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Kenyan Baby Thief Jailed For 25 Years After BBC Africa Eye Expose |


A Kenyan hospital worker caught by the BBC trying to sell a baby has been sentenced to 25 years in jail.

Fred Leparan, who worked at Nairobi’s Mama Lucy Kibaki hospital, was filmed accepting $2,500 (£2,000) to sell a baby boy under the hospital’s care.

He was arrested in 2020 and found guilty of child trafficking, child neglect and conspiracy to commit crime.

His co-accused Selina Adundo was sentenced to six years in jail or a $2,000 fine.

An Africa Eye reporter had initially approached Leparan posing as a potential buyer, after hearing from a source that the senior clinical social worker was involved in illegal child trafficking from the government-run hospital.

Leparan asked the undercover reporter, who said she and her husband had struggled to conceive, only cursory questions about their situation before agreeing to sell the baby boy.

On the day the baby boy and two other children were supposed to be transferred from the hospital to a state-run children’s home, Leparan was filmed falsifying the transfer paperwork so that the home would expect two children, rather than three.

The BBC team ensured that all three children were delivered directly to the children’s home, but filmed Leparan amending the paperwork and informing them that the child was theirs to take away.

A Kenyan court on Wednesday said Leparan will serve 25 years in prison, then spend 10 years on probation.

Adundo, who also worked at the hospital, was convicted of three counts of child neglect but was acquitted of child trafficking.

The court has cautioned that both Leparan and Adundo should never be allowed to handle any matters relating to children.

This case has dragged on for more than two years despite really strong evidence against Leparan.

He was able to retain one of the best legal defences in Kenya, but eventually acknowledged that it was him in the undercover footage by the BBC.

There are few reliable statistics on the extent of child trafficking in Kenya.

According to the country’s Labour and Social Protection Minister Florence Bore, more than 6,000 children were reported missing between July 2022 and May 2023.

Earlier this week, Ms Bore said the government would abolish all privately owned orphanages and children’s homes within the next eight years – a move aimed at ending child trafficking.

Source: BBC



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Speak to The BloggersTo Stop Insulting Me Else I Will Take All The Properties I Have Given You- Nana Agradaa Warns Ex-Husband


Evangelist Mama Pat also known as Nana Agradaa or Evangelist Tupac has sent a stern warning to her ex-husband, Pastor Eric, asking him to choose between returning everything she has given him and speaking to the bloggers who are insulting him to put a stop to that.

Nana Agradaa claims some bloggers, who she thinks are associated ti her ex-husband have been insulting her blue black via their social media handles.

According to her, the bloggers have been spreading false news about her that she is not the nice person people see on social media.

She has therefore sent a stern warning to her ex-husband to stop the bloggers from using unprintabale words on her on social media, however, if he claims to know nothing about it, he should come out and make the publicly know of his innocence in the issue or she would take back everything she gave him during the time they were together.

“I am telling my ex-husband to speak to his bloggers who are hurling insults at me on social media. If he claims to be innocent, he should come out to disassociate himself from the issue publicly; otherwise, I will retrieve all the properties I have given him. I’m very serious about this”, she said.

Evangelist Tupac added that she has always tried her best not to have issues with her ex-husband, but Pastor Eric seems not to be okay with that and since she wants to face her wrath, she is also ready to do her worst.

I didn’t want to begrudge you since we divorced, but if you don’t take action to resolve the issue, you’ll see the bad side of me. I bought the land and built the storey building; if you dare me, I can prove it to you in court,” he said.

I Have Not Heard Martha Ankomah Has Sued Me- Lilwin Speaks


Controversial Kumawood actor cum musician, Kwadwo Nkansah Lilwin has spoken for the first time after it was reported that he was being sued by Ghallywood actress, Martha Ankomah, demanding 5 million Ghana cedis among other charges.

Lilwin has revealed that he has not received any message or call from any high authority so far that he has been sued by actress Martha Ankomah.

According to Lilwin, even if Martha Ankomah sues him, he does not blame her but Ghanaians and the media for trying to cause confusion between him and the brand ambassador for GTP.

The “Mama Boss Papa” hitmaker claims he said many positive things about Martha Ankomah in his self-recorded video but no media house talked about that, only the negative ones that could anger the actress were what the media and Ghanaians, according to Lilwin talked about.

“I said several positive things in my video, but you took what will bring about misunderstandings. I have not seen any suit, nor have I heard that I’ve been sued,” the actor said in an interview monitored by Ghbase.com.

Lilwin has also taken to his Instagram page to announce that after the shoot of his latest movie dubbed “A Country Call Ghana,” which features Nigerian superstars; Ramsey Noah, and Charles Awurum among other celebrated Nigerian actors, he will have no option but to relocate to Togo, given the reason that Ghanaians are not showing him love enough and appreciating him.

Lilwin is optimistic that when he finally relocates to Togo, the people of Togo will welcome him with love and care, appreciate him, and treat him like a celebrity.

Kwadwo Nkansah via his official Instagram page wrote, “After my moving shoot Country, call Ghana I will leave this country to stay Togo because Togopeople need me one Ghana one love ”.

Okyenhene Worried About Exploitation of African Youth In Gulf Countries |


The Okyenhene Osagyefo Amoatia Ofori Panin is worried over the millions of African youth who are continually lured into slavery in the Mid-Eastern and the Gulf countries in expectation of greener pastures.

He said most disheartening aspect of the phenomenon are the plight of young African women who are forced into domestic and sex slave in these country.

Speaking at the Congregational Ceremony of the North Eastern University, Boston, USA, Osagyefo Amoatia Ofori Panin hinted that, even though the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights prohibit human beings from being held in slavery or servitude, the worse form of slavery continue to happen targeted at the very poor African youth.

He opined that, the Universal declaration on human rights further states that, all human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights, however, the opposite is in reality in most part of the world with Africa at the receiving end.

Osagyefo attributed these human rights violations to the phenomenon of mass poverty in African occasioned by multifaceted indicators.

The Okyenhene mentioned that, over one billion people, two thirds of them women and children live in extreme poverty of less than one dollar a day.

“Over 60% of the adult population in Sub-Saharan Africa is engaged in subsistence agriculture with reliance on rainfall due to the absence of irrigation. In essence there is no all-year-round employment. Thus, mass rural poverty, drudgery and unemployment is endemic. However, these rural communities have been able to survive by the means of inherent human ingenuity to adaptation, knowledge of the nature and established customary institutions for the preservation and sustainable exploitation of natural resources,” Osagyefo Amoatia said.

He said in the past five decades, livelihoods have encountered the hazards of climate change and will compound existing poverty.

“The adverse impacts of climate change will be most striking in the developing Nations of Africa because of our geographical and climatic conditions, our high dependence on natural resources, our limited capacity to adapt to a changing climate, projected changes in the incidence, frequency, intensity and duration of climate extremities as well as more gradual changes in the average climate will notably threaten civilization, further increasing inequalities between the developing and developed worlds”. 

Climate change is therefore a serious threat to poverty eradication and it anticipated impact on developing countries paint a gloomy picture due to the economic importance of climate sensitive sectors like agriculture and fisheries which supports the livelihoods of majority of its people.

Osagyefo Amoatia Ofori Panin said, African countries lack the human, institutional and financial capacity to anticipate and respond to the direct and indirect effects of climate change.

Their vulnerability is hilghest as they bear the greatest burden of climate change in terms of loss of lives and relative effects on investments and failed poverty reduction policies on the economy.

According to him, the conventional policy models for tackling poverty fail to take into account the peculiar socio- economic and political conditions in Africa.

He said in most instances, the vast majority of those living on one dollar a day, mostly rural dwellers, are not captured by governmental statistics and state institutions, making poverty reduction through fiscal institutions ineffective.

“The core of the matter lies in the fact that policy measures for livelihood, food security and occupational agriculture are designed by bureaucrats in the capitals of Africa completely divorced from the conditions and circumstances of local communities and the neglect of the participation of traditional leaders in these communities. Age-old customary observances that assured the integrity of the natural ecology, including accumulated knowledge of the flora and fauna of these living communities have been ignored in the developmental policies,” Okyenhene added.

He advised policy makers to take advantage of the knowledge, expertise and leadership of traditional leaders to ensure the fight against poverty is won.

Signing of MoU between Worcester Polytechnic and the Akyem Abuakwa State

Osagyefo called for deeper and effective cooperation between Okyeman and the North Eastern University, Boston to set the pace for cooperation between traditional leaders in Africa and the global academia.

The Okyenhene Osagyefo Amoatia Ofori Panin later on signed a memorandum of Understanding between the Akyem Abuakwa State and the Worcestor Polytechnic Institute in the United State of America to enhance research activities and publications related to mine land reclamation. Eco-tourism, education and open STEM.

The five year MOU will also enhance joint publication of research finding between institutions of higher learning in the Akyem Abuakwa State and Worcester Polytechnic, participation in seminars and academic meetings, scholarship and undergraduate opportunities, Graduate and students activities and exchange of research personnel.




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LIVESTREAMING: United Showbiz on UTV


Entertainment of Saturday, 14 September 2024

Source: www.ghanaweb.com


Official artwork for this edition play videoOfficial artwork for this edition

Saturday, September 14, 2024, edition of UTV’s United Showbiz programme is live with Empress Gifty discharging her duties as host.

Today’s edition of the entertainment show is live with panelists discussing the major entertainment issues of the week.

Ola Michael of Peace FM, MC Yaa Yeboah, Zigah, and Prophet Kumchacha have been billed as pundits for the show.

Edward Kufuor and Whitney are on the bill to bring some nuance to the conversations about the respective issues.

Watch the live stream below:

John Mahama mobbed by Muslims at Mawlid celebration –


In a heartwarming display of unity and communal spirit, former President John Dramani Mahama was warmly received by the Muslim community during the Mawlid celebration.

The event, which took place yesterday, October 14, 2023, saw a large gathering of Muslims coming together to welcome the former president when he joined the community to celebrate.

Mawlid in Islam is observed each year to celebrate the birthday of a holy figure, especially the birthday of the Prophet Muhammad.

The former President, who is of the Christian faith, making his entrance, was swamped with supporters who were cheering and singing to welcome him.

During his participation, John Mahama paid his respects to the Chief Imam and other distinguished leaders within the Islamic faith.


10 beautifully unexpected ways husbands proposed to their wives


Couple counting money

With warmer weather just around the corner, love is in the air. Last year, more than six million couples were expected to get engaged on Valentine’s Day, the most romantic day of all. But regardless of what time of year it is, that proposal is all about the delivery of the all-important ring.

Some of the stories are filled with big, romantic gestures, while others are laced with sweet, subtle moments. The good news is that all of them ended with a resounding “yes.”Take a look at these sweet stories.

Here are 10 beautifully unexpected ways husbands proposed to their wives:

1. Choose your own adventure

“I stepped out of the shower to find him gone and an envelope announcing the beginning of a scavenger hunt that would take me 150 miles and nine hours to complete. There were clues at my parents’ house, inside a favorite book at the library, and even had to scale a 30-foot rock climbing wall inside a sporting goods store for one. For the last clue, I had to ask diners in the restaurant where we first kissed to stand up so I could look under their cushions. In the end, I found him in a mountain cabin with a ring.” – Carisa

2. Sparks will fly

“It was the Fourth of July and my mom asked my boyfriend and me to go to the backyard to get some chairs. Instead, he took me by the shed where we could see all of the fireworks, kissed me, took the ring box out of his pocket, got on one knee in the dirt, and proposed. How could I say no?”  —Beth

3. Blended bridal bliss

“I have a blended family. Technically it was the 12-year-old daughter of my (now) wife’s idea for us to get married. I picked up the ring, came home, took my two kids and my wife’s aforementioned daughter into the back bedroom and we rehearsed our lines. The youngest girl nailed hers, the oldest two fumbled theirs, but eventually, they all asked my future wife: “Will you marry him and us?” Then I got down on one knee and she said yes to all of us in my kitchen. I cried the most. – Lance

4. The best prize yet

“On a regular Thursday, my boyfriend and I were watching TV at his house. He brought in a box of Cracker Jack he was eating and offered me some. I took the box, reached in, and put the toy packet aside. He said, “Aren’t you going to open that?” and then bugged me a little until I did. He had sealed an engagement ring in the toy packet with a clothes iron. It took me a couple of seconds to figure out what I was holding and it was a huge surprise.” – Beth

5. Romantic re-proposal

“I lost my beloved wedding rings given to me by my husband in a sweet proposal by the sea 16 years before. I was devastated and heartbroken. A year later and two days before Christmas, my husband orchestrated a “reproposal” at our favorite restaurant with our children present. They made a video with pictures of our lives together set to our wedding song and my husband asked me to say yes again with replicas of my lost rings. To have my children witness the love that was present 16 years ago was a gift to cherish.” – Christine

6. A great catch

“My now-husband and I like to do outdoor things. One day he put the ring on a fishing pole, we went fishing and I reeled it in and he proposed. Looking back he admits it probably wasn’t the smartest way to do it (he could’ve lost the ring!) but it was creative and a total surprise!” -Jessika

7. Standing at attention

I proposed to my husband on my cell phone. We were both on active duty and I was in the process of separating. One Friday, he called me to tell me that he was deploying on Sunday. I called back, “I’m not waiting for a boyfriend. Do you want me to see if we can afford to get married today?” He said, “I was worried you’d leave me for that guy in readiness while I was gone, so yes.” On our lunch break, I was the judge’s first bride in camouflage and combat boots. March marks 10 years of marriage.”  -Michelle

8. In rain and sun

“For my birthday my then-boyfriend gave me a day at the spa at a salon in Chicago. He said since he had spent so much money on the salon that dinner would just be casual and low-key. We were dropped off at Navy Pier for a dinner cruise on Lake Michigan. I should’ve figured something was going on when he didn’t eat dinner, but I was clueless. We went up to the top deck and it was misting rain and I made some comment to the effect of, “You better keep me warm. It’s nasty out here.” Then he fumbled over some nice sentiments but all I heard was “Will you marry me?” After the cruise a limo picked us up and took us to Wrigley Field so we could have pictures taken in front of the field – in the pouring rain.” – Laura

9. Alpine attraction

We were dating long distance Grand Rapids/Chicago and he was interviewing for a job in Grand Rapids. We had a planned ski trip in Mount Tremblant Quebec and I packed a ring in preparation. On the first trip up the ski lift he was very nervous being so high so I waited until we took the gondola up the second time and at the top of the mountain in Canada, I got down on one knee and proposed. He said yes! People share over-the-top engagements every day on social media so it’s hard to come up with something new and memorable but I succeeded in creating a treasured memory for us. – Justin

10. Boardwalk bended knee

On our first date, my now husband and I went to a popular beach boardwalk. As we strolled the beach, we wound up talking on a jetty with waves crashing and a soft wind blowing. At one point, he looked over at me with his piercing blue eyes and I knew at that moment I’d marry him. Four years later, on that exact spot, he popped the question on bended knee. Waves crashed, people cheered and we cried.  It was amazing and perfect.” -Burke

Nsoatreman Cruise On… In Confederation Cup



Confederation Cup debutants Nsoatreman FC have progressed to the next stage of the CAF Confederation Cup, after completing a 5-0 aggregate win over Chadian opponents, Elect Sport in Cameroon.

The Ghanaian side secured a 2-0 win in the return leg fixture on Saturday, following their dominant 3-0 win in the first leg last Sunday in Accra.

Nsoatreman will now await the result of the tie between Constantine and Rwanda’s Police FC. Constantine holds a 2-0 advantage from the first leg.

The second leg was fixed for yesterday but the results was not available at press time.

The FA Cup champions are aiming to progress to the group stage of the Confederation Cup in their debut season, and will look to build on their good form in the final qualifying game.

By Kofi Owusu Aduonum

We have every receipt for Bawumia’s lies – Bawah Mogtari –


Special aide to the former president John Dramani Mahama; Mrs. Joyce Bawah Mogtari has dared Vice President Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia to a credibility test on the account of Dr. Bawumia’s own past statements, abundantly available over the internet.

Speaking on Ultimate FM in Kumasi, Joyce Bawah Mogtari insisted the opposition National Democratic Congress has a gamut of publicly available evidence to prove that the NPP was coming to the market with a discredited good.

“You see all his past speeches and social media messages and comments. It is the reason he cannot make noise anymore. As soon as he opens his mouth, you will see all the receipts being given to him. As soon as he tries to change his pace, he will see the receipts being given to him,” she contended.

She recounted: “For all the 170 questions he posed in 2016; the list of persons who were suffering are suffering even more.”

“All his lies and propaganda especially the falsehoods that he peddled proclaiming to know things that he had no idea about. I am sure in future when he is making those pronouncements he will approach them from the position of caution acknowledging that he is now totally discredited goods with very little credibility left,”

Bawah Mogtari insisted that the performance of the economy which has failed the resilience test confirmed convictions of the late former vice president Amissah Arthur who tagged Dr Bawumia a textbook economist.

“Ghanaians have gotten poorer; food inflation is at its highest; lending rates are at an all-time high; Ghana for the first time has to come out openly to admit its inability to pay its external debts,” Joyce recalled.

The lawyer and former Deputy Minister of Transport empathized with the vice president arguing he had been misled by a power-thirsty bunch who hoodwinked him into making highfaluting promises without measuring the future consequences on his credibility.

“Dr Bawumia allowed himself to be misled by a political hierarchy that wanted power at all cost. He didn’t even stop for a moment to think that one day his credibility would now be questioned by every Ghanaian. All attempts to now rebrand him have not worked,” she averred.

Bawah Mogtari invited the Vice President who has gained the digitization tag; to disprove records and receipts that document the role of John Dramani Mahama in Ghana’s digitization drive.

The e-gov process was started under Prof. Mills. We went to the e-ports to the e-court to the e-address system.

“From the Accra Digital center, introduction of fibreoptics; the former president who was then a young communications minister, sat at the top of most of the infrastructure,” she reminded.

Cautioning the Vice President who leads the governing New Patriotic Party into the 2024 elections, she advised, “I love social media but before I send anything I crosscheck to see if this will not come back to haunt me. All we have in this space is our credibility.”

Joyce Bawa Mogtari urged the youth to buy into the 24-hour economy for what she called an inclusive government that possessed pragmatic solutions to the country’s high youth unemployment challenge.


Most of my jokes are my life experiences


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Radio presenter and TikToker Felicia Osei has disclosed that most of the jokes she shares on TkTok are her life experiences.

One of the TikTokers who uses life happenings for her content is Felicia Osei. Most of the jokes Felicia shares on her page on Tik Tok are mostly life-related issues. According to her, most of those jokes are about her life experiences.

READ ALSO: Divorce her – Ghanaians urge Asantewaa’s husband

Felicia Osei in a recent video confirmed that her skit, which featured how she got rid of another woman in her boyfriend’s life, was her personal life story.

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She also advised others to use that trick – pretending to be their boyfriend’s mother and telling the other woman that he has an incurable disease – and hopefully, they can get their men back.

“Most of the jokes I make, I’ve lived most of them. Others, I was there when it happened, so I tell it as I saw it because living it is best told.”

According to Felicia, TikTok started as a joke to kill her boredom whiles practicing her comedy career. Although she had dreams of a different career path, today, she is one of the most sought-after influencers on the social app while snagging a radio presenter gig all in one.

READ ALSO: I would love to work with Akuapem Poloo again – Yvonne Nelson

“I think I’ve had a lot of views, but the one I’ve pinned on my page is 1.4M views. I think I’ve had more than 1.4M. But the video dear to my heart is the one I pinned.”

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Source: www.ghbase.com


It will be difficult for MzGee to fill into McBrown’s shoes  – A Plus » ™-


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Kwame A Plus, a well-known pundit on United on UTV, confirmed in a Facebook post that Mzgee has replaced Mcbrown since the latter moved to ONUA TV.

He acknowledged in a lengthy post that has since been removed from A Plus’ Facebook page that Mzgee will find it difficult to match Mcbrown’s influence and impact on the late-night entertainment program, but she is confident that with perseverance and hard work, she will be able to make her mark.

READ ALSO: MzGee is well educated, articulate and enlightened than McBrown – Ghanaians react to MzGee’s take over of United

He thanked the award-winning TV show host for her new position after discussing the difficult task Mzgee must complete.

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Kwame A Plus wrote;

Mzgee will be introduced as the new host of United by UTV this coming Saturday.



AGI warns PURC: Utility tariff increases detrimental to industrial development


The Association of Ghana Industries (AGI) has urged the Public Utilities Regulatory Commission (PURC) to reconsider its recent decision to raise utility tariffs for the third quarter of 2024.

According to the new rates, electricity prices will increase by 3.02%, while water tariffs will rise by 1.86%, effective from October 1.

PURC has justified the upward adjustments by citing fluctuations in the exchange rate as the primary reason for the hike.

However, the AGI is concerned about the impact these tariff increases will have on industries and the broader economy.

The Greater Accra Regional Chairman of AGI, Tsonam Akpeloo, expressed these concerns during an interview with Citi FM on Monday, September 30.

He explained that the rise in utility costs will significantly raise operational expenses for manufacturers, making it harder for industries to remain competitive.

Akpeloo also pointed out that the tariff hikes could reduce consumers’ purchasing power, further straining businesses and stalling economic growth.

He urged the PURC to reconsider the decision, taking into account the potential negative effects on industrial growth and the wider economy.

“We’re asking the regulatory authority to be concerned about the flight of index and ensure that at least in the next quarter, they either take steps to reduce it or maintain it at the previous rate because this increment is not going to be going well for industrial development.”

“As I mentioned, it would be a price that will easily have to be absorbed by the producer, because at this rate, we cannot push it to the consumer. A lot of companies are really getting out of business because of these high levels of utility tariff,” he said.

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Mohbad’s Autopsy Concluded Barely 24 Hours After Exhumation


The Nigerian Police have revealed that the autopsy of late singer and songwriter, Ilerioluwa Aloba, popularly known as Mohbad, has been concluded.

The Lagos State Police Spokesman, Benjamin Hundeyin, in a post via X, formerly known as Twitter, on Thursday evening, gave an update on the investigation.

He said the autopsy has been concluded, and they are awaiting the result.

He wrote: “Autopsy has been concluded. Awaiting result…”

READ ALSO: Police Exhumes Mohbad’s Remains, To Carry Out Autopsy (Video)

Recall that the 27-year-old singer had his last breath on the 12 of September 2023 and was buried in Ikorodu, Lagos State, the next day.

The death of the popular had stirred reaction across the board, with Nigerians accusing his former boss, Naira Marley and music promoter, Sam Larry, of being responsible for his death.

This prompted Nigerians to call for justice, while others have taken to the streets in Lagos, Ogun and other parts of the country, urging the police to fish out his killers.

The acting Inspector General of Police (IGP), Kayode Egbetokun, after Mohbad’s death, ordered a forensic investigation to unravel the cause of the demise.

Following the IGP’s directive, the Commissioner of Police in Lagos State, Idowu Owohunwa, formed a ten-man team, including a pathologist, to exhume and investigate Mohbad’s death.

Macron Looks On As France’s Africa Policy Crumbles |


Why is it so often that problems seem to get worse just when they ought to be getting better?

Or in a French-African context, how come President Emmanuel Macron is surveying the tatters of French policy – coups in four Francophone states – just when he thought he had turned his back on all the wicked post-colonialism of the old days?

No-one disputes that there was indeed a long period – roughly corresponding to the Cold War – when France used a certain amount of skulduggery and military muscle to further its interests in La Françafrique.

But no-one can dismiss, either, the fact that for the last quarter-century the message from Paris has been that those days – officially at least – are over.

Gone the automatic request for French soldiers to back up a teetering autocrat; gone the millions in backhanders that helped finance French political parties.

Instead today’s buzzwords are “democratisation”, “empowerment”, “co-operation”, and “engagement with the young”. According to an official at the Élysée Palace: “It’s been a very long time since we had our men in presidential palaces.”

Maybe it would be naive to pretend that all is above board, and that there aren’t still nefarious pressures and sweeteners passing back and forth between Paris and francophone capitals.

But surely it is also a wild exaggeration to claim that French influence is anything like it used to be.

To take the case of Gabon – often seen as the emblem of corrupt post-colonialism – it is certainly true that deposed President Ali Bongo’s father Omar Bongo was regarded condescendingly as “one of ours” by successive French presidents, and benefited accordingly, as did they.

But if French reach is still so great, how is it that Ali Bongo made moves to pull Gabon out of the Francosphere to the point of actually joining the Commonwealth last year?

The Bongos’ amassment of wealth – and its secretion in Paris – was no doubt legendary. But was it not the action of French anti-corruption judges, unimpeded by politicians, that led to its exposure and to criminal proceedings against members of the Bongo family, arguably pushing Ali into the arms of the Anglos?

And if Paris still has pull over neighbouring Cameroon, how come its leader Paul Biya recently attended the Russia-Africa summit in St Petersburg, smiling alongside Vladimir Putin?

The fact is – according to journalist Amaury Coutansais, author of Macron’s African Trap – that France is living through a “historical anachronism”, in which it is attributed powers that simply do not exist any more.

“Africa has been globalising,” he says. “These days African presidents have the whole world in their waiting-rooms: Turks, Russians, Israel, even allies of France like Germany and the United States.”

“Oppositions in Africa imagine that France is still all-powerful. In reality, while France was doing all the dirty police work, its rivals were sweeping up the contracts.”

So to return to the original question: if French influence is on the wane in Africa, how come it is now that we are seeing the fiercest backlash against it?

Surely it would have been more appropriate when former President Charles De Gaulle’s Monsieur Afrique, Jacques Foccart, really was arranging coups d’état in the 1960s and beyond, and when bags of dirty money really were transiting to Le Bourget airport near Paris.

The answer comes in two parts.

First, there is some deep-rooted psychological reason why, in all sorts of areas, the perception of a problem’s seriousness grows in proportion to its apparent amelioration. There’s probably a law somewhere that describes the process.

