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Import duties are quoted in Cedis not Dollars – GRA –


The Ghana Revenue Authority (GRA) has categorically refuted allegations suggesting that import duties are calculated in dollars.

Eric Boateng, the president of the Automobile Dealers Union, expressed his concerns about the impact of duties, particularly those imposed in dollars, on the businesses of second-hand car importers in Ghana during an interview with Bernard Avle on the Citi Breakfast Show on Wednesday, May 15.

But the GRA, in a statement released on Friday, May 17, labelled the allegations of calculating duties in dollars as “misleading” and urged the public to ignore them.

“The claims that GRA calculates duties in foreign currency are misleading and should be disregarded. The basis of calculation of duties is provided for in the Customs Act 2015, (Act 891).”

The GRA reiterated that duties and taxes are not quoted in foreign currency but in Cedis.

“The CIF value is then converted into Ghana cedis at the prevailing Bank of Ghana exchange rate. Rates of duty and other taxes are then calculated on the item in Ghana cedis. The duty and taxes are NOT quoted in foreign currency, but in CEDIS,” GRA explained.

The GRA further explained that the Cost, Insurance, and Freight (CIF) values are quoted in internationally convertible currencies such as dollars, euros, pounds sterling, and others.

“GRA wishes to clarify the issue as follows: Duties and taxes are computed based on the value of vehicles from the country of origin. In addition to the cost of vehicles, Insurance and Freight charges must be added to form the base for the calculation of duty and taxes.

“The Cost, Insurance and Freight (CIF) values are quoted in international convertible currencies such as dollars, euros, pounds sterling, etc.”


Digital, innovative ideas to solve Africa’s problems – Austrian Federal Chancellor


By James Amoh Junior

Accra, April 27, GNA – Mr Karl Nehammer, Federal Chancellor, Republic of Austria, says not all challenges of Africa can be solved exclusively at the Government level but appropriate digital and innovative ideas to transform the continent.

He said Austria recognised Africa’s enormous potential for innovations to shape the future of the continent and propel it on a path of sustainable development.

Mr Nehammer, who made the remarks before announcing the Second Edition of the Kofi Annan Award for Innovation in Africa (KAAIA) at the Kofi Annan International Peacekeeping and Training Centre (KAIPTC) in Accra, said digital and innovative ideas had the potential to reduce poverty, foster inclusion and reduce inequality.

The Federal Chancellor was in Ghana to, among others, enhance the long-standing bilateral ties between Ghana and Austria.

With its focus on rapid digitization on the African continent, the first edition of the KAAIA aimed to contribute to the achievement of the UN Sustainable Development Goal “Good Health and Wellbeing” (SDG3).

The awards support promising African social entrepreneurs with a sustainable business model to develop digital solutions for the common good, honouring Kofi Annan’s legacy and commitment to a more fair, just, and equitable world.

It was borne out of the high-level Africa-Europe Forum hosted in the frameworks of Austria’s Presidency of the Council of EU in 2018.

The forum, among others, highlighted the significant impact African entrepreneurs achieve in areas such as health, education, and Africulture through innovative digital solutions.

The Federal Chancellery of Austria, together with its partners, the World Food Programme Innovation Accelerator, the Austrian Development Agency and the Kofi Annan Foundation, awarded the inaugural Kofi Annan Award for Innovation in Africa to three African start-ups.

The Federal Chancellor, thus, announced that the second edition of awards would come off in 2024 with a focus on SDG2 – “Food Security and Zero Hunger.”

He said food security was important for social stability, adding that unfortunately, for some years now, the number of people who lived in hunger globally was on the rise despite efforts by the International Community to end hunger.

Mr Nehammer said the Russia/Ukraine War had caused severe disruptions in food security.

According to him, “More than 140 million Africans are suffering, and the number is constantly increasing.”

Therefore, the Federal Chancellor said it was crucial to promote innovative entrepreneurs whose solutions could “counteract the negative impact of food security caused by the Russian’s war against Ukraine.”

Austria, he said, wished to support in that endeavour and that it would soon invite startups and social entrepreneurs to apply for the second edition of the Kofi Annan Awards.

The awards, he said, had been a great success for all stakeholders involved and represented an important contribution to a partnership between Austria and Africa.

On security, he said the Austrian Armed Forces had a long-standing cooperation with the KAIPTC and had seconded an officer to the centre since 2014.

He announced that an agreement had been reached to extend its cooperation agreement with the KAIPTC for another five years to deepen the mutually beneficial relations that exist between the two partners.

Major General Richard Addo Gyane, Commandant, KAIPTC, said the centre’s work in strengthening the African Peace and Security Architecture and related regional structures and mechanisms of the African Union was possible due to the support of Development Partners, including the Austria Government.

He said: “Even after experiencing so many economic shocks with the aftermath of the pandemic, our Partners have remained faithful and committed to the cause of peace and supported our operations in diverse ways.”

KAIPTC-Austrian Cooperation began in 2014 with an MOU signed in January 2015 to deploy and finance staff to the KAIPTC.

Maj. General Gyane said the support provided by the Austrian government within the context of its current strategy had enabled the KAIPTC to enhance the capacities of ECOWAS, the AU and its relevant structures to perform their mandates in ensuring peace and security in Africa.

“This we have done through the support of our partners including the two courses that are run with the support of the Austrian Government, which are the Humanitarian Assistance in West Africa (HAWA) Core Course and the Political Advisors Course,” the Commandant said.

He expressed appreciation to the Government of Austria for the financial and technical support by seconding an Austrian officer to the Centre and sponsoring an Assistant Course Director for the Humanitarian Assistance Programme and a Gender Expert Project Officer at the KAIPTC’s Women Peace and Security Institute (WPSI) to support the Humanitarian Assistance Program.

“A tree of life” was symbolically planted by the Austrian Federal Chancellor to represent the long-standing relations between the Centre and Austria.

Road safety, tyres and related issues


Vehicle Safety Systems have developed since the introduction of vehicles on the market.

These systems are installed to promote the safety of vehicle, occupants, road furniture and other road users.

A safety system could be active or passive.

Active safety systems reduce or prevent the occurrence of accident, while passive systems reduce the effect of accident.

Mirrors, Antilock Brake System (ABS), Vehicle Stability Control (VSC) are examples of active systems.

Some passive safety systems are Seatbelts and Airbags.

However, one important active safety component of the vehicle, which is normally overlooked by many vehicle users is the tyres.

Vehicle manufacturers therefore developed Tyre Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS) to monitor the pressure in the tyres.

However, TPMS is not a replacement or substitute for regular tyre checks and good tyre maintenance practices.


A tyre is considered one of the most important parts of a vehicle.

This is largely due to the fact that it affects many of the vehicle performance factors such as traction, motion, fuel consumption, braking, load support and comfort.

Additionally, a tyre failure or “blow-out” during driving poses serious safety issues.

A tyre is like your shoe/foot.

It is the only contact between the vehicle and the road.

Most vehicle owners do not wear oversize/undersize, torn, cut and worn-out shoes but are comfortable using the wrong size, improperly inflated, cracked, cut, worn out and expired tyres.

Tyres with the above characteristics may be described as defective tyres.

A defective tyre may lead to loss of control of vehicle, increased braking distance, risk of aquaplaning/losing grip due to wet road (building up of water between your tyres and surface of road), leaking tyres, flat tyres or the most serious situation of a tyre failure or “blow-out/burst” while driving.

The nature of wear of a tyre is an indication of weak suspension components, tyre under or over inflation, wheel misalignment, unbalanced tyres et cetera.

It is recommended that tyres have an average life of six years from the date of manufacture but should not be used after 10 years.

Most tyres are made from rubber which could be solid rubber tyres without air or pneumatic tyres (rubber with air).

Solid rubber tyres are normally used in vehicles such as tractors, forklifts which work in areas with high risk of puncture.

However, most vehicles use pneumatic tyres.

Pneumatics tyres are generally preferred for vehicles since they are lighter, have better shock absorption capacity and give a smoother comfort.

Tyre has rating/specification/marking on the sidewall.

They include but not limited to size, trademark name, traction rating, load capacity, speed capacity, recommended pressure, Tire Identification Number (TIN) which includes date of manufacture, tread wear and temperature rating.

For example, in the diagram below, the treadwear rating of 220 indicates that the tyre will wear about twice (precisely 2.2 times) as long as the control/reference tyre which is assigned 100.

Also load and speed rating 95H indicates a load rating (95) and speed rating (H), respectively.

This determines the maximum load and speed capacity of the tyre which is obtained using a chart.

In simple terms, vehicle manufacturers have determined your maximum speed and load by the original type of tyres under your vehicle!
However, the life span of tyres is largely dependent on storage conditions and usage.

Cracked/cut, badly worn-out tyre

In Ghana, the National Road Safety Commission (now National Road Safety Authority (NRSA) in 2015 estimated that defective/substandard/bad tyres increase the risk of accident occurrence by 30 per cent and 15 per cent of vehicles involved in accidents had some form of tyre defect prior to the accident (https://www.graphic.com.gh/news/general-news/ban-on-use-of-substandard-tyres-effective-sept-1.html).

The Road Traffic Regulations, 2012 (L.I. 2180) prohibits the use of tyres more than four years, tyres rated temperature class C, tyres with tread depth less than 1.6 metres, worn out tyres, under and over inflated tyres among other provisions.

Tyre Labelling Information

There are international regulations governing the labelling of tyres according to parameters such as fuel efficiency/rolling resistance, wet grip/braking performance and external noise emission.

Fuel efficiency/rolling resistance and wet grip/braking performance are generally rated alphabetically from A (green) and G(red) while external noise is in decibels (dB).

A (green) being the most efficient or highest grade and described as an “Eco or green tyres”.

The labelling is similar to that of home appliances such as refrigerators.

For example, a labelling of A for fuel efficiency means the tyre is most fuel efficient.

In 2020, for example, The European Union (EU) passed new regulations on the labelling of tyres with respect to fuel efficiency/rolling resistance, wet grip/braking performance and external noise emission.

According to the regulation, the EU road transport sector was responsible for about 22 per cent total emission of greenhouse gas emissions in 2015.

However, tyres also contribute to between 20 to 30 per cent of the fuel consumption of vehicles.

Therefore, fuel efficient tyres or “Eco or green tyre” will lead to a significant decarbonisation and reduction in the greenhouse gas emissions in the transport sector.

Additionally, fuel efficient tyres are cost effective due to savings on fuel which offsets the higher purchase cost.

Furthermore, information on the wet grip parameters and noise of tyres improves road safety and the effect of traffic noise on health significantly.


The need for countries to enact and enforce regulation on rating/specification and labelling of tyres cannot be overemphasised.

This will enable them to reap the several benefits including reduction in fuel consumption and importation of petroleum products, significant decarbonisation and reduction in greenhouse gas emissions, reduction in accident, improvement on road safety and reduction in traffic noise.

Ghana must therefore take advantage of such a regulation to reap the above benefits for the promotion of economic development and good health for the people.


• The review of Road Traffic Regulations, 2012 (L.1. 2180) to include tyre labelling information on fuel efficiency/rolling resistance, wet grip/braking performance and external noise emission.

• The importation of only tyres with higher/efficient rating and labelling into the country.

• Training and education programme by National Road Safety Authority (NRSA) and Driver and Vehicle Licensing Authority (DVLA) for Tyre Importers, Tyre Dealers, Vehicle Dealers, Vulcanisers, Commercial Driver Unions, Organisations and general public on tyre rating, labelling, maintenance and storage.

•Organisations and individuals must ensure regular maintenance of tyres such as daily checks, inflating tyres to recommended vehicle manufacturers pressure, checking wheel alignment, tyre balancing, wear, cracks and manufacturing/expiry date.

•Regular calibration of tyre pressure gauges of Vulcanisers by Ghana Standards Authority (GSA).

• Inspection of tyres by Motor Traffic and Transport Department (MTTD) and DVLA.

The writer is an Engineer,

Ghana Highway Authority.

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Mikel Arteta confident Arsenal can rediscover title-chasing momentum


Arsenal manager, Mikel Arteta, believes that his team can regain their winning form and compete for the Premier League title. After two damaging draws against Liverpool and West Ham, Arsenal’s lead at the top of the table has been reduced to just four points ahead of Manchester City. Arteta’s team will face City next week in a crucial match. However, Arteta is confident that his team will bounce back from their setbacks and show their quality on the field.

Arsenal will play against Southampton on Friday, and Arteta said that the team has reacted positively to their recent setbacks. He acknowledged that twists and turns are part of football and that his team is prepared to face any challenges that come their way. He also admitted that his team needs to be more ruthless as they aim to win their first English top-flight title in 19 years.

Arteta also talked about Bukayo Saka’s missed penalty in the West Ham game. He said that Saka would remain the club’s penalty taker and that the incident could give him a positive lift. Arteta called on the crowd at the Emirates to create an electric atmosphere for Friday’s match, and he wants the fans to be positive and push the team forward.


Content created and supplied by: Yabman (via Opera
News )

Witnesses Couldn’t Identify Suspects In Ahmed Suale’s Murder – AG


Godfred Yeboah Dame


The Attorney General and Minister for Justice, Godfred Yeboah Dame, has revealed that eyewitnesses in the murder of Ahmed Suale’s case were unable to identify any of the four suspects who were arrested and taken through the investigation processes.

According to him, following up on intelligence, Edward Gatson Kofi Goka, Musah Iddrisu alias Yaa Pono, Francis Osie Poku alias 666 and Abdul Rashid Meizongo alias Kakalika were arrested for investigation.

Responding to questions on the floor of Parliament yesterday, Mr. Yeboah Dame explained that during the investigation, two crucial witnesses were contacted and they provided vivid descriptions of two suspects.

Consequently, he said a request was made to the Department of Geomatic Engineering at the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST) for the use of satellite imagery, sketching of the assailants from a description of the witnesses, and use of telecommunication networks.

He told Parliament that based on the recommendations of the Department of Geomatic Engineering, KNUST, the two eyewitnesses were presented before the Forensic Artists on January 27, 2019.

“After listening and recording the description of the assailants, the Forensic Artists sketched two (2) artistic images. The witnesses finally confirmed the sketched images as the perfect resemblance of the assailants.

“Following up on intelligence, suspects – Edward Gatson Kofi Goka, Musah Iddrisu alias Yaa Pono, Francis Osie Poku alias 666 and Abdul Rashid Meizongo alias Kakalika were arrested for investigation,” he stressed.

The AG asserted, “The four suspects were taken through the investigation processes but the eyewitnesses could not identify them.”

The suspects were subsequently granted police enquiry bail and are assisting investigations, he added.

The Attorney General noted that so far “no docket fit for prosecution or action” had been built and presented to his office since.

“It is correct to say that the Attorney General is thus not seized of this matter,” he added.

The AG pointed out that he had met with relevant stakeholders, including the former Inspector-General of Police (IGP), to resolve this and other homicide cases.

“I enquired about the state of investigations into the same. I demanded a report on the status of investigations to be delivered to me,” he narrated.

According to him, the Director-General of the CID obliged his request and presented a docket giving an account of work done so far on the Ahmed Suale’s murder case.

“The information showed that the deceased Ahmed Hussein Suale was an undercover investigative journalist who worked with Tiger Eye P. I.

“He was key in the investigations that exposed malfeasance in some state institutions. On January 16, 2019, two unknown persons on a motorbike with a covered license plate shot and killed the deceased in his vehicle at Madina while he was on his way back from a family meeting,” he said.


The AG indicated that investigations by the police commenced immediately.

He added that two empty shells of 9 x 199mm were found on the ground while three other empty shells and three spent pellets of 9 x 19mm ammunition were also found in the car.

“An iPhone 7 plus mobile phone and Huawei smart phone belonging to the deceased were also found and retrieved,” he said.

He stated that on January 17, 2019, an autopsy was performed on the body of the deceased by Dr. Osei Owusu-Afriyie, a pathologist at the Police Hospital after it was identified by a paternal uncle of the deceased, Ex-WO Alhaji Mahama in the presence of the police.

“The pathologist gave an interim cause of death as (a) hemorrhagic shock (b) severe chest injury and (c) gun shot at close range (unnatural). The body was subsequently released to the bereaved family for interment in accordance with Islamic custom,” the minister narrated further.

He recounted further that on January 22, 2019, exhibits retrieved from the scene were sent to the Police Forensic Science Laboratory for ballistic examination.

By Ernest Kofi Adu, Parliament House

One Feared Killed, Five Injured In Lagos-Ibadan Expressway Crash


A lone accident along the Lagos-Ibadan Expressway on Tuesday, has claimed life  of one person while five others suffered various degrees of injuries.

Confirming the horrible development to newsmen, today, the spokesperson for the Ogun State Command of the Federal Road Safety Corps, Florence Okpe, disclosed that 23 persons were involved in the accident that occurred around the Fidiwo axis of the expressway.

Okpe said: “23 persons involved, all male, five injured and one person killed.

READ MORE: Two Die, Three Injured In Lagos-Ibadan Expressway Auto Crash

“It was a lone crash involving a truck.”

“The cause of the crash was tyre bust and speeding.

“Motorists are advised to always drive with caution on the expressway so as to prevent needless loss of lives.”

“If not for DonJazzy, Asake is a bigger artist than Rema” Daniel Regha


Daniel Regha, known for his straightforward and often controversial takes on celebrities, has once again stirred up discussion in the music world. His recent focus was on a comparison between two rising artists, Asake and Rema. In a tweet, Regha stated that Asake is a more significant artist than Rema. He attributed Rema’s higher visibility to the effective public relations (PR) strategies of his record label, headed by Don Jazzy, at Marvin’s Records.

Regha didn’t hold back in his assessment of their music either. He argued that Asake’s songs are more meaningful lyrically compared to Rema’s, which he claimed largely feature recycled lyrics. Despite these differences, Regha noted that both artists are still in the early stages of their careers. He concluded his message with “no shades,” indicating he wasn’t intending to demean either artist.

Regha’s outspoken nature is not new. He has been in the spotlight recently for critiquing various aspects of the entertainment industry. Notably, he criticized Ile Baye, the winner of the Big Brother Naija All Stars, for her fashion choice at Davido’s Martell party. The outfit, which was quite revealing, became a hot topic on social media. Regha expressed his disapproval, questioning the role model status of personalities emerging from the Big Brother Naija show.

Additionally, Regha recently took aim at MTN, a leading network provider in Nigeria. He chastised them for spending heavily on advertisements while, according to him, neglecting the quality of their network services. He highlighted the general issue of poor network connectivity in Nigeria, pointing out MTN as a prime example of a company focusing more on marketing than on improving service quality.

Govt approves NSS allowance increase from GH¢559.04 to GH¢715.57


Management of the National Service Scheme (NSS) has announced an increase in the monthly allowance for personnel of the Scheme.

A statement issued by the Corporate Affairs Directorate of the Scheme disclosed that government has given clearance for the allowance to be increased from GH¢559.04 to GH¢715.57 effective January 2023.

The NSS allowance was last adjusted in January 2017 from GH¢350.00 to GH¢559 04.

The statement assured that “all National Service Personnel who are currently in active service are entitled to arrears for the difference in the upward adjustment from January, 2023, and would be paid accordingly.”

Below is the Scheme’s statement.


1. The Management of the National Service Scheme has secured government approval for upward adjustment of monthly allowances for National Service Personnel from GH¢559.04 to GH¢715.57, with effect from January, 2023.

2. The approval, which was contained in a letter dated 18th July, 2023 and signed by the Deputy Minister for Finance, Hon. Abena Osei-Asare (MP), was as a result of series of engagements between National Service Scheme, Fair Wages and Salaries Commission, and the Ministry of Finance.

3. The letter also directed The Controller and Accountant-General to give effect to the new levels of the personnel allowances.

4. In effect, all National Service Personnel who are currently in active service are entitled to arrears for the difference in the upward adjustment from January, 2023, and would be paid accordingly.

5. Management therefore urges all National Service Personnel to exercise patience as the necessary administrative processes are being concluded to have all the arrears duly paid.

Thank you.

‘Taster-General’ Jimmy Quist to appear on UPSIDE DOWN on Channel One TV on Sunday


This week’s edition of the popular entertainment and lifestyle show Upside Down will air on Sunday, June 30, at 7:00 pm on Channel One TV and promises to be fun.

The ever-charming Frema Adunyame will be joined by legendary actor and media personality Jimmy Augustus Quist, who will be sharing his insights and experiences on the show.

Viewers can expect to hear about Jimmy Quist’s impressive career, including his iconic role in the “Efiewura TV Series” and his current role as the Taster -General on Channel One TV‘s “What’s Cooking?” show – hosted by Apiorkor.

But that’s not all. The interview promises to reveal even more about the veteran actor and media personality’s journey.

Jimmy Quist is known for his dedication to his craft and his strong belief in the power of passion and volunteerism. This Sunday’s episode promises to be an enchanting exploration of his life and philosophies.

Don’t miss your chance to catch this insightful interview. Tune in to Upside Down with Frema Adunyame and her “Super Star” guest this Sunday at 7:00 pm on Channel One TV.


Shatta Wale has apologised for insulting my mum – Andy Dosty


Radio and TV presenter, Andy Dosy has revealed that musician Shatta Wale has apologised for insulting his mother.

Speaking on Adom TV, he noted that their reconciliation was facilitated by a respected person whom Dancehall artiste reached out to.

He stated that Shatta Wale also opened up on some of Andy Dosty’s actions he did not like.

However, Andy Dosty noted that he reminded the musician that any conflicts they have are between them, not their parents, and thus their families should not be brought into the mix.

The radio presenter added that his mother has also urged him to forgive Shatta Wale noting that they are brothers and so they should not let their conflicts go too far.

This comes after Andy Dosty called out the Melissa hitmaker early this month for insulting his mother at a concert.

The Hitz FM presenter who was visibly angry declined to promote Shatta Wale’s new album on Daybreak Hitz after the musician’s comment.

“I love my mother, and I won’t speak ill of anyone’s mother; she raised me well. If you don’t have sense, I do. If you don’t respect, don’t come here. The woman who gave birth to me has lived a good life and has a good place to live” Andy Dosty had said.

Many fans and listeners were taken aback since the two have seemingly been good friends.

Meanwhile, Andy Dosty noted that Shatta Wale’s apology is not enough. “I won’t let go just like that.”

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A rare account on what ‘actually’ killed Nkrumah –


The passing of Osagyefo Dr. Kwame Nkrumah, Ghana’s first president, has long been shrouded in mysteries and speculations.

Official records available suggest that Nkrumah succumbed to prostate cancer while in exile in Romania in 1972.

However, the circumstances surrounding his death have been the subject of conspiracy theories.

Nkrumah’s final days on earth were marked by isolation, with no family members by his side, and a growing suspicion that he was not safe from Western intelligence agencies.

It is true that his concerns were valid and had a basis, especially considering the mysterious death of his cook in Guinea during his exile, which fueled rumours of poisoning.

June Milne, the publisher of Kwame Nkrumah’s books, shared her strong suspicions over the death of Ghana’s first president in an interview.

