According to information published by the newspaper The Team this Tuesday, OM attacking midfielder Dimitri Payet saw his salary increase this season to 350,000 euros per month thanks to a clause in his contract. The 34-year-old Frenchman, who had extended in 2020 until June 2024 with the Marseille club, had at the time halved his big salary, going from a monthly salary of around 550,000 euros to 270,000 euros per month. last season.
But even if his emoluments have increased this year, they will no longer increase in the future according to the sports daily and will even gradually decrease. The Reunionese would only receive 250,000 euros next season and 150,000 euros during the 2023-2024 season, the last provided for in his contract with Marseille. The Marseillais would however have access to bonuses depending on the number of matches played.