When people are deeply buried in an injustice or discrimination, they find it hard to see the bigger picture. Small improvements are all that can be expected and are welcomed. Only when people begin to imagine a full emancipation, do they perceive the full extent of their subjection. And they get angrier.

That’s one theory. France’s colonial presence in the Sahel and Central Africa was so entrenched that it was bound to provoke an increased sense of outrage among today’s more self-confident generations. As Coutansais says: “Everything passes – except the past.”

The second explanation does not contradict the first but acts as a complement.

This is that the French are not wrong in seeing outside hands at work

In a speech to French ambassadors on Monday, President Macron described the “baroque alliance between self-proclaimed pan-Africans and neo-imperialists” which he said had provoked the recent “epidemic of putsches” in French-speaking Africa, referring to Gabon, Niger, Burkina Faso, Guinea and Mali.

In President Macron’s eyes, the “neo-imperialists” are Russia and China, which he believes have dripped poison words into the over-eager minds of wannabe putschists, and hypocritically stirred up old arguments over sovereignty and colonial exploitation.

For him, France is in the Sahel not for the sake of overpowering its former colonies, but “because there is a terrorist threat, and sovereign states asked us to help”.

To believe otherwise, he said on Monday, was to live in a “world gone mad”.

Quite evidently, though, many people do prefer the conspiracy theory, which is why, just when things should be getting better – they are getting worse.

Source: BBC



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Judiciary Promises Enhanced Court Security Following Magistrate’s Shooting


Chief Registrar Winfridah Mokaya has reassured judicial officers, staff, and court users of their security following the shooting of a magistrate by the Londiani Officer Commanding Police Station (OCS) at the Makadara Law Courts in Nairobi.

Chief Inspector Samson Kipchirchir Kipruto, 55, shot and wounded Principal Magistrate Monica Kivuti after a ruling in a case involving the OCS’s wife on Thursday.

“During an open court session earlier today, the Magistrate revoked the bond for an accused person who had absconded,” Mokaya explained, noting that the accused had failed to provide satisfactory reasons for their absence.

“As soon as this decision was announced, someone shot at the Magistrate, injuring her in the hip,” she added.

Kipruto had traveled from his post in Londiani, Kericho, to attend the court case where his wife, Jenniffer Wairimu, 48, is accused of obtaining Kes.2.9 million under false pretenses.

Wairimu had requested bail but the magistrate denied her request due to previous court absences citing illness.

On Thursday, the bail was revoked, and Wairimu was ordered to be remanded at Langata Women’s Prison.

This action reportedly angered Kipruto, who allegedly entered the courtroom through the magistrate’s door and fired shots at Kivuti, injuring her chest and left hip. The court session was held in a tent outside the main courtrooms.

Chief Registrar Mokaya confirmed that police officers at the scene responded promptly and neutralized the shooter, and Magistrate Kivuti was rushed to the hospital.

During the incident, three other officers sustained injuries: one in the left eye, another in the left leg, and a third in the left hand. All injured individuals were taken to the hospital in stable condition.

“We wish our colleague a speedy recovery and extend our condolences to the family of the officer who lost his life in this tragic incident,” Mokaya stated.

“We want to assure all Judicial Officers, Staff, and Court Users of their safety and security across all our premises,” she added.

Mokaya emphasized that enhanced security protocols would be implemented for civilians visiting the courts and for security officers.

“We urge all court users to remain calm as law enforcement agencies conduct further investigations into this incident,” she concluded.

Meanwhile, a Jericho pistol belonging to the deceased officer was recovered at the scene. Nairobi Police Commander Adamson Bungei confirmed that the injured officers were in stable condition at the hospital.

“We are reviewing various measures following the incident to ensure the safety of everyone,” Bungei assured.

Headmaster’s Wife Threatens Him With Divorce For Keeping Books In Their Bedroom | Social


 The Headmaster of Wasa Dawurampong D/A Junior High School (JHS) in Wasa Amenfi East, Mr Benard Aliko in the Western Region, risked being divorced by his wife for going out of his way to support the school.

The Headmaster’s effort to convince his wife to stay has proven futile.

The divorce has been necessitated because the headmaster is now keeping school books in their one-bedroom apartment, which the wife claims is inconveniencing to her.

“Go and tell the MCE, he should come and check out the condition of the school. The school has no office, the whole Dawurampong circuit that’s the school…Headmaster, books, school property, he keeps it in his bedroom. His wife has packed everything out. She says she will divorce him. She says she cannot sleep with the many books in our small room.

“We gather that the Office of the Headmaster is in a deplorable state and regardless of promises by the Member of Parliament to rehabilitate the building, nothing has been done about it. Hon.Nicholas Amankwaa hasn’t been forthcoming, although his attention has been drawn to the school’s plight.

“This was a BECE center, but because of the deplorable state of the school, it has been taken from this place to English and Arabic. I’m disappointed in the MCE and the MP because we would not face all these difficulties if they paid good attention to the school.

“The MP brought sand and wood to build but it is been a year and nothing has been done about the office building,” the headmaster said.


Source: ghanaweb.com



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EFCC Nabs 24 Suspected Trainee Internet Fraudsters In Uyo


The Economic and Financial Crime Commission, EFCC, arrested no fewer than 24 suspected internet fraudsters, who were allegedly trained for cyber crimes in Uyo, the capital of Akwa Ibom State.

It was gathered that the suspects were arrested on Monday, at a storey building suspected to be a criminal hideout for training internet fraudsters.

INFORMATION NIGERIA reports that some Items recovered from the premises and the suspects include: five exotic cars; 18 laptops; 17 mobile phones and one internet router.

In a statement release by the EFCC, through its spokesman, Dele Oyewale, disclosed that the suspects were arrested on Monday,  adding that the all- male suspected fraudsters were arrested in two locations in an intelligence-driven sting operation at D-Line Ewet Housing Estate and Nelson Mandela area both in Uyo, Akwa Ibom State.

The statement reads in parts: “The all- male suspects were arrested in two locations in an intelligence-driven sting operation at D-Line Ewet Housing Estate and Nelson Mandela area, both in Uyo, Akwa Ibom State.

“Items recovered from the premises and the suspects include: five exotic cars; 18 laptops; 17 mobile phones and one internet router.

READ MORE: Betta Edu: EFCC Grills Zenith, Providus, Jaiz Banks CEOs

“On November 28, 2019, the EFCC arrested 23 trainers and trainees at a “Yahoo Academy” at Essien Essien Street, Ikot Ibiok village in Eket Local Government Area of Akwa Ibom State.

“The suspects would be charged to court as soon as investigations are concluded.”

Road to remove Cyrill Ramaphosa has began says Julius Malema


Julius Malema speaks out today and confirmed that the road to remove the South African president Cyrill Ramaphosa has began also stated that the Phala Phala scandal will not end until they get to the bottom of it, he broke the law as president by doing business with foreign currency in South Africa.

There’s no one who is above the law according the the EFF leader Julius Malema Cyrill Ramaphosa will be removed as president and other people will join in the party as time goes, just like when Jacob Zuma was removed as president.

The national shutdown was a first step to take by the EFF andbit went smoothly as the walhere no violation of law by the EFF members that took rhe steets, to protest against the president and the demand of electricity.

people need efficient supply of electricity but the country only enjoyed none loadshedding day with just before the national shutdown and during the national shutdown, for more information follow our page.

Content created and supplied by: Mfundo321 (via Opera
News )

Cyrill Ramaphosa
Jacob Zuma
Julius Malema

KATH suspends prophylaxis treatments as Hemophilia medication runs low


Hemophilia patients at Komfo Anokye Teaching Hospital (KATH) are experiencing frustration due to an alleged shortage of medication.

The Ghana Hemophilia Society attributes this shortage to delays in import permit processing by the Food and Drugs Authority for donated drugs.

As a result, prophylaxis treatments have been suspended, and hospital supplies have been depleted, putting patients in need of surgery or urgent care in a vulnerable position.

Concerned parents of young patients have expressed their worries about the impact of this shortage to Citi News.

Meanwhile, the Deputy Medical Director of KATH, Dr. Yaw Opare Larbi clarified that while the hospital has sufficient medication for treatment, the low supply is hindering prophylaxis administration.

The hospital is rationing the available medication to prioritise patients with active bleeding, while prophylactic doses are temporarily suspended.

“The current situation is that the factors are in low supply. We have enough for treatment, but we are not doing prophylaxis. So what the parents are used to is two things, both prophylaxis and treatment. And now we are not given the prophylactic doses because we want the stock to be enough for people who come and who need treatment, who come with active bleeding.”

“So that’s the situation now. We haven’t run out of stock, but what we are doing is managing the stock so that it will last long enough for the medication that has been imported to arrive for us to now resume the prophylactic arm of their management.”

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NSS deploys 20,478 nurses and midwives for 2024/2025 service year


The National Service Scheme (NSS) has deployed 20,478 nurses and midwives to various accredited health facilities across Ghana for their mandatory one-year national service in the 2024/2025 service year.

According to a press release issued by the NSS on Monday, May 6, the deployed nurses and midwives are required to follow validation and registration processes to officially begin their service on May 20.

“Log onto the Scheme’s website at www.nss.gov.gh to check for placement. Print the appointment letter and proceed to the place of posting for endorsement of the appointment letter,” said Armstrong Esaah, Director of Corporate Affairs at the NSS.

It added that service personnel must then “book an appointment online for a date and time for registration after the endorsement. Proceed to the assigned NSS Regional Validation and Registration Centre with an endorsed appointment letter and a valid Ghana card to complete the process.”

Regional validation and registration will take place from May 13-June 10, at all NSS centres nationwide.

The NSS expressed best wishes to the nurses and midwives as they embark on their “civil and patriotic responsibilities to serve mother Ghana.”


Akwasi Frimpong | The First Skeleton Athlete From Africa To Win An Elite Skeleton Race


Akwasi Frimpong born 11 February 1986 is a Dutch-Ghanaian sprinter, bobsledder, and skeleton athlete.

Frimpong grew up in Kumasi, and His first eight years were spent in a small one-room home in the village of Kumasi, Ghana. His grandmother Minka raised him and nine other grandchildren. Though they all slept on the ground and his grandmother struggled to feed that many mouths.

 Frimpong later moved to the Netherlands

and at 15 years old he fell in love with sprinting, when a friend inspired him with a medal he had won in a race. 

Frimpong wanted one, so, in 2001, he started running under former Olympian Sammy Monsels. After just two years of hard work and intense training, Frimpong won the title of Dutch junior champion in the 200-meter sprint. This was the same achievement that earned him the nickname ‘GoldenSprint’. and he aspired to compete at the Olympic Games. 

To honor Frimpong’s work, Monsels gave him his golden track shoes.

Meanwhile To qualify for the Olympics, Frimpong decided to compete for his country Ghana in skeleton. 

Frimpong qualified for the 2018 Olympics in skeleton, earning the continental representation spot for the continent of Africa in skeleton. 

On February 29, 2020, Akwasi Frimpong became the first skeleton athlete from Africa to win an elite skeleton race sanctioned by the USA Bobsled and Skeleton Federation in Park City, Utah.

Akwasi Frimpong story was later film in a documentary “Rabbit Theory” produced by Dutch filmmakers Rinske Bosch and Nicole Batteke. It follows Frimpong for five years in the Netherlands, detailing his approach and philosophy for sprinting and attempts at making the Summer Olympic

Content created and supplied by: KwasiRichd1 (via Opera
News )

Akwasi Frimpong

MP Wamboka Reacts After CS Linturi Survives Impeachment: “There Are Many Ways of Killing a Rat…”


The 11-member select committee of the National Assembly has exonerated Agriculture Cabinet Secretary Mithika Linturi in the fake fertilizer scandal.

Seven out of 11 committee members voted to absolve Linturi of impeachment charges related to the distribution of fake fertilizer in the country.

During the drafting of the final report, it emerged that the select committee was strategically assembled to save Linturi. Insider reports confirmed intense lobbying and underhand dealings aimed at preventing Linturi’s impeachment.

The report was presented by Marsabit woman representative Naomi Waqo, who chaired the 11-member select committee.

Waqo stated that the majority of members found the allegations against the CS unsubstantiated.

The clearance of the Agriculture CS triggered outrage from Azimio MPs, including Bumula MP Jack Wamboka, who initiated the impeachment motion against Mithika Linturi.

National Assembly Minority Leader Opiyo Wandayi remarked, “Even if this House attempts to allow Mithika Linturi to go scot-free, in the fullness of time, each and every person involved in this racket will have a date with destiny.”

Wamboka on his part insisted that Linturi must be removed from office, hinting at exploring other avenues for his ouster.

“There are so many ways of killing a rat, and one of them is the Select Committee. We will be proceeding ahead of this because we are determined for the Kenyan farmer. Mithika Linturi must go for fake fertilizer!” the Bumula MP declared.

“They have been tormenting me with texts and calls” Phyna blows hot over reports of abandoning her father


Big Brother Naija ‘Level Up’ winner, Ijeoma Otabor better known as Phyna has reacted to reports of her abandoning her father.

The reality star’s father, in an interview with Vanguard, narrated his ordeal with his daughter, who he claimed has abandoned him since winning the show.

He revealed that Phyna had made promises to him, assuring him that her newfound success would pave the way for a brighter and more prosperous life for their family, which she failed to fulfill.

Now speaking out, Phyna called out Vanguard Newspaper for tormenting her with texts and calls and for probing her with unnecessary questions.

“I think it’s time for me to sue this useless vanguard, they’ve been tormenting me with texts and calls. I mistakenly picked one of the numbers 4days back immediately I said hello the useless man just said he was Ben Njoku from Vanguard and the next thing this bastard started asking questions. I just asked him how could call me and start questioning me immediately I then ended, and he texted me immediately that he was so sorry.
Now you went back to your cupboard to say your father is crying your mother gave him a bastard son? Vanguard will crumble”.

Phyna reacts to report of abandoning her father
Phyna reacts to report of abandoning her father

Recall that in November last year, Phyna acquired a brand new SUV for her father.

The reality star shared a video of the luxurious ride as she presented the car to her father.

Her proud father who found his new acquisition incredible took possession of his new ride and appreciated his daughter for her purchase.

In a recent interview with media personality, Nancy Isime, Phyna revealed that she once served at a restaurant at a tender age.

While reflecting on her childhood struggles, Phyna claimed she worked at a restaurant at age 3 and was serving men.

The Edo-born lady said her dad took her to Auchi to live with her elder sister when she was 3 years old, and after his terrible accident, which left her taking care of him in the hospital for two years, she dropped out of school.

16 years ago today, Tsatsu Tsikata was wrongfully convicted –


Today, June 18, marks exactly 16 years since the wrongful conviction of esteemed legal colossus, Tsatsu Tsikata.

On this day in 2008, an Accra High Court found Tsatsu Tsikata guilty of willfully causing financial loss to the state, a conviction that shocked the nation and sent ripples through Ghana’s legal and political landscape.

On that fateful day, Tsikata stood in court without his lawyer, who was absent due to a scheduled interlocutory application.

Tsikata intended to inform the court of his lawyer’s absence and seek an adjournment and so there was no anticipation of a judgment, as two other critical applications were pending at the Court of Appeal and the Supreme Court.

Notably, the Supreme Court was deliberating on the commercial viability of Valley Farms, the cocoa-producing company at the heart of Tsikata’s charges.

He was accused of unlawfully using the Ghana National Petroleum Corporation (GNPC) to guarantee a loan for Valley Farms while serving as its Chief Executive Officer.

Despite the pending applications and the incomplete trial, the High Court, in an unexpected turn of events, convicted and sentenced Tsikata to five years on each of the four counts, to be served concurrently.

This sudden decision came just days before the Supreme Court was set to rule on the commercial viability of Valley Farms, a ruling that would eventually favor Tsikata.

Even the Attorney General later admitted at the Supreme Court that Valley Farms was indeed commercially viable, a crucial detail that Tsikata’s lawyer had sought to include in the trial evidence.

The political undertones of the conviction were evident.

On June 18, 2008, Tsikata drove himself to court, expecting another adjournment.

However, the state was prepared for a different outcome.

For the first time since the trial began in 2002, the Attorney General appeared in court with a full retinue of legal officers.

The courthouse was surrounded by police officers, and the media buzzed with anticipation.

The only person unaware of the unfolding drama was Tsatsu Tsikata, who was subsequently taken to Nsawam Prisons without his family’s knowledge.

Tsikata’s time at Nsawam Prisons became a well-known chapter in his life story.

Despite the harsh conditions, he refused a presidential pardon from President John Agyekum Kufuor, choosing instead to trust in the judicial system’s eventual vindication.

His faith was rewarded on November 30, 2016, when the Appeal Court overturned all his convictions and sentences.

In the face of adversity, Tsikata’s belief in justice remained unshaken.

He famously remarked, “Justice will again be found in the court and all righteous people will support it. I think justice has been found in the court.”

Tsatsu Tsikata (appellant) was the CEO of the Ghana National Petroleum Company (GNPC), which was set up by the Ghana Petroleum Corporation Law, 1983 (PNDCL 64).

In March 1991, the appellant entered into a contract with Caisse Française (CF) to act as a guarantor for Valley Farms Co Ltd. (VFC), a limited liability company producing high-quality cocoa in Ghana, for a loan granted by CF.

In 1993, the Criminal Code (Amendment) Act was (Act 458) was passed to amend the Criminal Code, 1960 (Act 29). Section 179A(3)(a) of Act 29 as amended by Act 458, provided that, “any person through whose wilful, malicious or fraudulent action or omission, a) the State incurs a financial loss commits an offence.”

In 1996, VFC defaulted in its loan payments and GNPC was called upon to make good its guarantee.

GNPC made the payments required. The payments made on behalf of VFC were considered to be a financial loss to the State and to have been made on the appellant’s authority.


Convicted Rapist Booed On Olympics Debut


Steven van de Velde


Convicted child rapist Steven van de Velde made his Olympic beach volleyball debut to a mixed reaction in Paris, with audible boos.

Van de Velde was sentenced to four years in prison in 2016 after admitting three counts of rape against a 12-year-old British girl.

He and volleyball partner Matthew Immers are ranked 10th in the world but lost 2-1 to Italy’s Alex Ranghieri and Adrian Carambula, ranked 25th, at the Eiffel Tower Stadium.

The pair were introduced to the crowd together, with cheers as well as some boos as they walked out.

There were boos, along with applause, when Van de Velde was individually announced to the crowd before the match began.

An online petition calling for 29-year-old Van de Velde to be banned from the Olympics had received 90,000 signatures before he played his first match.

His inclusion in the Dutch team has been criticised by women’s and safeguarding groups.

Fans speaking to BBC Sport before the match also felt he should not be competing.

One British fan said: “He’s been open and honest about it and he’s served his time, but personally, I think they could have made a different choice.

“They could have chosen someone else, avoided all the controversy and if it was a British person, I wouldn’t be happy they would be in our team.”

Another said that Van de Velde’s inclusion “does not represent the spirt of the Olympics”, while one German fan, when told by BBC Sport about the story, said: “I am very astonished. He should not be allowed to play.

7 pilots fly patrons of Kwahu Easter Paragliding festival [Photos]


7 pilots are flying patrons of this year’s Kwahu Easter Paragliding festival which has set off in earnest in the Eastern Region.

Last year, the Ministry of Tourism, Arts and Culture and the Ghana Tourism Authority engaged 13 pilots for the 2022 edition.

The experienced pilots were from the United States, Peru, Colombia, Japan and Ghana.

Speaking to Citi News, Team lead, Ed Stein said, “7 pilots, six of them are international, one of them is from Ghana, and we have two Ghanaian solo pilots with us too. There have been more improvements to the landfill which make pilots happy. I noticed there are a lot of buildings around Kwahu and construction is ongoing, things are getting bigger and better every single year. It’s a lifetime experience you will never ever forget, and you will not forget coming to Kwahu for Easter”.

The Ministry of Tourism, Arts and Culture and the Ghana Tourism Authority launched the 2023 edition of the annual Kwahu Easter Paragliding Festival at Atibie on the Odweanoma Mountain.

The authority also used the opportunity to launch the Experience Ghana Share Ghana project which also seeks to boost the country’s domestic drive.

Delivering the Keynote address on behalf of the Minister of Tourism, Arts and Culture, Deputy Minister Mark Okraku Mantey revealed that the ministry’s tourism agenda is on course.

“We will also play our part as a government to fix some of the roads towards this place very soon. Let’s make this year Kwahu festival incident-free. Tourism is a marketing environment which everyone can benefit from, and the ministry’s tourism agenda is on the course,” he said.

The Municipal Chief Executive for Kwahu South Emmanuel Attah Ofori said the annual Kwahu Easter Festival will further boost the local economy.

“The tourism potential of Kwahu Ridge has skyrocketed. The municipality is proud to be part of this laudable event. The festival has brought economic growth to the municipality. It’s our wish that the subsequent festival will be greater than this year. I will admonish all and sundry to take photos of the events and post them online for the world to see the beautiful serenity of Kwahu mountains in order to attract more investors and businesses,” Mr. Atta Ofori remarked.

The Eastern Regional Minister and Chairman of REGSEC, Seth Kwame Acheampong told Citi News that they have put in place new strategies to improve the safety of patrons.


Ghana to know group opponents on October 12


Black Stars

The draw for the TotalEnergies Africa Cup of Nations, Côte d’Ivoire 2023 will be held on October 12, three months before the continent’s flagship football event is held in the West African country.

The date was decided during a CAF Executive Committee meeting in Algiers on Thursday.

The 24 participating teams will discover their group opponents when the draw is held in the host country later this year.

The 2023 TotalEnergies AFCON is scheduled to kick off on January 13 and will run until February 11 when the final will be played.

The opening match is set to be played at the Hassan Ouattara Stadium, in the capital Abidjan.

This is the second time that the Ivorians are hosting the tournament, having staged the 1984 edition when Cameroon were crowned champions.

Meanwhile, the Executive Committee noted its satisfaction with the progress and the level of preparedness by the host nation, seven months before the tournament starts.

CAF President Dr Patrice Motsepe expressed his gratitude to His Excellency the President of Côte d’Ivoire, Alassane Ouattara and the Prime Minister, Patrick Achi, for their cooperation and commitment to ensuring the successful hosting of the tournament.

Multimedia Group Clarifies Interview With Freddie Blay



In a recent statement released on Tuesday, March 5, 2024, Multimedia Ghana Limited, the parent company of JoyPrime, clarified that Hon. Freddie W.A Blay did not say that Ghanaians should not vote for the ruling New Patriotic Party (NPP) in recent interview with the politician.

In a statement shared on its social media platform, specifically JoyPrime on Tuesday March 5, 2024, the media outlet said “#PrimeMorning: Freddie Blay did not say Ghanaians shouldn’t vote for NPP. ”

The clarification comes after Hon. Blay had instructed his law office, Blay& Associate, to express their dissatisfaction with the interview conducted on February 26, 2024. In an official letter of displeasure and grievance, they accused the media outlet of deliberately editing the interview to create a negative impression of Hon. Blay and put him in a bad light.

Hon. Blay initially declined multiple interview requests regarding his personal life and political career. However, after further persuasion, he agreed to allow a journalist from the station to conduct the interview in his home. The conversation lasted for over 40 minutes and covered various topics, focusing primarily on Hon. Blay’s personal and political journey.

Hon. Blay alleges that a video excerpt from the interview was edited and circulated on social media and political arenas, claiming that the station’s producers and editors intentionally highlighted an error he made regarding the wrong political party’s name.

He believes that the mistake should have been corrected or omitted but accuses the station’s team of deliberately distorting the impression he was trying to convey.

Hon. Blay criticizes the station for engaging in “soundbite clickbait journalism,” arguing that their actions contribute to the spread of fake news. He emphasizes the importance of responsible journalism and calls upon the reputable organization to adhere to these principles.

The letter urged the management of Multimedia Group to take action against the team, rectify the misrepresentation, and correct the false impression created by the edited content, as it has negatively impacted Hon. Blay’s reputation in the public eye.
A copy of the letter was also sent to the National Media Commission to seek their intervention and attention to the matter.

Blay and Associate Law Firm expected a prompt response from the station management and hopes that necessary measures will be taken to rectify the situation and prevent similar incidents from occurring in the future of which the management of the Multimedia Group had comply with.

By Vincent Kubi

LOOK: Ohio cop shoots and kills ‘hostile’ zebra after animal bit owner in attack


Washington, United States – A US man remained hospitalised on Tuesday after he was attacked and severely injured by his own aggressive zebra, which was shot dead by police, officers in the state of Ohio said.

Initial reports from the sheriff’s office in Pickaway County, Ohio say the arm of 72-year-old Ronald Clifton was dismembered and that one officer rushed to apply a tourniquet as other police responders fended off the hoofed African animal.

Police Deputy Michael Oberley reported that as he arrived on the scene of Sunday’s incident, “a large male zebra charged my driver side door and was acting very hostile.”

Clifton “appeared to have a haemorrhage on his right arm just below the elbow” the officer said.

While Oberley was attending to the victim, the zebra returned and was threatening the Clifton family and other police.

Video footage from an officer’s body camera showed a man chasing the zebra with a stick. After that failed and another officer tried in vain to scare the animal away, the officer shot the zebra in the head.

This still image from a March 12, 2023, police bodycam video released by the Pickaway County, Ohio, Sheriff’s Office shows the injured owner of a zebra being taken to an ambulance after the animal attacked him. Picture: Handout / Pickaway County Sheriff’s Office / AFP

The exact injury to Clifton was unclear. While one deputy, Nathan Welch, wrote in his report that the victim’s arm had been “bit off by the zebra,” a police spokesperson told AFP they believe the arm was broken.

An Ohio health care spokeswoman said Clifton “is in fair condition” at OhioHealth Grant Medical Center.