She recounted the sudden and inexplicable demise of Amoah, Nkrumah’s cook, who passed away within six months of their arrival in Conakry.

To her, since Amoah died, there was no one available to check Nkrumah’s food. As a result, she believed that he [Nkrumah] was poisoned as one of the cooks that came after Amoah, worked with the American Embassy.

“Everything seemed to be pretty well and alright until 1968. He was in terrific health at the time. Although I was a bit uneasy because within six months of his arrival in Conakry, the cook that he relied on so much and did all his food for him, whom he always travelled with, Amoah, died within six months. He was a fit man, and I think he was helped on his way to tell you the truth, but after that, Nkrumah’s food was not really safe.

“The various cooks came out from Conakry, and so on. I can’t prove any of this, but I have a strong suspicion that Nkrumah was poisoned in the end in a slow, nasty sort of way. But Amoah was probably the first casualty, I think. Because he was a fit man, and then suddenly he’s vomiting, he’s unwell, and he is taken to the hospital. Then he’s got cancer, and he’s dead within six months. This was really inexplicable, but after that, I felt very concerned,” she stated.

She added “… There was no check on his food, even though cooks were coming out from Conakry. In those days, the American Embassy was opened, and I heard that one of the cooks had been working at the American Embassy.”

June Milne added also that she observed a concerning decline in Nkrumah’s health around 1968, marked by unexplained weight loss and stomach issues, which were previously foreign to him.

“He was very fit until about 1968, and then I began to notice that he was losing weight. Inexplicably, he seemed to be eating alright but he wasn’t as well as he had been… Between 1969 and 1970, he was losing so much weight, and he was having stomach upsets. He never had trouble like that before,” she added.



Why I don’t want to be referred to as a legend – Wutah Kobby –


Veteran Highlife artiste, Wutah Kobby has said that he does not want to be referred to as a legend because he’s not about to retire from doing active music.

Talking on Cape Coast-based Property FM, the ‘For Your Love’ crooner said doing legendary stuff and being a legend are two different things.

“Doing legendary stuff and being a legend are two different things because when you are doing legendary stuff that’s cool. But once you become a legend then when you check the dictionary definition some of the definitions in there are myths”, he said.

“It’s like something like a myth so we don’t specifically believe it but we say this is what it’s supposed to be. So those of us alive I think once we are alive and we continue to do music we’re still in the writing process we can’t conclude and say this is it”.

“If you have observed critically in Ghana once they begin calling you or tagging you as a legend then probably it means you are no longer active in the music scene or you have finally decided to retire from music”, he added.

Source: mynewgh.com

Most Ghanaian companies are always reluctant to sponsor gospel musicians – Diana Hamilton –


Renowned Ghanaian gospel artist Diana Hamilton has shed light on the financial challenges her colleague musicians face in the industry.

Speaking in an interview on ‘X Zone’ on TV XYZ, the songstress disclosed that most companies in Ghana are often reluctant to sponsor gospel events, which makes it difficult for the industry to thrive.

Hamilton told host Afia Owusu that some companies sometimes refuse to sponsor gospel events outrightly, while others disapprove of it.

The “Adom” hitmaker indicated the attitude of the owners of the firms result in a limited pool of companies willing to support gospel events.

“You will encounter companies that outrightly say they don’t sponsor gospel events. There are also those who frown upon sponsoring gospel, leading to a scarcity of companies willing to sponsor.”

She could not tell wether the the phenomenon is purely based on low returns one could get from sponsoring gospel events or the sector was not lucrative.

Touching on her role as a brand ambassador for both Awake drinking water and Enterprise Life Insurance, Diana attributed her success in securing those deals to “divine intervention.”

Source: myxyzonline.com

Fake mad couple exposed as guy makes shocking confession


In November, a video that went viral on social showed how a mad guy and his supposed girlfriend were inseparable despite the state of the male lover.

Also in one of the videos, the lady claimed that she has done a blood covenant with his alleged mad boyfriend and that’s why she can’t break up with him.

Mad guy makes shocking confession

During an interview, the lady additionally lied that the mad man in the trending video was the one who broke his virginity.

READ ALSO; Lady unusual backside causes stir on social media [Watch]

The fake couple received a lot of empathy from social media users who were touched by the video.

Some netzines even offered to help the mentally challenged both financially and health wise in order for him to regain his sanity.

However, all what we saw in the heartwarming videos were scripted and fake.

Speaking in an exclusive interview with Zionfelix, Olivia confessed that the mad guy in the video is his elder brother and not lover as earlier speculated.

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Collins, who played the role of the mad man in the video also confessed that the video was meant to be an education to people not to neglect their loved ones who get sick along the way.

They openly confessed that the ‘mad’ video is fake and shouldn’t be treated with seriousness.

Watch the video below;

SEE ALSO; Strange as young Benz owner strips, asks car wash attendant to bath him [Watch]

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‘Three days in labour’ – Ohemaa Mercy recounts life-threatening childbirth experience –


Renowned gospel musician, Ohemaa Mercy, has shared the harrowing experience she endured during childbirth, describing it as a life-threatening ordeal spanning three days.

In an interview with Adom TV, she recalled going into labour on a Tuesday and enduring a prolonged process that required significant medical interventions.

By Friday, with her child still not delivered, doctors opted for an emergency caesarean section due to the complications posing risks to both her and the baby.

Although the surgery was successful, Ohemaa Mercy said she faced further challenges when her surgical stitches were prematurely removed, resulting in the reopening of her wound.

This setback, according to her, led to another urgent surgery to save her life just a week later.

During this critical period, Ohemaa Mercy also faced the overwhelming concern of medical bills, which compounded her physical and emotional stress.

In what she described as a miraculous and timely intervention, a nurse who was a friend of her mother stepped in with alternative treatment and provided crucial support throughout her recovery.

Over the next six months, Ohemaa Mercy had to thread cautiously to prevent further complications from her wound.

She emphasised that this challenging journey tested her physical strength and deeply challenged her faith.

Today, she attributes her survival to the grace of God, expressing profound gratitude for being alive despite the daunting obstacles she faced.


Securing IMF bailout by May ending feasible


Director of Business Operations at Dalex Finance, Joe Jackson has expressed optimism about the government’s indication to secure an IMF bailout by May 2023.

Mr. Jackson said the May ending disclosure by the Minister of Finance, Ken Ofori-Atta is a more feasible date than the initial March ending deadline.

“The May deadline is a lot more realistic than the March deadline was, and in that sense, the May deadline seems to be a lot easier to attain than the March deadline. As the Finance Minister indicated there are still issues such as cocoa bills, dollar bonds, and independent power producers to deal with, this window will provide time for them to be resolved.”

While addressing Eurobond holders at an Investors Presentation in Washington DC on Friday, April 14, Mr Ofori-Atta disclosed that the government is expected to receive IMF Board approval for a $3 billion bailout by the close of May 2023.

“We do at this time expect an IMF board approval in May [2023] and contemplate a rapid negotiation of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with our creditors. We have made significant efforts on all fronts. We hope we could reach an agreement in principle with you our Eurobond holders quickly.”

The financial analyst lauded the government’s domestic debt exchange programme which he said will help the government get enough substance to back its demand for a bailout but however, cautioned there is no way both the IMF and investors will sacrifice to come to Ghana’s rescue.

“The good thing is that I believe the government has learnt from the domestic debt exchange programme and in a few weeks there may be enough substance to take to the IMF Board.

“They are willing to help us, but they will not cut their noses to help us. It is not going to be as easy as walking into a negotiation and asking them to cut their noses to help us, it is not going to happen.”



Auntie Muni’s death possibly caused by wrong medication – Alleged son hints –


In an exclusive interview with Asaase Radio, Arafat, claiming to be the son of the late waakye icon Auntie Muni, has revealed distressing details surrounding the potential cause of his mother’s death.

Arafat alleges that his mother’s passing was linked to complications arising from what he believes could be incorrect medication administered at the SSNIT Hospital.

“Mummy was sick. She was complaining of leg pain. So we took her to the SSNIT Hospital. I think they were giving her, I don’t know whether it was wrong medication, so she got complicated, a lot of complicated, so she herself was calling for discharge. When they discharged her, we went home. The next two days we saw that the sickness was… so we rushed to UGMC. This morning at 3:00 AM, she passed away,” he explained.

Arafat further disclosed that Auntie Muni had explicitly instructed them to take her to Tamale for burial, and they were meticulously following her wishes. “She said when she dies, we should take her to Tamale to bury her. So we followed the instructions she gave to us. This morning we are preparing to take her to Tamale for burial,” he added.

Auntie Muni, renowned for her delectable waakye sold at Labone junction in Accra for over 35 years, was reputed for never having reportedly argued with a customer. In addition to her culinary skills, she was known as a philanthropist, supporting numerous needy individuals in her community.

News of her demise has left many in a state of mourning, especially her loyal customers and admirers, who have expressed their condolences and paid tribute to her on social media.

The hospital, which provides healthcare to SSNIT staff, their dependents, and the general public, has yet to respond to this claim.

Only witches don’t like Bawumia considering how he has digitalized Ghana  – Afia Schwar » ™-


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Afia Schwarzenegger has praised Ghana’s Vice President, Dr Mahamudu Bawumia, for his efforts to digitalize the Ghanaian economy.

According to the notorious social media commenter, any Ghanaian who does not appreciate Dr Bawumia’s efforts is a witch.

Afia was speaking after returning to Ghana from a holiday overseas, where she received prompt and efficient treatment at the Kotoka International Airport.

“If not for the Northerner Dr Mahamudu Bawumia how can a plane arrive in Ghana at 8:40 and 8:50 I am collecting my luggage. The digitalization that we talk about that you people say you don’t like old men in office, look at it ” she said.

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READ ALSO: My dream since 2012 has been to make Bawumia Ghana’s President – NAPO

She continued that “eii so for those of you who don’t like Dr Bawumia you are just a witch”.

Sharing the video below on her Instagram page, she added that “when we arrived at Kotoka, there was no queue at the immigration check-in, and that was shocking..only to experience the smoothest immigration check-in ever in Ghana.

“Thank you, @mbawumia and his team, for this experience. Travelling has become much, much better. Please work on the removal of shoes too please,” she concluded.

‘Ghanaians Should Watch Out For DSL’



Managing Director of Media Excel Production and Consultant, Ernest Kwesi Ennim, has eulogised rising Lynx Entertainment reggae/dancehall signee DSL, born Lawrence Senyo Adiase, for his exceptional debut performance at the 24th Vodafone Ghana Awards (VGMA).

Kwesi Ernest, in an interview on TV3’s New Day, said DSL displayed a magnificent performance on the night. This made it to his list of top performances at this year’s awards.

“The young man is a promising act Ghanaians should watch out for. He is the junior version of Stonebwoy and I think with the correct management DSL will go far, brilliant performance on that night, I was very impressed,” he said.

Kwesi Ernest also made a prediction, saying, DSL is a potential winner for the 25th VGMA new artiste of the year, adding “He just has to work harder on his songs and craft to sail through the music industry.”

He also listed Sarkodie, King Promise, Epixode, and Piesie Esther as top performers on the night.

DSL shot to fame following his win at the 10th edition of the music reality show TV3 Mentor in 2022. The artiste composed the famous ‘Boys Pe Cho’. He recently released a song titled ‘Happy’ which featured Larruso, and produced by Vyrusky.


BY Prince Fiifi Yorke

Budget review: We’re making progress, we won’t ask for more money


The Finance Minister, Ken Ofori-Atta, says the Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo government will not ask Parliament for any additional money.

According to him, this was necessitated by the progress made in non-oil tax revenue collection within the year.

The Finance Minister made these remarks when he presented the mid-year budget review in Parliament on July 31.

“For the first six months of the year, we continue making progress to exceed our non-oil revenue targets for the year. We have seen improvements in non-oil tax revenue collection despite some noticeable shortfalls in VAT.

“However, oil revenues have fallen short of expectations due to changes in global prices. We will, therefore, undertake a downward review of the oil-related revenue as well as the corresponding expenditures to align with the underperformance of some of our revenue handles. Specifically, this will impact the Annual Budget Funding Amount (ABFA),” the Finance Minister said.

Mr Ofori-Atta also attributed the decision not to ask for additional money to the completion of aspects of the Domestic Debt Exchange Programme.

He further remarked that due to the reduction in the foreign-financed CAPEX, the Appropriation has been revised from GH¢227.7 billion to GH¢206.0 billion.

“Mr. Speaker, in view of the reason outlined above, as well as the lower domestic interest payment and amortization, following the completion of a part of the DDEP, and the reduction in the foreign-financed CAPEX, the Appropriation has been revised from GHS227.7 billion as presented and approved in November 2022 to GHS206.0 billion.

“This is in line with Regulation 24 sub-regulation (3) of the Public Financial Management Act Regulations 2019 (L.I. 2378).  Mr Speaker, we will, therefore, not require a Supplementary Budget,” he stated.


Anti-LGBTQ Bill Will Hurt Ghana’s Int’l Reputation, Economy – US Ambassador


U.S Ambassador to Ghana, Virginia Palmer


The U.S. Ambassador to Ghana, Virginia Palmer, has expressed worry over the passage of the Anti-LGBTQ bill by the Parliament of Ghana.

In a tweet, the US ambassador noted that the passage of the bill could affect the reputation of Ghana internationally and its economy.

“If enacted, it will also hurt Ghana’s international reputation and Ghana’s economy,” she said.

According to her, the passage of the bill will undermine Ghanaian’s constitutional rights to freedom of speech, freedom of assembly, and freedom of the press.

“I am saddened because some of the smartest, most creative, most decent people I know are LGBT. The bill Parliament passed takes away not only their basic human rights but those of all Ghanaians because it undermines their constitutional rights to freedom of speech, freedom of assembly, and freedom of the press. It will be bad for public order and public health.”

On February 38, 2924, the Parliament of Ghana passed the bill on Human Sexual Rights and Family Values commonly called the anti-LGBTQ+ bill.

According to the bill, persons caught in the act would be subjected to a 6-month to 3-year jail term with promoters and sponsors of the act bearing a 3 to 5-year jail term.

The bill proscribes LGBT activities and criminalizes its promotion, advocacy, and funding.

However, the LGBTQ+ bill is yet to be passed into law by President Akufo-Addo.

Meanwhile, some members of the LGBTQ+ bill community have expressed their disappointment over the passage of the bill while some CSOs have called on the President not to sign the passed LGBTQ+ bill into law.


BY Eric Kombat

Who advised you to hold a press conference? – Allotey Jacobs slams Kissi Agyebeng for criticizing judiciary –


Bernard Allotey Jacobs, a former Central Regional Chairman of the National Democratic Congress (NDC), has criticized the Special Prosecutor, Kissi Agyebeng over his recent press conference where he alleged that the judiciary was somewhat obstructing his work.

Speaking on a panel discussion on Peace FM’s Kokrokoo on December 6, 2023, Allotey Jacobs questioned the motivation behind Agyebeng’s decision to hold a press conference and publicly assert that his work is being hampered by the judiciary.

According to him, such actions by the SP contributes to a negative perception of the judiciary’s integrity.

“I thought the OSP was doing a good job, but I don’t understand why, who advised him to hold a press conference? You see, he is feeding into that perception that Ghana’s judiciary is not good, when you are an officer of the court,” he said.

He added, “But have we been able to define corruption in this country? Look, it is not only the politicians, all of us are corrupt.”

Kissi Agyebeng during the said press conference shared his observations about a trend of dismissals by some members of the judiciary regarding the work of the OSP.

The OSP then alluded to four instances where the court made worrying pronouncements in favour of suspects being investigated for corruption and corruption-related cases by his office.

“We do not force feed cases; we do not force feed our prosecutions. It is our belief that it is not a matter of us going beyond our mandate but rather a case of hasty dismissiveness and lack of regard because if you take the four cases I tabled out over a period of time spanning from July 2022 to Monday, there is a troubling trend.

“In one of the cases, I said a judge injuncted us from arresting a person. Mind you, we were not in court. We had declared the person wanted as a fugitive from justice, there was absolutely no enquiry as to why we believed that the person was a fugitive from justice so it is not as if we breached the law.

“No one asked us why we declared the person wanted. Then we were served with an injunction order that we cannot arrest the person meanwhile we know that in our law no one has the right not to be arrested. You cannot say you are granting a person a right not to be arrested.

“So when we receive judicial decisions like that it makes us assume that we are being prevented from arresting someone who is a fugitive from justice,” he said.

Agyebeng’s assertions come in the wake of the dismissal of several requests and applications made by the OSP in its ongoing fight against corruption.

In July 2022, the Accra High Court dismissed the OSP’s request to freeze the assets of the late Kwadwo Owusu Afriyie, popularly known as Sir John, a former CEO of the Forestry Commission. This followed the OSP’s decision to freeze all assets related to Sir John as part of an investigation into the acquisition of state lands and properties specified in his will.

Agyebeng warned of potential dangers if the court continues to injunct or prohibit investigations, suggesting that soon even murderers might boldly seek injunctions to shield themselves from prosecution.

Addressing the challenges, he has faced since assuming the role of Special Prosecutor, Agyebeng highlighted a recent court ruling that prohibited him from continuing an investigation into the Labianca tax case. The court quashed adverse findings made by the OSP against Col. Damoah and one Adu-Kyei, accusing them of wrongdoing in granting tax waivers to Labianca Company, owned by Council of State member Eunice Asomah-Hinneh.

Despite the court ruling, Agyebeng has vowed to pursue the case, expressing concern about the potential bad precedent set by frequent court interference in his work.


Thrills @ TGMA Xperience Concert In Cape Coast



The annual Telecel Ghana Awards Xperience Concert, which took place at Cape Coast’s Robert Mensah Stadium last Saturday, was a really entertaining event.

Organised by Charterhouse, the event brought together thousands of Ghanaian musicians and music enthusiasts on one stage to commemorate Ghanaian music.

Attendees were excitedly anticipating performances by some of Ghana’s biggest musical performers, such as Stonebwoy, Kofi Kinaata, Adina, Guru, and others.

After being treated to an incredible roster of acts that continued far into the early hours of the morning, they patiently waited for more than three hours until the rain eventually stopped.

Renowned reggae/dancehall musician Stonebwoy was among the night’s best acts, delivering some unforgettable performances of his hit songs.

He performed several dancing routines live on stage for the ecstatic spectators. With a great deal of enthusiasm, he attacked the stage and eventually gave some of his energy to the audience, who screamed and sang along to every song he performed.

When King Paluta also rocked the stage, he had been nominated for Best New Artiste of the Year.

During his turn on stage, multiple Songwriter of the Year winner Kofi Kinaata also gave a magnificent performance.

The Takoradi-based artiste thrilled the audience with some of his timeless hit singles, including ‘Confession’, ‘Thy Grace,’ and some songs on his newly released ‘Kofi oo Kofi’ Extended Play (EP).

The night also witnessed some outstanding performances from renowned gospel musician Nacee, Adina, Olivetheboy, Alapta Man, among others.

By George Clifford Owusu

Bagbin admits two motions from minority; Ofori-Atta to take DDEP to Parliament for consideration


Finance Minister (Left) and Speaker of Parliament Alban Bagbin,

The Minority Leader Dr Cassiel Ato Forson has announced that the Speaker of Parliament Alban Bagbin has admitted two key motions filed by the opposition lawmakers.

Per this action of the Speaker, Finance Minister Ken Ofori-Atta will be compelled to send the Domestic Debt Exchange Programme (DDEP) to Parliament for consideration, Dr Forson said.

Also there is going to be a Parliamentary committee to probe matters relating to the National Cathedral.

In a tweet on Friday, March 3, Dr Ato Forson who is also a lawmaker for Ajumako Enyan Essiam said “Friends, I am glad to announce the Speaker has admitted two Key motions from us! This means: 1. The finance minister will be forced to bring the #DDEP to parliament for consideration! 2. parliament shall set up a committee to probe the national Cathedral.”

Earlier, Bawku Central Member of Parliament Mahama Ayariga said the Finance Minister could not, on his own, run around in relation to the DDEP as though there was no institution to supervise him.

He indicated that the DDEP must go to Parliament for consideration.

“The matter must come to Parliament for a vote,” he said on the Ghana Tonight show on TV3 Thursday, February 16.

“The Speaker did indicate that if we wanted more opportunity to look at this, we should, in the form of motion and he is ready to admit the motion. Whatever it is there has to be the appro or blessing of the Parliament.”

He further said the Finance Minister had no legal right to solely decide on domestic bonds.

Mr Ayariga said every action of the Finance Minister should be scrutinized and approved by Parliament per the Public Financial Management Act.

“If he has not been coming to Parliament for appro, I am telling him today that he is doing the wrong thing, he must come to parliament for appro of the domestic bond.

“Tomorrow I will file a motion in Parliament requesting the Finance Minister to submit to Parliament,” he said on the Ghana Tonight show on TV3 Thursday, February 16.

Mr Ofori-Atta briefed Parliament on the DDEP on Thursday, February 16.

During his presentation, he told the lawmakers to support the government in closing the deal with the International Monetary Fund (IMF).

He said that an IMF deal would help Ghana recover quickly from the economic challenges.”

“We will recover from this crisis soon rather than later as indicated by President Akufo-Addo.

“I will urge Members of Parliament to support the government to secure the board appro for macro stability.”

Mr Ofori-Atta further told Parliament that he has met the pensioners who have been picketing to protest their inclusion in the Domestic Debt Exchange Programme (DDEP) three times.

He said he has explained to them the terms of the new bonds

He said “government is committed to the wellbeing of our senior citizens and pensioners. The government will honour their coupon payments and maturing principles.”

He added “I have met with them on three occasions where I explained the terms of the new bonds. I subsequently wrote to their convener to let him know that all pensioners who did not participate in the bond offerings are exempt.”

By Laud Nartey|3news.com|Ghana

Court Testimony: Obado was at Raila’s Residence During Sharon Otieno’s Abduction


The murder trial against former Migori Governor Okoth Obado and two others continued Wednesday, with the 42nd witness taking to the stand.

Investigations officer Nicholas Ole Sena informed the court that Obado was not present at the crime scene when the deceased Sharon Otieno was abducted and killed.

Ole Sena clarified that the investigations did not find any evidence placing Obado at the crime scene.

“The investigation focused on the abduction and subsequent murder of the deceased; we have no information or proof of his involvement in Sharon’s killing,” the witness testified.

Lawyers representing Obado, led by Kioko Kilikumi and Rodgers Sagana, sought clarification on whether Obado had consented to the reported meetings between the deceased and his co-accused Caspal Obiero and Michael Oyamo.

Ole Sena stated that there was no indication of Obado’s awareness of such meetings. He added that Obado was in Karen, attending a meeting at opposition chief Raila Odinga’s residence on the said day.

“I confirm that he was in Raila Odinga’s place from 5 pm to about 9 pm,” he said.

The investigating officer also told the court that the relationship between the former Migori County chief and Sharon was open-ended.

Ole Sena emphasized that Obado’s involvement in court proceedings stemmed from his relationship with Sharon, noting that impregnating her was not a criminal offense.

