with a long list of published books including the New York Times’ bestseller, “Crimes Against Nature”.
Mr. Kennedy was named one of Time magazine’s “Heroes for the Planet” for his success helping Riverkeeper lead the fight to restore the Hudson River. His reputation as a resolute defender of the environment and children’s health stems from a litany of successful legal actions.
He received recognition for his role in the landmark victory against Monsanto last year, as well as in the DuPont Case that inspired the movie “Dark Waters” (2019)”.
Kennedy is not the only US politician to support Djokovic
US Senator Marsha Blackburn calls it “absurd” that Novak Djokovic cannot visit the US due to his vaccination status.
Djokovic, 35, has not been immunized against COVID-19 and cannot enter the United States since international visitors must provide proof of vaccination. As things stand, Djokovic is very certain to miss this year’s US Open.
“It is absurd that Novak Djokovic is not allowed to enter the USA. No one should ever be punished for not being vaccinated, but the left has realised that if COVID is over, they will lose control over Americans’ lives.
That’s why (Joe) Biden and (Anthony) Fauci are pushing for a forever pandemic,” Senator Blackburn tweeted. Besides Blackburn, another US senator accused Biden of not letting Djokovic play. “Biden is banning Novak Djokovic from coming to the USA to play the US Open but allows millions of unvaccinated illegals to flood across the border,” US senator Springer wrote on Twitter.