Clifton’s family are the apparent owners of the animal on their property in Circleville, south of the Ohio capital Columbus. Police said the zebra may have been seeking to protect the five or six female zebras that were seen in the property’s field during the incident.

Zebras are not classified as dangerous wild animals under Ohio law and are legal to own in the state, a local NBC affiliate reported.



I don’t visit Mahama – Dampare


IGP Dr George Akuffo Dampare (leftI and ex-President John Dramani Mahama

The Inspector General of Police, Dr. George Akufo Dampare, has vehemently denied allegations that he visits former President John Dramani Mahama.

Dr. Dampare, while addressing the matter before the Parliamentary committee probing the leaked audio, emphasized the role of a police officer in providing services to the citizens, highlighting that former President Mahama is a part of the Ghanaian populace to whom he would willingly offer service if necessary.

One of the officers involved in the leaked tape had alleged that, Mr. Mahama and the Inspector General of Police hold secret meetings.

However, when questioned before a parliamentary committee, Dr. Dampare denied visiting the former President.

“I don’t visit former President John Dramani Mahama, and he doesn’t visit me. I’m a professional police officer, we are servants of the people, including the former President. Whoever is involved, as long as there is a police service to be provided, I have a constitutional duty and responsibility to get it done” he explained.

The IGP asserted his commitment to carrying out his duties without bias or prejudice, stating, “I’m a policeman who is not into politics. I’m not into politics, I’m a professional police officer, and I don’t do such things.”

When asked about his interactions with the former President, Dr. Dampare said “the position of Inspector General of Police, and by extension, every police officer is to serve the good people of this country, of which the former President is one of those and there’s nothing wrong with that.”

Political diversity, intolerance, and the need for tolerance in Ghana’s Fourth Republic


Since the establishment of Ghana’s Fourth Republic in 1992, the country has been recognized as a beacon of democracy in West Africa. Over the years, Ghana has experienced successive peaceful elections, earning global acclaim for its stable democratic processes and smooth transitions of power.

The New Patriotic Party (NPP) and the National Democratic Congress (NDC) have emerged as the two dominant political forces, shaping the nation’s political

landscape. While Ghana’s multi-party system and active public discourse are often celebrated as models for other African nations, there are underlying issues that threaten the very fabric of its democracy: growing intolerance among political party supporters, the proliferation of smear campaigns, and increasing polarization.

The Challenge of Upholding Peace Pacts:

A significant aspect of Ghana’s electoral process is the signing of peace pacts by political party flagbearers before general elections. This practice is intended to ensure peaceful, free, and fair elections by committing the presidential candidates and their respective parties to avoid violence, accept election results, and seek legal redress if necessary. These agreements,

facilitated by the Peace Council and other national and international bodies, have become a cornerstone of Ghana’s democratic process.

However, the effectiveness of these pacts has come under scrutiny. For instance, former President John Dramani Mahama of the NDC questioned the value of such agreements when incidents of violence during the 2020 general elections went unaddressed. His concerns highlight a critical issue: the mere signing of peace pacts is not enough if the commitments made are not upheld in practice.

As Ghana approaches the 2024 elections, the importance of peace pacts remains, but there is a growing need to ensure that inflammatory rhetoric and bias in enforcement are addressed. Political leaders and their supporters must be held accountable for their actions to maintain the integrity of these agreements and the overall democratic process.

Political Diversity:

Ghana’s political diversity is one of its greatest strengths. The existence of multiple political parties and varying ideologies enriches the democratic process, offering citizens choices that reflect their values and aspirations. This ideological diversity is crucial for a healthy democracy, as it fosters debate, encourages different perspectives, and prevents any single

group from monopolizing power.

However, this diversity also presents challenges. The intense competition between the NPP and NDC often leads to a polarized political climate where compromise and collaboration become rare. Regional and ethnic allegiances further fuel this polarization, creating an environment of intolerance and hostility among party supporters. As a result, political diversity, while beneficial, can also deepen divisions and hinder the development of a

cohesive national identity.

Intolerance Among Political Party Supporters:

Intolerance among political party supporters has become increasingly evident in

recent years. Supporters of the NPP and NDC often view each other as adversaries

rather than fellow citizens with differing opinions. This intolerance manifests in various ways, including verbal abuse, physical confrontations, and the spread of misinformation.

Ayawaso West Wuogon by-election:

One of the most notable incidents of political intolerance occurred during the Ayawaso West Wuogon by-election in 2019. Violence erupted between NPP and NDC supporters, involving physical assaults and gunfire. The clashes led to injuries and heightened tensions, drawing widespread condemnation. A significant incident during this by-election was when Samuel Nartey George, an NDC Member of Parliament, was slapped by a member of the National Security Team during a confrontation. This incident became a focal point in discussions about

election-related violence and the need for better security measures during elections.


Another example of intolerance was the violence that occurred in the Techiman South constituency during the 2020 general elections. Disagreements over election results led to violent clashes between NPP and NDC supporters, resulting in the deaths of at least two people and injuries to several others. These incidents underscore the deep-seated animosity between the supporters of the two major political parties and the potential for violence if tensions are not managed effectively.

Verbal Abuse and Hate Speech:

Intolerance is not limited to physical confrontations; it also manifests in verbal abuse and hate speech, particularly on social media platforms. Supporters of the NPP and NDC frequently engage in insults, spread false information, and make derogatory comments about each other. This toxic environment leaves little room for constructive debate and further polarizes the electorate.

The Dangers of Smear Campaigns:

Smear campaigns have become a troubling feature of Ghanaian politics. These campaigns involve the deliberate spread of false or misleading information to damage the reputation of political opponents. The rise of social media has only exacerbated this issue, as misinformation can spread rapidly and widely. Politicians and their supporters often exploit these platforms to launch attacks, using doctored images, fake news, or malicious rumors.

The impact of smear campaigns extends beyond the immediate harm to targeted individuals. They erode public trust in political institutions and leaders, contribute to a climate of fear and suspicion, and distract from substantive issues that should be the focus of political discourse. In a healthy democracy, political competition should be based on ideas, policies, and track records—not on personal attacks and character assassination.

The Imperative for Tolerance:

To safeguard Ghana’s democracy, there is an urgent need to cultivate a culture of political tolerance. Tolerance involves more than just accepting differing viewpoints; it requires actively engaging with those views, seeking common ground, and respecting the right of others to hold different opinions. In the context of Ghana’s political landscape, tolerance is essential for maintaining peace, promoting national unity, and ensuring that democracy thrives.

The Way Forward:

Several strategies can be employed to promote political tolerance in Ghana:

Civic Education: Expanding civic education programs is crucial for emphasizing the importance of political tolerance. The National Commission for Civic Education (NCCE) and civil society organizations can play a key role in educating citizens about the value of respecting diverse opinions and the dangers of political intolerance. Public awareness campaigns should highlight the need for peaceful coexistence and the benefits of constructive political engagement.

Responsible Leadership: Political leaders must set an example for their supporters by engaging in respectful dialogue, avoiding inflammatory rhetoric, and condemning acts of violence and intolerance. Leaders should work together across party lines to address national issues, demonstrating that collaboration is possible despite ideological differences.

Media Responsibility: The media must act responsibly in reporting political events. Journalists should strive for accuracy, fairness, and balance in their coverage, avoiding sensationalism and the spread of unverified information.

Strengthening Laws and Institutions: There is a need to strengthen laws and institutions that protect against hate speech, defamation, and other forms of political intolerance. This includes enforcing regulations that discourage smear campaigns and ensuring that elections are conducted fairly and transparently.

Engaging Youth: Ghana’s youth, who are often at the forefront of political activism, can be harnessed for positive change. Youth organizations and political parties should promote programs that encourage young people to engage in politics constructively, fostering a culture of respect and understanding.

By embracing diversity, fostering respect for differing opinions, and rejecting smear tactics, Ghana can build a more inclusive and cohesive society where democracy is not only preserved but strengthened for future generations.

Jean Mensa doesn’t hate anyone – Akua Donkor


The presidential candidate of the Ghana Freedom Party (GFP) Akua Donkor, has mounted a spirited defence for the Chairperson of the Electoral Commission (EC), Jean Mensa.

Akua Donkor said the EC boss is not pursuing personal interests with her actions on the electoral process, adding she doesn’t hate anyone.

In an interview, Madam Donkor noted that Mrs Mensa is guided and committed to upholding electoral laws in the country.

“Jean Mensa doesn’t hate anyone, but you have to do what is required of you to avoid any issues with her.

“The EC is like Ghana’s God because it is the Commission that determines who qualifies to contest elections,” she told Accra-based Kasapa FM.

She has, therefore, admonished all political parties to comply with the requirements and rules of the electoral process.

“God gave us Jean Mensa, so if the Electoral Commission asks me to do something, that is exactly what I will do. Whoever speaks ill of Jean Mensa will not be forgiven by God,” she noted.

Madam Donkor’s comment follows the disqualification of 11 presidential candidates ahead of the 2024 election.

This was after the EC conducted a detailed examination of the nomination forms submitted by the candidates to ensure compliance with the legal requirements.

Despite the EC’s assurance to refund their filing fees, some of the candidates have initiated legal action against the Commission while others have vowed to do the same.

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KPC Donates Ksh.3M To Pastor Dorcas Rigathi’s Boy Child Programme


The programs targeting the vulnerable in the society have received a boost after the Dorcas Rigathi Foundation (DRF) received Ksh.3 million from the Kenya Pipeline Company (KPC) Foundation.

KPC MD Joe Sang presented the cheque to the spouse of the Deputy President, Pastor Dorcas Rigathi at Karen on Wednesday.

Sang was accompanied by KPC Foundation Chairperson Board of Directors Faith Boinett, General Manager Strategy Zilper Abongo, Safety Health and Environment Manager Carol Kiplagat, Foundation members Irene Wachira and Simon Yokomoi.

Sang said the KPC Foundation had over the years run different initiatives including education of children with disabilities “as a way of the company touching lives.”

He commended the vision of the office of the Spouse of the Deputy President (OSDP) that targets the vulnerable including the boy child in the country.

“When our boy child is endangered, the future of our nation is impacted. What you (Pastor Dorcas) are doing is impactful for the region and the world. Our small contribution is the beginning of a journey to impact society and create a difference especially to the boy child who is abandoned,” said Sang.

Ms. Boinnet said; “Kenya Pipeline is glad to be here, and partner in this cause. We shall walk together, support and also mentor. A generation in this country has been lost to alcoholism and drugs, and we are glad the work to rescue them is starting at the highest office in the land.”

Pastor Dorcas appreciated the kind gesture by KPC Foundation, saying their donation would go into investing in balanced families and thriving communities.

“To have a balanced family, and a thriving community that procreates itself you must invest in the man because he is the seed carrier. The dignity of the boy child has been stripped off, and you find them dirty, greasy in the gutter, and nobody pays attention,” she said.

“The boys are the ones scavenging in the garbage, and nobody is paying attention. There has been a big crisis in our nation, and nobody is paying attention. Dignifying the boy child is one of my objectives.”

She affirmed the commitment of DRF in the empowerment, mentorship, and alignment of the youth towards their dreams and destiny, for Kenya to have strong and stable families.

“To lose one boy child, is one too many. And if you can save one boy child, it is enough,” she added.

The ongoing rehabilitation model under the OSDP has raised brand ambassadors of men who have recovered from alcohol, drugs, and other substances.

Pastor Dorcas shared the vision of her office for the boychild and vulnerable that includes the establishment of health villages.


Don’t amass wealth if voted into power


The Overlord of Dagbon, Yaa Naa Abubakari Mahama II, has admonished the flagbearer of the opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC), John Dramani Mahama, not to amass wealth and properties if re-elected in the upcoming 2024 polls.

He further entreated Mahama to prioritize leaving a meaningful legacy rather than accumulating personal wealth if he assumes power again.

The Overlord of Dagbon made these remarks when John Mahama, paid a courtesy call on him at the Gbewaa Palace in Yendi.

Speaking on behalf of the Yaa Naa, Naa Jacob Mahama, advised, “I believe you’re not coming to make more money for your family, but to leave a legacy that not only your children will be proud of. But will pave the way for them wherever they may find themselves in the future when you are long gone to your maker.”

The Overlord of Dagbon urged the former president to be watchful of his fake friends, who tend to undermine his government if he wins the 2024 elections.

“The most important thing for you at this stage of your political life is to be able to tell who your true friends are from the opportunistic ones. You were there once, and it shouldn’t be difficult for you to understand,” he advised.

John Mahama, on Monday, February 5, 2024, kicked off his ‘Building Ghana Tour’ in Mion, Gushegu, and Yendi constituencies in the Northern Region.

Day two of the tour includes activities in the four constituencies within Tamale Township (Tamale Central, Tamale North, Tamale South, and Sagnarigu constituencies).



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‘We’ve Not Bribed Ken Agyapong For Veep’



The Bawumia Campaign Team has dismissed as false media reports that it approached Kennedy Agyapong, an aspirant in the New Patriotic Party (NPP) presidential election, and offered him a position as Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia’s running mate.

The campaign team stated that it was deeply concerned by news reports in some media outlets that the Assin Central MP alleged that there was an attempt by members of the Bawumia Campaign Team to bribe him to step down.

“We wish to state in unequivocal terms that the Bawumia Campaign Team has not approached Kennedy Agyapong for such a running mate offer, nor have we assigned any member of the team to approach him for the same,” it said in a statement issued at the weekend.

The statement, signed by Dr. Gideon Boako, the Vice President’s Spokesperson, also indicated that it is not true, as Mr. Kennedy Agyapong allegedly said, that Dr. Bawumia is collapsing the party through intimidation.

“The unity of our party has been of great concern to candidate Dr. Bawumia,” the Campaign Team noted.

It stated that in view of such concerns, Dr. Bawumia, who is also running for party flagbearership, has refrained from responding to unwarranted attacks by others in the contest and has also warned his supporters not to reply to such inflammatory comments.

“His strategy has been to persuade delegates to support his bid. This he does, by laying his vision for the party and country,” the statement maintained.

It continued, “As we have always maintained, the contest for flagbearer in the NPP is an internal one, and all actors, particularly the aspirants must be guided by the core values of the NPP, which include but are not limited to truth, decorum, and respect for one another.”

By Ernest Kofi Adu

CID takes over death of 16-year student of Aburi Girls SHS investigation


The Criminal Investigations Department (CID) of the Ghana Police Service has taken over investigations to unravel the circumstances which led to the death of a 16-year-old student of the Aburi Girls Senior High School in the Akuapem South Municipality of the Eastern Region.

The first-year student of the school tragically died after allegedly being denied medical attention by the school nurse, who purportedly accused her of repeatedly feigning illness.

The student, Stacey Okyere, who had complained of severe stomach pains, passed away on Monday, February 5, 2024.

According to reports, she was rushed to the hospital but, unfortunately, was already dead by then.

The incident, which occurred under strange circumstances, has had the management of the school come under serious criticism over what the family describes as neglect on the part of the management.

Even though management and the Ghana Education Service have been tight-lipped about the incident, the Eastern Regional Minister, Seth Kwame Acheampong, called for calm and promised that the CID will help bring finality to all issues surrounding the incident.

Speaking to journalists after an engagement with school authorities on February 9, the Regional Minister said, “I have been given a briefing by the management of the school. Because of the nature of the passing of the student, it becomes a conversation which requires law enforcement agencies, in particular, the CID of the Ghana Police, to come in and investigate the matter for us.

The Ghana Education Service has its own mechanism for investigating this matter as well. And so for us, it’s premature for us to offer conclusions in respect to this matter. We are here to express our condolences to management and students. We pray to God to strengthen the family. We are keenly following investigations, and we will keep the sanctity of this institution.”


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Chef Faila has to be cooking 2 different meals always at a time – Cookathon rules and regulations explained –


A team member of Failatu Abdul-Razak’s cook-a-thon team has explained certain rules in an interview with Zion Felix TV.

The unidentified team member revealed that Chef Faila has no privilege to a break until the stipulated time is up.

She also added that, Faila must be cooking two set of meals at a go. So for example, if the meal is supposed to be Rice and Stew, then both the rice and stew must be on fire at the same time.

She also used the opportunity to urge the media to keep broadcasting the challenge to reach the outer world.

She also called for support from all and sundry asking Ghanaians, especially those from the south to come in their numbers to show Faila all the love she needs.


Ghana’s music industry is now a bloody game

Highlife artiste, Kuami Eugene has made an astonishing revelation that the Ghanaian music industry has become a bloody game.

Kuami Eugene was crowned the best highlife artiste of the year and Best Video of the Year. at the 25th Telecel Ghana Awards held on Saturday, June 1 at the Grand Arena of the Accra International Conference Centre but missed out on the ‘Artiste Of The Year’ award to Stonebwoy.

In a post shared via X a few hours after the awards, Kuami Eugene said the Ghanaian music industry has become very bloody considering what people will do to seek validation.

“The Industry no be how the fans dey see am. It’s a bloody 🩸 game now. People will do anything, pull any string for validation. Ay3 tan !!!!!!”. He stated

It is unclear what triggered the artiste’s post, especially a day after the Telecel Ghana Awards held.

Read the post below


Late Dowen College Pupil, Sylvester Oromoni Finally Laid To Rest


Sylvester Oromoni Jr., a 12-year-old student at Dowen College in Lekki, Lagos State, who passed away on November 30, 2021, has been laid to rest.

After two years of struggle for justice, Oromoni was buried on Saturday at the family’s compound in Ogbe-Ijoh, Warri South-West Local Government Area, Delta.

He was born December 4, 2009, and he passed away on November 30, 2021, under circumstances that are contentious because some of his college’s senior pupils had allegedly subjected him to torture.

Several dignitaries were present for the funeral. As friends, family, and well-wishers cried over Sylvester’s unexpected death, emotions were high.

Revd. Goodluck Bayagbon of the God’s Grace Ministry, Warri, urged Christians to live a life worthy of emulation and aspire to be heavenly candidates in a brief homily titled “Forever With The Lord,” drawn from the book of Isaiah 57:1-2.

While describing the deceased as a true believer in Christ, the cleric noted that “Sylvester Oromoni Jnr had gone to rest with the Lord and free from all evil and calamity of the world.

“We are not here to weep and mourn over Sylvester but to celebrate a great man, a young man that God almighty loves so much. Sylvester left an indelible mark in the hearts of all men that must be emulated.

“The most important thing about life is that everyone on earth must strive to make heaven because that is a great achievement for everyone, where there is no pain, sorrow, sadness, calamity, worries. Sylvester should be emulated according to his brief biography read to us all.

“He was a good young boy, who cared so much about his fellow students, friends, sisters, brothers and all those who crossed his path.

“He was diligent and was a devout Christian. At a young age, he cared for the needs of his fellow students, and he was very good both at school and at home. Though he left very young he has achieved the purpose of God who created him. We are here to celebrate him not to mourn. At his age, look at the mammoth crowd that came to bid him farewell to the heavens.”

Human rights attorney Femi Falana also paid tribute to Sylvester in a succinct statement, calling him a brilliant Nigerian whose life was cut short.

READ MORE: “If He Gets Infected With Deadly Disease, We’ll Die Together” – Portable’s Babymama Opens Up On Her Love For Him

He said, “We are here to celebrate a great Nigerian whose life was cut short. His short life was so eventful according to his biography that was just read to us now.

“The short life of Solomon cannot be compared with that of Methuselah. Sylvester touched the lives of his teachers, friends, and fellow students and we should reminded and ask ourselves what will be remembered for after this life. We must try as much as possible to rededicate our lives to God almighty. I must thank the parents of Sylvester Oromoni Jnr for standing and demanding for justice for their son.”

The family, through the father of the deceased, had vowed while marking the second anniversary of their son’s untimely demise, that as a family, they would not stop crying out for justice for their departed son, adding that “As the father of the deceased, I cannot be tired or discouraged from pursuing justice as I have promised my son to get him justice even if it will take thirty years to achieve it.”

Women urged to participate in breast cancer screening for early detection


In a bid to promote breast cancer awareness and early detection, the Ashanti Regional Health Directorate has provided education and essential health screening to some women and students in the Ashanti region.

The Deputy Director of Clinical Care of the Ghana Health Service, Dr. Mrs Rita Larsen-Reindorf, emphasized the need for women to undergo breast cancer screening.

“It is the responsibility of us all, we should all get involve in creating breast cancer awareness. If we can close that gap and get involved in awareness creation, it will help in early detection and management because when breast cancer is detected early, something can be done about it. The outcomes can be better,” she said.

She also observed that, people do not participate in these screenings because of the myths and stigmatizations that surround breast cancer.

“Stigma is also a problem, and again, because of the myths, people tend to be afraid. We don’t know what causes it so people think that when you have it, it’s a curse. We tend to stigmatise it, which is why we are creating awareness. We have seen positive outcomes, and I believe this will help people gain awareness about breast cancer,” she said.

The participants were educated on how to perform self-examinations.

Non-communicable disease coordinator of Ghana Health Service in the Ashanti Region, Lydia Owusu Ansah wants health practitioners to also focus on breast cancer in men.

“Usually because the percentage of men is low our focus is mostly on the women but about 2% of males also suffer from breast cancer so we are opening our gates for each and everyone to partake in the screening,” she said.

She also debunked the notion that breast sizes can be determinants of breast cancer.

“Usually, we take into consideration your weight, because of the body make up. We have people that get breast cancer and their chests are even flat.

“There are other people who have large breasts but do not get breast cancer so we are saying this because some of them are hereditary and some of them is because of their lifestyle, some are also biological,” she said.

Participants also took part in eye screening and other general health screening.


Gov’t Builds Second Fire Service Academy



In a momentous occasion yesterday morning, Ghana’s Vice President, Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia, commissioned the country’s second Fire Service Academy and Training School located in Wungu, within the North East Region.

This newly-constructed training facility boasts of well-furnished classrooms, a three-storey administration block, dormitories for both male and female trainees, a dining hall, and state-of-the-art training equipment.

Significantly, the Wungu facility becomes only the second fire service training school in Ghana since gaining independence, joining the illustrious James Town institution in Accra.

Speaking at the unveiling ceremony, Dr. Bawumia indicated that the establishment of this training school represents the government’s unwavering commitment to bolster the nation’s fire service training infrastructure.

In addition to the academy in James Town, he mentioned that the government has committed to the establishment of three additional fire service training schools.

The third school, located in Dua-Yaw Nkwanta, is set to be commissioned in the near future, with the fourth school projected to be completed by year’s end.

He said the remarkable increase in personnel serves as a testament to the government’s dedication to expanding and enhancing the Ghana Fire Service.
Over the past seven years, the number of fire service personnel has exceeded the 100% mark, surging from 7,000 to an impressive 15,000. The Vice President added that this remarkable growth underscores the administration’s commitment to ensuring the safety and well-being of the Ghanaian population.

The newly-commissioned training school in Wungu will assume a critical role in equipping fire service personnel with the requisite skills and knowledge to effectively handle emergencies while safeguarding lives and property.
This investment in fire service infrastructure will undoubtedly contribute to greater efficiency and effectiveness within the Ghana Fire Service, ensuring the nation’s safety is upheld.

As plans for the third training school approach their final stages and preparations for the fourth school are underway, it becomes evident that the government’s tireless efforts to elevate and expand fire service training facilities across Ghana have borne fruit. These notable achievements will undoubtedly result in a more robust and capable fire service, well-equipped to respond to emergencies and protect the Ghanaian populace.

With the commissioning of the second Fire Service Academy, Ghana takes an impressive stride forward in enhancing its fire service training infrastructure, bolstering the nation’s ability to deal with emergencies effectively. The government’s commitment to the Ghana Fire Service is unmistakable, and its unwavering dedication to protecting lives and property is commendable.

By Vincent Kubi

EIB Network Reacts To Serwaa Amihere’s Sex Video Saga



Management of EIB Network, the parent company of GHOne TV, has announced the launch of an independent investigation into the leaked intimate video involving its employee, Serwaa Amihere.

In a statement issued on April 10, 2024, the network acknowledged the legal proceedings initiated against individuals allegedly involved in disseminating the video.

This awareness, according to the statement, led to the decision to delay addressing the controversy publicly.

“We are also aware that criminal proceedings have been instituted by the state against certain persons who are alleged to have published the said video. This has delayed our public comment on this issue,” the statement read.

Furthermore, management revealed its intention to conduct an independent investigation into the circumstances surrounding the release of the video.

The results of this investigation, along with subsequent actions, will be disclosed upon completion.

The network reiterated its commitment to integrity and accountability amidst the unfolding situation, assuring the public of its dedication to upholding these values.

Over 200 Dogs Shot Dead At Twifo Praso As Assembly Embarks On Mass Dog Killing | Social


The Environmental Health Department of the Twifo Atti-morkwa District Assembly in the Central Region has embarked on mass dog killing exercise on the principal street of Twifo Praso.

The exercise has led to the death of over 200 dogs in the Community.

According to Emmanuel Forson who is the Environmental Health Officer at the Twifo Atti-Morkwa District Assembly, the exercise was to reduce the many roaming dogs on the streets of the district capital, Twifo Praso which poses eminent threat to human lives and vulnerable animals on the streets.

He explained the most worrying behaviour of these roaming dogs is that they catch and kill other animals such as guinea fowls, turkey and bite people on the streets without any cause.

Forson added that aside the dangers that these dogs pose, they also defecate on the streets haphazardly which also can result in health issues among the populace.

Emmanuel Forson in an interview with Kasapa News with Yaw Boagyan, advised all dog owners in the Twifo Atti-Morkwa District to ensure that they vaccinate their dogs against rabies every year and also chain the dogs because the department will continue with the exercise until they see full compliance of the law by the people.

Meanwhile, many residents after learning about the exercise have hidden their dogs while some have also sent theirs to the nearby communities outside the district to prevent the assembly from killing them.