“It was never mentioned that the 1st accused (Obado) was present during the meetings, it was never disclosed whether the 1st accused had any knowledge or aware of the meeting at Gracia Hotel,” he said.

The IO also noted that the investigations established Obado’s commitment to purchasing a house for Sharon following her pregnancy.

“Indeed I confirm that the 1st accused (Obado) was to buy land and build a three-bedroom house in Homa Bay worth Ksh.3 million, according to a former MCA,” he said.

The trial continues.

A hit after 20 years in music can’t make you my mentor – Strongman to Rap Fada –


Ghanaian Rapper, Strongman has taken a swipe at Rad Fada for saying he tutored him about the business of music.

Rap Fada while in an interview on Accra-based Kingdom FM indicated that he tutored Strongman when he started his journey into music.

But Strongman has debunked the claim indicating that someone who used 20 years in music to get one hit song cannot claim to be his tutor.

To Strongman, people who do not acknowledge the successes of others and always want to feel superior to their colleagues will always struggle and that has been the case of Rap Fada.

“I think he is still young in the business. For someone who got one hit song after 20 years of doing music he is not worth my attention. He should change his name because which Rap does he have. It is about time we take names from some of these people. If he knows anything about Rap, he would have earned some nominations in the Rapper of the Year,” he said on Kumasi-based Angel FM.


Name the coup mongers in Ghana – Asah Asante to Kan Dapaah –


A senior lecturer at the University of Ghana (UG), Dr. Kwame Asah Asante has challenged the National Security Minister, Albert Kan Dapaah to name those promoting coup d’état in the country.

National Security Minister, Albert Kan Dapaah has accused some individuals in academia, civil society, and the media of actively exploiting their influence to promote a coup and destabilize the country.

Speaking on Morning Starr with Francis Abban, the senior lecturer further stated that the National Security Minister must provide Ghanaians details on those he perceived to be promoting the coup.

“He talks about the issue of some callers, civil society, and the media serving as coup mongers, promoting a coup in this country and that’s a serious statement”.

“I will urge the Minister to muster the courage and name names, name institutions, individuals who are the coup mongers and it is the first duty of him to do as Minister of State who believes in democracy and who supports the constitution. He should name names for the world to know them,” Dr. Asante stated.

He continued: “This country is a country of laws and democracy hinges on law. So if there are individuals, civil society groups, and the group that he has defined in this country that want to subvert the democratic will of the people through coup-mongering. What is preventing the Minister from triggering the legal processes and making sure that democracy is preserved and protected at all times?”

Dr. Asante further questioned whether the Minister wants to tell Ghanaians that the security agencies are not on duty.

“And these people are having free days and they want to subvert this country and they are sitting down working and drawing salary without taking them on? If the Minister believes in what he is saying, if there are no doubts he should name names,” the senior lecturer stated.

Source: starrfm.com.gh

Hearts of Oak shot stopper has the worst statistics as compared to his fellows


Richmond Ayi is a Ghanaian professional footballer who plays as a goalkeeper for Ghanaian Premier league side Accra Hearts of Oak. 

Ayi signed a new deal that will see the shot-stopper stay with the Phobians until 2025. Ayi joined Hearts from West African Football Academy (WAFA) in 2019 to test new waters in the nation’s capital.

Richmond Ayi is the favorite goalkeeper for Slavko Matic this season.

The coach himself confirmed Ayi is his first choice goalkeeper the rest can fight for the second position.

Meanwhile, section of the supporters are worried why the Goalkeeper has been conceding goals like that and has called for competition.

Richmond Ayi has conceded 5 goals in the last three games played for Hearts.

1 against Uncle T United

2 against Bechem United

2 against Tamale City 

In the last 3 games hearts has played, they have scored 7 in all competition and has conceded 5 goals .

A big worried for the Phobia supporters.

Content created and supplied by: OnAndOffThePitch (via Opera
News )

Hearts of Oak
Richmond Ayi
Slavko Matic
West African Football Academy


UBA records significant growth in revenue, profit and key metrics with a PBT of $829.7m


Africa’s Global Bank, United Bank for Africa (UBA) Plc, delivered an outstanding performance for the half year ended June 30, 2023, as announced in its audited financial report.

The results released to the Nigerian Exchange Limited (NGX) on Tuesday showed that the Group recorded double and triple-digit growth across its major income lines, as it continued to show substantial progress in increasing the contribution and market share from its subsidiaries in Africa and globally.

Specifically, at the end of the first two quarters of the year, and despite the tough global macroeconomic backdrop and geo-political challenges in

Africa, UBA Group reported a profit before tax of $829.7 million, representing an extraordinary increase of 371 per cent, when compared to $204.5 million recorded in the first half of 2022. This translated to an annualised Return on Average Equity of 57.7 per cent as against 17.1 per cent a year earlier.

In addition: The results also showed as of June 30, 2023, a profit after tax (PAT) of $776.79 million, representing a leap of 437.8 percent over H1 2022.

Operating Income grew by 206.6 per cent to $1.61billion in June 2023; higher than $609.9million reported a year earlier.
The Group delivered a 164 per cent growth in its Gross Earnings which rose to $2.02 billion as of June 2023, up from $888.2 million recorded last year in June 2022.

Total Assets continued a strong upward trajectory, rising above the $19.8bn mark, as it hit $20.3 billion, representing a 41.7 per cent leap up from $14.4 billion recorded at the end of last year.

Customer Deposits also rose by a sharp 42.4 per cent to $14.7 billion in the period under consideration; as against $16.9 billion recorded at the end of 2022.

Shareholders’ Funds increased to $2.26 billion reflecting the Group’s strong capacity for internal capital generation.

In line with the Group’s culture of paying both interim and final cash dividends, the Board has approved an interim dividend of 0.07cents per share, which represents over 150% increase over the prior year.

UBA’s Group Managing Director/Chief Executive Officer, Mr. Oliver Alawuba commenting on the results said the exceptional performance underscored the Group’s commitment to consistently deliver value to its shareholders; he added that the Group made progress in digital payments, retail penetration and also benefitted from the effect of revaluation gains, arising from the harmonization of foreign exchange rates at the different access windows in Nigeria.

He said, “The Group recorded strong double-digit growth in revenues and profits from its operations, the result also reflects the effect of sizeable revaluation gains, arising from the harmonization of currency exchange rates in Nigeria. Our reporting currency found a new exchange level at about N756 to 1US$ as of 30 June 2023, compared to N465 at the beginning of the year. The results again demonstrate the benefits of our long-held diversification strategy across Africa and globally. The growth of our international business, most recently in the UAE, only reinforces this earnings quality.

Continuing he added, “Our business is on a steady growth trajectory, as we further strengthen our risk management traditions and practices necessary technology investments to deliver premium service to our customers. We have also continued to finance landmark projects in critical sectors of the economies across Africa, facilitating intra-Africa trade with our valuable offerings and provide a versatile last-mile distribution network for Africa-bound donor and multilateral agency funds.”

“The three core geographical pillars of our business (Nigeria, Rest of Africa and Rest of the World) are making strong contributions to the Group profit, further justifying our global strategy and business positioning across Africa, UAE, France, UK and USA, and demonstrating the benefits of positioning UBA as the financial intermediary for Africa and the rest of the world.” Alawuba said.

On the plans for the rest of the year, Alawuba said, “As we approach the last quarter of the year, the Group remains strategically positioned to sustain the strong performance, consolidating on H1 2023 results, to deliver superior returns to our esteemed shareholders.”

UBA’s Executive Director Finance & Risk, Ugo Nwaghodoh, said the half year 2023 financial numbers reflect an excellent performance across key metrics, as the bank diligently executes its strategic priorities.

“Our HY2023 financial numbers reflect excellent performance across key metrics, as we diligently execute our priorities for the year. Annualized return on average equity at 57.7% was bolstered by improved operating income and revaluation gains.” he explained.

Nwaghodoh also pointed out that the Group maintains robust capital buffers to support business growth and loss absorbency. The Group’s shareholders’ funds stood at N1.7trillion, with a capital adequacy ratio of 36.4%”.

UBA is a leading pan-African financial institution, offering banking services to more than thirty-seven million customers across 1,000 business offices and customer touch points in 20 African countries. With presence in New York, London, and Paris and now the UAE, UBA is connecting people and businesses across Africa through retail, commercial and corporate banking, innovative cross-border payments and remittances, trade finance and ancillary banking services.

Forget everything you’ve ever heard, visit Africa – Steve Harvey advises


American TV personality Steve Harvey, has advised Americans in the diaspora to put their prejudices about Africa aside and visit the continent.

According to him, these travels will give the west, especially African-Americans an understanding of African culture and its impact on the rest of the world.

Speaking in a podcast, Steve Harvey said “Forget everything you’ve ever heard. After you go to Africa, you got to go to Ghana first, then you need to go to Botswana because you need to see (these places).”

“Botswana is the second richest diamond producer nation in the world – them black people over got something. And then you got to go to Johannesburg, that’s what you’ve got to do. You’ve got to do that jump right there. Once you see that, you’ll understand who we are,” he told a crowd.

Steve Harvey stated that these visits will dismiss the narrative that Africans, especially musicians, are ‘stealing’ from the west as many African Americans believe. “Them Africans ain’t stole nothing from us. “

“They talk about, Burner Boy stole this? No. We stole from Burner Boy. Them Africans is us, man. They’re the beat. They the rhythm. They the soul. They the hard work. We get our courage from them. When you see them people, they look jack like your family,” he said.

Steve Harvey first came to Ghana in 2019 during the popularised ‘Year of Return’ when diasporans and African-Americans were encouraged to visit Ghana to learn about their roots.

Since his visit, the TV show host has spoken openly about his love for Ghana and the African continent as a whole.

He also introduced the popular game show ‘Family Fued’ to Ghana and South Africa.

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Ato Forson Closes Case In €2.37m Ambulance Trial


Dr. Cassiel Ato Forson


Minority Leader in Parliament and former Deputy Minister of Finance, Dr. Cassiel Ato Forson, yesterday closed his case in his trial for causing financial loss to the state.

Former Minister of Health, Alex Segbefia was billed to testify for Dr. Forson in a trial in which he is accused of authorising payment for what the prosecution describes as defective ambulances, thereby costing the state €2.37 million loss.

But Godwin Edudzi Tameklo, a member of his legal team told the court yesterday that Dr. Forson was no longer calling any witnesses and wishes to close his case.

The court, presided over by Justice Afia Serwah Asare-Botwe, a Justice of the Court of Appeal sitting as an additional High Court Judge, closed Dr. Forson’s case and Sylvester Anemana, a former Chief Director at the Ministry of Health, subsequently opened his defence.

Dr. Ato Forson, Sylvester Anemana as well as private businessman, Richard Jakpa, are standing trial for willfully causing financial loss of €2.37 million to the state, through a contract to purchase 200 ambulances for the Ministry of Health, among other charges.

Dr. Forson during his defence called three witnesses – Henry Myles Mills, an official of Stanbic Bank, Alex Mould and Seth Terkper, former Minister of Finance.

Mr. Terkper, who appears to be Dr. Forson’s principal witness, last Thursday told the court that he authorised Dr. Forson to write to the Bank of Ghana authorising the establishment of the letters of credit (LC).

“The letter to the Bank of Ghana requesting the setting up of the LC emanated from the Ministry of Finance and had my full authorisation,” he told the court.

He said his authorisation was based on an advice from the Office of the Attorney General asking the Ministry of Finance to honour the contract to avoid government incurring financial liabilities.

But while under cross-examination by Attorney General, Godfred Yeboah Dame, Mr. Terkper admitted that payment for the defective ambulances for which his then deputy is standing trial, was made in error.

Apart from this admission, Mr. Terkper was not able to point to any document specifically authored by him authorising Dr. Forson to write to the Controller and Account General’s Department (CAGD) requesting the establishment of the letters of credit, which was the means of payment for the ambulances.

He also admitted that the Bank of Ghana (BoG) should not have proceeded to establish the letters of credit for payment for the ambulances until the loan agreement specified in the contract had been signed.

Mr. Terkper also admitted while under cross-examination by the Attorney General that, no contract had been signed per the agreement for the delivery of the ambulances before Dr. Forson wrote the letter requesting the establishment of the letters of credit.

He, however, indicated that he was under obligation from the then Attorney General (AG) and his legal department to proceed with the establishment of the LC which were made conditional.

“Are you saying that the BoG should not have proceeded to establish the LC until the loan agreement had been signed?” Mr. Dame asked.

“Yes, that is what the contract specifies, and therefore it is the responsibility of the Ministry of Health to ensure that this provision relating to signing the contract had been made before payment were made,” Mr. Terkper responded.

“It is your case that the payment for the ambulances was made in error?” Mr. Dame further asked.

“Yes, but noting that major conditions in the contract had been breached and attention had been drawn to it by the Attorney General,” Mr. Terkper said.

Mr. Dame also asked whether the former Finance Minister was aware whether any contract for 50 ambulances per the contract agreement were signed before the LC were authorised to be established by the Ministry of Finance.

“It is not my recollection that this was done, but I had confidence in the AG and in my own staff who requested that we should establish the LC to avoid default,” Mr. Terkper answered.

By Gibril Abdul Razak

BoG’s 2023 annual report publication commendable – IFRIG wants more action on losses –


The publication 2023 Annual Report and Financial Statement of the Bank of Ghana (BoG) has attracted commendation from the Islamic Finance Research Institute of Ghana (IFRIG).

Dr. Shaibu Ali, Director of IFRIG stressed that the importance of the publication of such reports especially for an outfit that holds supervisory mandate over majority of players in the financial ecosystem in Ghana.

“It is instructive that the apex bank releases its annual report in line with the law that establishes it and clothes it with the power to manage the financial services sector along with allied institutions.

“The same BoG that supervises banks and other deposit-taking outfits and taking stern action on some of them as happened with the banking sector cleanup, is also subjected to critique where necessary because of its annual report,” Dr. Ali pointed out in an interview with GhanaWeb.

He observed that it was instructive that the Central Bank has been consistent in releasing its annual report, stressing: “my checks on the BoG website shows that there are annual reports dating as far back as 2004.”

On the importance of the report repository, the IFRIG boss emphasized: “these reports serve a myriad of professionals and institutions by way of presenting official BoG records. This report would serve economists, banks, international partners, students and the media for years to come.”

He is, however, concerned with the losses that the bank has recorded in the year under review and in the record loss in the year before.

The bank reported a loss of GH¢10.5 billion for the 2023 financial year, significantly lower figure from the GH¢55 billion loss in 2022.

“Losses are a part of the financial sector but as best as possible, the BoG must do all it takes to lower losses year-in-and-out.

“With that said, there is the urgent need for the politicization of the bank’s losses to be toned down even as existing regulatory laws are strictly enforced to keep the bank in check,” he added.

About the BoG’s losses

According to the BoG governor, Ernest Addison in his foreword, the loss resulted from a substantial increase in total interest expenses on open market operations by the Central Bank.

“In 2023, the global economy was characterised by uncertainties in the first half of the year. Despite these uncertainties, global economic activity rebounded in the second half of the year, amid solid demand and resilient labour markets.

“Global inflationary pressures also eased substantially, though headline inflation remained above target in many countries. The deceleration was driven, in large part, by declines in energy and food prices.

“This led to a pause in policy rate hikes by several central banks, but the lagged effects of previous policy tightening measures kept global financing conditions tight in the near-term,” Addison wrote.


IFRIG is first and foremost, a research institution focused on the Islamic Banking and Finance ecosystem in the country and West African subregion.

“Our efforts currently pivoted in the area of research, advocacy and capacity building has the medium to long term aspirations of leveraging on research to usher Ghana into an incremental adaptation of Islamic finance – banking and insurance,” a post on their website read.

IFRIG’s flagship programme is the the Islamic Finance International Conference (IFIC).

The annual event, since 2020, has pooled together experts from Ghana, the West African subregion and beyond to continue sharing perspectives on the importance of non-interest banking and finance for the wider socio-economic good of Ghana specifically and the global economy.

Source: www.ghanaweb.com

Jude Bellingham double helps Real Madrid thrash Osasuna


Bellingham joined Real in the summer from Borussia Dortmund for 103m euros (£88.5m)

Jude Bellingham continued his brilliant start to his Real Madrid career, scoring twice in his side’s comfortable win at home to Osasuna.

The 20-year-old has 10 goals in his first 10 matches in all competitions for the Spanish giants.

Bellingham opened the scoring in the ninth minute, before doubling his side’s lead in the second half.

Vinicius Junior and Joselu also scored in the hosts’ 4-0 win, with the latter missing an 84th-minute penalty.

Bellingham has had a fairytale start with the Spanish giants having found the net in all but three of his 12 matches for club and country this season.

His first strike against Osasuna completed a brilliant team goal, seeing him drive the ball into the roof of the net after good work from Dani Carvajal and Luka Modric.

His added his second in the 54th minute with a shot between the legs of onrushing goalkeeper Sergio Herrera after a fine one-two with Federico Valverde.

The ex-Birmingham City and Borussia Dortmund midfielder left the pitch to a standing ovation when he was substituted in the 72nd minute.

Without Bellingham’s goals Real Madrid would be 10 points worse off this season.

Afenyo-Markin to be the Majority Leader in Parliament –


Following President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo’s recent Valentine’s Day ministerial reshuffle, a significant shakeup of the majority front bench is imminent, with Alexander Afenyo-Markin pegged to assume the role of Majority Leader in Parliament, as reported by citinewsroom.com.

Osei Kyei-Mensah-Bonsu, the incumbent Majority Leader and Minister for Parliamentary Affairs, is set to be replaced by Afenyo-Markin, the current Deputy Majority Leader, the report added.

While it remains uncertain whether Kyei-Mensah-Bonsu will retain his government position, indications suggest he’s in line to be appointed as the Chairman of the NPP’s 2024 Manifesto Committee.

Frank Annoh Dompreh, the current Majority Chief Whip and MP for Nsawam-Adoagyiri, is slated to ascend to the position of Deputy Majority Leader.

This transition will create an opening for Habib Iddrisu, the current First Deputy Chief Whip, to assume the substantive role of Majority Chief Whip.

The report added that Patricia Appiagyei will then step into the position of First Deputy Majority Chief Whip, following the departure of Lydia Seyram Alhassan, who has been nominated as Minister for Water Resources and Sanitation.

Furthermore, sources suggest that Alex Tetteh Djornobuah, the MP for Sefwi-Akontombra, is likely to be appointed as the Second Deputy Chief Whip.

This reshuffle comes ahead of a crucial meeting of the NPP’s National Council scheduled for Monday, where various matters, including the realignment of the Majority front bench in parliament, will be deliberated.

Meanwhile, in a separate development, Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia, the Flagbearer of the New Patriotic Party (NPP), is expected to unveil his campaign team to the National Executive Committee and National Council of the party today.

Among the anticipated announcement, it has been speculated that the former Minister of Local Government and Rural Development, Dan Botwe, will be named as the campaign manager for the 2024 general elections.

Dan Botwe was one of the ministers affected by President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo’s recent reshuffle.


Total Madness! . . . LGBTQ+ Is A ‘Demonic Thing’ – Charles Owusu |


Charles Owusu has condemned the LGBTQ+ community for trying to impose their practices on Ghanaians.

The former Head of Monitoring Unit at Forestry Commission has expressed disgust at those insisting that the LGBTQ+ community should be allowed to freely and publicly engage in their homosexual acts without any legislation criminalizing their activities.

Speaking on Peace FM’s ‘Kokrokoo’ show, Charles Owusu applauded the Members of Parliament for adopting the anti-gay bill which is yet to be passed into law to check the LGBTQ+ community and their related activities.

All 275 Members of Parliament, on Wednesday, July 5, accepted the “Promotion of Proper Human Sexual Rights and Ghanaian Family Values Bill, 2022” which is to provide for proper human sexual rights and Ghanaian family values and ban lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer (LGBTQ+) and related activities.

When this bill comes into effect, any person caught in homosexual act will face criminal charges and may end up in jail.

Charles Owusu was happy that the MPs have agreed to pass this bill stressing homosexuality is demonic.

” . . When in this world can a minority group say we should make a law for the minority group to dominate the majority? I’ve never heard that thing before. So, it is a demonic thing!”

He stressed that no member of the LGBTQ+ community should be subjected to physical harm or any form of torture, however, Ghana won’t allow them to practice their demonic acts.

“We won’t beat them but we must prevent any person from saying he is a homosexual or lesbian or a tree . . . what sort of madness is this?”

Watch video below

Source: Ameyaw Adu Gyamfi//Ghana



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Debt Exchange will weaken domestic private banks – Mahama Ayariga writes to BoG Boss


Mahama Ayariga (Left) and Dr Ernest Addison

Bawku Central Member of Parliament Mahama Ayariga has written a letter to the Governor of the Bank of Ghana (BoG) Dr Ernest Addison on the Domestic Debt Exchange Programme.

Mahama Ayariag believes that the banks will face capitalization and liquidity problems given that they will not receive timely and appropriate coupon payments from their bondholder.

The Government and the Ghana Association of Bankers (GAB) also reached an agreement on the new terms for the Domestic Debt Exchange programme.

Earlier, the banks rejected the programme as announced by the government.

The GAB directed commercial banks not to sign onto the amended debt exchange offer over uncertainty surrounding the impact of the debt restructuring on the banking industry.

The association wants its concerns addressed before accepting the debt exchange offer, according to a letter sent to managing directors of banks and seen by 3Business. GAB told member banks that may want to consider the debt exchange in its current form to formally inform the association first before doing so.

“…From the uncertainty surrounding the programme, GAB recommends that all banks must stay any further movement on the exchange until our demands have been met. However, in the event that a bank may have to move forward to exchange, the MD/CEO must inform the CEO of GAB directly of the decision,” according to the letter sent to the banks.”

However, after an engagement with the Ministry of Finance, the Association of Banks that per the new terms, the participation of member banks is subjected to individual bank’s internal governance and appro processes.

Government reaches agreement with banks on new terms for debt exchange programme

“This is a significant milestone towards addressing our economic challenges, and will thus help to restore macro-economic stability and accelerate Ghana’s economic growth.

“With this achievement, the Government of Ghana reiterates its commitment to concluding the DDEP in time with all other stakeholders,” a joint statement from the Finance Ministry and GAB noted.

In his letter to the Governeor of the BoG, Mr Mahama Ayariga said “I contend that the Domestic Debt Exchange Programme will emasculate domestic private banks, as they will face capitalization and liquidity problems given that they will not receive timely and appropriate coupon payments from their bond holder (Government of Ghana).

“I also contend that the directive of the Minister of Finance, to those banks he has so
emasculated, to approach the Ghana Amalgamated Trust Plc (GAT) for support from the Ghana Financial Stability Fund (GFSF) opens them up to a takeover by investors in the GAT, if the Ghana Financial Stability Fund is not wholly publicly funded.

The Governor (1)

“I further contend that political patronage and nepotism will inform the ultimate purchase of the shares in the private banks once GAT begins to dispose off these shares to realize the investments made in those banks (if GAT is not publicly funded).

“I conclude that the policy and strategic options chosen by the Finance Minister enable the
illegal and unconstitutional expropriation of the private property of the present owners of
domestic private banks and, possibly, private international banks operating in Ghana.”

By Laud Nartey|3news.com|Ghana


Dennis Kwakwa eyes Mampong seat, promises to tackle joblessness among youth 


By Yussif Ibrahim 

Kumasi, Nov. 16, GNA – Mr Dennis Kwakwa, the immediate past Communication Director of the New Patriotic Party (NPP) in the Ashanti Region, has promised to change the narrative about joblessness among the youth in the Mampong Constituency as he declares his intention to contest the seat. 

He indicated that his ambition to enter Parliament in 2025 is to give hope to the youth of Mampong who now live in despondency. 

The young politician told the Ghana News Agency in an interview that it was disheartening that despite the constituency being a stronghold of the governing party, the area could not boast of any proper development.  

“The youth of the town have been left to idle around because there are no jobs in the community for them to do,” Mr Kwakwa said. 

“I can tell you that the youth of Mampong are increasingly becoming desperate and despondent because there are no jobs for them to do but for God, they would have been wayward.”  

Mr Kwakwa said he was determined to lead the constituency out of the woods when he won the upcoming NPP primary.  

He said it was his desire to see the youth of Mampong gainfully employed, promising to lobby for development projects that offered employment opportunities for the youth. 

“By God’s grace, I have served the NPP very well and I used my positions as youth Organiser at Mampong, and Director of Communications for Ashanti very well” 

“I know I will get every support to help my people when I get the nod as MP.”  


Leaked tape probe: I don’t visit Mahama and he doesn’t visit me


The Inspector General of Police, Dr. George Akufo Dampare, has vehemently denied allegations that he visits former President John Dramani Mahama.

Dr. Dampare, while addressing the matter before the Parliamentary committee probing the leaked audio, emphasized the role of a police officer in providing services to the citizens, highlighting that former President Mahama is a part of the Ghanaian populace to whom he would willingly offer service if necessary.

One of the officers involved in the leaked tape had alleged that secret meetings were occurring between Mr. Mahama and the Inspector General of Police.

However, when questioned before a parliamentary committee, Dr. Dampare categorically stated, “I don’t visit former President John Dramani Mahama, and he doesn’t visit me. I’m a professional police officer, we are servants of the people, including the former president. Whoever is involved, as long as there is a police service to be provided, I have a constitutional duty and responsibility to get it done”.

Furthermore, Dr. Dampare strongly refuted claims that he had engaged in secret dealings with the former president, denouncing such allegations as falsehoods. He asserted his commitment to carrying out his duties without bias or prejudice, stating, “I’m a policeman who is not into politics. I’m not into politics, I’m a professional police officer, and I don’t do such things.”

When questioned about the appropriateness of an IGP interacting with the former president, Dr. Dampare clarified, “The position of Inspector General of Police, and by extension, every police officer is to serve the good people of this country, of which the former president is one of those. And there’s nothing wrong with that.”

Reasons Why Religion May Influence Selection Of Senate President


The competition for the positions of Senate President and Speaker of the House is taking shape, and it is becoming more captivating as first-time senators are also vying for the roles.

According to The Cable, religion may have a crucial influence on the selection of the Senate president, considering the present Muslim-Muslim pairing of the president and vice president. Given the country’s deep ethnic and religious schisms, the religious affiliation of the Senate president might become a delicate matter.

The fact that Muslim senators are competing for the position of Senate president is worrisome. This may suggest a deficiency in emotional intelligence and a lack of sensitivity toward the challenges of governing a country like Nigeria.

In Nigeria, a developing country where religion often plays a role, even if the majority only pays lip service to it, it remains a critical factor in determining who holds public office.

It would be wise for Muslim contenders to withdraw from the race for the Senate presidency as a matter of prudence and instead contemplate running for the position of deputy Senate president.

This is because the newly elected president is a Muslim, as is his vice president, and there are still Muslim individuals competing for the Senate position.

Bola Tinubu, who has been elected president, is a shrewd individual and would strive to avoid any missteps at the beginning of his tenure that might brand him as an extremist.

Many APC supporters who tolerated Tinubu’s decision to run a Muslim-Muslim ticket might not be willing to see a Muslim take the Senate position as well.

With the elections over, the focus has shifted to the crucial trio of individuals responsible for governance: the President, Vice President, and Senate President.

Religion holds considerable importance in the House of Representatives. For any government striving to promote unity within the nation, it is essential to ensure that all ethnicities, religions, and genders are included in the democratic process and administration.

Content created and supplied by: NigeriaNow (via Opera
News )

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Mr. Ibu Faces Possible Leg Amputation, Begs For Support


Mr Ibu on his hospital bed


Renowned Nollywood actor and comedian, John Okafor, famously known as Mr. Ibu, is currently confined to a hospital bed due to a critical leg condition, which has taken a dangerous turn.

In a plea to his fans, Mr. Ibu, in a widely circulated Instagram video, sought both prayers and financial assistance.

The 62-year-old comic actor disclosed that he has been in the hospital for two weeks battling an unfamiliar and perilous illness. The situation has taken a severe toll on his well-being, and his medical team has even proposed the drastic measure of amputating his legs.

Addressing his supporters on Instagram, Mr. Ibu expressed, “Dear Good people of Nigeria, we are counting on your support at this point when we need it the most. Access Bank 1685687982 John Ikechukwu Okafor.”

In the emotional video, Mr. Ibu, accompanied by his wife and daughter at his bedside, shared his distressing situation. He said, “As I speak to you, I am still lying in the hospital; the medical director of this hospital has suggested that, if his new approach doesn’t work, the best solution would be to amputate my leg. Just imagine, if they amputate my leg, where do I go from here? Please pray for me, seek God Almighty’s intervention, and I don’t want to lose my legs. Thank you so much. God bless you.”

Confirming her father’s ordeal, Jasmine Okafor, Mr. Ibu’s daughter, posted on Instagram that her father had been hospitalized for two weeks.

She earnestly appealed to individuals and organizations to come forward and support her father’s urgent medical needs, to secure treatment abroad.

Describing their struggle, she stated, “As a family, we want to appeal that, at this point, people should come to Daddy’s aid and rescue. For the past two weeks, Daddy has been very unwell, and we decided to admit him to the hospital. I’ve been trying to manage the bills, thinking I could handle it alone. We have been doing everything within our power, as a family, but he’s not improving. Some days it looks like he’s getting better, and some days it seems to be worsening. We are in one of the best private medical facilities in Lagos, and they’re considering referring us to another hospital because he’s not improving here”.

Mercy Johnson makes lifetime promise to father as she bids him farewell, days after his burial


Nollywood actress, Mercy Johnson has returned to Instagram to bade her father farewell, days after his burial.

Kemi Filani reported that Ametuo Daniel Johnson, the father of Mercy Johnson was laid to rest on June 6.

A video that made rounds captures Mercy Johnson and her hubby at his burial ceremony.

Now speaking out, Mercy Johnson promised to treasure the memories she had with him.

Appreciating God for a successful burial, she prayed that she never finds herself in the position again.

“What we once enjoyed deeply we can never lose”. Will keep all my memories close to my heart. Thank God for a successful burial… May we never be in this position again. I appreciate all your love and prayers. It meant a lot”.

Mercy Johnson bids her father farewell after his burial

Mercy Johnson loses father

Kemi Filani reported in May that Mercy Johnson had lost her father.

In a heartbreaking post on her Instagram page, the mother of four vowed to keep asking God for the rest of her life why he took her father’s life.

She stated that she doesn’t think she will ever understand why God took him away from her and even if He (God) ever responds, she doesn’t think she would accept it.

Mercy Johnson, who is in pain, described her pain as the greatest pain of all.

Mercy Johnson asks baffling questions about her father’s death

A week later, the mother of four penned an emotional note to him.

Mercy Johnson questioned how her father could wake up on a beautiful day, read his bible, pick up an outfit, lay down, and pass on.

She revealed that the reality of his demise is difficult to grasp and even as she pens a note to him, she is unable to process the thought of never seeing him again.

Mercy Johnson stated that nothing consoles her more than knowing that her father was a man who loved God so much.

Netizens Rebuke Peter Okoye For allegedly ‘Disrespecting Fela Kuti’ In His Reply To Seun Kuti


A lot of netizens on Twitter have chided Peter Okoye of the P-Square music duo for his reply to Seun Kuti as they felt that he disrespected the Afrobeats legend, Fela Anikulapo Kuti in the course of dragging his son.

Seun Kuti on Tuesday, the 7th of February, 2023, had called out Peter Okoye for claiming to know the solution of the problem being faced in the country when he is part of the problem. 

As the general elections are fast approaching, a lot of celebrities have been vocal about who their preferred candidate is. This also includes Peter Okoye. 

Seun Kuti chided Peter Okoye, saying that he is one of those musicians who had once dined with corrupt politicians, did shows for them and praised them, yet he is coming out to tell Nigerians that he knows how the problem can be solved.

He added that only the people who feel the pain of the problem being faced in the country can know how to solve it and not people like Peter Okoye who are part of the problem.

Peter Okoye took to his social media page on Wednesday, the 8th of February, replying to Seun Kuti’s claims. In one of the series of tweets made by Peter Okoye, he said that his late father was nobody, but today, everyone knows the ‘Okoyes’.

He added that if Seun Kuti should remove his father’s name from his name, people may not know him that much.

Peter Okoye further referred to the Afrobeats legend’s Fela Shrine as a local shrine.

“Remain in that your local shrine while people like us, and others continue excelling globally,” he said.

This infuriated a lot of people as they felt that he could have replied Seun Kuti without dragging his father’s legacy into it, knowing fully well how much Fela Kuti is respected.

Some of the comments are as seen below.

Content created and supplied by: Real_Gist (via Opera
News )

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2024 budget is empty, Majority Leader is ‘clutching at straws’ – Sam George


NDC Member of Parliament for Ningo Prampram constituency, Samuel Nartey George has criticised the 2024 Budget Statement presented by the governing New Patriotic Party (NPP).

According to him, the budget presented by the Finance Minister, Ken Ofori-Atta was empty and lacked a concrete plan to alleviate the prevailing economic struggles.

Speaking during a parliamentary break on Wednesday, November 29, specifically during a debate on the approval of the 2024 budget, Mr George expressed his dissatisfaction with the leadership of the Majority Leader Osei Kyei-Mensah-Bonsu, highlighting the government’s failure to instill hope in the country’s restoration through the budget presentation.

He elucidated that the Majority Leader was striving to rectify the economic challenges precipitated by the NPP government.

“The budget is empty, Kyei is clutching at straws. It is the disposition of the Majority, that air of arrogance, incompetent arrogance at managing their caucus that has brought the government where it is and will bring the government to its knees.

“They [Majority] can continue running and chasing their own shadows, we [Minority] are here, we are ready for a vote if their men and women of substance believe in their budget [and] if they respect the Ghanaian people, they should come back into the chamber and earn their salary for November by taking part in the vote,” Mr George stressed.

Mr George’s assertion came in the wake of the Majority’s dramatic walkout during the approval of the 2024 Budget Statement and Economic Policy.

This walkout was prompted by the Speaker of Parliament, Alban Bagbin’s call for a headcount during the budget statement approval, that required MPs to stand and be counted.

This irked the Majority side, leading to their demonstrative walkout in protest of the Speaker’s directive.

Emphasising his stance, the Ningo Pramparam constituency MP stated that the Majority caucusand by extension the government of the day, lacks the capability to restore the economy – and accused them of running from their own budget, labeling it as “empty and a vote of no confidence.”

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Indian High Commissioner applauds Ghana for technological drive; urges more investments 


By Prince Acquah

Cape Coast, March 27, GNA – Mr Manish Gupta, the Indian High Commissioner, has lauded Ghana’s technological and digitalisation drive towards development and urged the government to double up on that path.  

He said technology played a big role in economic development and provided a solid foundation for transparency and integrity in the delivery of public services in the most efficient manner.  

Alluding to India’s success story, he recommended that every household in Ghana should have a bank account, a biometric identification card (Ghana card) and a mobile phone to help formalise the economy expeditiously and carry everybody along.  

Mr Gupta made the remarks during a meeting with the media in the Central Region, together with the leadership of the Department of Geography and Regional Planning, University of Cape Coast (UCC), as part of his three-day working visit to the Central Region.  

The Ambassador, who is barely three months in Ghana, later paid courtesy calls on Prof. Johnson Nyarko Boampong, the Vice Chancellor of UCC, and Osabarimba Kwesi Atta II, the Oguaamanhen at the Emintsimadze Palace.  

He also visited the Central Regional Coordinating Council and the Regional Office of the Ghana National Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Cape Coast.  

He had paid a visit to the Elmina Castle on Monday and rounded up his tour at the Komenda Sugar Factory, which was funded by the Indian Exim Bank.  

The Ambassador stressed that it was crucial to absorb technology for proper planning and integrate the various systems, adding that digitalising all public infrastructure, for instance, would enhance services such as passports and taxation.  

“When you do away with human interface in dealing with the public, life is much simpler,” he said, commending Ghana’s efforts so far.  

Mr Gupta expressed the Indian Government’s commitment to strengthening the bilateral partnership with Ghana for mutual development, particularly in the areas of education, health, energy, technology and manufacturing.  

Highlighting India’s longstanding relationship with Ghana, he said his country would go beyond the Government-to-government engagement, to the level of people-to-people. 

Touching on food security, he said Ghana had the potential to become a net food exporter and food basket for the West African sub-region without depending on Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO) foods.  

Ghana had the ideal climatic and soil conditions for agriculture and needed the right kind of investments to be food-sufficient, he said.  

He, therefore, urged the Government to focus on investing more in the grassroots, especially by training and supporting farmers and adopting the best farming practices. 

“While the Planting for Food and Jobs policy was a good start, Ghana could do better. We should not be depending on anybody for food”.  

On health, the Ambassador said India was doing exceptionally well in the sector, particularly with the production of pharmaceuticals and called for deeper cooperation in that area.  

As Ghana joins the rest of the world to transition to renewable energies, he was looking forward to a closer collaboration between the two countries on the production of solar energy given Ghana’s excellent weather conditions.  

He expressed satisfaction with the performance of the media so far.  

Professor Kofi Nyarko, the Head of the Department of Geography and Regional Planning, at UCC, expressed gratitude to the Ambassador for his visit and commitment to work with the University.  

He said UCC had had a high level of collaboration with the Indian High Commission for a while and was determined to continue that path because India had a lot to offer.  


Edem Agbana descends on Nana Aba over Mahama, ‘dumsor’ video –


The National Democratic Congress (NDC) parliamentary candidate for the Ketu South Constituency, Edem Agbana, has criticised broadcaster Nana Aba Anamoah over a video of kids saying that they remember former President John Dramani Mahama for ‘dumsor’— the days of intermittent power supply—on her show.

According to him, the kids were coached to make derogatory remarks against the former president because there is no way they could have remembered the days of ‘dumsor’ on their own because they would have been too young then.

Agbana, a former deputy youth organiser of the NDC, who made these remarks in an interview on GHOne’s GHToday programme on Monday, January 23, 2023, added that the broadcaster also failed to educate the kids as they were making misguided remarks against the former president.

“I’m utterly disgusted with what I saw on that video. I’m utterly disgusted with the fact that Nana Aba Anamoah, whom I respect so much as a journalist with so many years of experience, allowed those little children to peddle so much falsehood and ignorance about the former President, John Dramani Mahama.

“When you watch the video carefully, I can tell you on authority that those little children were coached… It is obvious they were coached; you know why, what are their ages, and they were talking about these that happened 8, 9, or 10 years ago.

He added, “So, subtract 9 years from children who are 13, 12 years old. And it was an opportunity for Nana Aba Anamoah to educate these children, not to allow them to peddle this ignorance.”

The host of GHToday, Serwaa Amihere, however, rejected the assertion that the children who spoke on Nana Aba’s programme were coached.

He said that the children made comments on other political figures in the country, including Vice President Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia.

What the kids said on Nana Aba’s programme:

Media personality cum TV show host Nana Aba Anamoah made waves on social media over the release of a new TV series.

The show, titled “Actual Bosses,” features some kids discussing topical issues in the country.

The first episode featured these kids discussing the performance of the current and past governments and who they would vote for in the upcoming elections.

In some clips of the programme making the rounds on social media, the children were asked about former President John Dramani Mahama, and their interesting responses stirred reactions online.

They associated the former president with ‘dumsor’, a term used to refer to the incessant power outages that plagued the country during his time in power.

In another clip, the children were asked who they would vote for if given the chance, and they suggested Vice President Dr. Mahumudu Bawumia.

Watch the interview below:



New Force Spokesperson Arrested –



It has emerged that the Spokesperson for the New Force Diaspora and Diplomatic Engagements, Ms Shalimar Abbiusi has been arrested languishing in detention for the past 4 days.
She has been spending days in the custody of the National Investigations Bureau, formerly the BNI.

It’s unclear as to what led to her arrest, as reports suggested that she was called in by the NIB for a discussion on Monday, 4th December 2023 and was detained, she has since not been released thereafter.
According report she is said to have violated her entry permit.

Formation of the Group

A mysterious movement known as The New Force some months ago took Ghana by storm, capturing the attention of the nation with its bold billboards and masked figures.

The billboards, adorned with the striking inscription THE NEW FORCE, sparked a wave of curiosity and speculation among Ghanaians.

Due to that many were curious to find out the face behind the masked man or men, as the billboard, which shows a man in a wooden mask and a suit, conveys a message of leadership for the next generation, with the hashtag #TheNewForce.

The billboard also has the flag of Ghana at the bottom right corner.

Several individuals came out to announce their affiliation with “The New Force” while others have given hints that suggest they are “The New Force” or a part of it.

While the speculation was ongoing, it came out that a Ghanaian businessman Nana Kwame Bediako, better known as Freedom Jacob Caesar or Cheddar is the face behind the mask and leader of the emerging political group.

The former convenor for the #FixTheCountry movement, Oliver Barker-Vormawor, on November 4 also indicated that “The New Force” is not an individual but the whole of Ghana.

In a Twitter post where he shared an edited version of the viral billboard, he wrote: “We are all behind that Mask! The New Force is us! Not an individual.”

A Development Economist, Dr Samuel Ankrah, also claimed to be the face behind “The New Force”. Unlike the other individuals, he stated categorically that he was the face behind the masked man.

In a Facebook post on Sunday, November 19, he called on the entire populace to “rally behind a youthful movement that seeks to champion transparency and accountability.”

Thereafter, the Spokesperson now in custody in a teaser video following the billboards’ appearance, disclosed that the group will soon share their entire agenda.

According to her, ‘The agenda is simple; it is that of the people of Ghana to look into our current state and how to attain our aspirations of the people…”

She further asks if it’s ”the government or the people in charge? Is the leadership responsive at all? Isn’t it time for a change?” she added before urging her audience, including Ghanaians, to “embrace The New Force.”

Arrest Reactions
However, the New Force in a statement reacting to the arrest and detention of its Spokesperson said, that for the past four days, the security officials have continuously questioned Ms Abbiusi about the New Force: wanting to know which people are behind it and if the people want to run for President.

The statement continues that over this period she has been denied access to legal representation. subjected to an unlawful search of her premises and held beyond the legal 48-hour limit without formal charges.

“Further despite the objections of Ms Abbiusi’s lawyers, her apartment was broken into without a warrant and the place ransacked. Yet not a single element of incriminating evidence was found against her”.

It stated further that “while the authorities claim to be investigating the origin of The New Force it is essential to emphasize that having a political organization is not a criminal offence. As such the arbitrary detention of Ms. Abbiusi raises serious concerns about the abuse of power persecution of perceived political opponents and several human rights violations”.

Even though Ms Abbiussi’s residence permit was facilitated and issued to her over three years ago by the Ghana Immigration Service the authorities today told a District Court that they have temporarily charged her with an offence claiming that one of the documents she submitted could not be verified, adding that they are demanding that she is held in custody so that investigations into the New Force will continue.

“We have witnessed rising attacks against the New Force including the taking down and targeted destruction of several billboards of the New Force. We consider that these actions reflect the approach of cowards and persons who have lost the moral plot of leadership”.

The statement noted that Ms Abusi’s arrest marks an attempt by the Government to abuse our laws and its power to persecute political opponents. We deplore the attempts to use Ms Abbiusi’s immigration status to blackmail her. We consider that no person should be discriminated against on account of their political opinions or country of origin as guaranteed by our Constitution. These actions are morally and legally wrong and undermine faith in our democracy as well as the independence and fairness of our political institutions”.

They further claimed “Is this the Ghana we want? A Ghana where the abuse of power to intimidate and blackmail perceived political opponents and nationals of our partners? How much lower can we sink as a people? Ghana is losing its pride and its identity. We need a new direction: a new vision: and a New Ghana we can be proud of”.

“We encourage Ghanaians to be vigilant and engaged in preserving the integrity of our democracy. We ask you to demand a different kind of politics. That is the promise of the New Force. The international community is closely monitoring these developments. emphasizing the need for a swift and just resolution,” the statement said.

-BY Daniel Bampoe

Mohammed Kudus praises teammates after EFL Cup win over Arsenal


Ghana midfielder, Mohammed Kudus has lauded West Ham United team mates following the EFL Cup progression.

In the fourth round games, the Hammers defeated Arsenal 3-1 at the London Olympic Stadium to qualify for the next round of the competition.

Speaking in a post-game interview with fellow goalscorer Jarrod Bowen, Kudus described his team getting the winning feeling back after going through a three-game losing streak.

“After our last game, we had to bounce back, and I’m glad we were able to today. Everyone was on top of their game and we got the win. It was, but the pass from Nayef Aguerd was so good and I didn’t have to do a lot. I want to say thanks to Nayef for that pass” he told the club website.

The 23-year-old also assured that he is ready to do his best for the team.

“We’ve got a lot of good players in the team. With every opportunity I get, I just want to do my best for the team” Kudus added.

West Ham has qualified for the quarterfinals with the win and is set to play against Liverpool on December 19.

NDC calls for action against alleged abusers of Covid-19 funds


The National Democratic Congress (NDC), has called for swift action to be taken against those implicated in the Auditor General’s COVID-19 expenditure report.

NDC National Communications Officer, Sammy Gyamfi, at a press conference in Accra yesterday, urged Parliament, the President and the Special Prosecutor to take steps to hold those responsible accountable and recover the misused funds.

The press conference, held at the party’s headquarters and dubbed “Moment of Truth” was attended by members of the party’s communications team, including the deputy Director of Communication, Obuobia Darko-Opoku.


Mr Gyamfi projected 15 of the infractions mentioned in the report which he termed as the “key highlights of the shocking revelations” contained in the Auditor General’s report on government’s COVID-19 expenditures.

Among the 15 projected revelations were how the Ministry of Health paid a total of $120 million to UNICEF for the supply of COVID-19 vaccines but only received vaccines ued at $38 million, with a whopping $81.8 million of the transaction unaccounted for and how the Ministry of Health recklessly paid an amount of GH¢10.3 million as premium for Special Life Insurance Cover for 10,000 frontline Health Workers without any Life Insurance Policy document and beneficiary list.