Source: ghanaweb.com



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Media Trial Unfair, Betta Edu Deserves Fair Hearing — Ohanaeze Youths


Betta Edu

The youth wing of the Igbo socio-cultural organisation, Ohanaeze Ndigbo, has cautioned Nigerians against the media trial of Betta Edu, the embattled Minister of Humanitarian Affairs and Poverty Alleviation.

Recall that on January 8, President Bola Ahmed Tinubu suspended Edu as the after a document surfaced where she asked Oluwatoyin Madein, Accountant-General of the Federation, to transfer N585 million to a private account.

The President also directed the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) “to conduct a thorough investigation into all aspects of the financial transaction” involving Edu’s ministry.

Chukwuma Okpalaezeukwu, leader of the association, while speaking during a press conference on Sunday, commended Tinubu for setting up a panel to investigate the case rather than “sacking her outrightly.”

According to him, the suspended Minister should be given the benefit of the doubt until proven guilty.

“We also thank him for setting up a presidential panel to investigate the veracity of the allegations instead of sacking her outright.

“Consequently, we hereby wish to rally support for the suspended minister of humanitarian affairs and poverty alleviation, Dr Edu, by calling on Nigerians to allow her a fair hearing and let the ongoing investigation run its course without media trial.

“Nigerians should give her the benefit of the doubt until the series of investigations into her involvement in the alleged N583m financial wrongdoing have proved her to be complicit.

READ ALSO: ‘Don’t Conclude Hurriedly, Case Against Edu Still An Allegation’ — Uzodimma To Nigerians

“Judging by the actions of some persons in the media, it is obvious that there is too much media trial around Dr Edu and those who wanted her out of favour with the Federal Government are sustaining the spins to her disadvantage.

“Media trial is unfair. An allegation has been levelled against her, and President Bola Tinubu, in his wisdom, had suspended her to allow for a transparent and unimpeded investigation. The best thing to do in the circumstance is to allow the process of investigation to conclude instead of crucifying her as if she had been found to be guilty.

“There is the need to find what the problem really was about the memo she put up to the Accountant General of the Federation, although, the Accountant General had said that she did not honour the payment,” the Ohanaeze youth leader said.

Okpalaezeukwu furthered that if after the investigation, Edu is vindicated, the President would be urged to reconsider her appointment to continue as a minister.

“We are of the view that Nigerians should hold their peace during the pendency of the series of investigations, which we believe would either prove or disprove wrongdoing.

“If it is confirmed in the long run that she had committed some administrative infractions and not necessarily monetary diversion, we shall very well urge President Bola Tinubu to review her suspension and allow her to continue as a member of his cabinet.

“Betta was entrusted with a ministry as huge as humanitarian affairs and poverty alleviation and everyone can attest to the fact that she remains one of the best in the Tinubu-led Government, We must be careful not to throw away the baby with the bathwater,” he added.

Splash mansion of Gabby Otchere-Darko pops up –


A luxurious mansion allegedly belonging to a stalwart of the New Patriotic Party (NPP), Gabby Otchere-Darko, has surfaced on social media.

The Independent Ghana (TIGpost) came across a video shared by an X user, @KevinEkowTaylor, who expressed admiration for the house.

The X user also leveled harsh criticisms against some NPP members whom he believes are working in favor of Gabby Otchere-Darko.

“I like @GabbyOtchere’s house in Accra. The NPP pigs are doing the dirty job for him,” @KevinEkowTaylor wrote to caption the video.

Watch the full video below:


Olukoyede Summons Socialite, Mompha To Provide Evidence Of EFCC Corruption Allegations


Ola Olukoyede, the Executive Chairman of the Economic and Financial Crimes agency, has ordered the invitation of Ismaila Mustapha alias Mompha, a socialite, to substantiate his charges against the agency.

Mompha is currently on trial on eight counts, including conspiracy to launder monies received through unlawful activity, retention of proceeds of criminal behaviour, and laundering of funds obtained through unlawful action, among others.

On Monday, at the resumption of his trial, Idi Musa, the sixth prosecution witness, informed Justice Mojisola Dada of the Special Offences Court in Ikeja, Lagos, how N35 billion was discovered in two bank accounts belonging to the defendant.

On his Instagram page on Friday, Mompha labelled the EFCC as the “most corrupt agency” in the country.

”The Most useless and Corrupt Nigeria Government Agency @officialefcc”, he said.

The EFCC’s spokesperson, Dele Oyewale, responded to his comment on Saturday, saying the commission has invited Mompha to submit proof against any corrupt officers.

The statement partly read, ” The attention of the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission, EFCC, has been drawn to the malicious and unsubstantiated statement made by the embattled Ismaila Mustapha, (a.k.a Mompha) alleging corruption by operatives of the Commission.

“To this end, the Executive Chairman of the EFCC, Mr. Ola Olukoyede has directed that Mompha be invited to bring clasping evidence of any issue of corruption against any staff of the Commission. Besides, the socialite should also justify his labelling of the EFCC as a “ useless agency” with evidential proof.

“As a responsible law enforcement agency, the EFCC would not sit back and allow libellous effusions against its reputation to go unchallenged. Mompha, to all intents and purposes, cannot be expected to paint the EFCC in bright colours owing to the professional ways officers of the Commission are handling his matter. The EFCC would not be distracted in plying its job by the antics of traducers like Mompha. ”

According to Oyewale, the Commission takes Mompha’s charges against the EFCC very seriously.

READ MORE: Imade Won’t Be A Child Forever, She’ll See I Fought For Her – Davido Responds To Sophia Momodu’s Counter-Affidavit

He said, “The Commission is alarmed that the accused will abandon the platform offered by the court to launch a media war against it through spurious claims. If he believes that raising phantom accusations against the Commission will sacre it from diligently prosecuting his case, he is mistaken as no amount of scaremongering will deter the Commission from pursuing the case to a logical conclusion

“While Mompha may just be a drowning man clutching at any straw owing to the overwhelming evidence of his involvement in the money laundering case, his unsubstantiated claims against the EFCC is an issue the Commission is taking seriously.”

Oyewale advised citizens to ignore his diatribe, stressing that Mompha should be prosecuted in a court of competent authority.


Elect President based on competence and integrity, not on party lines – Alan


Accra, Oct. 4, GNA – The founder and leader of the Movement for Change, Alan Kwadwo Kyerematen has called on Ghanaians to choose a President based on his vision and integrity and not on the basis of party partisanship.

He said the basis of the Movement is to mobilize the over 6.6 million and floating voters who identify with his vision to transform Ghana.

The former NPP Presidential aspirant said Ghana needed a transformational leader and not a new political party.

He said it was time for Ghana to go beyond NPP and NDC hence his Great Transformational Plan (GTP).

According to him, the Movement for Change intends to form a union government and engage representatives of Political parties, religious bodies, professionals to push the transformational agenda for Ghana for the benefit of the youth in general.

The Independent Presidential aspirant said 60% of all ministerial appointments in his government would be drawn from the youth bracket and that there would also be a gender balance in his appointments

“We are in a period of transformation”, he said, adding that Ghana is about to experience the next major change after Ghana’s political independence in 1957.

The former Trade and Industry Minister said the proposed GTP hinged on 15 themes which pillars include stable economy, Industrialization, agriculture, energy, Health and Education to change Ghana.

Mr. Kyerematen pointed to industrialization as the basis of his approach to job creation to match with advanced countries like America, China, Japan, Germany, France, South Korea and India that focused on industrialization to move their countries forward.

He, however, noted that the economy must at all times be strong to support industrialization and agriculture hence the need to promote industrialization through adequate funding.

The Movement for Change founder cited the “One District, One Factory (1D1F) policy as the greatest achievement to take Ghana to places.

According to him, the Ashanti region benefited from 55 projects under the 1D1F programme with 26 being operational and 13 under construction.

He promised to make the Ashanti region, currently the commercial hub of Ghana, the manufacturing hub for Africa to grow the economy.

‘Fidelity Bank Committed To Driving Agribusiness In Ghana’


Nana Esi Idun-Arkhurst (middle) was part of a panel discussion


FIDELITY BANK Ghana has reaffirmed its firm dedication to the agricultural sector at a recent presidential breakfast meeting on agriculture and agribusiness financing in Ghana.

Nana Esi Idun-Arkhurst, Divisional Director, Retail and Business Banking at Fidelity Bank, who disclosed this, said Fidelity Bank was not only committed to supporting agriculture but also promoting the overall growth of agribusiness, emphasising the importance of collaboration with other stakeholders to provide comprehensive support to the sector.

Participating in a panel discussion themed “Challenges and Opportunities in Agricultural Financing,” she highlighted the pivotal role of the banking sector in fostering the growth of the agribusiness landscape.

“It is imperative that we shift our attention not solely to agriculture but also to the comprehensive enhancement of the agribusiness domain,” stated Nana Esi Idun-Arkhurst.

Addressing the expansive opportunities within the sector, she highlighted the potential within horticulture, emphasising the necessity of collaborations with insurance companies to provide comprehensive coverage for various segments along the entire agricultural value chain.

“We envision a seamless integration of the entire agribusiness ecosystem, catering to the needs of every stakeholder, including off-takers and sellers,” she articulated.

She also revealed that over 10 percent of Fidelity Bank’s loan portfolio was actively dedicated to the support of the agricultural sector.

In alignment with its commitment to bolstering the agribusiness landscape, Nana Esi Idun-Arkhurst shed light on Fidelity Bank’s collaborative efforts with pivotal stakeholders, citing notable partnerships with Development Bank Ghana, Ghana Incentive-Based Risk Sharing System for Agricultural Lending (GIRSAL), and others to provide financing and technical support for agribusinesses.

Furthermore, she emphasised the need for comprehensive and accessible data on various facets of agriculture, including farm ownership and yields.

Underscoring the challenges faced by financial institutions in accurately assessing the risk associated with agricultural financing, Nana Esi noted, “It is difficult to find data and information on the sector, and that makes it difficult to really understand the kind of risk a bank takes when it underwrites an agricultural facility. There is a lot more that needs to be done to make it easier for the sector to grow.”

The breakfast meeting, organised by the Ministry of Food and Agriculture, was designed to illuminate the opportunities and challenges within the sector and promote synergy among stakeholders to bolster support for the industry. The event was attended by President Akufo-Addo, top executives from various financial institutions, and key players across the agriculture value chain.

A business desk report

Zuma dares Judges to apply double standards


Johannesburg – Jacob Zuma says Tuesday’s urgent court application to interdict his private prosecution of President Cyril Ramaphosa will test “whether Lady Justice has removed her blindfold in South Africa”.

“There cannot be one law for Zuma and another law for Ramaphosa if the rule of law and equality before the law are still the guiding principles of our justice system,” Zuma said on Friday in his replying affidavit to Ramaphosa’s court application to avoid appearing in the criminal court on Thursday, January 19.

He said that even the late former president Nelson Mandela was hauled before a court for cross-examination when it was then unprecedented for a head of state. “The sky did not fall. The sun rose from the East and set in the West.”

He said Ramaphosa was capable of obtaining effective relief in due course before the scheduled criminal trial. “There is no dying infant. There is no blood being spilt. There is no reason to give [Ramaphosa] preferential treatment over other accused persons, simply because he happens to be president. There is no separate law for presidents (or even former presidents) and another law for ‘ordinary’ people.”

Zuma brought the criminal case against Ramaphosa on charges of being an accessory to the fact or defeating the ends of justice. Zuma alleges that Ramaphosa failed to act following an incident where the National Prosecuting Authority (NPA) allegedly unlawfully leaked his medical records to the media.

He said Ramaphosa was specifically mentioned in the docket of the case against NPA prosecutor Billy Downer SC and Media24 journalist Karyn Maughan. “The alleged principal crimes were committed on 9 August 2022, the accessory crime was committed after 25 August 2022 (ie, after the commission and completion of the principal crime) and the charges were laid with the police on 21 October 2022.”

According to Zuma’s court papers in the high court in Johannesburg, Ramaphosa’s application to block the private prosecution was based on the claims of an improper motive and political conspiracy. Ramaphosa also claimed that the private prosecutor, Zuma, lacked standing to try the criminal case.

“Incidentally, when I recently launched a similar attack on the prosecutor’s title to prosecute … a judgment was granted against me mainly on the basis that such a challenge should be brought during or at the end of my criminal trial.”

Zuma continued: “My appeals against that ruling on grounds including the issue of the appropriate stage at which such a challenge ought to be determined were serially dismissed by the SCA and the Constitutional Court on four separate occasions.”

He said there was also case law which “puts it beyond doubt that an improper motive is not an adequate ground for escaping prosecution”. He said 10 years ago, the Supreme Court of Appeal (SCA) declined to review and set aside a decision by the NPA to prosecute him based on similar allegations of a political conspiracy.

“My case was not materially different from the case now advanced by the applicant in this court. I said at the time that the NPA’s decision to prosecute me was politically motivated,” Zuma said.

The SCA said then that “a prosecution is not wrongful merely because it is brought for an improper purpose. It will only be wrongful if, in addition, reasonable and probable grounds for prosecuting are absent … ”

Zuma said he was determined to ensure that Ramaphosa faced the might of the law.

“For the avoidance of any doubt, I demonstrate below and categorically that my sole intention is to secure conviction and punishment of the applicant. The offence for which he is charged carries the possible heavy penalty of 15 years imprisonment. It is no light matter.”

He said: “For the record, even if [Ramaphosa] may be temporarily and erroneously allowed to escape by the employment of technicalities and his other delaying tactics, all that will happen will be to address those technicalities and eventually to pursue his inevitable conviction. Nothing will deter me, as the victim, from the ultimate goal of the attainment of justice against all those who have criminally participated, directly or indirectly, in my deliberate humiliation at the hands of my prosecutors turned persecutors.”

Zuma said Ramaphosa’s attack on his private prosecution was no different from his case more than a decade ago. “If indeed all are equal before the law, he should be treated in the same way I was and as all other accused persons are daily treated in our criminal courts. Given the binding precedent of the apex court and the SCA in substantially similar circumstances, the question that now faces this court is this: does the president of the country get presented with a get-out-of-jail-free pass which is premised on an alleged ulterior motive, just because he is the president who enjoys the support of the mainstream media which, by design, influences public sentiment towards or against certain political players depending on their political and economic views?”

Zuma was wary that the interdict application could be “judged as a mainstream media popularity contest between a media-maligned former president and the incumbent based on public perceptions of what each represents”.

“All these questions will ring in the minds of ordinary South Africans – and rightly so, given South Africa’s current political landscape where people perceived as ‘opponents’ of [Ramaphosa] tend to be politically targeted,” he said.

He said that he was “wrongly associated in the mainstream media and others who harbour personal animosity” towards him, including Ramaphosa, with “state capture” and ‘nine wasted years“ even though Ramaphosa ”was my loyal deputy“ for a substantial period and was the leader of government business including state-owned enterprises in which the alleged ”state capture“ was supposed to have occurred.


We will Force Kalonzo into Presidency, Declares Wavinya


On Sunday, January 14, 2024, Machakos Governor Wavinya Ndeti informed Wiper party leader Kalonzo Musyoka to prepare for the presidential race in 2027.

Ndeti asserted that politicians aligned with the Wiper leader and the Kamba community will actively work to secure his victory in the 2027 General Elections.

“We have already informed you,(Kalonzo), we are not requesting the Presidential seat for you. We shall force you there. Our decision is already made,” the governor said amid cheers.

Ndeti also encouraged Kalonzo to stop campaigning solely in the Kamba region and divert his efforts to other parts of the country, aiming to broaden his support base in preparation for 2027.

“Tour the country (Kenya). Leave Ukambani (to us). Don’t worry about us in Ukambani. We are good and we know ourselves,” she stated.

Kalonzo’s Presidential Declaration

This follows Kalonzo’s recent declaration that he intends to contest the 2027 General Election, positioning himself on the ballot to challenge President William Ruto for the top seat.

“Kenyans should, by now, be knowing who President Ruto’s main challenger in 2027 is. I am the one. Even the president himself announced my bid for the top seat recently,” Kalonzo said.

The Wiper party leader characterized the 2027 Presidential race as thrilling, particularly if his ally Raila Odinga chooses to make another attempt and vie for the top seat.

“Nothing will stop me, not even Azimio member parties fielding candidates. Even if the presidential race is crowded I will be in there. If Raila decides to vie for the presidency, it will be an exciting race. In 2022 I decided not to vie in favour of Raila but I don’t expect any payback from him,” Kalonzo said.

Court Declares Fubara’s N800bn 2024 Budget Illegal


The Federal High Court sitting in Abuja, has nullified and set aside the presentation and passage of the N800 billion 2024 budget by a group of four-member legislators in the state, led by Edison Ehie.

In a judgment delivered by Justice James Omotosho, the court nullified the signing of the budget into law by the Governor.

Justice Omotosho, ordered Fubara to re-present the budget to the legally constituted House of Assembly under the Speaker, Martin Amaewhule.

The judge also quashed the withholding of the House of Assembly fund on the ground, declaring that he had no constitutional power to do so.

READ MORE: Rivers Crisis: “I Don’t Want To Be Remembered For Negative Things” – Fubara

The presiding judge also restrained the state’s Governor from frustrating the House of Assembly under Amaewhule from sitting or interfering in the affairs of the House.

Justice Omotosho also voided the Governor’s redeployment of the Clerk and the Deputy Clerk and ordered both officials to resume office immediately and unhindered.

He also directed the Inspector General of Police to immediately give adequate security to the Speaker and legislators loyal to former Governor Nyesom Wike.

The judge also barred the National Assembly from taking over the Rivers State House of Assembly or accepting or treating any request from Governor Fubara.

Justice Omotosho also ordered Governor Fubara to release all monies standing in the credit of the House of Assembly to Martin Amaewhule.

Police Nab Adamawa ‘Ghost’ For Defrauding Residents


Malam Sabo,Muhammad Abubakar

The Adamawa State Police Command has confirmed the arrest of one Muhammad Abubakar also known as Malam Sabo, 59, who disguises as a ghost to defraud the public.

The Nigeria Police Force made this known in a Tuesday statement, adding that the suspect is an “habitual 419” individual.

“Mostly, the suspect hides his identity, pretending to be a Ghost, talking to his Victims with different voices.

READ ALSO: Kwara Entrepreneur Remanded Over N170m Contract Fraud

“The suspect, at times changes his voice sound to that of a woman or a child to dupe his victims.

“Recently he tricked and duped one Abba Bale of Demsawo of the sum of three Hundred thousand (N300,000.00)”, the statement disclosed.

According to the spokesperson for the police in Adamawa State, Suleiman Nguroje, Abubakar would be charged in court after the completion of the police investigation.

Debt Exchange: We are elevating it to a legal matter – Minority


The Minority in Parliament has said it is preparing to subject the debt exchange programme to legal scrutiny.

Minority Leader, Haruna Iddrisu in an interview with Evans Mensah on Top Story, Monday explained that per Article 181 (5) of the 1992 Constitution, the Minister needed appro from Parliament before announcing any haircut on all government bonds, loans and instruments since Parliament approved those bonds.

Article 181(5) of the 1992 Constitution requires that all international business or economic transactions to which the Government is a party must be laid before Parliament for appro before it can come into effect.

He believes the Minister may have breached Article 181(5) of the Constitution.

“We are even beginning to elevate this matter to a legal constitutional matter as to whether or not the Minister of Finance suo moto, by himself as an individual can undo what the sovereign Parliament of Ghana has done pursuant to Article 181(5) of the constitution.

“All those loans, all those bonds, all those instruments their terms and conditions were approved by Parliament including debt of domestic bonds, contractual relationships have been entered into. How can the Finance Minister allocate to himself the mandate to do this even without information to Parliament or with its prior appro?” Haruna Iddrisu quizzed.

According to the Tamale South MP, Ken Ofori-Atta has also deceived Ghanaians since he first announced that individual bonds will not be included in the debt exchange.

“When he appeared in Parliament with his 2023 Budget, he was very terce with information on the debt exchange. He refused to even apprise Parliament of the parameters and details of the exchange.

“He misled and deceived the Ghanaian public that there will be no haircut, that individual bonds will not be affected. He is now back to include them.”

Government has extended the deadline for registration for the debt exchange programme to January 31. This is the third extension of deadline.

But the Minority at a press conference on Monday said the extension will amount to nothing and called for an immediate suspension of the programme.

“We in the NDC, the Minority group call on President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo to immediately suspend the ongoing debt exchange programme. It is already failing”, Haruna Iddrisu stressed.

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GH¢3bn needed to sustain school feeding programme


Education think tank, Africa Education Watch, has said a 200 percent increase in the cost of the school feeding programme is required for the provision of quality food to beneficiaries.

This according to the think tank is the response to the ongoing demand for an increase in the cost of feeding and the payment of arrears owed caterers under the initiative.

The percentage increase will close the GH¢3 billion gap with the intervention to improve the quality of food provided to students.

Kofi Asare, Executive Director of Africa Education Watch, told Citi News that the government must adopt the automatic adjustment formula of financing the policy to keep it from collapsing.

“What the caterers need is not a 10 percent adjustment in the unit cost of feeding. It wouldn’t do anything. At least a 200 percent increase in the feeding budget is GH¢3 billion and that is required to provide decent food for children in basic schools to be consistent with what government is paying for in providing lunch at the SHS level.”

Some caterers under the government’s school feeding programme have withdrawn their services after school resumed on Tuesday, April 4.

The decision to withdraw their services comes after the caterers threatened to lay down their tools following the government’s failure to pay arrears owed them.

The caterers who are also demanding an increment in the amount government pays per child daily from GHp 97 to GH¢3 say the current amount is unsustainable because of the current state of the economy and its accompanying high cost of food commodities.

In some public basic schools, Citi News visited within Kumasi, headteachers confirmed that they are not expecting to receive food for the pupils under the government’s school feeding program on Tuesday as the caterers have informed them that they are not cooking.

“The Minster of Finance must review the framework and ensure that expenditure allocation and projection for the Ghana school feeding program is consistent with the exigencies of the time in terms of the nutritional needs of the students, inflationary trends”, Kofi Asare added.

Joe Vibe Ready For The World


Joe Vibe 


Ghanaian Afrobeat singer and producer Samson Ocansey, also known as Joe Vibe, is making waves in the music industry with his unique blend of Afrobeat sounds.

With his debut single “Who’s Your Daddy,” Joe Vibe is ready to take the world by storm.

Joe Vibe’s passion for music started in high school in 2016, and he has since honed his skills as a singer, songwriter, and producer.

He is currently signed to Highly Spiritual and hails from Labadi in the Greater Accra Region.

Born to John Bosco Ahuma Tetteh Ocansey aka Daddy Bosco, and Mrs. Joyce Naa Djama Kpobi Ocansey, Joe Vibe attended Calvary International School and St. Martins Senior High School from 2013–2016. He furthered his education at Accra Film School from 2016–2018, where he obtained a Diploma in Editing and Animation.

He also holds a Certificate in Sound Specialisation from the National Film and Television Institute (NAFTI), as part of the Academy organised by the Musicians Union of Ghana (MUSIGA) in collaboration with NAFTI.

Joe Vibe is an artist who’s not afraid to take risks and go against the norm to achieve his dreams. His debut single, “Who’s Your Daddy,” is a testament to his unique style, blending traditional Afrobeat sounds with modern beats to create a fresh sound that’s sure to get fans dancing.

According to him, his decision to go into music was, “To express myself since music has been my dream from childhood.” Vibe is signed to Kaywa’s Highly Spiritual label.

Be sure to check out Joe Vibe’s debut single “Who’s Your Daddy” and help spread the word about this rising star in the music industry.

Negotiations to return Asante regalia started over 50 years ago – Agyemang-Duah –


Dr. Ivor Agyemang-Duah, a prominent Ghanaian historian and advisor to Asantehene Otumfuo Osei Tutu II, has shared insights into successful negotiations with the British Museum and Victoria & Albert Museum for the return of Asante regalia to the Manhyia Palace in Ghana.

In a groundbreaking cultural collaboration, the Manhyia Palace Museum, the Victoria & Albert Museum in London, and the British Museum have disclosed plans for the display of gold and silver regalia linked to the Asante royal court at the Palace Museum in Kumasi.

This display is part of a significant long-term loan commitment by the V&A and the British Museum.

The announcement marks a historic moment as many of these regal items, unseen in Ghana for over 150 years, will return to their roots. Dr. Ivor Agyemang-Duah detailed the negotiations, revealing that talks unfolded during the Asantehene’s visit to London in 2023.

In an interview on Citi Breakfast Show, Dr. Agyemang-Duah highlighted the concerns raised by past Asante rulers regarding the regalia held by the British Museum.

“This issue of bringing back these items [artefacts] has been on the drawing board for over half a century. And it’s not just an immediate concern. It has been a concern of about three or four past Asantehenes. But this year is critical in the sense that it must be the 150 years of the war, 100 years since the return of Agyemang Prempeh from exile in Seychelles and 25 years of the current Asantehene Osei Tutu II on the stool.

He added, “While in London in May 2023, having official discussions with directors of these museums, he [Asantehene] reopened negotiations and asked two of us [myself and British professor of African and Asante history, Malcolm McLeod], to help in the technical decisions that will be reached. We have been working on it for the last nine months and that brings us where we are today.”

The Ghanaian historian indicated that the artefacts would be sorted to see the ones that were looted, stating that the ones from the Victoria & Albert Museum were stolen.

Asked why the stolen regalia are being loaned to the Manhyia Palace, he underscored the importance of the strict laws governing the two museums.

“The historical antecedents of that bring itself to the question you asked, the moral rights. But there is also the other side to deal with, the laws of antiquity in the UK. These are national museums governed by very strict laws. And these laws do not permit them to give back permanently objects that were looted, stolen or whatever. And so that has also been the constraining factor in all those discussions that have on over the last 50 years,” he said.