It also included how a contractor, who has been awarded a contract at Nalerigu in the North East Region to build a holding, treatment and isolation centre worth $15 million, abandoned the project after receiving advance payment amounting to $4.5 million and how medical equipment ued at $248,000, which were procured and received at the Central Medical Stores and subsequently issued to some specific health facilities, did not reach the health facilities, among others.

Dubious schemes

According to Mr Gyamfi, the abuse of COVID-19 funds as reported in the Auditor-General’s report was a “free-for-all” situation of various suspicious activities that required further investigation beyond the findings of the Auditor General.

“Friends from the media, one of the most bizarre findings of the Auditor-General had to do with cash payments by the Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Protection totalling GH¢12 million to caterers who provided hot meals during the three-weeks of partial lockdown which were all retired with “honour certificates”.

“It is quite obvious, even to the uninitiated, that the resort to honour certificates instead of hard evidence in the form of invoices and receipts to support these claims and payments, was an attempt to whitewash and cover up the inflated expenditure on hot meals by the Akufo-Addo/Bawumia government and has in fact, deprived the nation of ue for money in the said transactions,” Mr Gyamfi said.

He said another shocking detail of the report was how the Auditor-General also found that contrary to Regulation 78 of the Public Financial Management Regulation (PFMR), the Ministry of Local Government made payments from COVID-19 funds totalling GH¢285,135.64 on 10 transactions not related to COVID-19 activities.

“We in the NDC have always maintained that the manner in which COVID-19 funds were expended by the Akufo-Addo and Bawumia government spelt doom for our economy. It is a fact beyond dispute that Ghana is now bankrupt and our economy has finally collapsed under the watch of President Akufo-Addo and his Vice, Alhaji Bawumia,” he said.

“Having run down our economy through reckless and inordinate borrowing, stealing, and outright abuse of public funds, the Akufo-Addo/Bawumia government in a desperate move to clinch an IMF deal, which appears to be their last gasp for breathe, has resorted to a Domestic Debt Exchange programme which seeks to expropriate the life savings and hard-earned money of government creditors, including Ghanaian citizens,” he added.

More action

As a result, Mr Gyamfi called on the Public Accounts Committee of Parliament (PAC) to expedite its public hearings on the Special Audit Report into COVID-19 expenditures.

“This hearing should be televised live for the Ghanaian public to follow and be apprised of how their government expended COVID-19 funds,” he demanded.

He said the NDC also wanted Parliament to compel the Auditor-General to exercise his power of surcharge and disallowance to retrieve all COVID-19 funds that had been misapplied or misused through various infractions and veritable acts of criminality.

For the Special Prosecutor, Mr Gyamfi said the NDC expected his office to investigate all ministers and public officials who had been cited in the report for wrongdoing and bring them to book.

Ultimately, Mr Gyamfi called on President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo to immediately fire the Minister of Finance, Ken Ofori-Atta, the Health Minister, Kwaku Agyemang Manu, and the Minister of Information, Kojo Oppong Nkrumah.

He also asked for the sacking of the Chief Executive Officer of the National Food Buffer Stock Company and all other officials who were cited in the report for violating the laws of the country in their expenditure of COVID-19 funds.


Ghana would have filed for bankruptcy if it were a company – Togbe Afede –



he Agbogbomefia of Asogli State and former President of the National House of Chiefs, Togbe Afede XIV, has opined that Ghana would have filed for bankruptcy if it were to be a company.

He noted that he pointed to the current IMF deal and its harsh conditions for the Ghanaian people.

He cited the challenges posed by the Domestic Debt Exchange Programme.

In an opinion piece titled ‘Bank of Ghana has failed us,’ released on Tuesday, December 26, 2023, Togbe Afede XIV was worried about the current condition of the country.

In his view, the country has fallen short of the dreams envisioned by its founding fathers and urgently requires a reorientation.

“The Ghana we have today is obviously not what our founding fathers dreamt of. We have failed woefully but have pretended otherwise. Instead of giving hope, our leaders have created a frightening sense of helplessness among the populace, especially the youth.

“As I said earlier in December 2021, during a courtesy call by the Speaker of Parliament, Ghana would have filed for bankruptcy if it were a company.

“This was effectively what we did when we went back to the IMF for bailout and implemented the Domestic Debt Exchange Programme (DDEP).

“We eventually defaulted on our debts. Holders of Government bonds suffered massive losses, and the outlook remains dim.”

“Recent events, including the Government’s inability to service its debt obligations, have finally exposed BOG. Over the past several months, BOG maintained its policy rate below the year-on-year inflation rate, departing from its previous approach.

“And the Bank recently announced massive losses in 2022, totalling GH¢60 billion, and year-end negative net worth of GH¢55 billion, making it technically bankrupt,” Togbe Afede XIV added.

Source: rainbowradioonline.com

Microsoft brings Python to Excel, Cruise reduces fleet following crash, and MrBeast creates controversy


Hello, folks, and welcome to Week in Review (WiR), ’s regular newsletter that covers the biggest happenings in tech over the past few days. Haven’t been able to follow the news closely? Don’t sweat it. WiR will get you up to speed.

In this edition of WiR, we cover Microsoft bringing Python to Excel, Cruise being forced to reduce its robotaxi fleet following a crash, and Amazon launching its new Fire TV Channels app. We also recap Twitter competitor Bluesky buckling under load, influencer MrBeast’s poorly timed Olympics video, IBM building a code translator for COBOL, and Snapchat expanding further into generative AI.

If you haven’t already, sign up here to get WiR in your inbox every Saturday. Now, without further ado, here’s the week’s news!

Most read

Microsoft brings Python to Excel: Microsoft this week announced the public preview of Python in Excel, which will allow advanced spreadsheet users to combine scripts in the popular Python language and their usual Excel formulas in the same workbook. The feature will first roll out to Microsoft 365 Insiders as part of the Excel for Windows beta channel, Frederic reports.

Cruise told to reduce fleet following crash: Cruise, the self-driving car subsidiary of GM, has been asked by the California Department of Motor Vehicles to reduce its robotaxi fleet by 50% in San Francisco following a crash Thursday night with a fire truck.

MrBeast’s geopolitical nightmare: Billionaire creator MrBeast inadvertently stoked generations of geopolitical tension in his latest YouTube video, in which participants from “every country on Earth” competed in “Squid Game”-like elimination challenges for a chance to win $250,000. It was the countries that weren’t included in the competition, as well as the map featured in the video, that made the stunt ripe for discourse.

IBM taps AI to translate COBOL code: IBM this week unveiled Code Assistant for IBM Z, which uses a code-generating AI model to translate COBOL (one of the older programming languages in use) into Java syntax. It’s potentially quite handy, considering there’s over 800 billion lines of COBOL in use on production systems and a strong desire among many of the companies using it to migrate to more modern languages.

Amazon launches Fire TV Channels app: Amazon announced Monday the launch of its new Fire TV Channels app, giving Fire TV customers access to over 400 free ad-supported TV channels, including ABC News, CBS Sports, Fox Sports, MLB, Martha Stewart and more.

Bluesky struggles with growing popularity: X (formerly Twitter) competitor Bluesky buckled following Elon Musk’s announcement that X will no longer support blocking users in favor of mutes only. The company has often had to deal with an influx of users when Twitter announces particularly unwelcome changes, Sarah writes.

Snapchat adds new generative AI features: Snapchat is preparing to further expand into generative AI features, after earlier launching its AI-powered chatbot My AI, which can now respond with a Snap back, not just text. With the company’s forthcoming generative AI feature called “Dreams,” Snap will again experiment with AI images — but soon, those images may contain you and your friends in imaginative backgrounds.

Phone hacking company tries to keep tech secret: For years, cops and other government authorities all over the world have been using phone hacking technology provided by Cellebrite to unlock phones and obtain the data within. And the company has been keen on keeping the use of its technology “hush hush,” Lorenzo reports.


Have a hankering for new podcast content? You’re in luck. has plenty on deck for your listening enjoyment.

On Equity, the crew discussed Nvidia’s earnings report, raises from Ramp and AI-powered writing platform Lex, Northvolt’s move to North America, the story behind Better.com’s IPO and startups that are literally full of crap (it’ll make sense once you listen — trust me).

Meanwhile, Found focused on Feyi Ayodele, the co-founder and CEO of CancerIQ, a precision health company designed for physicians to help their patients with monitoring cancer risk and prevention. Ayodele recounted how she came up with the startup idea while hiking Mount Kilimanjaro with her mother.

And on Chain Reaction, Erik Svenson talked about Blockstream, a bitcoin and blockchain-focused infrastructure firm that he helped co-found in 2014. Blockstream has its own sidechain technology, Liquid Network, as well as bitcoin mining operations and hardware wallets for Bitcoin and other assets.


TC+ subscribers get access to in-depth commentary, analysis and surveys — which you know if you’re already a subscriber. If you’re not, consider signing up. Here are a few highlights from this week:

OnlyFans proves the creator economy boom was real: Venture capital investment into the creator economy category slowed down significantly starting in the second half of 2022. But Ron and Anna write about how OnlyFans’ profitability suggests that there’s juice in the sector yet.

Nvidia rides the AI wave — but for how long?: When Nvidia announced eye-popping earnings on Wednesday with three-digit year-over-year growth, it was easy to get caught up in the excitement. But the lingering question is, can it keep it up?

The late-stage venture market is crumbling: New data from CB Insights details that there have been sharp valuation declines across nearly every startup stage around the world. But is that a reason for panic? Alex and Anna don’t think so — at least not now.

Grab your pass to TC Disrupt 2023

Join 10,000 startup leaders in San Francisco at Disrupt on September 19–21. Last-minute passes are still available. Save 15% with code WIR. Register now!

US Vice President arrives in Ghana today


Accra, March 26, GNA-Kamala Harris, Vice President of the United States of America, is expected to arrive at the Kotoka International Airport, Accra, this morning.

She will be spending three days in Ghana, and two nights in Tanzania before stopping over for another night in Zambia, as her country deepens relations with Africa.

The visit by Harris, who is travelling with her husband, Doug Emhoff, will focus on economic development, climate change, and food security.

The highlight of her trip to Ghana will be the delivery of a speech at the Black Star Square on Tuesday, March 28.

Harris will also visit a recording studio, meet with female entrepreneurs in Accra and visit the Cape Coast Castle, Central Region, Ghana, where enslaved Africans were once loaded onto ships for America.

Reactions as Argentine women national team attacker Yamila Rodrigue shares Photo of Ronaldo with his latest trophy


Argentine women national team attacker, Yamila Rodriguez has left football fans and social media users buzzing after sharing a photo of Portuguese legendary attacker, Cristiano Ronaldo with the Arab Club Champions Cup title on Instagram.

Sharing photo of the Portugal national team captain, Cristiano Ronaldo with the Arab Club Champions Cup title on her Instagram story, the Argentine women’s national team attacker, Yamila Rodriguez wrote: “😍”

This Instagram post from the Argentine women’s national team attacker, Yamila Rodriguez sharing a photo Cristiano Ronaldo with the Arab Club Champions Cup title has attracted reactions from football fans and social media users, as some have said they actually love her, while some have said she knows the real GOAT.

Here are some screenshots of reactions from football fans and social media users:

You will recall that, Cristiano Ronaldo scored a brace in the finals of the Arab Club Champions Cup during the weekend to help Al Nassr win the title for the first time.

Drop your take on this.

Content created and supplied by: Gwin4real (via Opera
News )

Govt declares Monday April 24 as public holiday


The government has declared Monday, April 24, 2023, as a public holiday to mark Eid-ul-Fitr.

Eid-ul-Fitr, a Statutory Public Holiday, will fall on Saturday, April 22, 2023.

A statement by the Ministry of Interior indicated that the President has, by an Executive Instrument (EI), and in accordance with section 2 of the Public Holidays and Commemorative Days Act, 2001 (601) declared Monday, April 24, 2023, as a Public Holiday.

Muslims believe the Holy Quran was revealed in Ramadan and throughout the month, they fast and engage in other rituals to get closer to Allah.

Eid-ul-Fitr is an important religious holiday celebrated by Muslims worldwide to mark the end of Ramadan, the Islamic holy month of fasting (sawm).

The day marks the conclusion of the 29 or 30 days of dawn-to-sunset fasting.

Check Out The First University That Was Established in Nigeria


Nigeria, a country in West Africa, has a total of 36 states and one federal capital territory, Abuja. Each state in Nigeria has at least one federal government university, and many states also have state-owned universities. However, the first university established in the Federal Republic of Nigeria was the University of Ibadan. According to The Daily Trust, this university was established as a university college in 1948.

Although some people believe that the University of Nigeria, Nsukka, was the first university in Nigeria, it was actually founded in 1955, as reported by The Vanguard News. While the University of Nigeria, Nsukka is the first indigenous university in Nigeria, the University of Ibadan holds the distinction of being the first university to be established in the country.

The establishment of the University of Ibadan was a significant milestone in the development of higher education in Nigeria. It paved the way for the establishment of other universities in the country and helped to expand access to higher education. Today, there are many universities in Nigeria, both public and private, offering a range of academic programs.

In conclusion, the University of Ibadan was the first university to be established in the Federal Republic of Nigeria. While the University of Nigeria, Nsukka is the first indigenous university in the country, it was founded several years after the University of Ibadan. The establishment of the University of Ibadan played a crucial role in the development of higher education in Nigeria and set the stage for the growth of the sector in the country.

Photo Credit Google

Content created and supplied by: TalkSport10 (via Opera
News )

The Daily Trust
The Vanguard News
University of Nigeria

Expedite Action On Gender Equality Panellists Urge Govt |


PANELLISTS at a forum in Accra have urged the government to expedite action on gender equality in the country’s economic and political space.

They said the issue of women’s representation at all levels was long overdue, and that the delay in ensuring gender equity was pushing the country away from achieving its political and economic transformation agenda.

They, therefore, called for the passage and implementation of the Affirmative Action Bill to ensure gender parity in government appointments, high-level decision-making positions and in corporate institutions.

They added that the legislative instrument on Land Act should also be developed immediately and an education campaign mounted on its contents to enable women take advantage of the security it provides.The panellists were Director, ABANTU for Africa, Rose Mensah-Kutin; the Executive Director, Henry Djaba Memorial Foundation, Otiko Afisah Djaba, and a Gender and Disability Advocate, Gertrude Oforiwa Fefoame.

The rest were the Executive Director, The Widows and Orphans Movement (WOM), Fati Abigail Abdulai, and a Development Practitioner, Peace Building, Gender and Local Governance, Magdalene Kannae.

The gender experts were speaking during a technical consultation meeting on a Compact for Ghana’s Political and Economic Transformation (Ghana Compact) initiative.

The meeting was organised by African Center for Economic Transformation (ACET), in partnership with NETRIGHT, all NGOs in Accra yesterday.

Political will
Ms Djaba called for a strong political will and aggressive lobbying by stakeholders to push for the rights of women.

Mrs Mensah-Kutin also said there was the need for a new character of leadership to achieve gender equality, while Ms Fefoame suggested that disability issues should be included at every level of society for necessary action.

For her part, Ms Abdulai called for a psychological support system for widows and orphans, while stressing the need for institutions in charge of social protection to be well resourced and decentralised.

Ms Kannae emphasised the need for the development of a Legislative Instrument on the Disability Act 2006, ACT 715, to ensure its effective implementation.

The President and Founder of ACET, Dr Kingsley Y. Amoako, said the compact was a well-articulated and agreed-upon goals and targets for the country’s governance, political processes, economic management and policies of inclusion for the second quarter of the 21st Century.

“We want to set some goals and targets for the nation and also help build consensus about the fundamental changes that need to be done to secure the future of this country, particularly for our children,” he said.

Dr Amoako further said the compact was an agreement between the citizenry and the government on the development direction of the country, regardless of the party in power.

“As we move to the next election we want to make sure that issues such as gender equality are picked up by our political parties in their manifestos,” he said.

Other issues contained in the compact borders on youth, employment, the role of the private sector and economic transformation.

The Convenor of NETRIGHT Steering Committee, Akosua Darkwah, also called for gender budgeting training for metropolitan, municipal and district assemblies (MMDAs), adding that gender budgets developed at the district, regional and national levels must be vetted for compliance prior to submission to the Ministry of Finance.


Source: graphiconline.com



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Mandatory health insurance for non-resident visitors not yet approved – Okoe Boye


The Minister for Health, Dr Bernard Okoe Boye, has clarified that the mandatory health insurance policy for non-resident visitors is a proposal by the National Health Insurance Authority (NHIA), which is yet to be approved by the cabinet.

Earlier reports indicated that From 1st July 2024, foreign nationals who arrive in Ghana will have to take up a compulsory health insurance policy of between $45 and $270 before being admitted into Ghana.

However, in a press release dated Tuesday, 18 June 2024 and signed by the Health Minister, Dr Bernard Okoe, the Ministry of Health clarified that the “recent announcement regarding mandatory health insurance policy for non-resident visitors is a proposal from the National Health Insurance Authority (NHIA) and not a policy of government.”

“While the proposal aims to ensure that foreign nationals have access to healthcare during their stay in Ghana, it is important to note that it has not yet been discussed or approved by Cabinet.

“We urge the public to disregard any misinformation that may suggest that the policy has been finalised and its mode of implementation settled,” the statement by the Health Minister read.

“We assure the public that any policy and its implementation shall be thoroughly scrutinized and taken through all necessary protocols to establish its benefits for the people of Ghana before being settled on,” the Health Minister’s statement further read

Mozze Chaps Unveils Tracklist For ‘Focused’ Ep


Afro-beat, Reggae, and Dancehall singer-songwriter Mozze Chaps has recently unveiled the tracklist for his highly anticipated debut Extended Playlist (EP) titled “Focused.”

Taking to his social media pages on May 7, 2023, the artist shared both the back cover art and the tracklist, generating excitement among his fans.

The EP, which serves as a precursor to his forthcoming first studio album, will consist of six captivating tracks.

While Mozze Chaps didn’t disclose the exact release date for the EP, he assured his followers that it would be coming soon, building anticipation for the project.

Check out the tracklist below:

  1. Ozuwa
  2. Okoma Atani
  3. Signs
  4. Makondamakonda
  5. Nyengo
  6. Ndidziwe (Bonus Track)

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Playoff Legends: Top 5 NBA Shooters


The National Basketball Association (NBA) playoffs are when the stakes get higher, tensions rise, and games turn into epic battles on the court. For many basketball players and their loyal fans, the playoffs are the moment of truth where every shot, every defensive play, and every decision can determine a team’s fate.


This is when great players emerge, embodying strength, skill, and an incredible sense of the game. However, there is a special category of players—the actual “snipers” of the playoffs. These basketball players display outstanding skill at shooting the ball and can also find their precision skills at key moments in the game.


In this article, we will delve into the world of legendary NBA sharpshooters, uncovering their success stories and contributions to basketball history. Accompany us on this exciting journey through basketball Olympus! And remember, not only are you in for a thrilling read and fascinating stories, but also for a unique gift we’d like to share with our readers. Please read this article to the end because a promo code from Melbet gh is waiting for you at the end. Go ahead to new heights of the basketball era and exciting adventures!

Analysis of the Selection Criteria

Analyzing the criteria for selecting sharpshooters in the National Basketball Association (NBA) playoffs requires careful consideration of statistical data and psychological and tactical aspects of the game. To understand what makes a player a sharpshooter in the NBA, one must delve into the specifics of his game and its impact on team results.


Successful shooting percentage is one of the key selection criteria. A sniper in the playoffs must exhibit high accuracy and efficiency in shooting the ball, especially in critical situations. This not only demonstrates his skill but can also determine the outcome of a match.


However, equally important is the sniper player’s ability to prove himself in the decisive moments of the game. The ability to shoot the ball in critical situations, when victory or defeat is at stake, distinguishes a real sniper from an ordinary player. In these moments, a player’s leadership manifests itself to the fullest, inspiring his team and taking it to the next level.


Such a basketball player must not only be a master at shooting the ball but also a leader capable of leading his team to victory. His confidence, determination, and ability to impact the game make him a key player in every playoff game.

Top 5 NBA Shooters

The NBA playoffs have always been an arena where legendary players have risen to new heights, showcasing their skills and outstanding abilities. In this section, we look at five of the greatest sharpshooters, whose names are inextricably linked to playoff history and whose shots have become part of basketball’s golden fund.


LeBron James


LeBron is undoubtedly one of the most influential and successful players in the history of the NBA. His incredible athleticism, variation, and decision-making ability make him a superstar. But what makes him so outstanding in the playoffs?


Since the beginning of his career, LeBron James has shown a fantastic ability to rise to the next level. His ability to solve games with his shots and create opportunities for his partners makes him an unrivaled player in crucial moments.


The stats back up his effectiveness, with LeBron ranking among the top in many playoff categories, including points, assists, and rebounds.


Michael Jordan

Michael Jordan is a true legend. His name has become synonymous with success and excellence. During the playoffs, Jordan displayed his masterful play, making him one of the most dangerous sharpshooters in NBA history.


Jordan was unstoppable with his phenomenal ability to create shots from any position on the court. His legendary “last seconds” have become an integral part of the basketball player’s style of play, and statistics confirm his unrivaled efficiency in key moments of the game.

Kareem Abdul-Jabbar

Kareem Abdul-Jabbar is an excellent center whose contribution to basketball history is undeniable. His unrivaled skill at scoring hook shots and excellence under the boards have made him one of the most feared sharpshooters in NBA playoff history.

Ghana’s Impending High Magnitude Earthquake (1)



I KNOW many optimists in Ghana and beyond will have issues with my rather gloomy title for a write-up. Please indulge me as you read along and you will come to the realisation that I mean well — I seek to bring our national focus on the current situation in Turkey and Syria and ask ourselves: As a leadership and people, have we “put a cup of water by our side, as our neighbour’s beard is on fire”, as the old adage says?

The week brought along with it much not-too-good news as citizens were welcomed with increased fuel prices and utility bills, pensioners picketing the Finance Ministry to protect their investments and the state of a seeming “hopelessness” as we prayed that our beloved son, Christian Atsu, was rescued from the rubble of the earthquake in Turkey, alive. As I monitored international news channels on developments on the latter, I asked myself many weird and real questions: If Atsu had known that the disaster awaited him, would he have gone home that dawn? Would he survive if he weren’t on the 9th floor of the building?

How much preparation can avert an earthquake’s huge impact? Did the leadership of Turkey fail to plan? Were there signs and expert voices pointing to imminent disaster? Then I began to convert some of these rather mundane questions into indicators and earthquake checklists for Ghana. Have we started thinking to pick lessons from the situation in Turkey and Syria, should we find ourselves in a similar natural occurrence or Ghana is exempt because we are a “Christian” nation, loved by God? Hahahahaha!

Earthquake Data In Ghana

I experienced the first earthquake in my life on December 12 2022, whilst at a function at the Calvary Methodist Church, near the National Museum, in Accra. For a moment, I felt the earth shake under my feet and my first reaction was to “insult” the construction workers on-site at the event ground. It was a chapel under construction. Conscious and attentive to details, I am always nosing for news. I quickly picked up my phone to read news from the many news portals and social media handles. There I saw tweets and news reports of an “earthquake” just as I had experienced it, being reported as moving underground in some parts of Accra. At long last, I believed that Ghana is earthquake-prone. I had taken with a pinch of salt reports that environs like McCarthy Hill, Gbawe etcetera in Accra have been experiencing earthquakes.

Thankfully, data is available on earthquakes in Ghana, since the 17th Century.

Cities like Accra, Tema, Ho, Cape Coast, and Takoradi, as well as important installations in the south of Ghana such as those for communication, water, oil and gas, electricity and some iconic national infrastructure all lie within areas exposed to earthquakes.

Earthquake hazards in Ghana are generally determined by three main sources, the coastal boundary fault, which lies parallel to its Coast, the Akuapim fault zone made up of a series of faults along the Akuapim Mountain range, and the Ivory Coast fault, which occurs in the South West corner of the country.

Past earthquakes in Ghana and the examination of current conditions by the Ghana Geological Survey Authority (GGSA) have shown that the full range of secondary effects like fires, flooding from broken pipes and dams, tsunamis, landslides/rock falls and liquefaction is all possible from strong ground shaking in the country.

In April 2021 the Director-General of the National Disaster Management Organization (NADMO), Eric Nana Agyemang at a conference to deliberate on the report by a special committee which was tasked to develop a comprehensive framework for ‘Refocusing National Earthquake Preparedness and Response within the country’, noted that the West African earthquake fault zone in Ghana gets to Ho, moves through Eastern Region and through Greater Accra to Nyanyano in the Central Region. It is bewildering to know that almost all critical state infrastructures are on the fault line. Namely Tema Harbour, Kotoka International Airport, Akosombo Dam, Weija Dam and, unfortunately, our Jubilee House,”.

Seismic Codes

Seismic codes or earthquake codes are building codes designed to protect property and life in buildings in case of earthquakes. The need for such codes is reflected in the saying, “Earthquakes don’t kill people—buildings do.” Or in an expanded version, “Earthquakes do not injure or kill people. Poorly built manmade structures injure and kill people.

Seismic codes were created and developed as a response to major earthquakes which have caused devastation in highly populated regions. Often these are revised based on knowledge gained from recent earthquakes and research findings, and as such, they are constantly evolving. There are many seismic codes used worldwide. Most codes at their root share common fundamental approaches regarding how to design buildings for earthquake effects, but will differ in their technical requirements and will have language addressing local geologic conditions, common construction types, historic issues, etc.

In the case of Turkey, all the global indicators and standards on the seismic code met the standards and looked good on paper but the reality on the ground proved otherwise. Are our buildings and structures in Ghana strong enough or meet the standards? We better start thinking about this.

Expert Voices

Citi Fm, a private radio station in Accra, on 24th January 2021, reported on a presentation by an expert, calling on the nation to rise to prepare for an unforeseen higher magnitude of earthquake in the country.

BY Gabriel Nii Otu Ankrah 


Simms score late as Everton fight back to snatch point at


Everton are now two points clear of the drop zone after their draw with Chelsea

Ellis Simms scored his first Everton goal to earn Sean Dyche’s side a precious point as they came from behind twice to draw against Chelsea at Stamford Bridge.

Everton’s improved resilience under Dyche was on show again and 22-year-old local product Simms was the hero with a superb late equaliser to wreck Chelsea’s hopes of a fourth consecutive win.

Chelsea broke down Everton’s resistance seven minutes after the break when the excellent Joao Felix drilled home a low drive, but they were pegged back when Abdoulaye Doucoure scrambled home an equaliser from a corner after 69 minutes.

Everton were only on level terms for seven minutes until Kai Havertz scored from the spot after Reece James was fouled by James Tarkowski – but there was to be a late twist in the tale.

Dyche had put Simms on to rescue a point and he delivered in style with a powerful run and finish a minute from time.

“A young player coming on and earning his spurs. We know he’s got power and pace, then a fine finish under the keeper,” Dyche, speaking to BBC Sport, said of Simms.

“I’m really pleased for him. He spoke to me last week, I told him to tell me where he needs to get better. He told me four things and I said ‘you’re right’ – one of them was playing stronger and he did that today.”

Simms, who has had loan spells at Blackpool, Hearts and most recently Sunderland, was recalled to Goodison Park in January as then-manager Frank Lampard sought to bolster his attacking options.

He made just one Everton appearance prior to this season but has featured in six games since returning to his boyhood club – including four under Dyche.

Simms told Sky Sports: “It’s about patience – I just had to wait for my chance. We’ve got top players so I’m not going to walk straight into the team. I have to work hard and take my chance when I get it.”

DWP dancer quits dancing due to her religious beliefs –


DWP dancer Naqiyah Yusif has announced that she quit dancing because of her Islamic beliefs.

The young Ghanaian dancer, who rose to fame for her unusual routines, disclosed in a video that her choice was motivated by her adherence to Islam.

Naqiyah shared in the video how much she missed dancing, an art that had been a big part of her life, and how much she missed her dancing days with the DWP members.

But even in the middle of her nostalgia, Naqiyah said that her faith and the pursuit of Jannah, the Islamic concept of paradise, stood as a greater goal.

Many people responded to the announcement, especially those in the Ghanaian community.

A lot of people expressed their sorrow over Naqiyah’s exit from the dance world, recognizing the gap her absence would create in the Ghanaian dance scene.

The Muslim community, however, also praised the dancer and offered support, highlighting her dedication to her faith.


Fidelity Bank Receives GIRSAL Awards


Representatives of Fidelity Bank and GIRSAL


Fidelity Bank Ghana has received two prestigious awards from the Ghana Incentive-based Risk Sharing System for Agricultural Lending Project (GIRSAL) for its contributions to agricultural lending in Ghana.

The bank was named the Most Responsive Partner Financial Institution of the Year and earned the Highest Staff Participation in GIRSAL’s Agricultural and Agribusiness Finance Training Program.

Fidelity Bank’s collaboration with GIRSAL, initiated in July 2019, has significantly strengthened the bank’s position in the agricultural space. Through this partnership, the bank has provided guarantees for facilities and technical expertise on a case-by-case basis, resulting in a robust Agric portfolio.

The bank has played a vital role in supporting various actors within the agricultural ecosystem, including input providers, primary producers, aggregators, processors, and exporters. Fidelity Bank has leveraged GIRSAL’s expertise to navigate challenges, providing funding of GH¢135 million across various value chains in the sector.

The “Most Responsive Partner Financial Institution of the Year” award recognises Fidelity Bank’s steadfast dedication to agility and proactive problem-solving.

This dedication was exemplified during the Akosombo Dam spillage last year, when the bank swiftly collaborated with GIRSAL to provide crucial assistance to affected clients.

Fidelity Bank’s prompt action, fueled by deep industry knowledge and seamless collaboration with GIRSAL’s technical expertise, ensured rapid and effective support for its clients, solidifying its position as a reliable partner in navigating unexpected challenges.

Additionally, Fidelity Bank’s commitment to continuous learning and skill development is unparalleled in the sector, reflecting in its record-breaking participation in GIRSAL’s training programmes.

This unwavering commitment to employee development earned Fidelity the well-deserved recognition of “Highest Staff Participation in GIRSAL’s Agricultural and Agribusiness Finance Training Programme,” solidifying its position as a leader in building a skilled and empowered workforce for the agricultural sector.

Managing Director of Fidelity Bank, Julian Opuni, expressed his gratitude for the recognition and reaffirmed the bank’s commitment to working alongside GIRSAL to drive positive change.

“We are committed to growing the agriculture sector to ensure that, as an indigenous bank, Fidelity will be at the forefront of impacting the agriculture sector,” he stated.

He reaffirmed Fidelity Bank’s dedication to doing more, emphasizing the potential within agriculture cannot be underestimated.

The awards serve as a significant milestone in Fidelity Bank’s journey to empower the Ghanaian agricultural sector.

A business desk report

I have lost a friend and a strong supporter – Bawumia pens touching tribute to John Kumah –


Vice President Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia penned a touching tribute to the late former Member of Parliament for Ejisu and Deputy Minister of Finance, John Kumah.

Speaking at the final funeral rites of the former MP at Ejisu on Saturday, May 18, 2024, the Vice President, who is also the flagbearer of the ruling New Patriotic Party (NPP), described the late Kumah as a friend and a strong supporter.

He added that the former deputy minister’s demise was a big blow not only to him but to the country and prayed that he would be welcomed into heaven.

“Nature, in its inexplicable course, has dealt a cruel blow, taking Kumah away in his prime. Indeed, we have lost a dedicated public servant.

“I have lost a friend and a strong supporter. We appeal to the good Lord to keep John in His bosom,” the Vice President said.

However, he indicated that the family and close relations of the deceased MP can take comfort in the great things he achieved while he was on earth.

“While we are gathered here to mourn and still in shock, we find solace in his remarkable legacy. So much done, and achieved in a short stay on earth. His journey in Ghanaian politics transcended a mere career.”

Ghana was hit by the news of the death of one of its deputy ministers of finance, John Kumah, on Thursday, March 7, 2024.

John Kumah died at the age of 45 after succumbing to an illness he had been struggling with for several months.

John Kumah was appointed Deputy Minister for Finance by President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo in January 2021. He was the Member of Parliament for Ejisu, in the Ashanti Region, and had been in parliament since 2021.

He was regarded as one of the rising stars in the ruling New Patriotic Party (NPP) and was touted by some factions in the party as a potential running mate to the flagbearer of the party, Vice President Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia.

He recently won the party’s parliamentary primaries in his constituency overwhelmingly to represent it in the upcoming December 7, 2024, general elections.

He was an entrepreneur, a preacher, and a lawyer. Kumah served as the Chief Executive Officer of the National Entrepreneurship and Innovation Programme (NEIP) before he entered parliament in 2020.

He is survived by his wife, Apostle Mrs. Lilian Kumah, and six children.


Over $1 million allegedly stolen from Cecilia Dapaah’s house


Two house helps of Cecilia Abena Dapaah and her husband, Daniel Osei Kuffour, are before an Accra Circuit Court, for allegedly stealing monies and items running into millions of Ghana Cedis.

The said monies were allegedly stolen from the couple’s room in their house at Abelemkpe, a suburb of Accra, in the Greater Accra region.

18-year-old Patience Botwe and 30-year-old Sarah Agyei allegedly stole the monies and personal effects of the couple, between the months of July and October 2022.

The first accused, (A1) Patience, also has her current and former boyfriends, as well as her father, all being dragged before the same court.

Patience and Sarah (A2), are charged with one count of conspiracy to commit a crime and five counts of stealing US$1 million, €300,000 and millions of Ghana cedis.

Within the same period, Patience and Sarah allegedly stole personal effects of Madam Cecilia Abena Dapaah, which included assorted clothes, valued at GH¢95,000, handbags and perfumes.

The rest are jewelleries valued at US$95,000 from Cecilia Abena Dapaah.

However, Patience alone, within the same period stole six pieces of Kente cloth worth GH¢90,000 and six set of men’s suits valued at US$3,000 which are properties of the minister’s husband.

Benjamin (A3), 29 years old, a plumber, has been charged for dishonestly receiving GH¢180,000, Kweku Botwe (A4), 65 years, a trader, also dishonestly receiving GH¢50,000 and Malik Dauda (A5), 23 and unemployed, dishonesty receiving GH¢1 million.

As earlier stated, the monies mentioned are all properties of Cecilia Abena Dapaah and her husband, stolen from a bedroom that she shares with her husband.

All five accused persons were arraigned before an Accra Circuit Court, presided over by Susana Ekuful on Thursday, July 20, 2023.

Their pleas are yet to be taken, but Sarah has been admitted to bail in the sum of GH¢1 million, with two sureties. The sureties are to deposit their Ghana cards with the registrar of the court.

Her Honour, Susana Ekuful, further stated that the bail condition is subject to review by the substantive judge, as she was serving as a relief judge.

Patience, together with her alleged boyfriends and father, had been remanded into lawful custody.

Sarah was granted bail because she is a breastfeeding mother.

Brief facts

The court was told in the amended charge sheet and brief facts that Patience, also known as Maabena, was a house help of the complainants, Daniel Osei Kuffour and his wife, Cecilia Abena Dapaah.

The court was further told that Sarah was also a former house help of the complainants. Her Honour Susana Ekuful was told that the complainants reported the case to the police somewhere in June, this year, after detecting theft of cash and their personal effects.

Preceding the report, Patience was caught to have opened and entered the couple’s room with a duplicate key.

A1 was caught by Mr Kuffour, who returned from town only to find out that their bedroom was opened, as well as hearing an unusual noise coming from it.

The first complainant, Mr Kuffour, entered the room and found Al hiding behind the door.

It was after this incident that the complainants detected that some of their properties were missing.

A1 was arrested and released on police enquiry bail, but unfortunately, went into hiding with her boyfriend, Benjamin, in Tamale.

While in Tamale, the love birds allegedly rented a 3-bedroom apartment at the cost of GH¢105,600 as well as a store at the cost of GH¢120,000.

The police arrested her upon intelligence and on a spot search conducted in their apartment led to the retrieval of US$40,000 and GH 72,619.70.

Patience allegedly bought 3-bedroom house at a cost of US$70,000 at Amrahia and furnished it with the following brand-new items – a double-decker refrigerator, water dispenser, a television set, washing machine and a chest cooler among others.

She also bought Hyundai Elantra at the cost of GH¢80,000 for Benjamin who also sold it to purchase Honda Civic.

A1 also gave her father GH¢50,000 and GH¢1 million to Malik (ex-boyfriend.) The court heard that A1 implicated Sarah during interrogation that she was her accomplice.

Thus, when they were working together in the complainants’ house, Al used to keep watch at the main gate to enable Sarah to enter the couple’s room to steal, after which they shared the spoil.

Sarah was arrested at Budumburam and during investigation, it came to light that she used her portion of the stolen money to build 3-bedroom house where she was arrested.

The case is adjourned to August 2, 2023.

BBNaija’s Queen shares beautiful moments from her private baby shower (Video)


Big Brother Naija ‘shine ya eyes’ housemate, Queen Mercy Atang has shared beautiful moments from her private baby shower.

The mum to be, who left many shocked when she announced her pregnancy, took to her Instagram page to share beautiful photos from her baby shower.

Queen revealed that she held a private baby shower with just her family and friends, who genuinely love her.

Queen, who is anticipating her child’s birth, stated that she is starting the year with so much joy in her heart as she looks forward to the birth of her baby.


A private baby shower with the teams nd family. Sharing my happiness with the ones that love me genuinely.

Starting the year with so much joy in my heart as I look forward to receive God’s gift for me. Sending our love to you and your family. May we all have a blessed and blissful year”.

Queen is expecting first child

It is no longer news that the BBN reality star is expecting her first child.

The reality star surprised many when she took to her Instagram page to announce the good news. Flaunting her baby bump, Mercy revealed that she is looking forward to begin her new journey into motherhood.

She noted how it’s the dream of every woman to be a mother and now her dream is coming to reality. Queen promised to share her experience soon, as the journey hasn’t been the same in movies.

Queen Atang throws baby shower

“Looking forward to begin this journey would be the best part of my life. It’s the dream of every woman to be a mother and I’ve had this dream for long. I’m grateful to God for this wonderful experience and for keeping me basking in his euphoria.

The journey hasn’t been what the movies made it to seem like.

My experience I will share soon. For now I can’t wait to be a mom”.

Queen, however didn’t reveal the identity of her baby daddy, but trust internet sleuths to dig it out.

Queen Atang throws baby shower

Queen’s alleged baby daddy unveiled

Kemi Filani learnt that the ex-beauty queen is expecting her first child with Lord Lamba.

Real name, Promise Kelvin Anagbogu, Lord Lamba is a content creator, online comedian and social media personality. The 27-years-old socialite and Queen have been best of friends since she left the reality show. It seems like the soon-to-be parents are more than just best of friends.

A leaked chat between the reality star and an unidentified person showed that Lord Lamba is the father of her unborn child. Read more here.

Queen Atang throws baby shower


Marketing Expert Gorbachev Awuah Makes Headlines As Multi Million Dollar Fashion Brand Savile Row Signs With Him As A New Client


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Renowned Business Mogul Nana Sarfo, the driving force behind the Multi-Million-Dollar Brand Savile Row Gh, has embarked on a new chapter in his business journey.

At the opulent Savile Row Fashion House, Digital Marketing Expert Gorbachev Awuah, affectionately known as @iamremsover , and his dedicated Team from the Visual Display Network (VDN) signed Savile Row as a new Client after the Business Man, Nana Sarfo invited Gorbachev Awuah and his Team for an exclusive tour and a business discussion.

Nana Sarfo’s Savile Row joins the prestigious roster of esteemed Brands that have entrusted their Digital Marketing endeavors to Gorbachev Awuah and the Visual Display Network (VDN) Team. Among their notable Clients are Papa’s Pizza, Veggie Plus Jasmine Rice, Plush Events, Deedew Foods, Lume Bar Restaurant, amongst others.

This signifies that Gorbachev Awuah and his Team will take charge of Savile Row’s Strategic Social Media Development. Their approach will involve understanding the Brand’s business goals, identifying target audiences, and highlighting unique selling points. They will then craft a comprehensive Digital Marketing strategy designed to achieve these objectives.

One of the key responsibilities of Gorbachev Awuah and his Team will be enhancing Savile Row’s online presence. This encompasses optimizing the Brand’s website for an exceptional user experience and improving search engine visibility. Additionally, they will curate and create compelling Contents while effectively managing the Brand’s Social Media Platforms.

Savile Row Gh is synonymous with Elegance and Luxury, offering a curated collection of authentic creations from renowned Italian Brands such as Ceaser Casadei, Dolce & Gabbana, Yves Saint Laurent (YSL), Tom Ford, Angelo Galaso, Billionaires, Ferragamo, Guiseppe Zanoti, William Hunt, Stefano Ricci, Rene Caovilla, Bottega Veneta, Giorgio Armani, Berluti, Roberto Cavalli, Alexander McQueen, Valentino Garavani, and many more.

Notably, Nana Sarfo holds the exclusive distinction of being the sole certified distributor of these Luxury Brands within the Ghanaian market.

Gorbachev Awuah, the visionary behind the esteemed Visual Display Network (VDN), stands as a revered Marketing Strategist in his own right. Renowned for his adept guidance, he empowers enterprises to allocate their resources optimally, fostering sales, growth and securing a lasting competitive edge. His presence at this exclusive partnership marks a promising future for the realm of marketing, one marked by innovation, collaboration, and progress.

Savile Row Gh and the Visual Display Network (VDN) Team have embarked on a journey that holds the potential to redefine the Fashion Industry’s Digital Landscape.

Global economy to slow further amid signs of resilience


The global economy is poised to slow this year before rebounding next year. Growth will remain weak by historical standards, as the fight against inflation and Russia’s war in Ukraine weigh on activity.

Despite these headwinds, the outlook is less gloomy than in our October forecast, and could represent a turning point, with growth bottoming out and inflation declining.

Economic growth proved surprisingly resilient in the third quarter of last year, with strong labour markets, robust household consumption and business investment, and better-than-expected adaptation to the energy crisis in Europe. Inflation, too, showed improvement, with overall measures now decreasing in most countries—even if core inflation, which excludes more volatile energy and food prices, has yet to peak in many countries.

Elsewhere, China’s sudden re-opening paves the way for a rapid rebound in activity. And global financial conditions have improved as inflation pressures started to abate. This, and a weakening of the US dollar from its November high, provided some modest relief to emerging and developing countries.

Accordingly, we have slightly increased our 2022 and 2023 growth forecasts. Global growth will slow from 3.4 per cent in 2022 to 2.9 per cent in 2023 then rebound to 3.1 per cent in 2024.

For advanced economies, the slowdown will be more pronounced, with a decline from 2.7 per cent last year to 1.2 per cent and 1.4 per cent this year and next. Nine out of 10 advanced economies will likely decelerate.

US growth will slow to 1.4 per cent in 2023 as Federal Reserve interest-rate hikes work their way through the economy. Euro area conditions are more challenging despite signs of resilience to the energy crisis, a mild winter, and generous fiscal support. With the European Central Bank tightening monetary policy, and a negative terms-of-trade shock—due to the increase in the price of its imported energy—we expect growth to bottom out at 0.7 per cent this year.

Emerging market and developing economies have already bottomed out as a group, with growth expected to rise modestly to 4 and 4.2 per cent this year and next.

The restrictions and COVID-19 outbreaks in China dampened activity last year. With the economy now re-opened, we see growth rebounding to 5.2 per cent this year as activity and mobility recover.

India remains a bright spot. Together with China, it will account for half of global growth this year, versus just a tenth for the US and euro area combined. Global inflation is expected to decline this year but even by 2024, projected average annual headline and core inflation will still be above pre-pandemic levels in more than 80 per cent of countries.

The risks to the outlook remain tilted to the downside, even if adverse risks have moderated since October and some positive factors gained in relevance.

On the downside:

• China’s recovery could stall amid greater-than-expected economic disruptions from current or future waves of COVID-19 infections or a sharper-than-expected slowdown in the property sector.

• Inflation could remain stubbornly high amid continued labour-market tightness and growing wage pressures, requiring tighter monetary policies and a resulting sharper slowdown in activity

• An escalation of the war in Ukraine remains a major threat to global stability that could destabilise energy or food markets and further fragment the global economy.

• A sudden repricing in financial markets, for instance, in response to adverse inflation surprises, could tighten financial conditions, especially in emerging markets and developing economies.

On the upside:

• Strong household balance sheets, together with tight labour markets and solid wage growth could help sustain private demand, although potentially complicating the fight against inflation.

• Easing supply-chain bottlenecks and labour markets cooling due to falling vacancies could allow for a softer landing, requiring less monetary tightening.

Policy priorities

The inflation news is encouraging, but the battle is far from won. Monetary policy has started to bite, with a slowdown in new home construction in many countries. Yet, inflation-adjusted interest rates remain low or even negative in the euro area and other economies, and there is significant uncertainty about both the speed and effectiveness of monetary tightening in many countries.

Where inflation pressures remain too elevated, central banks need to raise real policy rates above the neutral rate and keep them there until underlying inflation is on a decisive declining path. Easing too early risks undoing all the gains achieved so far.

The financial environment remains fragile, especially as central banks embark on an uncharted path toward shrinking their balance sheets. It will be important to monitor the build-up of risks and address vulnerabilities, especially in the housing sector or in the less-regulated non-bank financial sector. Emerging market economies should let their currencies adjust as much as possible in response to the tighter global monetary conditions. Where appropriate, foreign exchange interventions or capital flow measures can help smooth volatility that’s excessive or not related to economic fundamentals.

Many countries responded to the cost-of-living crisis by supporting people and businesses with broad and untargeted policies that helped cushion the shock. Many of these measures have proved costly and increasingly unsustainable. Countries should instead adopt targeted measures that conserve fiscal space, allow high energy prices to reduce demand for energy, and avoid overly stimulating the economy.