Kuami Eugene exposed for stealing “Canopy” song from Kwame Yogot –


Lynx Entertainment’s signed artist, Kuami Eugene known also in the entertainment fraternity as Rockstar has been exposed over song theft.

The musician released a new song dubbed “Canopy” to shame his enemies who wished for his death.

The song even though has been trending across social media platforms, news emerging is that the song does not belong to the Rockstar.

Reacting to the release of the new song, Robest Music, King Promise’s lookalike has said that the song does not belong to Kuami Eugene.

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According to him, the song belongs to Ghanaian rapper, Kwame Yogot.

He claims Kwame Yogot featured Kuami Eugene on the song and wanted to release it last year, however, issues with his management did not allow him to release it.

Robest Music claims he got the opportunity to listen to the song severally when he got the chance to stay at Kwame Yogot’s house for some months.

Meanwhile, Kuami Eugene is yet to respond to the allegations leveled against him.


Scott McTominay & Andrew Robertson lead charge to put Scotland in reach of history –


Scotland are still alive at Euro 2024 after Wednesday night’s 1-1 draw against Switzerland, knowing that victory in their third group game against Hungary should be enough to make the knockout stage as one of the competition’s best-ranked third place teams.

It’s immediately worth stating that four points has never not been enough to escape the group stage in the eight-year history of the 24-team European Championship format.

No Scottish national team – male or female – has ever gone beyond the group stage of a European Championship or World Cup in 13 previous attempts stretching back 70 years. But with the most favourable of their fixtures now to come, the power to change that is almost certainly their own.

Scottish fans were looking for a response following the humiliation of a calamitous 5-1 defeat at the hands of Germany on the opening night of the tournament last Friday, with all-action performances from the much-improved Andrew Robertson and Scott McTominay leading the charge.

Both were involved as Scotland went ahead 13 minutes in. The move started for Steve Clarke’s side defending a corner, but the skill and vision of Brighton’s Billy Gilmour to smartly take the ball down and play it into the path of Robertson to set the rapid counter in motion

The skipper drove and drove into Swiss territory, laying off to Callum McGregor, whose cutback was swept goalward by McTominay. It was well struck with his weaker left foot but straight at goalkeeper Yann Sommer, only for a wild swing of Fabian Schar’s leg to take it beyond the Inter stopper.

Scott McTominay kept his cool when his chance came / James Gill – Danehouse/GettyImages

Right then, Scotland could taste the knockout stage, but they were quickly brought crashing back to earth by a stunning strike from Xherdan Shaqiri. The ex-Stoke and Liverpool attacker has been plying his trade for Chicago Fire in MLS since 2022 but showed no signs of having lost his wow factor. In reality, it was a poor mistake from Scotland right-back Anthony Ralston, playing a loose ball across goal into Shaqiri’s path. It definitely wasn’t a gimme, though, 20 yards from goal and in front of the line of the near post. Yet he struck it first time with his left foot, curving the ball just inside the upright.

As both sides searched for a winner, Robertson’s in-swinging free-kick midway through the second half was inches away from restoring Scotland’s lead as Grant Hanley’s header came back off the post. Breel Embolo later had the ball in the net for Switzerland, only for an offside flag to rule it out.

It finished all square and Scotland’s still haven’t won a game at a major tournament since Euro ’96 when Ally McCoist’s solitary goal at Villa Park was enough to beat, ironically, Switzerland.

Victory against a so far point-less Hungary at the weekend is the ask now. A draw won’t be enough, but there was plenty on display against a Swiss side basically assured of a knockout place for the sixth major tournament in a row – a record among current teams within Europe that is bettered only by France – to suggest they can get the job done when Sunday comes.

Fourth Session of the Eighth Parliament reconvenes on Tuesday, February 6 


By Elsie Appiah-Osei 

Accra, Jan 22, GNA- The Fourth Session of the Eighth Parliament will commence on Tuesday, February 6, 2024. 

A statement dated January 17, 2024, issued by the office of Mr Alban Bagbin, the Speaker of Parliament and copied to the Ghana News Agency, Accra on Monday said: “KNOW YE ALL MEN that in the exercise of the powers conferred on the Speaker by clause (1) of article 112 of the Constitution, I, Rt. Hon. Alban Sumana Kingsford Bagbin, Speaker of Parliament, by this Constitutional Instrument, appoint Parliament House, Accra, to be the place, and 10 O’clock in the forenoon of Tuesday, 6th February 2024 to be the date and time which the Fourth Session of the Eighth Parliament of the Fourth Republic shall commence.” 

The Third Meeting of the Third Session of the Eighth Parliament, which commenced on Tuesday, October 31, 2023, adjourned sine die on Saturday, December 23, 2023, for the yuletide. 

The House, which was scheduled to adjourn sine die on Friday, December 22, 2023, however, before the recess, in the early hours of Saturday, December 23, 2023, passed the Appropriation Bill for the fiscal year ending, on December 31, 2023, during the marathon all-night sitting. 


Bullhaus Entertainment unveils maiden album “Horns Up”


Ghanaian-based label owned by Lawrence Asiamah Hanson popularly known as Bullgod, Bullhaus Entertainment has released its much-awaited album dubbed ‘Horns Up’

Bullgod took to his social media pages to announce the release of the project with a trailer a few days ago.

In the post, he captioned the trailer with anticipation which led to much eagerness from his followers. In the early hours of Friday 1st March, the official artwork of the album was released to officially announce the release.

This body of work turns out to be the maiden album of the record label. It is a twenty-track album which features Vanilla and top musicians such as Tinny, Fameye, Medikal, Kwabena Kwabena, Captain Planet 4X4 and Kelvynboy.

As a well-curated collective, the “Horns Up” album consists of an array of diverse music genres for consumption. It is crafted for the good listening pleasure of all music lovers around the globe.

Genius Selection, Ubeatz, David Bolton, Mr Herry, Gigzbeatz and Linkinbeats contributed to the production of this project.

Stream the album below


Two nabbed for posing as ECG revenue mobilization taskforce members


Two persons have been arrested for parading themselves as members of the Electricity Company of Ghana (ECG) revenue mobilization taskforce.

The duo has also been alleged to be issuing disconnection notices and engaged in the collection of money on behalf of the company.

Samuel Afful, 49, and Perry K. Asamoah, 38, were arrested at Kojo Krom by the police.

This was after an ECG-led investigation following an official complaint lodged by an ECG customer.

“Two gentlemen went to an establishment yesterday and issued a notice that the company owes ECG, and they had come to collect an amount of GH¢11,000. So, there was a tip-off from the customer that these gentlemen on their premises were shady. We have been able to make the arrest, and they have gone through the process to confirm that they are indeed not staff.”

The two are currently in the grips of the police and will be facing prosecution in the coming days according to the power distribution company.

“They are now in the custody of the police and will be taken through the process of verification”, she added.

NPP trains 376 of members of its organizing wings in Ashanti for election 2024


By Muyid Deen Suleman

Kumasi Jan. 12, GNA – The New Patriotic Party (NPP) has trained 376 members of its organizing wings in the Ashanti Region ahead of the 2024 general elections.

They were taken through a series of training to equip them with the requisite knowledge to undertake their mandates effectively as the party prepares for the general elections.

Mr Francis Adomako, Ashanti Regional Organiser of the party, told the Ghana News Agency that the training was intended to sharpen the knowledge and skills of the participants in campaign activities, grass-root mobilization and election management.

The training was also used to remind the organisers at the various levels of the party of their duties, and what their mandates enjoin them to do.

‘’As the Regional Organiser, I decided to begin the training for those who work directly under me so that we can collectively sharpen our skills and stand in readiness to campaign for the NPP ahead of the upcoming election 2024, where we envisage to win a third term mandate in government,’’Mr Adomako said.

He said the NPP was alert this time around to start work early to ensure that it stood in full readiness for the electioneering processes, including outdoor campaigning.

Mr Adomako said the party had learnt from the past mistakes in 2008, when after a sterling performance by the John Agyekum Kufuor administration, NDC members unfortunately, were able to use deceit and propagandist tactics to get the populace to vote out the NPP in the general elections.

This time around, he said NPP was carrying out training and orientation for members of its organizing wings early so they would be able to propagate the party’s policies as well as remind the public about the performance of the Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo government from 2017 to date.

Mr Adomako said the NPP was focused to break the eight and would not be complacent because the party knew it was an arduous task.

It was, therefore, training its foot-soldiers on time to ensure that they carry out their work early, while promoting government policies of the party.

Madam Ama Konadu Boateng, Subin Constituency Women’s Organiser, said she was hopeful the training would imbibe in them a sense of alertness to be able to carry out their tasks and mandates very well.

She was optimistic that the training would equip them with the requisite knowledge and skills to undertake their activities effectively and efficiently as the election approaches.

Alhaji Abouba, Manhyia South Constituency Organiser, commended the Regional Organiser for the training and hoped that breaking the eight-year governance circle was possible.

He noted that the training would surely enable them to sharpen their skills as well as equip them with methods to galvanise the support needed to secure another mandate in government.


Male Teacher Caught On Camera Doing It With A Female Student In Class (Watch Video)


The Ghana Education Service (GES) has recently urged instructors not to engage in sexual relationships with students.

Teachers who have been labeled “notorious sexual predators” have been sanctioned for violating the code of conduct by having affairs with students.

Despite the severity of the penalties, some rogue instructors continue to engage in sexual actions with pupils, despite the serious professional implications.

We have discovered a video purportedly showing a teacher and a female student of Akuse Methodist Senior High Technical School busy romancing.

The heinous conduct between the teacher and the pupil occurred, interestingly, in the classroom.

Though the girl’s face is hidden, numerous social media users have praised her for her enticing approach. bestshowbiz.com

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FilmOne Recognises Ruth Kadiri’s Production Skills, Honours Her With An Award


Ruth Kadiri, a Nollywood actress, has been named FilmOne’s Producer of the Week on social media.

FilmOne is a prominent entertainment firm in Nigeria. They praised her for her labour behind the scenes.

The firm announced Ruth Kadiri’s award on Instagram, stating that her recent film has won the hearts of people all around the world.

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The post reads;

“Today, we’re excited to shine the spotlight on this talented industry veteran, @ruthkadiri.

She has captured the hearts of fans around the world with her relatable and heartfelt movies.

Shine on! 👏👏”

See below;

“You Can’t Turn Deaf Ear”


Folarin Falana often known as Falz, a Nigerian artist and rapper, has reacted to the ongoing national protests against bad administration.

Nigerians began a nationwide demonstration to end bad governance on August 1st, and Friday marked the second day of the protest.

Renowned for his unwavering opposition to poor leadership, Falz took to the microblogging site X on Friday to lament President Tinubu’s callous disregard for the demonstration.

READ MORE: “We Deserve Better” – Blackface Backs Protest, Warns Against Destructive Behavior

In a series of tweets, he questioned how long the president wants to continue pushing the masses until everything falls apart.

He tweeted,

“Genuinely don’t know why it’s so difficult to be humane. They say make you leave am, you no gree. Say na your birthright. You can’t now turn a deaf ear. You tried to make it look like the protests were “politically motivated”. Shebi una don see now? How long do you think you can keep on pushing the people back before it blows up in your face ?”


‘Jezebel’ Daughters Have Taken Over Nollywood – Charles Inojie


Charles Inojie


Nollywood actor and director, Charles Inojie, has asserted that there is “an army of Jezebel daughters” in the Nigerian movie industry.

He said their agenda is to lure directors and producers into giving them movie roles in exchange for sex.

The ace filmmaker spoke in the latest episode of The Honest Bunch Podcast co-hosted by Chinedu Ani Emmanuel, aka Nedu.

He said the issue of sex-for-role in Nollywood is not perpetrated by just filmmakers, but also some actresses who throw themselves at them to get movie roles.

Inojie said, “There are some actresses who can do anything just to be in front of the camera. And when you meet a character who is not properly formed as the director or producer, he will fall. So, there are actresses like that. The issue of sex-for-role is not just one-way. It is a two-way thing.

“There is also an army of Jezebel daughters looking for directors and producers to fall… So, the level of desperation among some of these girls is also an issue.

“That’s why they are quick to fall into the booby traps set by a lot of producers and directors with characters that are not properly formed; people who came from very shaky backgrounds.”




Okpebholo Not Edo APC Legitimate Guber Candidate — Idahosa Writes INEC


Primary Poll: Idahosa Emerges Edo APC Guber Candidate
Dennis Idahosa

Following All Progressives Congress’ (APC) declaration and issuance of Certificate of Return to Monday Okpebholo as governorship candidate, another primary election contestant, Dennis Idahosa, says he is the valid candidate of the Party for the Edo State September poll.

Idahosa, who wrote to the Independent National Electoral Commission, (INEC), asked the electoral umpire not to accord recognition to Okpebholo.

In a letter dated March 4th 2024, addressed to INEC Chairman Mahmood Yakubu, counsel to Idahosa, Chief Wole Olanipekun informed the electoral umpire that a suit, No.FHC/ABJ/CS/274/2024 has been instituted to challenge the declaration of Senator Okpebholo as APC standard-bearer.

Olanipekun in the letter noted that the February 17 2024 primary where Idahosa was declared winner by Senator Hope Uzodinnma remained the valid process and not the 20th February won by Senator Okpebholo.

Idahosa maintained that the latest primary was not a standalone election but a continuation of the February 17th exercise and so the results of the 17th exercise cannot be jettisoned.

Monday Okpebholo
Monday Okpebholo

“The record of INEC/the Commission will show that, under your leadership, the Commission monitored the Edo State APC primary election for the nomination of the Governorship candidate of the APC pursuant to the prior notification that the primary election will specifically hold on 17th February, 2024. The primary election was indeed held, and our client garnered 40,453 votes (a copy of the result certified by INEC is attached herein as Annexure 1). INEC’s report of monitoring the election confirms that, at the end of the process, our client was returned as the duly elected candidate of the APC (a copy of the INEC report as certified by the Commission is attached as Annexure 2). The APC primary election committee that conducted the election also confirmed that our client won the election as evidenced by a report signed by all members of the committee (without a single instance of dissent).

READ ALSO: Okpebholo Emerges Rerun APC Guber Candidate In Edo

“Our client is aware that the APC subsequently confirmed to INEC that the primary election held as scheduled on 17th February, 2024; however, without giving any reason, indicated that the election was inconclusive and will be completed on 22nd February, 2024 and invited INEC to monitor the completion exercise. At the end and in respect of the completion exercise, Sen. Monday Okpebholo was said to have scored 12, 433 votes whilst our client was allocated 6,541 votes. Sen. Monday Okpebholo scored 100 votes at the primary election of 17th February, 2024 (a copy of the result sheet from the completion primary election on 22nd February, 2024 certified by INEC is attached as Annexure 3). Our client disagrees that the primary election of 17th February, 2024 was inconclusive or that there was any basis to schedule what was described as a completion of the process. Suit No. FHC/ABJ/CS/ 274/2024 has been instituted to ventilate that challenge.

“As things stand, INEC is in custody of two results for the APC primary election for the 2024 Governorship election in Edo State (one dated 17th February, 2024, and the other dated 23rd February, 2024). The summation of the votes in both results demonstrates clearly that our client won the primary election even if his votes from the 17th February, 2024 results are the only ones reckoned with. Put differently, an addition of the votes of all the other aspirants from both results will neither match nor supersede our client’s votes from 17th February, 2024.At best (assuming it is valid), the completion primary election of 22nd February,2024 was a supplementary election. Fortunately, the Commission under your leadership has had cause to conduct supplementary elections including the 2018 governorship election in Osun State where a winner was declared by INEC upon a summation of the votes from the main and supplementary election. The decision of the Commission to make a return incorporating both balloting exercises (since they were part of the same process) was affirmed by the Supreme Court in Adeleke v. Oyetola (2020) 6 NWLR (Pt. 1721) 440 at 555.

“Prior to the Osun scenario, INEC had also declared the 2016 governorship election in Kogi State inconclusive and conducted a supplementary election. The Commission declared a winner upon the summation of the votes from both balloting exercises and the correctness of same was affirmed by the Supreme Court in Faleke v. INEC (2016) 18 NWLR (Pt. 1543) 61 at 121.

“The representation by APC to INEC that the process of 22nd February,2024,was a completion acknowledges that it is not a standalone and indeed has its foundation in the election of 17th February, 2024. In the prevailing circumstances, it has thus become compelling that the Commission maintains fidelity with its earlier referenced precedents in Kogi and Osun States and takes full cognizance of the results from the 17th February, 2024 primary election in accepting and subsequently publishing the nomination of APC’s candidate. The Commission will also appreciate that there are pending reliefs for injunction in Suit No.FHC/ABJ/CS/274/2024 and are urged not to take any step that will either pre-empt the court or prejudice the ongoing judicial process,” the letter read.

Momo fraud: Don’t entertain conversations about your account


Mobile telecommunication network, MTN is calling on the public to be vigilant in order not to fall victim to mobile money fraud.

In recent years, many subscribers have complained about how they have been defrauded. These scammers trick them (unsuspecting persons) into believing that they are officials of mobile telecom companies and end up defrauding them.

Despite the many times such incidents keep recurring, people continue to fall victim, as they lose money on their mobile wallets.

Speaking at a media and stakeholders’ forum organized by MTN, the telecom giant stressed the need for the public to be vigilant and should not entertain calls in relation to their mobile money account.

“I am not prepared to listen to you once you initiate any conversation on my mobile account. It is just like your bank account. They are all accounts except one is sitting in the bank, and it is managed for me. The other is within my control. I manage it so, in any of these conversations, I am not ready to build consensus with you. Genuine or not genuine, I am not prepared to build consensus with you, so please let’s be a bit careful when people call and try to do certain things. Sometimes I feel we become a bit gullible by listening to some of these. Don’t entertain that conversation at all, so you don’t lose your money at the end of the day,” Simon Amoh, Senior Commercial Manager in charge of Trade and Sales-Northern Business District noted.

On his part, the Acting Chief Enterprise Business Officer, Daniel Asare stated that MTN is putting stringent measures in place to help fight mobile money fraud.

“Sometimes, you will find out that a SIM has been deactivated, but the fraudster knows that you used that SIM to link your bank or whatever, and they try to use the online to access it. (With the intervention we are coming up with)You can check and see that this SIM is deactivated, this SIM has been recycled so instead of Daniel, it is being used by Simon so go and get Simon. So these are some of the improvements we are bringing to help address some of the issues we have in the market”.

Election 2024: We’ll ensure every ‘stolen property’ is recovered


The National Democratic Congress (NDC) has vowed to reclaim any property unlawfully acquired under the current administration if it wins the upcoming December 7 general elections.

Osman Ayariga, the Deputy Youth Organiser of the NDC and convenor of the Operation Recover All Loot (ORAL) Brigade, stated that a future NDC government would prioritise the recovery of state assets allegedly misappropriated by appointees of the New Patriotic Party (NPP).

In an interview on Citi FM’s Eyewitness News, Ayariga emphasised that the NDC is committed to ensuring that all ill-gotten wealth or property is returned to the state.

He noted that this initiative has gained widespread support among Ghanaians, and the party will not relent in its efforts to recover any looted assets.

“The next NDC administration is promising the good people of this country that whatever it is that this [New Patriotic Party] NPP administration has looted from this country, be it state lands, be it contracts and state properties, we will institute Operation Recover All Loot to ensure that all is recovered and the young people of the country have bought into this idea.”

He added that “ORAL is to start unearthing all the rot and the loot in this country and we are demanding that this current administration takes the necessary actions and steps to make sure that most of these bloated contracts are either stopped or abrogated, and there should be a value-for-money audit and there should be some recovery of some loot in this country.”

Osman Ayariga further assured that the ORAL Brigade will continue to chase after every looted property even if it involves persons affiliated with or appointed by the NDC.

“We have said time without number that it is not just a one-off thing and this is going to continue even beyond the elections and we are going to go after government officials who will decide to loot and we will go after everyone including the persons affiliated with the NDC.”

Members of the ORAL Brigade gathered at the Finance Ministry on Wednesday, September 4 and protested against alleged financial mismanagement under the Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo-led government.

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Fraud Suspect Arrested For Using Delta SSG Picture To Scam Job Seekers Of N10m


One Samsom Ibiloma has been detained by the Delta State Police Command for posing as the Secretary of the State Government, Dr. Kingsley Emu, and also involving in other fraudulent activities.

On November 1, Ibiloma was taken into custody at Walter Odili Street in the Uvwie Local Government Area, close to Enerhen Junction.

The suspect has been identified as a fraudster who swindles people of their money under the pretence of securing jobs for them. He has confessed that one Stephen Odeemero is their gang leader.

READ MORE: ‘We’re Kicking Out Keke Napep, Some Of Them Are Criminals’ – Wike 

In a statement posted on Wednesday by the state Police Public Relations Officer, DSP Edafe Bright on his X account said, “The suspect Samson Ibiloma is a suspected fraudster who swindles people of their money in the guise of giving them jobs. He was impersonating the secretary to the Delta State Government Hon Kingsley Emu.

“He registered a sim card, used True Caller to change the name to Hon Kingsley Emu, and then opened a WhatsApp page, used the picture of the SSG as DP. He has so far scammed his victims over Ten Million naira (#10,000,000). Acting on technically generated intelligence, he was arrested by the Command’s Decoy squad,” he added.

The Commissioner of Police thereby urged individuals who had fallen prey to their fraudulent schemes to approach the command’s headquarters or the PPRO office for assistance.

Here’s how Dr Okoe Boye will deal with brain drain in health sector –


The minister-designated for Health, Dr. Bernard Okoe Boye, has revealed his intention to actively engage with health workers to address the issue of professionals seeking opportunities abroad.

In an interview following his appointment on February 14, 2024, Dr. Okoe Boye stressed the importance of fostering relationships and collaborations within the healthcare sector.

He highlighted that impactful change often stems, not only from government programmes but also from meaningful engagements with various stakeholders, citinewsroom.com reported.

Dr. Okoe Boye said, “Sometimes, it is not the programmes you introduce but the relationships you make and keep and having the right things in place. When you talk to people, they will know that they have someone who is willing to listen to them and help you achieve your goals. If you make the stakeholders happy and understand what you are about, then you are well on your way to making a mark.”

Additionally, Dr. Okoe Boye also made reference to two key policies implemented by President John Agyekum Kufuor to curb the emigration of healthcare professionals between 2001 and 2009.

He mentioned that, “When Kufour came, there were two major interventions that he put in place and all of a sudden, the immigration of doctors slowed down. He established the Ghana College of Physicians and Surgeons, and before he came, for you to become a specialist, you had to go to Sierra Leone, the Gambia, and others had to go to the UK to be a specialist. Because doctors could not see their way clear in terms of advancing themselves, they had no option than to leave. But once the College was established, it slowed down immigration significantly.

“The second was a waiver for importing cars because most doctors said they struggled a lot to own a car, and so a waiver was given, which slowed down the immigration. So, I will meet them, and when you meet those in the field, they can tell you two, three things that when you put in place, their state of mind and pressure calm down, and I believe it is possible.” the health minister designate added.

Dr Okoe Boye is replacing Kwaku Agyeman Manu who has been health minister since Akufo-Addo’s first term as president.


I’ll amend Minerals Act; chiefs will be involved in licensing – Bawumia


New Patriotic Party’s (NPP) flagbearer, Dr Mahamudu Bawumia, has announced plans to amend the Minerals Act when elected President in the December 7 election.

This amendment, he explained will ensure the involvement of traditional leaders in licensing miners in the country.

According to him, the non-involvement of traditional authorities in mining licensing is a significant issue facing the Small-Scale Mining Sector.

The Vice President made the pledge Dr Bawumia while addressing the Western Regional House of Chiefs on Thursday as part of his campaign tour.

“We want to formalise small-scale mining, but we cannot be successful without the participation of Chiefs. The chiefs have to be part of the licensing of miners in their locality. They have to be part of the whole process.

“And so, we have to make the necessary amendments to the Mining Act to do all of this. Decentralise the Mineral Commission to be in the various districts, decentralise the Environmental Protection Agency,” he announced.

“I was as proud as a lion” Okiki Afolayan reminisces on his daughter’s birth as she turns one


Nollywood actor and filmmaker, Okiki Afolayan has joined his wife, Bimbo Afolayan in celebrating their daughter, Viola as she turns one today.

In a lengthy post on his Instagram page, the excited father reminisced on his daughter’s birth, which he claimed took away his darkness and made him a man.

Describing her birth as the best day in his life, he recounted how he held her in his arms.

Expressing how blessed he is to be her father, he rained prayers on her.

The actor didn’t fail to shower praises on his wife, Bimbo Afolayan who he described as a good wife and good mother.

“Today marks the anniversary of the day that my little princess entered the world, the very best day of my life.

Viola when you were born… I remember that special day in the hospital. I was as proud as a lion is. You took all the darkness away.

The first time I held you in my arms was the best day of my life.
That day I became a man.

I am truly blessed to be the father of such a beautiful baby girl.

My darling @violaafolayan may God provide as many blessings for the rest of your life as he did in this miraculous first year of your life.

God, please continue to give her sound health and a wonderful mind.

Agbeke mi @bimboafolayan Truly a good wife makes a good mother. You are a good wife and a good mother.

Thanks for being the most amazing wife and mother in the world. I love you”.

Okiki Afolayan celebrates daughter's first birthday

“My answered prayer” Bimbo Afolayan celebrates daughter, Viola, as she turns one

His wife on her part, Bimbo Afolayan had penned a touching note to her second daughter.

Taking to her Instagram page, the mother of two described her daughter as her answered prayer and her miracle baby.

She noted how a year ago she was in labor and the sweet memories, are still fresh.

Raining powerful prayers on her, she wrote,

“My answered prayer @violaafolayan. Omg, I can’t sleep tonight. A year ago I was in labor & all the sweet memories are still so fresh. You are all I wanted and more. My miracle baby.

My Viola @violaafolayan My daughter. Happy first birthday to the cutest baby in the world. You complete me Okikiola. Happy first year on earth. One year ago you came into our life and brought so much joy. God loves you and knew you before you were born. May Almighty God continue to bless you, and may your light continue to shine. May you continue to be a source of happiness to us okomi.

May every year of your life be happy and joyful. You are such a special girl, this is an extraordinary day because you are one. I know you don’t realize it yet, but you are loved and we will continue to shower you with so much love. Happy birthday to my little one”.

Okiki Afolayan and Bimbo Afolayan welcome first child in the US

Kemi Filani news reported that Bimbo Afolayan and her actor and movie producer husband, Okikiola Afolayan welcomed their first child, a baby girl on Friday, June 3rd in Houston, US.

The couple who got married in 2018 had announced the birth of their daughter in the wee hours of Saturday morning, June 4.

Bimbo Afolayan already has an 8-year-old daughter from her previous relationship.

Energy Minister underscores need to develop capacities of local service providers –


The Energy Minister, Dr. Mathew Opoku Prempeh, has underscored the need to develop the capacities of local service providers.

He is of the view that developing their capabilities will enable them to offer products and services that meet quality standards in the oil and gas industry.

Dr. Mathew Opoku Prempeh was speaking at the Local Content Conference in Takoradi on November 22, 2023.

He further indicated that the Akufo-Addo government’s policy interventions are thoroughly being pursued to ensure that the participation levels of indigenous Ghanaian businesses and Ghanaians in the upstream petroleum sector are enhanced.

The minister was confident that Ghana would achieve greater heights of local content maximization.

Read his statement below:

Addressing the 2023 Local Content Conference earlier today in Takoradi, I said, among others that, in meeting the demands of local content and local participation, it is imperative that the capabilities of local service providers and personnel are developed to enable them offer products and services that meet quality standards in the oil and gas industry.

In this regard, I indicated that under the Akufo-Addo government, policy interventions are thoroughly being pursued to ensure that the participation levels of indigenous Ghanaian businesses and Ghanaians in the upstream petroleum sector are enhanced.

We remain confident as a government in achieving greater heights of local content maximisation, while continually attracting investments into our Basins, to ensure sustainable exploitation of Ghana’s oil and gas resources to support the nation’s development and that of posterity.

Source: mynewsgh.com

“Super Eagles Are Lethargic, Inconsistent, Confused, Just Like Nigerian Government


Tobechukwu Ejiofor, alias Illbliss, a well-known rapper, has stated that the Super Eagles reflect the Nigerian government.

The ‘Aye Po Gan’ singer said this in response to the Super Eagles’ humiliating 2-1 loss in the 2026 World Cup qualification series on Monday.

He described the team as “lethargic, inconsistent, and confused,” similar to the country’s administration.

Taking to the X platform on Monday, he wrote,

“The Super Eagles is a reflection of the government.

“Lethargic. Inconsistent. Confused…”

It should be noted that Nigeria is yet win a match in the 2026 World Cup Qualifiers and remains 5th in Group C with 3 points.


Actress Uche Nancy shares touching testimony of how God miraculously healed her from Kidney tumor (Video)


Nollywood actress, Uche Nancy has shared a touching testimony of how God healed her from her health issues.

The movie producer and costumier revealed that throughout last year, she was having serious health issues and took series of tests.

She was later diagnosed with Arthritis and was placed on medication, however, the pain remained constant and on some days, she had difficulty moving.

Her kids decided to move her to another hospital, where it was discovered that something was on her right kidney.

After seeing a specialist and undergoing series of tests, she was confirmed to have a tumor in her right kidney and it was cancerous.

She revealed that the sad news weighed her down, but she relied on God’s word to save her.

Uche Nancy disclosed that she spend most of her days at the alter of fire, praying and worshipping with pastor, Jerry Eze of NSPDD.

The movie producer was told the affected area of her kidney would be cut off, that’s almost half of her kidney.

Lucked smiled on her, after remo of the tumor, they discovered that it wasn’t cancerous..

“God has restored health to me and healed me.

I have a TESTIMONY to share with you. Throughout last year, I was having health issues after a series of tests, I was diagnosed with Arthritis adj was placed on medication. However, the pain remained constant and on some days I had difficulty moving. My children decided I try another hospital, so we tried Evercare Hospital.

Upon meeting the doctor, I was advised to do a general checkup and MRI. The result stated that the Arthriy I had was minor, but to my greatest shock, the doctor said something was discovered in my right kidney and I needed to do more tests to confirm what it was.

I was directed to a specialist and after series of tests, it was confirmed I had a tumor in my right kidney and it may be cancerous.

Chinenye and I upon hearing this, were in complete shock and frightened. Chinenye cried so much not minding where she was and as I sat there deep in thought and wondering what was going to happen, I saw on the white wall; “Be strong Everything Written About You Is Great”. This gave me strength for the days ahead.

Every morning I was at the alter of fire, praying and worshipping with pastor @jerryeze of NSPDD. We prayed together till Crossover 2023 and we were given a date for the operation.

We were told the affected area in my kidney will be cut-off, that’s half of my kidney, but after proper assessment and with the doctors recommendation, only the tumor was removed and the operation as you can tell went successfully.

After remo of the tumor, they were examined to check if it was cancerous and I am happy to let you know that it was a BENIGN TUMOR (NOT CANCEROUS).

This is what God has done for me and it is marvelous in my sight!
My children were with me till the very end; from diagnosis, operation and healing. They are my backbone and my biggest achievement”.

GNPC Fastest Speedster Flies To US


Barnabas Aggerh


Another Ghana National Petroleum Corporation’s (GNPC) Fastest Human Speedsters Club 2023 member, Barnabas Aggerh, has received his US visa and is expected to leave Ghana tonight.

The trip is to enable him begin school and training in Florida in the coming weeks.

And to the founder of GNPC Ghana’s Fastest Human, Reks Brooby, the gesture, one of the many from GNPC, has helped revive athletics in the country.

He said in an interview, “Thanks to GNPC for the support all these years, the socio-economic benefit this support will do for the athlete and Ghana cannot be quantified in monetary terms, I feel fulfilled when l see developments like this.”

“Refreshingly, he has received unflinching support from the first winner of GNPC Ghana’s Fastest Human 2013, Florida-based Emmanuel Dassor. We thank him too,” he added.

The GNPC Ghana’s Fastest Human Race is an initiative designed a decade ago to revive athletics in schools.

By Kofi Owusu Aduonum

We Invested Over Ghc 60,000 In Votes Only for TV3 to Rob Dzifa – Aggrieved Dzifa GMB Fan Rants Against TV3 After Selorm’s Victory


TV3 Ghana has been called out for ‘fixing’ the outcome of the most recent edition of Ghana’s Most Beautiful.

Over the weekend, the grand finale of Ghana’s Most Beautiful pageant was held and ended with Volta Region’s Selorm being crowned the queen.

However, a pageant such as this can never end without controversy and some fans of one of the contestants, Dzifa, is alleging their candidate was cheated.

According to the aggrieved fan, they spent about Ghc 60,000 to vote for Dzifa and considering that there is no way Selorm should have won.

However, the fan alleged the judges, particularly an Anlo judge, colluded with Selorm to hand her the crown.

The netizen wrote: “The way TV3 handled the whole thing was very acrimonious and left many bitter. I personally knew Dzifa, on the vote chat, she far exceeded Selorm by so many votes.

“During the final selection, they chose the finalists backdoor when the program closed. More than Ghc 60,000 cedis was invested in votes, only for Tv3 to allegedly give Dzifa 150 cedis for transportation.

“Also there (are) rumours of Selorm being backed by a chief and big men and Dzigbordi the judge herself since she’s Anlo like Selorm [whilst] Dzifa is Ewedome,”

Check out the post below and comment if you watched GMB…

Source: GhanaCelebrities.Com

Chieftaincy Minister, Ebenezer Kojo Kum resigns


The Minister for Chieftaincy and Religious Affairs, Ebenezer Kojo Kum has resigned from his position with immediate effect.

This was announced in a statement from the Presidency on Friday, February 3, 2023.

President Akufo-Addo thus accepted his resignation.

Ebenezer Kojo Kum is currently the Member of Parliament for the Ahanta West constituency.

Details on why the Minister resigned was not captured in the statement.

This brings to three the number of ministers who have resigned from the Akufo-Addo government in less than two months.


EC to exhibit provisional voters register from November 3


The Electoral Commission (EC) will exhibit the provisional voters register from Friday, November 3, 2023, to Tuesday, November 7, 2023, ahead of the District Level Elections (DLE).

The exhibition will take place at all 38,622 polling stations across the country from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. during the exercise.

The purpose of the exhibition is to allow prospective voters to verify their details, including name, age, sex, and polling station, and to make requests for amendments or inclusions where necessary.

Voters can also object to the names of unqualified voters on the register or request the removal of names of deceased persons, a Deputy Chair of the EC, Samuel Tettey, announced this at a press conference in Accra on Wednesday.

“As part of the commission’s preparation towards the conduct of the district level elections slated for 19 November 2023, the commission will display or exhibit the provisional voters register at all the 38,622 polling stations across the country. The Commission will therefore exhibit the provisional voters register simultaneously at all polling stations which will serve as exhibition centres throughout the country from Friday 3rd November to Tuesday 7th November 2023.”

“The exhibition exercise will start at 7 a.m. and end at 6 p.m. throughout the exercise. The purpose of the exhibition exercise is to allow prospective voters to verify details. That is name, age, sex, etc as captured during the registration exercise, and make requests for amendments or insertions where necessary. It will also help voters to know their polling stations on the day of voting,” he stated.

May God open your eyes – How Akufo-Addo mocked naysayers after commissioning Kumasi Thermal Plant –


The President of Ghana, Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo, on Wednesday, April 17, 2024, commissioned the Kumasi 1 Thermal Power Plant (K1TPP), which used to be called AMERI Power Plant, in the Ashanti Regional capital, Kumasi.

Before the commissioning of the plant, the president was criticized by a section of the public, mostly members of the opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC), after an advertisement by the Volta River Authority revealed that the African and Middle East Resources Investment Group Plant (AMERI Plant) which was relocated to Kumasi from Takoradi, would be recommissioned with the new name Kumasi 1 Thermal Power Plant.

The critics of the president argued that the “recommissioning” of the AMERI Plant, which was acquired by the John Dramani Mahama government, under a new name by President Akufo-Addo, is an example of the president’s attempts to take credit for the achievements of other governments.

Well, President Akufo-Addo had a word or two for his critics at the commissioning of the K1TPP.

The president after touting the benefits of having the K1TPP in the Ashanti Region and commending all stakeholders who helped relocate the plant, took a swipe at his critics.

The president, with gestures, told his critics to open their eyes in order to see the developmental strides the country was making.

“To top it all, VRA provided all the funds for the construction of this station, including land acquisition, permits and licences, preparation of environmental and social impact studies, civil works, electric mechanical works, and commissioning of the plant,” he said.

He added in Twi, “What I pray for is for God to open the eyes of our leaders who are not appreciating our developmental efforts, for them to see and appreciate our efforts”.

Osun State Joins New National Anthem Train, Directs Schools To Comply


The Osun State Government has authorised public and private schools in the state to start reciting “Nigeria, We hail thee,” the reintroduced old national anthem recently approved by President Bola Tinubu.

The instruction was contained in a statement signed by Murtala Jimoh, Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Education, and obtained in Osogbo on Friday.

Tinubu on Wednesday signed the National Anthem bill seeking to return the old national anthem ‘Nigeria, We hail thee’ into law.

According to the state government’s announcement, Jimoh requested that all schools in the state begin reciting the National Anthem during their morning assembly.

READ MORE: Kate Henshaw Laments ‘Excoriating Hardship’ Amid National Anthem Change

The Permanent Secretary through the release subsequently urged “all heads of schools in both private and public schools to ensure their pupils/students learn the Anthem and begin to sing it henceforth.”

The statement read, “The Federal Government recently approved a new National Anthem for the country, it is therefore pertinent for schools across Osun State to comply with this directive.

“As a result, all heads of schools in both public and private schools should ensure compliance in their various schools.

“It is expected that it is the new Anthem that should be rendered during their various morning assemblies and this should be done as a matter of duty.”

Police ready for 2024 election – Dampare –


The Inspector-General of Police, Dr George Akuffo Dampare has declared the Ghana Police Service’s readiness to manage security in the country before, during and after the upcoming December 7 general elections.

He gave this assurance at engagement with the eminent group formed by the Christian Council of Ghana at Alisa Hotel in Accra on Thursday, July 4.

Dr Dampare emphasised that the Police, in collaboration with other security agencies under the National Election Security Task Force, has institutionalised and mainstreamed election security over the past few years, leading to peaceful and secure elections.

He highlighted the proactive approach adopted by the police, treating local elections with national importance and ensuring sufficient security.

He reassured Ghanaians of a peaceful process, stating, “We have been ready for years because we have institutionalised and mainstreamed election security for the first time in the history of this country. Elections are not seen as events but as a process in a cycle where the end of one is the beginning of another.”

The IGP also noted the success of recent elections, including internal party elections.

“All the elections for the past almost three years, including internal elections of the parties, the selection of parliamentary candidates, and presidential candidates, have been historically secure. This is an indication of our readiness, working in concert with security forces and more importantly, with patriotic Ghanaians who want to see the country remain at peace” he stated.

The Police chief also underscored the importance of professionalism and a de-escalation mindset in handling conflicts, ensuring that the actions of the police are justified and aimed at maintaining peace and security for the benefit of future generations.

“For the 2024 elections, we are ensuring a clear de-escalation mindset amid confusion and agitations. We need to be professional and ensure that we settle issues among the conflicting parties in a way that unites them,” he added.


Bola Ray’s March 1 birthday bash to attract top entertainment, media personalities –


A Ghanaian media maestro and renowned entrepreneur, Nathan Kwabena Anokye Adisi (born March 1) popularly known as Bola Ray, is set to take center stage at the March 1 edition of the popular Simply Irresistible at Soho, Marina Mall in Accra where he will be celebrating his birthday.

He is a highly successful media executive and CEO of the media conglomerate, the EIB Network Group.

Bola Ray who is well-known for organizing some of Ghana’s most successful musical events such as Ghana Meets Naija and for hosting the popular radio show, Star Chat, will celebrate his birthday same day at the star-studded show inside the plush Soho.

He has been a key figure in the Ghanaian media since 2003 and in 2014 after spells with renowned media organizations like the Multimedia Group, he was appointed the Chief Executive Officer of the EIB Network Group and has helped greatly to positively transform the EIB Network and make it a force to be reckoned with.

His birthday celebration at the famous Simply Irresistible event is set to attract a lot of top personalities from both the entertainment and media industries in Ghana.

The March 1 edition of Simply Irresistible promises to be a truly entertaining event and will provide a perfect opportunity for networking from the music, media, and business world.

Performing on the night will be renowned disc jockeys including DJ Mensah, DJ Aligation, DJ Baylor, DJ Phantom, MIC DJ Viper, and many more surprises.

Simply Irresistible is a premier corporate networking and entertainment event held every Friday evening (from 7 pm to 4 am) at the Soho.

Source: Martin Amoah, Contributor

LIVE BLOG: Israel war on Palestine enters day 13. Here’s how it’s unfolding


The Palestinian resistance, or Hamas, which many refer to it as, launched a major military campaign, targeting various Israeli cities and settlements.

Its day thirteen of the war, which Hamas has dubbed operation “Al-Aqsa Storm“. We take a look at the latest developments.

Friday, October 20


The Israeli army announced plans to evacuate the northern city of Kiryat Shmona on Friday, after days of clashes with Hezbollah fighters along the border with Lebanon, AFP reported.

“A short while ago, the Northern Command informed the mayor of the city of the decision. The plan will be managed by the local authority, the Ministry of Tourism and the Ministry of Defence,” the military said in a statement.

Lebanon’s Iran-backed Hezbollah and allied Palestinian factions have traded cross-border fire with Israel for days, after Hamas gunmen attacked communities in southern Israel on October 7, killing at least 1,400 people, most of them civilians, according to Israeli officials.

More than 3,700 Palestinians, mainly civilians, have been killed across the Gaza Strip in retaliatory Israeli bombardments, according to figures from its Hamas-run health ministry.


The Hamas-controlled interior ministry said several displaced people sheltering at a church compound in Gaza were killed and injured after an Israeli strike late Thursday.

The strike left a “large number of martyrs and injured” at the compound of the Greek Orthodox Saint Porphyrius Church in Gaza City, the ministry said.

Witnesses told AFP the strike appeared to have been aimed at a target close to the place of worship where many Gaza residents had taken refuge as the war raged in the Palestinian enclave.

Contacted by AFP, the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) said its fighter jets had hit a command and control centre involved in launching rockets and mortars toward Israel.

Thursday, October 19


Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman stressed to British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak that the kingdom considered targeting civilians in Gaza “a heinous crime and a brutal attack,” the Saudi state news agency SPA reported on Thursday. Mohammed bin Salman met with Sunak in Riyadh.


European Council President Charles Michel said on Thursday that it was very important for the United States and the EU to share information and do what is needed to avoid escalation in the Israel-Gaza conflict. Michel also noted that the authorities must be vigilant to ensure that EU funds in Gaza are not misused.


The US State Department has advised US citizens overseas to exercise caution in view of increased tensions in various locations around the world and the potential for terrorist attacks, demonstrations, or violent actions against the country’s citizens and interests.


Jordan’s Foreign Minister said on Thursday that the country feared the worst was yet to come in the Gaza war, with no signs of success in efforts to de-escalate.

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Next month’s MTV Europe Music Awards in Paris have been cancelled, organisers said on Thursday, citing “the volatility of world events” amid the ongoing conflict in Israel and Gaza.


WATCH: Gift of the Givers opens pledge line to support innocent Gazan victims of Israel-Hamas War


The health ministry in Gaza said at least 3,785 Palestinians have been killed and 12,493 wounded in Israeli strikes on Gaza since October 7.

Of the total death toll, 1,524 were children and 1,000 were women, ministry spokesman Ashraf Al-Qudra told a press conference.

Al-Qudra added that 44 health workers had been killed in Gaza while four hospitals were out of service and 14 basic healthcare services had stopped functioning.


Machinery to repair roads has been sent through the Rafah border crossing from Egypt into the Gaza Strip in preparation for the delivery of some of the aid stockpiled in Egypt’s Sinai Peninsula, two security sources said on Thursday.

WATCH: Thousands of people gathered in Istanbul in a protest following the deadly blast at a Gaza hospital that killed hundreds of people.

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China wants the Israel-Hamas war to be stopped as soon as possible, President Xi Jingping was quoted by Chinese state media as saying.

The Chinese president said Beijing was willing to work with Arab governments for a lasting solution to the conflict.

Xi also said a ceasefire was “imperative” as soon as possible to prevent the conflict from expanding, or spiralling out of control, the state media said.


According to an AFP report, Liverpool and Egypt football star Mohamed Salah called for humanitarian aid to be allowed into Gaza. He pleaded for an end to “massacres” in the conflict between Israel and Palestinian militant group Hamas.

WATCH: Protests in Arab countries blame Israel over hospital explosion

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Thursday 19 October 6:40am

Xinhua has reported that Algeria has suspended all government-sponsored sports and cultural activities to show solidarity with the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip, who are now subjected to Israeli airstrikes and siege.

The Algerian Ministry of Youth and Sports made the decision “in support of the resilient Palestinian people” and “in honour of the victims in the Gaza Strip,” the state-run ENTV reported.

Additionally, the country’s Ministry of Culture and Arts declared the postponement of all festive cultural activities nationwide, including the Annaba Mediterranean Film Festival originally slated for November 3 to 9.

The ongoing Israel-Hamas conflict has killed more than 4,000 people on both sides.

WATCH: US President Joe Biden says agreement reached with Egypt to allow 20 aid trucks into Gaza

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The United Nations Middle East peace envoy warned the Security Council on Wednesday that the risk of expansion of the conflict between Israel and Hamas Palestinian militants in the Gaza Strip is “very real, and extremely dangerous.”


The Netherlands is sending 200 servicepeople to Cyprus to prepare for possible escalation of hostilities in the Gaza Strip, Defense Minister Kajsa Ollongren said on Wednesday.


US President Joe Biden said on Wednesday that a deadly blast at a Gaza Strip hospital appeared to be from “an errant rocket fired by a terrorist group,” and he pledged support to Israelis and humanitarian assistance to suffering Palestinians.


At least 471 Palestinians were killed in a blast on the Al-Ahli Arabi Baptist Hospital in the Gaza Strip on Tuesday night, said the Gaza-based Health Ministry on Wednesday.

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UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak says British intelligence services are analysing evidence to independently establish the facts about the deadly blast at a Gaza hospital. Sunak added that people should not rush to judgements.


Egypt’s President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi said that Egyptians in their millions would reject the forced displacement of Palestinians into Sinai, adding that any such move would turn the peninsula into a base for attacks against Israel.


Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian said members of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) should impose an oil embargo and other sanctions on Israel and expel all Israeli ambassadors.

Amirabdollahian made the call during an urgent meeting of the OIC that is taking place in the Saudi city of Jeddah to discuss the escalating Israeli-Palestinian war.


US President Joe Biden on a solidarity visit to Israel Wednesday backed the ally’s account that Palestinian militants caused a devastating hospital strike in Gaza, adding Hamas had brought “only suffering.”

“I was deeply saddened and outraged by the explosion at the hospital in Gaza yesterday. And based on what I’ve seen, it appears as though it was done by the other team,” Biden said as he met Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in Tel Aviv.

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The Israeli army said it had “evidence” that militants were responsible for the blast that killed hundreds at a Gaza hospital, saying a review proved others were at fault.


Israel’s military said it had seen no evidence of a direct hit on a hospital in the Gaza Strip the day before, where hundreds of Palestinians were killed in an explosion.

A military spokesperson said that there was no structural damage to buildings around the Al-Ahli al-Arabi hospital and no craters consistent with an air strike.

Meanwhile the WHO chief stated that the situation in Gaza ‘spiralling out of control’.

“The situation in #Gaza is spiralling out of control,” the head of the World Health Organization (WHO) Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said on X, formerly Twitter. “We need violence on all sides to stop.”


Palestinian envoy to Japan says Israel made a warning call to the Gaza hospital one hour ahead of blast.

18 October, Wednesday 8am

Russia’s foreign ministry said that a strike on a hospital in Gaza that killed hundreds of Palestinians was a shocking crime, adding that Israel should provide satellite images to prove that it was not involved in the attack.


Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas will not attend the quadrilateral summit in the Jordan after the strike on a hospital in the Gaza Strip, a source in the president’s office told Sputnik on Tuesday.


Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas declared three days of mourning following a deadly air strike on a hospital in Gaza, killing at least 500 Palestinians on Tuesday, state media reported.


Over 500 people have been killed as a result of an Israeli strike on a hospital in the Gaza Strip, Al-Jazeera reported on Tuesday, citing a representative of the Health Ministry of Gaza.

“Over 500 victims of the strike on the al-Ahli Arab Hospital,” the ministry representative was quoted as saying by the broadcaster.


Several Palestinians were killed and wounded when an Israeli air strike hit the yard of a hospital in central Gaza, the Hamas-run interior ministry said on Tuesday.


On Tuesday, United Kingdom Prime Minister Rishi Sunak spoke with Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman about the tense situation in Israel and Gaza, stressing that both countries will work closely to prevent the escalation of the war.


Israel’s national security adviser predicted on Tuesday that the United States would get “involved” if the Gaza war escalated to the point where Iran and Hezbollah joined in on behalf of Hamas.


US President Joe Biden is scheduled for a brief visit to Israel, lasting approximately five hours, before heading to Jordan, where he will hold talks with King Abdullah II, according to The Times of Israel, citing Channel 12.


Iraqi Prime Minister Mohammed Shia’ al-Sudani on Tuesday called for the opening of safe corridors to enable the delivery of humanitarian aid to people in the besieged Gaza Strip.

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Egyptian aid trucks moved closer to the only crossing to Gaza not controlled by Israel, but with no agreement in place to deliver relief and the Palestinian side still closed due to strikes it was unclear when they might pass through.

Spokesman of the Ministry of Health Dr.Ashraf Alqudra said parts of the European Gaza hospital and the Emirati field hospital on the premises were damaged as a result of Israeli forces targeting the hospital entrance.


According to the the Ministry of Health for the Gaza Strip, the death toll currently stands at 2,778. A total of 9,938 are injured. This is only the confirmed number of victims who have reached hospitals.

October 17 Tuesday – 7am

European Union leaders aim to settle on a united approach to the crisis triggered by the Hamas attack on Israel after days of confusion, infighting and mixed messaging.


US President Joe Biden’s White House is wrestling with a host of thorny security and political challenges as officials plot a potential trip to Israel that may hold longer-term diplomatic advantages for Biden.


Scotland’s leader Humza Yousaf said his wife’s parents were fast running out of food and drinking water in Gaza and could die if unable to leave soon.


Twenty-six countries have requested Cyprus’ assistance in repatriating their nationals from both Israel and the Gaza Strip, Konstantinos Letymbiotis, spokesman for the government of Cyprus, said on Monday.


United Nations General Assembly (Unga) President Dennis Francis on Monday called for the release of hostages taken from Israel and providing uninterrupted access of civilians to humanitarian aid in Gaza.

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Egypt said Israel is not cooperating with delivery of aid into Gaza and evacuations of foreign passport holders via the only entry it does not wholly control. This is leaving hundreds of tonnes of supplies stuck.

Cairo says the Rafah crossing, a potentially vital opening for desperately-needed supplies into the besieged Palestinian enclave, is not officially closed but is inoperable due to Israeli air strikes on the Gaza side.