Supply-side policies also have a role to play. They can help remove key growth constraints, improve resilience, ease price pressures and foster the green transition. These would help alleviate the accumulated output losses since the beginning of the pandemic, especially in emerging and low-income economies.

Finally, the forces of geoeconomic fragmentation are growing. We must buttress multilateral cooperation, especially on fundamental areas of common interest such as international trade, expanding the global financial safety net, public health preparedness and the climate transition.

This time around, the global economic outlook hasn’t worsened. That’s good news, but not enough. The road back to a full recovery, with sustainable growth, stable prices and progress for all, is only starting. 


There will be no load-shedding timetable – ECG on recent ‘dumsor’ –


External Communications Manager at the Electricity Company of Ghana (ECG), Laila Abubakar, has said the power distribution company will not release any load-shedding timetable despite the intermittent power outages.

According to her, the recent power cuts were as a result of several issues and ECG was working assiduously to fix the problems it could.

Speaking in an interview with Citi News, Laila Abubakar indicated that ‘dumsor‘ has not resurfaced hence, no need for the rollout of a load-shedding timetable.

“The thing is, we just want people to be aware that when your power goes off, it is not always a matter of load shedding. There are several issues and there are some of them that fall before the doorsteps of ECG. We are doing as much as possible to solve the ones that we can,” She said.

The External Communications Manager of ECG added that, “There aren’t any issues with shedding load. The load shed, I think is what people understand by ‘dumsor’. But usually, when someone asks me if, there is Dumsor, I ask them what do you understand and what do you think ‘Dumsor’ means. Unfortunately, there wouldn’t be a timetable.”

The Managing Director of ECG, Samuel Dubik Mahama earlier this month attributed the power cuts to maintenance problems.

He stressed that the problems had nothing to do with the shortage of fuel.

Mr Mahama on Monday, March 11, 2024, said 630 distribution transformers within communities across its operational areas have been replaced to serve the increased power demand.

Father Campbel shares touching story of Bawumia’s empathy for lepers –


The Resident Director of the Weija Leprosarium, Father Andrew Campbell, has revealed a touching aspect of Vice President Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia.

Speaking in Accra on Friday, June 7 at the launch of a book detailing the impactful work of Dr. Bawumia as Vice President, Father Campbell, who has collaborated with Dr. Bawumia on social projects for the poor and vulnerable, shared positive testimonies about the Vice President, highlighting his commitment to supporting lepers.

“People come to Weija and they put their hands behind their backs. They don’t want to greet the lepers. But when Bawumia comes, he shakes hands with everyone,” said Father Campbell.

“He called me on Christmas Eve and said he would be with us on Christmas Day. When he came, he went around and greeted everyone.”

“When he arrived from his car, he took the youngest member of our community into his arms and gave her a warm embrace,” added Father Campbell, who also recounted how Dr. Bawumia has been tirelessly supporting the Weija Leprosarium.

“He has been supporting us, and his doors are always open to me,” Father Campbell continued.

A number of people at the launch, discussing the content of the book, corroborated their own experiences with Dr. Bawumia at both personal and professional levels.

The book, “Dr. Bawumia and the Modern Vice Presidency,” authored by communications Professor Etse Sikanku, explores the Ghanaian Vice Presidency and how Dr. Bawumia has transformed the office through his focus and advocacy.

Source: www.ghanaweb.com

Gyakie’s ‘SCAR’ tops Apple Chart


Gyakie, the sensational afro-fusion artiste has topped the Apple chart with her newest single ‘Scar’ featuring North London’s rapper JBee.

The song released today, April 21, 2023, has achieved a record-breaking success by dominating Apple Charts in less than 24 hours after its release.

The award-winning songstress, since her debut in 2019, has been taking the music world by storm.

Collaborating with renowned artistes such as Omar Lay, Davido, Blaq Jerzee, Major League DJz, Mayorkun, AKA, Diplo, among others, her unique style and incredible talent have made her a force to be reckoned with. Her hit single ‘Forever’ catapulted her to international fame, amassing over 150 million streams across various platforms.

SCAR, her latest track, is a powerful track detailing love and pain, tells two sides to the story of the hardships in a relationship. Depicting the duality both sonically and lyrically, the story of nuances and layers is heightened through the song’s combination of R&B, hip-hop, and drill.

Flip The signed artist, Gyakie teamed up with UK rapper JBee, one of the go-to fresh faces in British Rap to bring her latest single, ‘SCAR’ to life.

Speaking on the release, JBee said, “I was in Ghana for New Year, even though it was the holiday season when Gyakie calls, you answer! We linked up in Ghana and ‘Scar’ was born. Even though I am London born and raised, I’m Ghanaian myself and I’m so happy we got to collaborate and make this track. I hope the fans love this one seeing two worlds collide!”

No regret after leaving Kotoko – Mbella


Franck Mbella

Former Asante Kotoko player, Etouga Franck Mbella, has reiterated that he has no regrets about leaving the club.

The Cameroonian forward joined the Ghana Premier League side on a two-year deal from Fortuna du Mfou before the start of the 2021/22 season.

Mbella scored 21 goals in his debut season for the Porcupine Warriors and became the fans’ favourite.

His goals assisted the club to annex the 2021/22 Premier League under Prosper Nartey Ogum.


“I made a choice to leave Asante Kotoko after helping them win the league title and I do not regret any decision to leave the team,” he told Ghanasportspage.com.

“I’m a professional player and I stay focused to attain my goals in life. Currently, my focus is on Al Masry and to help the team win glories,” he added.

The Cameroonian forward, following his explosive performance in the Ghana Premier League, joined Al Masry in the Egyptian League on a permanent deal in a deal worth $400,000.

Navy Seizes 12,000 Litres Of Illegally Refined Diesel, Arrests Two Suspects


Commodore Nanmar Lakan, Commander of the Nigerian Navy Ship SOROH (NNS), stated that the Command has detained two people for crude oil theft and confiscated a wooden boat carrying 12,000 litres of Automated Gas Oil (AGO).

Lakan made the announcement while parading the suspects at Okarki Waterfront on Friday.

He stated that the suspects were apprehended at Okariki Waterfront in the Ahoada West Local Government Area of Rivers.

Lakan explained that the arrests were conducted in accordance with Operation Delta Sanity’s mandate, which includes combating crude oil theft, pipeline vandalism, and illegal refinery sites, among others.

READ MORE: General Overseer Arrested For Repeatedly Defiling 7-Year-Old Girl In Anambra

“Working with intelligence gathering from the good citizens of this country, we received credible information that some people want to move illegally refined AGO, popularly known as diesel from the Okarki River.

“We dispatched our men there, and they arrested two suspects.

“The quantity of the AGO is estimated to be 12,000 litres refined illegally,” he said.

He advised people involved in criminality to stop and seek a better way of life, since such unlawful activity was detrimental to society and the nation as a whole.

According to him, “the nation is losing a lot economically, so I advise them to stop, if not we are determined to rid the entire area of this illegal business.”

He urged members of the public and law-abiding citizens to provide important information to security agencies, notably the NNS SOROH, so that they can carry out their jobs.

The commander stated that the suspects and items would be turned over to the appropriate security agency in accordance with established procedures.

He said that the navy will do everything in its power to cleanse the waterways of lawbreakers and warned those engaged in illicit oil bunkering to stop or risk legal repercussions.

Speaking to reporters, one of the suspects, Mr Clement Fimeya, explained that he was doing it to feed his four children due to a lack of job opportunities.

He begged for forgiveness and pledged never to commit such an illegal act again if pardoned by the relevant security agency.

Health Benefits of Pandan Leaves


According to healthline – The benefits of panda leaves for improving health vary from lowering high blood, dealing with rheumatism, to as a natural cancer therapy.

Scientifically, panda leaves are known as Pandanus Amaryllifolius. Panda leaves are a tropical plant known for its distinctive aroma.

This green leaf has a blend of vanilla and almond aromas that are suitable for cooking.

Not only does it grow in Southeast Asian and South Asian countries, the leaves of the pandas are also popular in European and American countries as a cooking aroma enhancer or mouthwashing dish.

Benefits of Panda for Health

There has been enough research that focuses on the benefits of pandas leaves for health.

That’s why many also use the leaves of pandas as a traditional medicine.

Some of the benefits of panda leaves as one of the medicinal plants that loves to be missed among them are:

1. Lowering high blood pressure.

Frequent feelings of headache or fatigue can be an alarm from the body as blood pressure rises.

If left, high blood pressure or hypertension can even lead to heart disease and stroke. The good news is, one of the benefits of drinking water decoctions as a medicine is claimed to be able to lower blood pressure.

Replace the leaves of pandas of 10 grams with two glasses of water until there is only one glass left. Drink this decoction water twice a day to help keep your blood pressure balanced.

2. Dealing with Remixes

Dealing with rhumatism is a leafy leaf that cannot be underestimated. Rematic can be a complaint that causes people to feel joint pain to make it difficult to activate.

You can do this by cutting three leaves of pandas and putting them into a decoction of coconut oil. After cold, try to apply it to the painful part of the joint.

3. Increases appetite

When the body is not good, sometimes the appetite also drops drastically. Use the smell of panda leaves to restore the appetite as before.

Consume decoction water or food mixed with pandas leaves twice a day to restore your appetite and fitness.

4. Overcome the pain.

The next benefit of panda leaves is to help overcome the pain. Pandas leaves can overcome pain when you suffer from a headache, ear pain, or arthritis.

According to a study, panda leaves are used in Ayurveda medicine. That is, by adding leaves of pandas to coconut oil as olive oil.

Possibly, oil from pandas leaves has an anti-inflammatory effect so it can help relieve pain or joint inflammation.

However, further research on the effects of pandas leaves is needed to deal with human pain.

5. Reduces the stomach

Stomach cramps can occur at any time without expectation. It turns out, pandas leaves can help relieve cramps in the abdomen due to menstruation and digestive problems.

You can get its benefits by consuming tea leaves.

6. Restore energy after childbirth

The next benefit of panda leaves is to restore energy after delivery. A mother who has just given birth is very natural if she feels her body is not fit or feels drowned.

The energy may be decreased during the process. You can consume it in the form of tea decoction leaves.

7. Reduce the fever

You can also try the other benefits of pandas leaves such as helping to relieve fever.

Usually, this is one of the alternative methods of treatment that some people use. Consumption of water decoction leaves can lower body temperature back to normal.

8. Helps with detoxification

For people who are daily active and exposed to pollution, detoxification is important. Free radicals in the body must be fought in order not to invite disease.

You can use panda leaves to help with the detoxification process. Consuming water decoctions of pandas leaves can help the body and liver avoid toxic substances.

9. Treatment of cancer

There is a possibility that panda leaves could potentially be used as a cancer therapy. Drinking pandas tea twice a day can fight toxins and inhibit the growth of cancer-causing cells.

In one study, panda leaf had antimiotic, antiproliferative, and apoptotic effects as cancer therapy.

10. Dealing with Insomnia

Insomnia is often a huge enemy of many people because the body can not rest even though it is already feeling tired. Activity the next day is not optimal because you are too tired.

It turns out, pandas leaves can help overcome it because it contains alkaloids that can cause a relaxing sensation in the body.

11. Reduces blood sugar

Pandas leaf extract is known to be beneficial in lowering blood sugar levels. These leaves stimulate the secretion of insulin from the beta cell pathways of the pancreas and inhibit the activity of the enzyme alpha glycosidase.

Research suggests that panda leaves have the potential to be a natural source of antihyperglycemic, thus potentially to overcome diabetes. However, additional research is still needed to confirm this.

12. Maintain Healthy Mouth

Chewing the leaves of pandas is beneficial to refresh the smell of less pleasant breath. In addition, another benefit of the technique is to help stop the bleeding gums problem.

13. Reduced cholesterol

Until now, very few studies have discussed this issue. However, there is a study that tries to prove that pandas leaves can lower cholesterol levels.

As a result, the tanin of the leaves of the pandas can bind gallic acid to the intestines and then be thrown away through dirt.

Then, there is also the phenol in the pandas leaves to inhibit LDL oxidation that eventually reduces the tendency to excess cholesterol.

How to make water leaves

It is easy to make tea. It is also one of the best ways to consume and get the benefits of pandan leaves.

Wash 3-4 small or medium-sized leaves.

Turn it into a node, then put it in the pot.

You can also add ginger to make it fresh and warm.

Rebus until boiling, the water changes color, the leaves soften, and smell.

Drink tea when it’s cold.

So far, there are no studies that discuss the side effects of pandas leaves. However, it does not exclude the possibility that you may have diarrhea if you consume too much.

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NPP primaries: We’ve handed all security matters to police – Justin Kodua


The General Secretary of the New Patriotic Party (NPP), Justin Kodua Frimpong, has said the Ghana Police Service will assume full responsibility for security arrangements during the party’s parliamentary primaries scheduled for Saturday, January 27.

He stressed that no private security personnel or machinery would be permitted at the election grounds, and anyone violating this directive would face consequences from the police.

Speaking in an interview with Asempa FM on Thursday, January 25, he stressed that adhering to this directive should not be challenging for party members if they prioritise the party’s interests.

“We have handed over everything about the security of the elections to the Ghana Police Service. Anyone who attempts to disturb the elections will be dealt with by the police.”

“There will be no private security or macho men. No aspirant has the power to bring any private security personnel to the election grounds,”he said.

He also insisted that the party’s national leadership has maintained a fair approach to all aspirants participating in the primaries.

He stressed that the decision was made not to impose any candidate on the delegates, taking into account lessons learned from previous general elections.

“We have been very transparent in the processes so far. We, the national leadership took very painful decisions but important decisions in the interest of the party. We didn’t protect any sitting MP. We opened nominations for all. Even though there are some MPs that due to the work they are doing in Parliament, we should protect them but we didn’t protect anyone,” he added.

The party has cleared 326 parliamentary aspirants for the January 27 primaries to elect its parliamentary candidates in constituencies where the party has sitting Members of Parliament (MPs).

Out of the total number of 373 aspirants, who filed to contest the primaries, after vetting, 29 are going unopposed, 11 were disqualified, two were referred to the National Executive Committee (NEC), two stepped down, one incomplete form and two did not show up for vetting leaving the qualified aspirants for the primaries at 326.

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NDC Fights EC Over Voter Ink


Asiedu Nketiah


The National Democratic Congress (NDC) has expressed its strong opposition to the Electoral Commission’s (EC) decision to discontinue the use of indelible ink in the upcoming 2024 Presidential and Parliamentary elections in Ghana.

The party argues that the integrity of the voter register remains questionable, and the removal of indelible ink would open doors for fraudulent activities that could compromise the integrity of Ghana’s elections.

During a news conference in Accra, Johnson Asiedu Nketiah, the National Chairman of the NDC, emphasized that the indelible ink is an important component of Ghana’s electoral process as it visibly, transparently, and physically verifies voters in addition to the biometric verification system.

He questioned why the Electoral Commission would choose to remove such a tried and tested verification system that adds credibility to the electoral process.

Nketiah explained the significance of indelible ink in preventing multiple voting, especially in cases of apathy.

He stated that in the event of a malfunction of the biometric verification devices (BVDs), the stain of indelible ink on a voter’s finger is the surest and quickest way to identify potential criminals attempting to vote more than once. Removing the ink would make it easier for individuals to exploit the electoral process and allow pliant Electoral Commission officials to disregard the register and let voters cast their ballots regardless of their eligibility.

The NDC reminded the Electoral Commission of previous instances where electoral officers were caught interfering in the voting process during District Level Elections. With the manual verification system still in place and the integrity of the voter register being questioned, the NDC believes that the application of indelible ink is vital to maintain the credibility of Ghana’s elections.

The NDC’s opposition to the removal of indelible ink raises concerns about the transparency and fairness of the electoral process in Ghana. As the 2024 elections approach, the fate of indelible ink and its impact on voter verification and prevention of fraudulent activities remains a contentious issue between the NDC and the Electoral Commission.

By Vincent Kubi

NPP Yendi poll: EC official pocketed my ballot papers


New Patriotic Party parliamentary hopeful in the Yendi constituency, Hajia Abibata Shanni Mahama Zakariah, has alleged that an official of the Electoral Commission (EC) attempted to pocket some ballot papers with her name in his pockets.

She accused the EC official, whose name is not readily known, of taking that action to reduce her votes.

Violence erupted in the Yendi constituency on Saturday, January 27, 2024, during the counting of ballots.

The poll was between the incumbent Yendi MP, Farouk Aliu Mahama, and the Chief Executive Officer of the Microfinance and Small Loans Centre (MASLOC), Hajia Abibata Shanni Mahama Zakariah.

During an interview with Umaru Sanda Amadu on Eyewitness News on Citi FM, Hajia Abibata believed that there was an error during the counting of the votes.

“The problem started when it got to sorting, and it was not done in a very transparent manner. They [EC] asked the media to move away, and they cordoned themselves. Nobody could see what they were sorting. In the course of counting, the EC officer got to 69 and then jumped to 80. Everybody was oh oh, that was when someone drew the attention of our team that one of the EC officials was hoarding my ballot papers and destroying them.”

She said the EC official denied the claims when he was confronted about his actions, stressing that it led to the chaos.

“An ink was found in the jacket of the EC official who hoarded my ballot papers, suppressing them and putting them in his pockets. When my brother asked him what he was doing, he said he was not doing anything. There are videos to this effect; he was reducing my ballot papers for whatever reason, I don’t know. That infuriated some of my supporters, and that led to the chaos,” she recounted.

Hajia Abibata Zakariah indicated that the NPP doesn’t have a parliamentary candidate in Yendi yet because the counting process was disrupted.

“There was chaos, ballot papers were destroyed. We don’t have a candidate for Yendi because counting was not concluded, and ballot papers were destroyed. Whatever happened in Yendi was not transparent in terms of sorting,” she pointed out.

She has petitioned the party leadership over the issue.

A national 3rd vice-chairman, regional organizer, regional general secretary, and regional treasurer of the NPP in the Northern region declared the incumbent MP Farouk Mahama as the parliamentary candidate-elect.

But the EC, in a statement, distanced itself from the Yendi results, adding that the results have not been declared yet.


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Bawumia tops NPP Super Delegates Conference, Ken Agyapong qualifies for November primaries


Vice President Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia has won the New Patriotic Party (NPP) super delegates conference with a total of 629 votes, representing 68.15% of the vote.

Assin Central MP Kennedy Agyapong came in second with 132 votes, or 14.30% while former Trade Minister Alan Kyerematen placed third with 95 votes, or 10.29%.

The results mean that Agyapong has qualified for the NPP’s presidential primaries in November, along with Bawumia.

This is the first time that either man has run for the presidency. Kyerematen has been in the race since 2007 but has never been able to secure the party’s nomination.

The November primaries will be a major test for Bawumia and Agyapong. They will need to win the support of over 200,000 delegates from across the country in order to become the NPP’s flagbearer.

The winner of the primaries will then face off against the opposition National Democratic Congress’s John Dramani Mahama in the December 2024 general election.

Bawumia’s victory is seen as a major boost for his presidential ambitions. He is the incumbent vice president and is seen as a safe pair of hands by many party members.

Agyapong’s surprise second-place finish is a major upset. He is a controversial figure, but he is also a popular one. He is known for his outspokenness and his willingness to challenge the status quo.

His strong showing in the super delegates conference suggests that he could be a dark horse in the November primaries.

The November primaries are shaping up to be a close race. Bawumia is the clear favourite, but Agyapong is not to be underestimated. The outcome of the primaries will have a major impact on the 2024 general election.

Court Stops MultiChoice From Increasing DStv, Gotv Subscription Rates


A Federal High Court in Abuja has issued an order to stop the planned increase in subscription prices by Multichoice Nigeria Limited, the operator of DStv and GOtv.

It was gathered that the three-member tribunal, presided over by Saratu Shafii, gave the interim order following an ex-parte motion moved by Ejiro Awaritoma, counsel for the applicant, Festus Onifade.

Recall that the digital company, had last week announced another price increment across its DStv and GOtv packages effective May 1, 2024.

The company attributed the price increases to rise in the cost of business operations in Nigeria.

According to the notice signed by Multichoice CEO, John Ugbe, sent to its subscribers and customers via email, the new prices for DStv packages are Premium package will now cost N37,000 monthly as against the current N29,500 subscription fee.

The price of the Compact+ bouquet has also increased to N25,000 from 19,800 monthly.

DStv said subscribers on its Compact bouquet will now pay N15,700 as against N12,500 they are currently paying, while those on the Confam package are to pay N9,300, compared to N7,400 currently being paid.

READ MORE: Multichoice Announces Hike In DStv, GOtv Subscription Packages Over ‘High Operational Costs’

Meanwhile, the tribunal, in a ruling today, restrained Multi-Choice from going ahead with impending price increase schedule to take effect from May 1, pending the hearing and determination of the motion on notice filed before it.

Shaffi said: “The 1st defendant is hereby restrained from taking any step(s) that may negatively affect the rights of the claimant and other consumers in respect of the suit pending the hearing and determination of the motion on notice.”

Kano Anti-Corruption Agency Files Fresh Charges Against Ganduje


The Kano State Anti-Corruption and Public Complaints Commission has said that it has filed fresh charges of corruption and maladministration against ex-governor of the state, Abdullahi Ganduje.

It was gathered that the commission’s chairman, Muhuyi Magaji, revealed that, investigations uncovered the diversion of N51.3 billion from local government funds to unauthorized individuals during Ganduje’s tenure.

Speaking on Channels Television’s Sunrise Daily programme on Tuesday, Magaji alleged that the last administration, under the leadership of Ganduje, withdrew N1 billion monthly from state coffers before its tenure ended in May 2023, for road renovation, but diverted to Bureau de Change operators instead.

He also cited a case involving N4 billion transferred to an agricultural company from Kano’s consolidated revenue account.

Magaji said: “What is happening now is a tip of the iceberg. As I am talking to you, we are investigating a case whereby N51.3bn local government funds were directly taken from the government coffers (and) sent to other individuals, and we traced it to people.

READ MORE: Kano Ward Exco Suspends APC Chairman Ganduje Over Corruption Allegations

“We have filed a series of cases. We have a case whereby N1bn in April last year (2023) was removed from government coffers under the allocation of renovating 30 roads in the metropolis, and it was taken away and sent to Bureau de Change.

“We have a case of N4bn whereby it was sent from the consolidated revenue account of Kano State to an agricultural company. All these cases are before the court.”

Opuni Highlights Ghana Card Impact On Financial Sector


Julian Opuni


Fidelity Bank Managing Director, Julian Opuni, has highlighted the impact of the Ghana Card on the financial sector.

Sharing his perspectives on key issues impacting Ghana’s financial sector during an interview with Oxford Business Group said the Ghana Card has had significant contributions to the financial sector, particularly in enhancing security measures and combating fraud.

He emphasized the card’s state-of-the-art biometric features, real-time data capabilities, and seamless integration with existing systems, as key in promoting accurate Know Your Customer (KYC) compliance and anti-money laundering efforts.

Moreover, Mr. Opuni underscored the card’s role in facilitating digital transactions and mobile banking, heralding a shift towards a more cashless and inclusive society.