Israeli forces kept up their bombardment of Gaza after diplomatic efforts to arrange a ceasefire to allow foreign passport holders to leave and aid to be brought into the besieged Palestinian enclave failed.

According to Gaza residents, overnight air strikes were the heaviest yet as the conflict entered its 10th day with an Israeli ground offensive believed to be imminent.

October 16 Monday – 10am

Israel said no ceasefire had been implemented in southern Gaza even though security sources in Egypt said a deal had been reached to allow foreigners out of the besieged Palestinian enclave and aid to be brought in.

The bombardment of Hamas-ruled Gaza continued overnight, with residents saying it was the heaviest pounding yet in nine days of conflict.

Sunday – 5pm

United States Secretary of the State Anthony Blinken says the US is doing whatever it can to calm the situation between Hamas and Israel.

Egypt said that Israel’s retaliation to Hamas’ attack was beyond self-defence.

The possibility of an escalated war, involving outside nations, is a possibility according to Iranian authorities, as tensions in regions where Israel shares a boarder with Lebanon have been on the rise, Al Jazeera reported.

Israeli forces continue to launch air strikes on the Gaza Strip.

The Israeli Defence Force or IDF announced through their communications network that they killed a high-ranking Hamas commander in an airstrike.

The Hamas operative was identifed as Billal Al-Qedra, according to the Indian Times.

Al-Qedra lead the ‘Nukhba’ special forces unit, which was responsible for the attack on Kibbuts Nirim in southern Khan Yunis.

Sunday – 12pm

Just over 1,400 Israeli people have been killed since Hamas launched its attack last Saturday, Jewish News Syndicate reported.

Around 3,500 people have been injured and 120 people have reportedly been kidnapped.

2,329 Palestinians have been killed, the Ministry of Health confirmed while 9,042 people have been injured.

OPver 400,000 Palestinian residents have been displaced from their home.

Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman told US delegates that his country rejects “targeting of civilians and disruption of the infrastructure in Gaza,” Saudi Arabian authorities said.

Sunday – 8am

286 Israeli soldiers have been killed since the start of the war, according to Israeli military forces.

2,228 Palestinians have been killed since Hamas launched its attack last week.

Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahia met with political head in Hamas, Ismail Haniyeh, in Qatar, to discuss ways to quell the situation and a peaceful release of hostages, regional news agency reported.

China state news reported that its envoy in the middle-east, Zhae Jun, will visit the region in the coming days to broker a cease fire between Hamas and Israel, AFP reported.

Iran also warned that if other countries in the region get involved in the Hamas-Israel conflict, the situation could escalate into an all out war, which could affect global peace.

Lebanon has approached the United Nations with a complaint against Israel after they launched an air strike on southern Lebanon, which killed Reuters journalist Issam Abdallah, Sputnik reported.

AFP and Al Jazeera journalists were also injured in the Israeli air strike.

Saturday – 4pm

“Free Palestine” chants were heard coming from the streets of London, as thousands of protesters took to the streets, AFP reported.

Protesters marched near the BBC headquarters in central London and were reportedly heading toward Prime Minister Rishi Sunak’s Downing Street office.

Saturday – 2pm

Palestinian death toll has risen to 2,215 while 8,714 wounded people have been wounded.

54 people were killed and another1,100 were injured in the West Bank, the Palestine Chronicle reported.

1 Russian citizens have been killed in the affected regions, Sputnik reported. Eight Russians are still regarded as missing while one was reportedly captured by Hamas forces.

“We regret to inform you that as of 1 p.m. [10:00 GMT] on October 14, the number of deceased Russian citizens, who also had Israeli citizenship, has increased to 16 people, based on information from Israel,“ the Russian Embassy was quoted saying.

Saturday – 11am

President Cyril Ramaphosa said on Saturday the national executive (NEC) committee pledges their solidarity with the people of Palestine.

More than 400,000 Gaza residents have been displaced from their homes, the UN said.

Gaza health minister Yusuf Abu al-Reesh confirmed 256 Palestinians, including 20 children, were killed over the past 24 hours. Around 500 children in Gaza were killed since the start of the war, according to Pelstine Chronicle.

Around 1,300 buildings in Gaza were destroyed by Israeli air strikes, the UN confirmed.

The Israeli army has given the administration of the Al Awda Hospital in northern Gaza until 10am on Saturday to evacuate it. This ultimatum was rejected.

World Health Organisation Chief Tedros Ghebreyesus urged Israel to reverse this demand.

“We implore Israel to reverse this decision. Moving the patients would put their lives at immediate risk, as well as the lives of the health workers,” Ghebreyesus said.

Palestinian resistance forces continue to bomb Israeli sites and cities for the eight day in a row.

The Israeli government said it cannot confirm that babies were beheaded by Hamas forces. This was after they initially said that Hamas froces were beheading babies live on CNN.


The situation in Gaza has reached a “a dangerous new low”, United Nations Secretary General António Guterres said on Friday, adding he was in constant contact with regional leaders to focus on ways to reduce suffering.


The United Arab Emirates sent a plane carrying urgent medical aid to the Egyptian city of Arish to be brought into the Gaza Strip through the Rafah crossing, Emirati state news agency WAM said on Friday.


The United Nations stands against the displacement of people out of their homes amid Israeli calls for people’s evacuation out of Gaza, the UN Spokesperson Stéphane Dujarric said on Friday.


Norway will increase the funds allocated to humanitarian assistance for the civilian population of the Gaza Strip by nearly 70 million Norwegian kroner (R121,772,160 million), Norwegian Foreign Minister Anniken Huitfeldt said on Friday.


The residents of the city of Gaza had heeded calls to evacuate, heading south ahead of Israeli strikes on the territory, Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) spokesman Daniel Hagari said on Friday.

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The Palestinian United Nations envoy appealed to UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres on Friday to do more to stop a “crime against humanity” by Israel, which has warned nearly half of the population of the Palestinian Gaza Strip to relocate.

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According to an update by Gaza Ministry of Health, 1,799 Palestinians were killed, including 583 children and 351 women since the start of escalation on the morning of 7 October. A total of 7388 citizens were injured, including 1,901 children and 1,185 women.

The Hamas attack on Saturday killed more than 1,300 Israelis.


There has been no sign of exodus after Israel says north of Gaza must evacuate.

Israel called on Friday for all civilians in the northern half of the Gaza Strip, more than 1 million people, to relocate south within 24 hours, as it amassed tanks for an expected ground assault in response to an attack by the militant group Hamas.

However, Hamas, which controls the strip, told residents to stay put. By Friday afternoon there was no sign of any mass exodus as Israel prepared its onslaught.

The United Nations said evacuating everyone was impossible with power supplies cut and food and water in the Palestinian enclave running short after a week of retaliatory air strikes and a full Israeli blockade. The U.S. called it a “tall order”.


The Department of International Relations and Cooperation (Dirco) has revealed that two South African nationals have died in the ongoing conflict in the Middle East.

Dirco spokesperson Clayson Monyela said: “There is a verification process currently underway because one of the individuals is reported to have an Israeli ID number so we need to determine whether there is dual citizenship or what the picture is. On behalf of the South African government we would like to pass a message of sincere condolences to the families and loved ones of the two nationals.”

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Protests were taking place in the Middle East and beyond in support of Palestinians as Israel intensified its strikes on Gaza in retaliation for the Hamas attack on Israel at the weekend.

Jewish communities in France and elsewhere were also planning rallies in solidarity with Israel following the Hamas attacks.

The Al-Aqsa Mosque in East Jerusalem was a focus of attention and a likely flashpoint.


Hamas armed wing Al-Qassam Brigades said that it launched 150 rockets towards the city of Ashkelon in Israel “in response to the displacement and targeting of civilians”.

Graphic shows the governing structure of Hamas. Graphic: Graphic News


Several countries have clamped down on pro-Palestine protests.

As of reporting, Hungary will not allow any rallies supporting what their Prime Minister Viktor Orban called “terrorist organisations”, adding that it is shocking that there are sympathy rallies supporting the “terrorists across Europe”. Orban was referencing the European fallout from a Hamas cross-border attack from Gaza on Saturday.

Australian police are considering applying special stop-and-search powers for the first time in almost two decades for people attending a pro-Palestinian rally on Sunday.

Police expect more than 400 people to attend the rally in Sydney’s Hyde Park.

Friday October 7am

The United Nations said Israel’s military informed it that 1.1 million Palestinians in Gaza should relocate to the enclave’s south within the next 24 hours.

According to UN spokesman Stephane Dujarric, the UN “considers it impossible for such a movement to take place without devastating humanitarian consequences.”


Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi said in a speech on Thursday that Egypt is exerting every effort to contain the escalation in the Israel-Hamas conflict and is trying to reach a ceasefire.


Locals held a demonstration in Tel Aviv on Thursday and urged the Israeli government to exchange hostages/prisoners with Hamas.


The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) said on Thursday that 12 of its employees had been killed in the Gaza Strip since October 7.

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Russia’s foreign ministry has urged Israel on Thursday to agree to a ceasefire in Gaza to allow in food and medicine.


The idea to conduct the Al-Aqsa Flood operation against Israel appeared back in 2021, Abu Obeida, the spokesman of the Hamas movement’s military wing, said on Thursday.


Iraq on Thursday decided to dispatch humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip to help Palestinians.


According to AFP, the war between Israel and Hamas has cast a shadow over the IMF-World Bank annual meetings, with warnings that it has darkened the outlook for an already sluggish global economy.

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German Chancellor Olaf Scholz said Iran bore responsibility for helping Hamas grow to the point where it launched last weekend’s attack on Israel.

Scholz said they are “no firm proof that Iran operationally supported” the attack, but say it is “clear” that without Iranian support, Hamas would never have been able to launch the attack.

Thursday October 12 11am

A group of independent United Nations experts on Thursday condemned violence against civilians in Israel and deplored the “collective punishment” of reprisal strikes against Gaza.

According to the Ministry of Health in Gaza Strip, health services have reached a critical stage, medicines, medical consumables, and fuel will run out “imminently”.

Hospitals are working at full capacity and there is no place for the wounded from Israeli airstrikes to be treated.

“The complete embargo on electricity, water, and fuel by Israeli occupation forces poses a danger to the lives of the wounded and sick people, which causes a serious health and environmental disaster,” said Spokesperson of the Ministry of Health, Dr. Ashraf Qudera.

According to the ministry, 1203 Palestinians killed since start of escalation on morning of 7 October, and 5763 citizens were injured.


The United Nations Palestinian refugee agency said on Wednesday it was seeking $104 million for life-saving aid to Gaza, which has been pounded by Israeli reprisal strikes following attacks by Hamas against Israel.


Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Wednesday spoke with US President Joe Biden again amid the ongoing war with Hamas, and thanked the leader for his “unequivocal” support to the nation.


By Wednesday, around 8pm Doha (Qatar)-based international news channel Al Jazeera reported that so far, 1,200 Israelis have been killed while over 5,000 Palestinians have perished as the war rages on.


Negotiations are underway to allow US citizens and peaceful Palestinians to leave the Gaza Strip for Egypt before the start of a possible Israeli military ground operation, CNN reported on Wednesday, citing a senior Israeli official.

The proposal that is being discussed implies that US citizens will be allowed to pass through the Rafah border crossing after providing a US passport, and the number of Palestinian civilians allowed to leave the Gaza Strip will be limited to 2,000 people per day, the broadcaster reported.


Nine United Nations staffers working with the UN Palestinian refugee agency have been killed in air strikes on the Gaza Strip since Saturday, the United Nations wrote on X social media platform on Wednesday.

Graphic shows International victims of Israel-Hamas conflict. Graphic: Graphic News


Moscow has always supported a two-state solution to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, Russian President Vladimir Putin said Wednesday.

Speaking at the plenary session of the Russian Energy Week, Putin said that Russia’s position on the Palestinian-Israeli conflict has remained the same over decades, and this stance is well known in both Israel and Palestine.


The SA BDS Coalition, South African activists, trade unions and civil society took to the streets on Wednesday afternoon to show support for the Palestinian people in their struggle for justice, equality, the right to resist and achieve liberation from Israeli settler colonialism and apartheid.

Solidarity with Palestine resistance at Israel Centre in Cape Town. Picture: Tracey Adams/ IOL News
Solidarity with Palestine resistance at Israel Centre in Cape Town. Picture: Tracey Adams/ IOL News

The Phoenix Settlement Gandhi Development Trust and the Pietermaritzburg Gandhi Foundation have on Wednesday released a joint statement, calling on the UN and the international community to facilitate an immediate ceasefire in Israel and Gaza and a cessation of hostilities.

They said: “We urge Palestinians and Israelis not only to exercise restraint but to earnestly find a negotiated settlement to this long-standing tension in the region. The peace talks that came to a halt in the last few years must be resumed as a matter of urgency, and the various resolutions taken by the UN on the Israel/Palestine situation must be enforced and implemented.”


The Palestinian Ministry of Health says about 60% of the injuries caused by the Israeli airstrikes were among women and children in the Gaza Strip.


According to Deputy Minister of Health for Gaza Dr. Youssef Abu Alrish, all hospital beds, medications, and medical supplies have been fully exhausted and are on their way to depletion.


A bank account at British bank Barclays linked to fundraising for the Palestinian militant group Hamas has been frozen, Israeli police said.

According to communication from the the Gaza Ministry of Health, a total of 1055 Palestinians killed since start of escalation on morning of 7 October, and 5184 citizens were injured.

The Ministry of Health also mourns Dr. Sirin Al-Attar and her daughter who were killed during an Israeli air strike in the Bureij area.


Norway’s Foreign Minister Anniken Huitfeldt said the international community should continue to provide financial aid to the Palestinian people and institutions.

Meanwhile, Finland plans to offer to evacuate its citizens and holders of permanent Finnish residency from Israel and Palestinian territories, daily Iltalehti reported on Wednesday, citing foreign minister Elina Valtonen.

Wednesday October 11 7am

Israeli troops say they have killed at least 1,000 Palestinian gunmen who infiltrated from Gaza in incursions that began at the weekend.

In quotes carried by Israel Hayom newspaper online, chief military spokesperson Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari said that among Hamas targets destroyed in a Gaza counter-offensive was an advanced system for tracking aircraft.

The Palestinian Chronicle reported that the Palestinian Ministry of Health said the number of Palestinians shot and killed by the Israeli occupation forces in the West Bank since Saturday has risen to 21.

The ministry added in a statement made at dawn on Wednesday that in addition to those killed, about 130 people have been wounded by Israeli bullets in the West Bank during the same period.


Nine hundred people were killed, including 260 children and 230 women, along with 4,600 wounded in the Gaza Strip since Saturday, the health ministry in the coastal enclave said late on Tuesday.


US President Joe Biden said he discussed support for Israel in his call with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Tuesday after meeting with US national security teams “to direct next steps.”


Israel has the right to defend itself but some of its decisions would breach international law, European Union foreign policy chief Josep Borrell told reporters on Tuesday.

Graphic shows timeline of Israeli conflicts. Graphic: Graphic News


Activity at Israel’s ports is slowing after Saturday’s attacks by Hamas on towns close to Gaza, with the cost of insurance premiums for Israeli shipments soaring amid tightening supplies of food stocks, according to sources and data.


President Joe Biden on Tuesday will stress US support for Israel as it reels from the killing of more than 1,000 people, including at least 11 Americans, from a surprise attack launched by Palestinian Hamas militants.

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According to Egyptian-based state news agency MENA, Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi said the escalation between Israel and the Palestinians is “highly dangerous” and has consequences that could impact the security and stability of the region.


The United States, France, Germany, Italy, and the United Kingdom announced that they will be co-ordinated and work together as “common friends to Israel to ensure Israel can defend itself.”


The Archbishop Tutu Intellectual Property Trust released a statement, saying it hoped the United States’ response to the situationwould not be on the same level of “awfulness” as that of the attackers.

“The State of Israel has the opportunity either to respond to the Hamas atrocity by perpetrating more extreme violence, as it is doing, or by breaking the cycle of violence and committing itself to a new path of justice founded on the principle of human inter-dependence and mutual respect,” said the statement that was released on behalf of Chairperson of the Archbishop Tutu Intellectual Property Trust, Dr Mamphela Ramphele.

Tuesday October 10 1pm

Israeli air strikes struck residential buildings and schools across Gaza. The United Nations Human Rights chief warned that the “sieges” were illegal under international law.

Israel says the strikes are in retaliation for Hamas militants’ surprise attacks on Israel at the weekend.

Tuesday October 10 12pm

According to the Palestinian Ministry of Health, the number of Palestinians killed had risen to 788 and 4,100 were injured as a result of Israeli strikes since the start of the Al-Aqsa Flood operation.

The death toll within Israel from Saturday’s attacks has risen to over 900, with 2,400 injured.

Israel has vowed fuel, food, and electricity supplies to the Gaza Strip will all be stopped. The IDF has activated 300,000 reservists and now has 35 battalions at the Gaza border.

Tuesday October 10 8:00am

The Palestine Chronicles reported that three Palestinians were killed in Israeli shelling targeting a house in the town of Deir al-Balah in the central Gaza Strip.

According to Israeli Army, Israeli soldiers’ death toll rises to 73, including five members from the Golani Elite Brigade.

The emergency plan by the Ministry of Health – Gaza Strip has been deployed. This means that all health facilities are functioning to respond to those who are injured by Israeli aggression

We learn that The Embassy of the State of Palestine commends the South African government, people, political parties, faith groups and solidarity organisations for their solidarity and calls for continued support for the Palestinian rights.

Monday October 9 8:48pm

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas called on the UN to immediately intervene to prevent the occurrence of a humanitarian catastrophe due to the “ongoing Israeli aggression, especially in Gaza,” the official news agency WAFA reported.

Monday October 9 8:29 pm

The Palestinian death toll from Israeli attacks on Gaza rose to 687, a spokesman for the health ministry said on Monday.

The spokesman also said in a press conference that 3,726 people were wounded. The deaths included 140 children and 105 women, he added.

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Monday October 9 6:46pm

The United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said on Monday that he was “deeply distressed” by an announcement that Israel will initiate a complete siege of the Gaza Strip following an attack by Palestinian Islamist group Hamas over the weekend.

Monday, October 9 2.30pm (GMT +3)

According to media reports, 12 missiles were fired from southern Lebanon toward Israel.

The Israeli Army radio said the Israeli death toll has risen to 800, and Hamas fighters are still infiltrating Israel to carry out attacks.

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1:30 pm (GMT +3)

Al-Qassam spokesman said the Israeli occupation’s bombing of Gaza led to the killing of four enemy prisoners. Israelis bombed a market in the Jabaliya refugee camp, killing at least 50 Palestinians.

According to the Palestine Chronicle, sources on the ground say that the attack is a response to the Israeli army and settlers’ violence in the West Bank and the killing of a large number of children.

Israeli Defence Minister Gallant described the Palestinians as “human animals” and vowed they would act accordingly.

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1pm (GMT +3)

The al-Qassam Brigades said that they bombed Tel Aviv and Jerusalem with missile salvos in response to the bombing of civilian homes in the Gaza Strip.

Sirens went off in and around Jerusalem and Tel Aviv.

According to the Israeli ambulance, at least three Israelis were injured as a result of a missile attack. One person was severely injured as a result of a missile falling in Ashdod.

Graphic: Graphic News

12:30 pm (GMT +3)

The Israeli army launched Operation Iron Swords in response to Operation al-Aqsa Flood and continues to launch intensive raids on many areas in the Gaza Strip.

Israeli Minister of Defense Yoav Gallant said they were given orders to impose a complete siege on Gaza. This entails no electricity, no water, and no fuel.

Al-Qassam Brigades confirmed throwing rockets at Tel Aviv and Jerusalem as a response to the Israeli bombing of civilian homes in Gaza.

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12:00 pm (GMT +3)

The Health Ministry in Gaza said 510 Palestinians were killed and 2,751 injured.

The al-Qassam Brigades revealed they had brought into service a locally manufactured ‘Mutabar 1’ air defence system.

11am (GMT +3)

The United Nations says that 123,000 people have been displaced in the Gaza Strip since the start of the escalation.

Palestinians search for survivors after an Israeli airstrike on the refugee camp of Jabalia in the Gaza Strip on October 9, 2023. Picture: Mahmud Hams/AFP

10:00 am (GMT +3)

Gaza authorities reported that the Israeli military has carried out massacres against a total of 15 families throughout the Gaza Strip.

8:30 am (GMT +3)

Xinhua reported that a Hamas leader told Qatar he is not against the idea of a prisoner exchange that secures the release of all Palestinian female prisoners.

It was also reported that Qatar is working to achieve a rapid prisoner exchange between Israel and the Gaza Resistance.

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Saturday and Sunday

Major international airlines have suspended or limited flight services to or from Tel Aviv after the attack, saying they were waiting for safety conditions to improve.

Pentagon chief Lloyd Austin said Sunday that the US is getting ready to send additional weaponry and other military assistance to Israel.

Israel’s ambassador to the United Nations on Sunday accused Palestinian Islamist group Hamas of war crimes, vowing that it was time to “obliterate Hamas terror infrastructure” as the UN Security Council met to discuss the conflict.

On Saturday Hamas kicked off a surprise attack called Operation Al-Aqsa Flood at about 6:30 am (GMT+3). This entailed infiltrating Israeli towns, targeting military outposts and firing a barrage of rockets in various parts of the country.



Ghanaian Big Men In Freemason are Going to Kill Twene Jonas in 2024 for Insulting Them – Prophet Drops Scary Doom Prophecy –


A Ghanaian prophet who no one of consequence knows has dropped a doom prophecy against Twene Jonas, alleging that he’s going to be murdered in 2024.

According to the prophet, whom many have dismissed as a clout chaser, Jonas is being targeted by some very prominent Ghanaian personalities he insulted in his videos.

According to him, these big men are members of the Freemasons that the public doesn’t know about.

He claims these Freemasons held a ritual in which they spiritually attacked Twene Jonas.

The prophet claims this attack will manifest in 2024 and lead to Jonas’ death.

He claims that he knows Ghanaians will insult him but he’s going to drop the prophecy nevertheless.

Much like Jonas will probably do, social media users have dismissed the prophet and his prophecy as fraudulent.

“God forbid… nothing will happen to our Twene Jonas,” one netizen said.

“IGP please this man wants to kill Jonas 2024,abeg arrest him for us make he show evidence from God nu😂” another fan added.

Watch the video below….it will be interesting to see Jonas’ reaction to this!

Source: GhanaCelebrities.Com

Fit-again Nkunku in line for Chelsea debut –


LiveScore Daily is here to deliver all the big talking points from the world of football throughout the day. Keep refreshing this page for the latest stories in bite-sized chunks.

Don’t bank on a Chris of life

Christopher Nkunku could make his Chelsea debut from the bench tomorrow night — but Mauricio Pochettino has urged the club’s fans to be patient with the summer signing. 

After recovering from a knee injury suffered in pre-season, Nkunku, 26, was an unused sub for Saturday’s 2-0 win over Premier League strugglers Sheffield United at Stamford Bridge.

And while Poch has confirmed the fit-again striker will be in his squad for the Carabao Cup quarter-final against Newcastle, he is not expecting miracles. 

The Blues boss said: “Maybe he can play 20 minutes. 

“How I saw him before Saturday in my mind I had 1% to 2% of doubt. That’s why I didn’t want to take a risk. 

“I need to be 100%, then things can happen.

“It was good for him to feel in the warm-up, being involved with the team. But why take a risk when it was 2-0?”

Virgil bites back

Virgil van Dijk insists he was not being arrogant in dismissing Manchester United’s negative display at Liverpool. 

The Reds skipper provoked a stinging response from former United midfielder Roy Keane when he said only one team played to win during the goalless draw. 

Sky Sports pundit Keane claimed the comments smacked of arrogance and disrespect before adding: “He needs to remember he’s playing for a club that have won the title once in 30-odd years.”

Virgil van Dijk was critical of Manchester United after Sunday’s goalless draw

Van Dijk, 32, explained there was honesty but no arrogance in his words on a frustrating afternoon when Liverpool had 34 shots but failed to score for the first time since April. 

He said: “I like Keane. If he said that, it’s fine. 

“He is Man United throughout and I understand he could react like that but I felt what I said and there is absolutely no arrogance in that. 

“Everyone who watched the game probably felt the same. We move on. 

“We had the opportunity and we couldn’t score and that’s the frustrating part.”

Fine for City

Manchester City have been fined £120,000 after their players surrounded ref Simon Hooper during the 3-3 draw with Tottenham earlier this month. 

Hooper made the contentious call to bring the game back after he initially played advantage following Emerson Royal’s mistimed challenge on Erling Haaland. 

Haaland was able to get back to his feet and release Jack Grealish but the match official blew his whistle to end City’s hopes of scoring a potential last-gasp winner. 

The Norweigan striker, 23, expressed his frustration at full-time before making his feelings clear with a post on social media site X.

And the FA have now dished out a substantial fine to the Premier League champs.

A statement said: “Manchester City have been fined £120,000 after their players surrounded a match official at the Premier League game against Tottenham on December 3.

“Manchester City admitted they failed to ensure their players did not behave in an improper way during the 94th minute. 

“An independent regulatory commission imposed this sanction following a hearing.”

Black Cats turn to Beale 

Sunderland have appointed Michael Beale as their new head coach until the summer of 2026. 

The Black Cats believe the ex-Rangers boss is the right man to lead them back to the Premier League after parting ways with Tony Mowbray earlier this month. 

Beale, who left the Gers two months ago, said: “It’s a huge honour to be joining the Sunderland family.”

Action Jackson

Nicolas Jackson was delighted to notch his seventh Premier League goal of the season as Chelsea saw off Sheffield United on Saturday. 

The striker, 22, has had his fair share of critics since joining the Blues during the summer but he tapped home against the Blades to make it 2-0 and secure three precious points. 

Jackson, who struck after Cole Palmer had broken the deadlock at Stamford Bridge, told the club’s website: “It was nice to be on the scoresheet. 

“There have been hard times and some criticism but that’s how life is. 

“Now I have scored I hope to continue to help us win more games and win for the fans.”

The Vill to succeed

Unai Emery called on his Aston Villa players to keep up their positive form after Sunday’s 2-1 win at Brentford. 

The Bees opened the scoring through Keane Lewis-Potter before Ben Mee’s red card allowed Alex Moreno and Ollie Watkins to strike late on, with Boubacar Kamara also dismissed late on in a feisty affair in West London.

With Villa’s unbeaten league run now standing at six games, Emery is determined to ensure his third-placed side maintain the momentum. 

He said: “Let’s keep going. We are moving on because on Friday we will face Sheffield United at home and it’s a new challenge. 

“We have to try to keep consistent across 38 matches.”

Ghanaian Creatives Don’t Support Each Other – Comedian Hogan


Comedian Hogan has observed that creatives in Ghana don’t have the habit of supporting each other no matter their differences.

According to him, he shares stuff they sent to him but they don’t share stuff he sends to them.

Comparing how Nigerians support themselves, he said it is not same with Ghanaian Creatives and that is one of the reasons the industry is the way it is.

“Because they are not on a particular job, they won’t help to push it but these same people when they drop their stuff I share it because that is how it should be but they don’t remember. They just feel you have posted their stuff because of who they are,” he said in an interview on EBN TV.

Hogan is currently promoting his upcoming movie “Tripping,” which is set to premiere on Easter Friday March 29.

Directed by Yvonne Nelson, “Tripping” follows the journey of Cole, played by comedian Hogan, and his friends as they navigate through unexpected challenges during a getaway.

It appears the persons Hogan supported in the past in promoting their jobs are not reciprocating the favour now that he also needs their support. He wants Ghanaians to know such attitude can’t make an industry thrive.

Sammi Awuku delivers Basketball and volleyball courts to Okuapeman SHS –


Parliamentary Candidate for the New Patriotic Party (NPP) in the Akuapem North constituency of the Eastern Region, Sammi Awuku delivered his promise to the Okuapeman Senior High School.

On Saturday, December 9, 2023, he commissioned a basketball court and a Volleyball court for the school in fulfilment of a promise made to the institution.

Sammi Awuku during the commissioning indicated that he is proud to be able to provide the facilities for students to hone their talents aside from academic work.

Aside from the basketball and volleyball court, Sammi Awuku inspected an ongoing 20-seater restroom facility for the Larger Larteh township and also cut sod for the construction of two 16-seater restroom facilities in Larteh.

These restrooms it is believed will help improve sanitation and bring convenience to residents.

Read His Statement Below

Yesterday was an incredible day of progress and fulfilment as I had the privilege to cut the sod for the construction of two 16-seater restroom facilities in Larteh! These facilities will serve two communities, bringing improved sanitation and convenience to the residents.

Furthermore, I had the pleasure of inspecting an ongoing 20-seater restroom facility for the larger Larteh township. Soon, the community will have access to even better facilities, enhancing their way of life.

But that was not all! In keeping with a promise made 8 months ago during a program at Okuapeman Senior High School, I commissioned newly built basketball and volleyball courts at the school. I am excited that we are able to provide students with a platform to hone their sports skills and foster teamwork.

This wouldn’t have been possible without the collective effort and support of the community, school, and all those involved.


Photoshopped – Minister admits viral photo of truck on rail line fake, deletes Facebook post –


Railways Development Minister, John-Peter Amewu, has explained that a viral photo of a wrongly parked truck that ostensibly caused an accident involving newly imported trains was photoshopped.

Amewu posted the photo on his official Facebook page on April 18, hours after the accident was reported but has since deleted it from the page.

Speaking about the issue on Joy FM (April 19, 2024) he said he hadn’t seen the particular photo posted on his page because the page was managed by his handlers.

“I said I haven’t seen the picture myself so maybe I have to get to my Facebook people, I think somebody manages that Facebook so I have not seen it.

“But the picture I saw on social media was a photoshop of a vehicle they put across the line and you can see that that is not the point (the accident occurred), that is not even kilometre 76,” he added.

After deleting the photo, the minister posted a dashcam video of the moments leading to the accident.

Meanwhile, the Ghana Police Service on Thursday arrested the driver, disclosing in a statement that their investigation has established that the suspect left the said vehicle unattended to on the railway line.

The driver, Abel Dzidotor, has reportedly been sentenced to a six-month jail term after appearing before a court on Friday, April 19.

He admitted guilt to three out of the four charges against him.

These charges included inconsiderate driving and causing unlawful damage.


This is a ‘digitalization government’ – Akufo-Addo –


President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo has attributed the success of his administration’s digitalization drive to his vice president Dr Mahamudu Bawumia.

Mr Akufo-Addo said this after describing his government as a digitalization government.

Delivering the State of the Nation address in parliament on Tuesday Febraury 27, Mr Akufo-Addo said “This is a digitalization government, and the man who is leading this, my indefatigable vice president, Dr Mahamudu Bawumia, Dr Digitalisation, the NPP’s excellent presidential candidate for the 2024 elections is coming up with what will allow everybody to check on every project being undertaken by the government without having to listen to the president address, this is the performance tracker.

“Never again will pictures of artistic impressions of projects will be presented as projects completed.”

Regarding the 2024 elections, President Akufo-Addo assured that the government will do all it can to ensure that the work of the Electoral Commission (EC) is done smoothly.

He said the government will ensure free, fair, and transient polls.

“Government is doing its part to make the work of the electoral commission smooth,” he said while also asking the commission to work with the political parties to iron out whatever differences there will be.

Mr Akufo-Addo also indicated that he is confident in the ability of the security agencies to ensure violent free elections.

Regarding the safety of the country against terrorism, Mr Akufo-Addo further said that the government took deliberate planning to keep the country safe and secure.

He says Ghana has not been affected by the extremism that is occurring in neighboring countries because of the proper planning.

The armed forces and all the security agencies have been resourced with their welfare prioritized, he said during the delivery of the State of the Nation address on Tuesday Febraury 27.

“Our nation is “safe and secure,” he said.

The police, he added, are much better equipped than they have ever been, he added.

Citing the extremism occurring in other parts of West Africa, he said  “we can no longer take the territorial integrity of the country for granted.”

3 news.com

Nana Addo doesn’t know suspected money launderer


Legal Counsel to President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo, Kow Essuman, has rejected claims that the President knows a self-described “Financial Architect” Alistair Mathias captured in a recent documentary by Aljazeera.

Aljazeera, in a four-part investigative documentary series, uncovered damning evidence of gold smuggling and money laundering syndicates in Zimbabwe, with Ghana implicated.

Undercover journalists posing as Chinese gangsters engaged Alistair Mathias, a self-described “Financial Architect” who has a track record of successfully orchestrating such syndicates.

Mathias revealed that he had executed similar schemes in Ghana and claimed to be good friends with its President, whom he also said used to be his lawyer.

Reacting to this comment, the Legal Counsel to President Akufo-Addo described Mathias’ allegation as spurious calling on Ghanaians to ignore it.

According to him, the President has not been in private practice since 2000 and his lawyer has never acted as Mathias’ counsel.

“The President has not been in private practice since 2000, neither has the President nor his law firm, Akufo-Addo, Prempeh and Co, acted as lawyer for this Alistair Mathias or Guldrest. The President does not know this Mathias or Guldrest. Ignore the spurious allegations,” Ekow Essuman wrote on Twitter.

Meanwhile, President Akufo-Addo has denied any recollection of acting as a lawyer for Mathias or his company, while Mathias himself has denied ever being awarded any tender by the Ghanaian government or entering into any government contracts in any African country.

Player ratings as Gunners hold off Spurs fightback in derby thriller –


FROM TOTTENHAM HOTSPUR STADIUM – Arsenal moved four points clear at the top of the Premier League with a nervy 3-2 win at north London rivals Tottenham.

The Gunners raced into a three-goal lead before the break having weathered an early Spurs storm, but Ange Postecoglou’s men rallied in the second half and came bitterly close to claiming an unlikely point.

Second-place Manchester City play later on Sunday and can reduce the gap on Arsenal back to one point with victory at Nottingham Forest, but it’s job done for Mikel Arteta’s side for now, clearing the hardest of their final hurdles to end the season.

How the game unfolded

Arsenal had the ball in the net after 13 minutes through Kai Havertz, but the flag went up for offside against Martin Odegaard in the build up.

But a couple of minutes later, the visitors took the lead from a corner. Bukayo Saka’s delivery towards the near post was headed into his own net by Pierre-Emile Hojbjerg.

Soon after falling behind, Tottenham hit the post through Cristian Romero, whose header from a few yards out following a James Maddison corner could only find the upright.

On 22 minutes, Spurs thought they were level. Arsenal’s clearance from a corner fell to Pedro Porro, who fired into a crowded box and the ball fell kindly for Micky van de Ven to sweep in beyond David Raya. However, after a lengthy VAR review, the goal was ruled out for the most marginal of offsides against the Dutchman.

Instead, Arsenal then went two up. Spurs were denied two penalty appeals at one end before the Gunners went down the other and scored, with Havertz picking out Saka with a wonderful ball over the top, and the winger cut inside Ben Davies before slotting home.

Before the break, Arsenal made it three, with Havertz getting in on the act, heading home from a Declan Rice corner.

Tottenham tried to pull one back at the end of the first half when Porro threaded a ball beyond William Saliba and Gabriel Magalhaes to Son Heung-min, but the South Korean skied his effort much to the frustration of the home support.

In the second half, the hosts sought to get a foothold again and went close through Romero, who beat Raya to a Dejan Kulusevski cross but couldn’t keep his attempt down.

Spurs wanted a penalty when Kulusevski fell under a challenge from Gabriel before Arsenal went straight down the other end and went close to a fourth, with Guglielmo Vicario’s toe denying Saka.

Tottenham pulled one back in comical fashion just after the hour mark. Raya’s poor kick from the back was snuffed out by Romero, who this time found the back of the net with a bobbling half-volley.

Spurs were again denied a penalty when Davies received a kick to the groin from Rice but were handed one after a VAR review. Son stepped up and found the top corner to set up a grandstand finish.

The hosts threw every man forward for six minutes of added time but just couldn’t find an equaliser and Arsenal held on for a precious three points.

Tottenham player ratings (4-2-3-1)

Romero got Spurs up and running / Chloe Knott – Danehouse/GettyImages

GK: Guglielmo Vicario – 5/10 – Nullified on corners due to the man-marking of White. Made a great save in the second half to deny Saka but the game was already slipping away at that point.

RB: Pedro Porro – 5/10 – Wasn’t rinsed in his own third but didn’t provide enough when Tottenham did have the ball. Sometimes ignored by his teammates when in acres of space, mind.

CB: Cristian Romero – 7/10 – Somehow the recipient of Tottenham’s best chances, ironically scoring with the only one not planted on his head.

CB: Micky van de Ven – 6/10 – Thought he brought Spurs level with a goal chalked off for a slight offside. Tasked with doing too much when defending in transition.

LB: Ben Davies – 4/10 – Allowed Saka to cut onto his stronger left foot leading to the second goal. Just doesn’t have the same dynamism of Destiny Udogie. Put his body on the line to win a penalty off Rice.

CM: Pierre-Emile Hojbjerg – 4/10 – Should have done more to position himself correctly and head away the corner for the opening own goal. At least fought like a madman in midfield and didn’t shy away.

CM: Rodrigo Bentancur – 5/10 – Wasn’t afraid to get stuck in but was sometimes too slow progressing the ball when space opened up behind Arsenal. Hooked at the break.

RW: Dejan Kulusevski – 7/10 – Committed to the cause even when things weren’t going Spurs’ way. Needed more support from his teammates in attack.

AM: James Maddison – 5/10 – Stayed higher up the pitch rather than dropping deep in frustration, which Tottenham needed but he couldn’t pick that stubborn Arsenal lock.

LW: Timo Werner – 5/10 – Withdrawn with injury in the first half. Did little to trouble Arsenal to that point.

CF: Son Heung-min – 7/10 – Should have made more of a close-range opportunity on the stroke of half-time. Looked more comfortable back on the wing after Richarlison’s introduction. Nerves of steel from the penalty spot.


SUB: Brennan Johnson (31′ for Werner) – 6/10 – Gave Tomiyasu problems when switched to the right in the second half but his delivery wasn’t always accurate.

SUB: Pape Matar Sarr (46′ for Bentancur) – 5/10 – Tried to be too clever in possession at points, stumbling and coming close to playing into trouble.

SUB: Richarlison (63′ for Maddison) – 6/10

SUB: Yves Bissouma (63′ for Hojbjerg) – 6/10

SUB: Giovani Lo Celso (88′ for Davies) – N/A


Ange Postecoglou – 5/10 – Tottenham gave themselves too much to do and that’s in part due to the naivety of their manager.

Arsenal player ratings (4-3-3)

kai havertz

Havertz had the last laugh / Chloe Knott – Danehouse/GettyImages

GK: David Raya – 4/10 – Didn’t actually have a lot to do in way of shot-stopping until gifting a goal to Romero out of nothing.

RB: Ben White – 7/10 – Never seem flustered in his duels with Werner, Son or Johnson. Helped Arsenal score from corners by essentially attaching himself to goalkeeper Vicario.

CB: William Saliba – 8/10 – Likewise always calm in the heat of the battle. Made a number of important blocks and interventions.

CB: Gabriel Magalhaes – 7/10 – Beaten by Romero for a few headers but ironically not the goal he converted. Swept up well and made sure to give it to Spurs players when they fell under his tackles.

LB: Takehiro Tomiyasu – 6/10 – Bodied Kulusevski with a few cynical fouls but found it much harder to keep the electric Johnson under wraps.

CM: Declan Rice – 5/10 – Was among Arsenal’s standout performers until he gave away a daft penalty for hoofing Davies in the privates.

CM: Thomas Partey – 6/10 – Pressed into some early errors by Tottenham but kicked this bad habit as the game progressed.

CM: Martin Odegaard – 6/10 – Made some strange and uncharacteristic errors in build up that threatened to cost his side, but ultimately his never did.

RW: Bukayo Saka – 8/10 – Made light work of Davies and is making a habit of scoring in north London derbies when Arsenal need him.

CF: Kai Havertz – 9/10 – A little more false nine than straight-up nine today, but played that role to perfection. Found Saka with a lovely assist before getting a goal for himself.

LW: Leandro Trossard – 6/10 – Caught trying to dribble out from the back on occasion. Didn’t have the same sights of goal as he has in recent games.


SUB: Gabriel Martinelli (63′ for Trossard) – 6/10 – Tried to take on Van de Ven for pace and predictably lost. Relentless work rate came in handy down the stretch.

SUB: Jakub Kiwior (89′ for Odegaard) – N/A

Subs not used: Aaron Ramsdale (GK), Oleksandr Zinchenko, Jorginho, Fabio Vieira, Emile Smith Rowe, Gabriel Jesus, Eddie Nketiah


Mikel Arteta – 7/10 – Arsenal’s three-goal lead was down to his tactics and management. Still clearly needs to work on his team not shooting themselves in the foot.

Player of the match – Kai Havertz (Arsenal)

Chidi Mokeme Opens Up On Illness That Stopped Him From Acting


Nollywood actor, Chidi Mokeme has opened up on why he took a break from the movie industry.

In an interview with Channels Television, Chidi Mokeme revealed that he was battling Bell’s Palsy.

Bell’s Palsy is a condition that causes sudden weakness in the muscles on one side of the face. In most cases, the weakness is temporary and significantly improves over weeks. Bell’s palsy may be a reaction to a viral infection. It rarely occurs more than once.

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Likening the infection to stroke, Chidi revealed that it affected one side of his face, and as an actor, he couldn’t make public appearance.

“I have been off the scene for a while after we did the promotional tour for 76. Before that when we were preparing to go to the UK on a trip for British International Film Festi.

“I came down with something called Bell’s Palsy. It comes like a stroke and affects one side of your face. And this was something the doctor said was incurable. They didn’t know what caused it and how to treat it. As an actor you can imagine what I was going through.”

Watch video below:


NPP Postpones Meetings On Presidential Race To February 2



The ruling New Patriotic Party (NPP) is announcing for the information of it’s members that the Steering Committee, National Executive Committee, and National Council meetings of the Party, which were initially scheduled for Tuesday, January 31, 2023, has been postponed to Thursday, February 2, 2023.
The meetings were called to deliberate on the dates for presidential and parliamentary primaries.

However, the party in a press release, said the development has been necessitated by the urgent need for broader stakeholder consultations and engagements on matters that would be discussed at the said meetings.

“The leadership of the Party apologises for any inconvenience this might have caused, and appeals to all stakeholders to comply with this information” it stated.

Find the full statement below:


By Vincent Kubi


Asantehene emphasizes environmental sustainability in Mytilineos’ Bauxite operations


Asantehene Otumfuo Osei Tutu II has expressed optimism about the potential mutual benefits between Ghana and Mytilineos S.A., a strategic partner chosen by the Ghana Integrated Aluminium Development Corporation (GIADEC) to develop portions of the Nyinahin bauxite and construct a refinery.

During a courtesy call by GIADEC to the Manhyia Palace to formally introduce Mytilineos to the Asantehene, he assured the company of his support.

The Asantehene emphasized the importance of Mytilineos conducting its operations in an environmentally sustainable manner while advancing the bauxite value chain, including mining, refining, smelting, and aluminium production.

He urged the company to explore first and establish the number of bauxite deposits present in the area to ensure a viable venture.

Asantehene highlighted the significance of a mutually beneficial partnership between Mytilineos, the government, and the community, emphasizing the need for collaboration and support from all parties involved.

“So, we welcome you. We’ll give you all the support. I know GIADEC will be there to give you all the support. We look forward to a mutually beneficial partnership between us. Be open, and ask whatever, if there are any issues for them. They’ve done it before, and I know they can do it. And therefore, we can all support each other to be able to do it”

Michael Ansah, the Chief Executive Officer of GIADEC, pledged the commitment of both parties to adhere to local and international standards in their operations.

He emphasized the importance of responsible mining practices and ensuring compliance with environmental regulations, working closely with various governmental bodies such as the Minerals Commission, EPA, and Forestry Commission.

“We selected a partner who understands all these environmental issues because in Ghana we mine in our forest reserves and it’s important that in mining our forest reserves we’ll comply with all the international standards, we’ll comply with all our local standards. We’re working with the Minerals Commission, we’re working with EPA, the Water Commission, and the Forestry Commission.

“We are adhering to globally accepted international standards and the partner that we’ve selected is a partner that has the experience to be able to work with us to ensure that we implement what I’ll call responsible mining practices in developing the resource that we have.”


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Major European League winner odds and predictions


The Five major football leagues in Europe are; The English Premier League (EPL), Bundesliga, La Liga, Serie A, and Ligue 1. The EPL is for England, Bundesliga for Germany, La Liga for Spain, Serie A for Italy, and Ligue 1 for France. Each league consists of different clubs participating in yearly competitions to win the league title.


Arsenal: Currently at the top of the EPL table is the almighty Arsenal football club. So far this season, they have done incredibly well on the pitch, making their fans happy. They have the 3rd highest Premier League title in the history of The English Premier League, which started in 1899. They have the best form currently in the EPL. Out of 17 matches played as of the time of writing this article, they have won 14 games, drawn in 2 matches, and lost 1 match to Manchester United. Players like Martin Odegaard (7 goals, 5 assists), Bukayo Saka (6 goals, 6 assists), Gabriel Martinelli (7 goals, 2 assists), Gabriel Jesus (5 goals, 5 assists), Granit Xhaka (3 goals, 4 assists), and others on the team, it is almost sure that Arsenal will remain at the top of the EPL table until the end of the season.

Manchester City: Man City, popularly called by fans, has won 8 Premier League titles. They are number two on the Premier League table in the current season. As of the time of writing this article, they have played 17 matches, won 12, drawn in 3 matches, and lost 2. With a few points below Arsenal on the EPL table, they are holding tight to the second position. Time will tell if Man City can end the league as the second-best football club in EPL or, perhaps, snatch the first from Arsenal.

Manchester United:  So far, in 2022/2023, as of the time of writing this article,, they are the only football club that has been able to defeat the current EPL table topper, Arsenal. In this EPL season, as of the time this article is being written, they have played 17 matches, won 11, drawn in 2 matches, and lost 4. They are currently in the top 4 on the EPL table. In the last 5 matches played by the club, they have lost just one match and have won the other 4 matches.

Tottenham Hotspur and Liverpool: currently, Tottenham and Liverpool are very close to one another on the EPL table. If we judge by the number of times Liverpool has won the EPL title (19 times) and the number of times Tottenham have won the EPL title (2 times), we are just going to conclude that Liverpool will step up their game and move up on the table. In this 2022/2023 EPL season, Liverpool could have performed better. We do not know where or whom to point fingers at, but we know there were cases of injured football players at the beginning of the season.

Chelsea, the 6 times Premier League title holders with so many injured players have performed woefully in the league. At the 10th position on the table, they have played 17 matches, won 7, drawn in 4, and lost 6. In the last 5 games they played as of when this article was written, they have lost 3 matches, drawn in 1, and won one.

Newcastle: The Newcastle football team is currently the third on the EPL table for the 2022/2023 season. Things have changed positively in the team since the club was sold in 2021 and new management took over. They are currently contending with Manchester United for the third position and with their performances so far this season, they might just stand a chance to hold on to their position or make it to the top four on the EPL table.

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In the 2022/2023 season, Bayern Munich sits at the top of the Bundesliga table. A 121-year-old Munich-based club that ranks top among all-time Bundesliga title winners and held that position for 9 straight years between 2012 and 2021. They have won 31 times. They have dominated the German Bundesliga League for so many years. In this 2022/2023 season as of the time of writing this article,  they have played 15 matches, won 10, drawn 4 times, and lost 1 match. With 34 points, they are on top of the table and will likely hold on to that position judging from their history.

Clubs like SC Freiburg, RB Leipzig, Eintracht Frankfurt, Union Berlin, and Dortmund are also doing well in the leagues. Dortmund, MSport’s official partner, they have significantly improved in the last three games. They have won 3 games out of the last 5 games they have played. With this, they will surely make their way to the top of the table.


Real Madrid, the second on the La Liga table this season with 38 points, has won the highest number of the Spain La Liga league title. With 35 league titles, they are above Barcelona, which has 26 league titles. Barcelona is topping the table in the 2022/2023 La Liga season. The question now is if Real Madrid, with 38 points as of the time of writing this article,  can win over Barcelona with 41 points. Is it Barcelona’s time to add one more title to the 26 they have? Real Sociedad, Real Betis, Atletico Madrid, and Villarreal are strong contenders for the top 4.

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Juventus has the highest number of  Italy Serie A league titles in the history of Serie A. Next to Juventus are AC Milan and Inter Milan with 19 Italy Serie A league titles each. In the 2022/2023 season, Napoli, a two-time Serie A league title holder, is on the top of the Serie A  table with 44 points, followed closely by Juventus (37 points), AC Milan (37 points), and Inter Milan (34 points). What has Napoli done differently this season? Nigeria-born football player, Victor Osimhen, is Napoli’s highest goal scorer so far this season and the highest goal scorer in Serie A as of the time this article is written. He has scored 10 goals as of the time of writing this article,  for Napoli this season. With a skillful football player like Victor Osimhen, it is almost certain that the league title belongs to Napoli this season. However, Juventus, AC Milan, and Inter Milan following closely might stand a chance.


PSG is the Ligue 1 football club with the highest number of France Ligue 1 league titles (10). They are also currently leading on the Ligue 1 table with 44 points, having played 17 matches, won 14, drawn in 2, and lost just one match. PSG is closely followed by Lens with 40 points, while Marseille and Rennes have 36 and 34 points, respectively. PSG has fantastic world-best football players like Messi, Mbappe, and Neymar. Judging from how wonderfully these three players played at the world cup, it will be difficult for the other four football clubs to snatch the first position from PSG.


BBC: Ghana Arrests Made Over Viral Sexual Assault Video |


Four men have been arrested in north-eastern Ghana for their alleged involvement in a viral video in which a woman was stripped naked and sexually assaulted as a crowd looked on.

The woman, believed to be from the Fulani community, was eventually able to free herself and runoff.

The incident happened in the market of Zebilla, a town in the Upper East Region where there have been long-standing tensions between semi-nomadic Fulani herders and local people.

The communities often quarrel over grazing rights for cattle and access to water. The tensions recently resulted in the killing of a young man from the town who was allegedly killed in a fight by Fulanis.

Local reports suggest the assault on the woman may have been in revenge for that killing.

Police described the incident as “inhumane and degrading” and said arrangements were being made to offer the woman psycho-social support.

The suspects in custody were also helping with inquiries to make further arrests, the police added.

Source: BBC



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“Stop Calling Me Nollywood Actor”


Yomi Fash-Lanso, a seasoned actor, has emphatically asserted that he is not a Nollywood actor, rather, he described himself as a Nigerian actor.

In a recent interview, he asked fans not to classify him as a ‘Nollywood’ actor, underlining his wish to be viewed outside of a single sector.

He also stated that he does not identify himself as a celebrity, but rather as a person dedicated to the trade of acting.

Despite his distinguished career, Yomi, 55, playfully stopped supporters from calling him a legend, implying that he is still on the rise rather than at the peak of his career.

Yomi respectfully acknowledged the revered status of his senior colleagues, including Oga Bello, Baba Wande, Jide Kosoko, Antar Laniyan, and RMD, stating that they truly earned the label of Nollywood legends.

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In his words,

“I’m not a Nollywood actor, I’m a Nigerian actor, not a celebrity, I’m not a legend, I’m just coming up.

“I’m also an entrepreneur, I sell wristwatches, men clothings and all. I dabbled into a lot of things before coming into the film industry per say.”