He remarked, ‘‘Traditional and financial technology (fintech) institutions can leverage the comprehensive database to offer diverse financial services, promoting cashless transactions.

These advancements contribute to a more inclusive financial ecosystem by removing barriers to entry, especially for the economically disadvantaged. By streamlining the online and in-person account opening process, the Ghana Card provides accessible formal identification, particularly for those in remote areas”

Mr. Opuni reiterated Fidelity Bank’s commitment to financial inclusion as a cornerstone of economic growth and equality.

He outlined the bank’s comprehensive approach, encompassing technological innovation, strategic partnerships, and financial literacy initiatives to extend access to underserved communities.

Mr. Opuni remarked, “A dedicated focus on financial literacy and education programmes ensures that access to services is complemented by informed decision-making. Empowering communities with financial knowledge foster a culture of saving and responsible financial behavior”.

He emphasized the importance of tailoring products for diverse segments, simplifying account opening processes, and leveraging agency banking networks to expand reach, particularly in rural areas.

Mr. Opuni expressed confidence in the country’s financial future, envisioning a collaborative ecosystem where stakeholders work together to offer diverse products and services to previously excluded segments.

With the Ghana Card serving as a catalyst for innovation and inclusion, Mr. Opuni foresees a more secure and equitable financial landscape, poised to drive sustainable economic growth and prosperity.

By Samuel Boadi

I will bring back inactive members


Yakubu Faharudeen, an aspiring General Secretary for the People’s National Convention (PNC), says he will bring back into the party the inactive members when given the nod.

Mr Faharudeen said bringing such members back would enhance the chances of the party in the December 7, 2024, general election.

He said there were vibrant members who have relaxed, and others are joining other parties due to the disunity and lack of resources in the PNC, a situation that was hindering the progress of the party.

He explained that the party was endowed with brilliant and talented members who would be able to utilise their skills to support the party if brought back, saying that he was in good relationships with most of them who were supporting the path he had taken.

Farudeen, who is currently the Deputy General Secretary, told the Ghana News Agency (GNA) in an interview that he had gained enough knowledge and experience in his current position as well as being a member right after he completed the tertiary level of education.

He added that he would ensure that the party’s resources are well utilised in regaining parliamentary seats they lost over the years.

“Usually, when there is a runoff in a general election, you see some of our leaders joining either NPP or NDC, and after that, they don’t come back to the party,” he stated.

The aspiring general secretary added that he would ensure that polling agents were brought on board and trained for the upcoming election so that they could win their votes.

He said the PNC was the best alternative for Ghana’s development, adding that the politics of ideas in the country is gradually fading due to monetisation.

“When I get the nod, this country is going to experience a different type of PNC, and we are going to show the NPP and NDC the exit,” he stated.

I’m Ghana’s best Vice President – Dr. Bawumia

Popular musician appeals for help as his Honda CR-V car vanishes from workshop

Minority reacts to Speaker’s suspension of new ministers’ approval

“The Nurse Has Been Arrested”– Iyabo Ojo


Operatives of the Lagos State Police Command have arrested the nurse who treated late Nigerian rapper, Ilerioluwa Olademeji Aloba, also known as Mohbad, before his death.

Nollywood actress, Iyabo Ojo, made this known after a visit to the State Police Commissioner, Idowu Owohunwa.

Iyabo disclosed this in a video shared via her Instagram page on Wednesday night while briefing fans about her visit to the Lagos State Commissioner of Police and the progress on the police investigation of Mohbad’s death.

READ MORE: Mohbad: Iyabo Ojo Visits Lagos CP, Calls Out Sam Larry, Naira Marley

She said: “The police have made some arrests [in connection with Mohbad’s death]. The nurse has been arrested. That is all i know. That’s the only information I can give you right now.

“They have arrested some people. They are asking some people to turn themselves in.”

Recall that Mohbad’s father, James Aloba had said in an interview, said that he suspects the auxiliary nurse who injected Mohbad before he died, stressing that the injection might have complicated his son’s health.

Earlier, the singer’s management announced plans to hold a candlelight procession and tribute concert.

A post on the singer’s official Instagram page said the candlelight procession and tribute concert will take place in Lekki, Lagos, on Thursday, September 21.

The post read, “We appreciate the outpouring of love from fans across the world, to the ones who’ve organized events in their communities as a way to honour and pay respect to our shining light we say thank you. Join us for Mohbad’s Candlelight Procession and Tribute Concert.”

$3b Deal Will build Ghana’s Economy To Withstand Shocks– IMF Mission Chief


Stéphane Roudet

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has approved a $3 billion bailout for Ghana, and according to the IMF Mission Chief for Ghana, Stéphane Roudet, this will bring about significant reforms in the energy and cocoa sectors.

Roudet stated that the programme will lead to increased private sector investment and the building of international reserves.
He emphasized that the reforms in the energy and cocoa sectors will be particularly crucial for Ghana’s economy.

The energy sector in Ghana has been facing significant challenges, including high debt levels and unreliable power supply.
The bailout is expected to address these issues by supporting the government’s efforts to improve the sector’s efficiency and sustainability.

Similarly, the cocoa sector in Ghana, which is the world’s second-largest cocoa producer, has been grappling with low productivity and inadequate infrastructure. The IMF bailout is aimed at supporting reforms that will help increase the sector’s productivity and competitiveness.
Roudet also noted that the reforms will focus on encouraging private sector investments, which will play a key role in driving economic growth and job creation in Ghana.

“There will be reforms in the energy and cocoa sectors,” he said during a joint Ghana -IMF press conference in Washington on Thursday, May 18, 2023.

“It will be restoring macroeconomic stability, for higher and more inclusive growth. It has reforms that will make the economy more resilient and likely to withstand shocks in the future,” he added.

For his part, Finance Minister Ken Ofori-Atta thanked the Fund for the support.

He said “We are already seeing relative stability in the currency and inflation and revitalizing our economy. Government with support from the IMF and collective effort with Ghanaians will work through our current challenges and emerge stronger.”

The Board of the Fund unanimously approved Ghana’s bailout on Wednesday, May 17 at a meeting in Washington after Ghana secured the Paris Club financing assurance on Friday, May 12, 2023.

The IMF’s decision to provide the bailout to Ghana has been welcomed by the government, which has been facing significant economic challenges due to the COVID-19 pandemic and other factors.
The bailout is expected to provide much-needed support to Ghana’s economy and help it recover from the impact of the pandemic.

Overall, the IMF’s support for Ghana is seen as a positive development that will help the country address key economic challenges and promote sustainable growth.
The success of the programme, however, will depend on the government’s ability to implement the necessary reforms effectively.

A press statement issued by the Paris Club on Friday, May 12 said “The creditor committee stresses that the Ghanaian authorities are expected to seek from all private creditors and other official bilateral creditors debt treatments on terms at least as favorable as those being considered by the creditor committee, in line with the comparability of treatment principle.

Consequently, it added “the creditor committee urges private creditors and other official bilateral creditors to commit without delay to negotiate with Ghana such debt treatments that are crucial to ensure the full effectiveness of the debt treatment for Ghana under the Common Framework.”

Also, a creditor committee for Ghana has been formed by countries with eligible claims to see to the quick implementation of the resolution. The creditor committee is expected to be co-chaired by China and France.

“The creditor committee examined the macroeconomic and financial situation of Ghana, including its long-term debt sustainability, and its formal request for a debt treatment under the “Common Framework for Debt Treatments beyond the DSSI” endorsed under the Saudi G20 Presidency in November 2020, which was also endorsed by the Paris Club.”

“The creditor committee supports Ghana’s envisaged IMF upper credit tranche (UCT) program and its swift adoption by the IMF Executive Board to address Ghana’s urgent financing needs.

“The creditor committee encourages Multilateral Development Banks (MDBs) to maximize their support for Ghana to meet its long-term financial needs,” the statement added.

By Vincent Kubi

Ladasha Wambo Vs Princess Tiffah Amazing Fashion Style as of 2023 (Photos)


Ladasha and Princess Tiffah became famous because famous people gave birth to them. Their English is flawless, as is their fashion. These girls are among the most popular children in Africa and all over the world.


Ladasha Ladasha Belle Wambui is the first child of a famous Kenyan couple, Size 8 reincarnated as Dj MO. She was born at Karen Hospital in Nairobi in November 2015.

At the East African Fashion Awards, organized by Heaven Bahati, he was named the most beautiful kid in East Africa. When it comes to 10 kids with amazing fashion sense, Ladasha is one of the celebrity kids that should not be overlooked. You will be surprised by his fashion style as a child.

When it comes to the top ten kids with amazing fashion sense, Ladasha is one of the famous kids who should not be overlooked. Her sense of style as a child will astound you.

Princess Tiffah

Princess Tiffah is Zari Hassan’s first child; he has four brothers. As a result, he got a place in his mother’s heart and mind.

Her amazing fashion style does not fail to impress her fans. Many people love and support him. Despite his age, he has already become an ambassador for many companies.

Let’s take a look at the beauty of these two beautiful royals in different outfits.


Princess Tiffah

Both are beautiful and fashionable, but who do you think shines more? Please leave your comments in the section below.

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News )

East African Fashion Awards
Ladasha Ladasha Belle Wambui


NPP primaries: Voting underway [Photos]


Voting has commenced smoothly in all 110 constituencies nationwide to elect a parliamentary candidate for the New Patriotic Party (NPP).

The voting was expected to take place in 111 constituencies where the party has no sitting Members of Parliament (MPs).

However, voting in Evalue-Ajomoro-Gwira was cancelled in the early hours of Saturday due to confusion over the scheduled voting centre.

The NPP leadership has assured of a free, fair and smooth election.

24hr economy, a game changer – NDC Parliamentary Candidate  


Simon Agbovi, GNA 

Kasoa (C/R), Feb 29,  GNA – Parliamentary Candidate for the National Democratic Congress (NDC) in the Awutu Senya East Constituency, Mrs Phillis Naa Koryoo Okunor, has urged the business community in Kasoa and the country in general to believe in the 24-hour economy proposed by the Flagbearer of the NDC because it was a game changer to their businesses and the economy. 

Speaking on the sidelines of an eye- screening exercise she organised for her constituents, she said the initiative was very crucial at the moment when businesses were folding up and youth unemployment rate kept increasing. 

 According to her,  the 24-hour economy would create a-three-shift working system and that would expand businesses and employ more people.   

She said companies would benefit immensely because it would  increase productivity and generate more revenue, adding that as part of the policy, companies signed onto it were to receive incentives on tariffs among others. 

“The 24-hour economy by our father, Mr John Dramani Mahama will not sideline anybody, the companies that will join are going to benefit a lot from it, and I know the numerous companies and industries in Kasoa and its environs will sign onto it,” Mrs Okunor noted. 

She urged Ghanaians to embrace it because it was a good vision, it was doable and Ghana would be better off with it. 

She described the President’s State of the Nation (SONA) address as empty because it did not address the plight of Ghanaians. 

“Some of us anticipated what he was going to say and as usual it was the same old story, just a recycle of what we already knew,” she added. 


Louisa Atta- Agyemang Is NHIA Deputy CEO


Louisa Atta-Agyemang 


PRESIDENT Akufo-Addo has appointed Mrs. Louisa Atta-Agyemang as the Deputy Chief Executive (Operations) of the National Health Insurance Authority (NHIA).

The appointment letter, dated December 13, 2023, is headlined ‘Appointment as Deputy Chief Executive (Operations) of National Health Insurance Authority’.

Part of the content of letter also reads, “Pursuant to Section 15 (1) (c) of the National Health Insurance Act, 2012 (Act 852), I am pleased to inform you that the President has appointed you to act as the Deputy Chief Executive in charge of Operations of the National Health Insurance Authority (the “Authority”) pending receipt of the constitutionally required advice of the governing Board of the Authority, given in consultation with the Public Services Commission.”

The President, in the letter, which was written and signed by Nana Bediatuo Asante, Secretary to the President, said, “I take this opportunity to congratulate you on your appointment.”

The letter further urged Mrs. Louisa Atta-Agyemang “to kindly indicate your acceptance of the appointment within 14 days of receipt of this letter,” adding that “Please accept the President’s best wishes.”

FROM I.F. Joe Awuah Jnr., Kumasi


“You’re a fraudster and wicked” Man angrily calls out Uche Jombo (Video)


Popular Tiktoker popularly known as Verydarkman, has called out Nollywood actress, Uche Jombo for being a fraud.

Taking to his TikTok, the Tiktoker slammed the actress for false advertisement, calling her a fraudster and wicked.

He noted how Uche, as well as many celebrities, don’t use many of the products they advertise and only promote them for their gain.

Verydarkman noted how many of her naive and gullible fans believe that she uses the product, hence are moved to buy the product, to get her type of skin, only to end up with damaged skin.

“Why will Uche Jombo apply make-up on her face to do a skincare advert behaving like it’s the cream making her glow when she’s actually not glowing? You can tell she is wearing makeup in that video and she’s smiling and singing Brow Skin Girl, meanwhile, the color of the skin on her face is different from the one on her hand. You are a fraud, this is a fraud advertisement and its wickedness.

You obviously don’t use that cream, but because of your naive and gullible followers, they gush over your skin and you want to sell it to them and lie to them because of small money. Something that will later damage their skin wickedness”.

Uche Jombo isn’t the only celebrity, he has called out. Some days back, he called out Nkechi Blessing and she responded to him.

“I’m not Jenny’s glow ooo” Nkechi Blessing fires back at very dark man after he accused her of doing ads for a fake skincare brand

Kemi Filani reported that the newfound “Skincare Warrior,” Very Dark Man had turned his attention to another skincare brand, Dorindas, which Nkechi Blessing was promoting.

The actress who is notorious for using filters while promoting the product, had drawn the attention of Very Dark Man, who accused the skincare brand of having no NAFDAC registration number.

In response to Very Dark Man’s accusations, Nkechi Blessing wasted no time in defending herself and her brand. She also cursed him out by revealing that Very Dark Man lived in a one-room apartment and was struggling financially.

I almost ended my life because Nkechi Blessing broke shamed me” Very Dark Man reveals

Reacting, Very Dark Man shared an insight on a troubling experience, disclosing that the comments made by Nkechi Blessing had nearly driven him to end his life.

It seemed that the aftermath of this exchange had taken a sad toll on Very Dark Man’s mental and emotional well-being. In a candid admission, he revealed that the derogatory comments she had made had nearly pushed him to end his life.

“The irony” Davido reacts to Tacha pledging support for Phyna while rocking his tattoo


As the drama between Davido and Phyna continued to simmer, reality tv star Tacha has entered the chats and in a recent tweet Davido has shaded her .

Tacha had boldly taken to Twitter to show her support for Phyna, who found herself in a heated exchange with Davido. Tacha’s move to rally behind Phyna met with a lot of reactions by netizens.

Davido, seemed to respond directly to Tacha’s support for Phyna. The plot thickened when he liked a tweet that subtly shaded Tacha, setting off a fresh wave of online chatter and speculation.

The tweet in question carried a sense of irony. It stated to the fact that Tacha was coming to Phyna’s aid, which seemed somewhat incongruous given that Tacha herself had a tattoo of Davido’s name prominently inked in the middle of her chest. The tweet suggested an interesting connection between the two circumstances.

Davido’s response to the tweet was simple yet controversial , with just two words; “the irony.” This cryptic move by the music sensation set the internet on fire with even more discussions and debates.

As reported by Kemi Filani earlier, the root of drama started when reports emerged that Davido had initially liked some tweets that weren’t particularly favorable toward Phyna. When Phyna responded to this, Davido offered an explanation, saying that he didn’t mean to like those tweets and, more startlingly, that he didn’t even know Phyna.

Phyna, in her own state of confusion and bewilderment at Davido’s denial of their acquaintance, responded by asserting that even if he didn’t know her, God certainly did. This response added yet another layer to the ongoing drama.

Ghana’s Current Environmental Crisis Poses National Security Threat – Nana Yaw Osei Darkwa |


Nana Yaw Osei Darkwa, Founder of the Green Republic, has stated that Ghana has an environmental crisis due to how the nation discriminately destroys its forests.

Speaking at the 3rd Annual Climate Benefit Ball under the theme ‘Reversing the Climate Trends, No Future without Trees’, Mr. Darkwa said that the current environmental crisis poses a national security threat to the country.

“Ghana has recklessly destroyed the very forests which provide security of absorbing the emissions which get stuck in the atmosphere leading to the abnormal levels of pollution we are currently experiencing.

No wonder reports of deaths of very young, energetic people have become so rampant from strange diseases, including respiratory and devastating heart conditions. We are indeed in an environmental crisis as a nation, one which poses a national security threat,” he disclosed.

According to him, Ghana was recently ranked 7th most polluted nation globally, a worrying position.

“No wonder our beloved Ghana was recently ranked the 7th most polluted nation in the world. I do not know how we individually processed that information, but my advice is this, if you took it as one of those normal findings, distinguished ladies and gentlemen, we would be doing grave injustice to ourselves and our children’s children,” he said.

A ten-year-old student of Pioneer International Academy, Aseda Acheampomaa Bekoe, who is a climate change ambassador, implored leaders, parents, grandparents, aunts, and uncles – guardians of the future generation to safeguard the Earth, making it a beautiful and secure home for all. According to her, preserving the planet will also protect our future.

Speaking at the event, the Australia High Commissioner to Ghana Mrs Berenice Owen-Jones who was Special Guest of Honor at the event urged Ghanaians and the global community to come together and help turn around the situation in the country through sustainable-driven consciousness and behavior.

Source: Peacefmonline com



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Bola Ray's Entrepreneurship Initiative wraps up with dinner and awards ceremony


Bola Ray, the esteemed CEO of EIB Network, celebrated the culmination of his entrepreneurship initiative with a grand closing dinner and awards night held yesterday in 355 Labone.

The event marked a triumphant conclusion to the “Entrepreneurship with Bola Ray” program, aimed at empowering startups and fostering young entrepreneurial talent in Ghana.

The initiative, launched in December 2023 in collaboration with the European Union in Ghana, sought to empower twenty-five deserving innovative startups led by young entrepreneurs in the country. As part of Bola Ray’s 25 years in the media anniversary celebration, themed ‘Impact At 25,’ the program offered comprehensive support to the selected entrepreneurs, including funding, training, mentorship, branding and marketing, and bookkeeping.

Throughout the three-month mentorship program, participants were guided and mentored by accomplished Ghanaian entrepreneurs, including KGL boss Alex Dadey, Equity Insurance boss Elton Afari, Reiss & Co. CEO Jeff Sowah, EIB Network General Manager Nana Yaa Sarpong, EU Goodwill Ambassador Victoria Michaels, and Special Ice Group Chairman Ernest Ofori Sarpong.

Others were Imexco Ghana CEO Jean Paul Feghali, Academic Professors Dr. Kwame Nkrumah & Prof. Owusu Nyamekye, and Groupe Sebastien CEO Femi Asante.

The rest were Code Group CEO Fabian Sebastian Thorpe, Cybele Energy CEO Beatrice Mensah Tayui, AU Diplomat Buhle Phiwe Hlatshwayo⁠ and Saka Homes CEO Kwadwo Saka Addo- Mensah.

The highlight of the evening was the the announcement of winners of the pitching competition, where the most promising startups had showcased their innovative ideas.

Stephen Selorm Bedzrah, Founder of MyCleanApp, emerged as the winner, receiving GHC10,000 in prize money.

Emmanuel Lucky Ardey, Founder & CEO of Aquaponic, and Wilson Niiquaye Djani, CEO of NIVERDE Foods, were awarded GHC6,000 and GHC4,000 respectively for their outstanding contributions.

Additionally, Harriet Dzidzom Acquah, CEO of Maison Cart, and Comfort Afroba Mireku, CEO of Glitz Events, were honored with signed copies of Bola Ray’s “It Is Possible” book and $100 each from Empire Ghana CEO Dorcas Adisi.

In an inspiring address at the Entrepreneurship with Bola Ray Project’s closing dinner ceremony, Bola Ray expressed deep gratitude and pride for the initiative’s impact on youth empowerment and entrepreneurship. Held in partnership with the EU Ambassador, the event highlighted the transformative power of innovation and risk-taking in shaping a brighter future.

Bola Ray emphasized that entrepreneurship extends beyond profit-making, focusing on creativity, risk-taking, and community impact. He lauded the dedication and talent of the participating entrepreneurs, recognizing their resilience in overcoming challenges and breaking barriers.

Acknowledging the pivotal role of mentors, Bola Ray credited their guidance and support in shaping the next generation of business leaders. He urged continued support for youth initiatives, emphasizing the importance of providing resources and opportunities for success.

Expressing gratitude to partners, including the EU Ambassador H.E Irchad Razaaly, mentors, and sponsors, Bola Ray highlighted the collaborative effort to foster a culture of entrepreneurship. He called for collective action in inspiring and uplifting one another, envisioning a world where entrepreneurship is not just a business but a way of life.

In conclusion, Bola Ray encouraged individuals to embrace the entrepreneurial spirit, pursue their dreams with determination, and believe in their potential to achieve the impossible. The gala served as a testament to the impact of youth empowerment and innovation in building a brighter, more prosperous future for all.

The event was graced by dignitaries and industry leaders, including H.E. Irchad Razaaly, the EU Ambassador to Ghana, Dorcas Adisi, CEO of Empire Ghana, Lala, CEO of Primary Priority Concierge, Jeff Sowa, MD of Reiss & Co, and Elton Afari, CEO of Equity Health Insurance.

The Grand Mentor was EU Ambasador H.E Irchad Razaaly.

41 Suspects Arraigned In Ibadan Over Illegal Mining


No fewer than forty-one persons have been arraigned before a Federal High Court in Ibadan, the Oyo State, over illegal mining activities.

The accused persons were arraigned on Thursday before Justice Uche Agomoh by the Federal Government through the Nigeria Police Force .

The defendants were arraigned on a two-count charge bordering on conspiracy and illegal mining.

The Police prosecuting counsel, Mr Michael Ojeah, told the court that the 41 defendants, on Jan.25, at Onipanu village in Ibadan judicial division, did conspire with one another to commit felony with unlawful mining.

Ojeah said that the defendants without lawful authority did mine and conceal 24.96 grams of gold ore, valued at N1,248,000, extracted from an illegal mine site at Onipanu village, Ilaju in Ibadan.

According to him, under count one, the defendants violated Sections 516 of the Criminal Code, Cap 38, vol. 11, Laws of the Federation of Nigeria 2004.

READ MORE: Ibadan Explosion: Bodija Residents Cry Out Over Missing Neighbours

Under count two, he said the defendants committed an offence contrary to and punishable under section 8(b) of the Miscellaneous Offences Act, Cap M17, Volume 9, Laws of the Federation of Nigeria 2004.

All the 41 defendants pleaded guilty to the charge.

Ojeah also informed the court that he was prepared to present facts following the pleas by the accused.

Inspector Awosanmi Abiola, who led a team of security operatives that arrested the defendants testified before Justice Agomoh on the facts of the case.

Abiola tendered statements of five principal witnesses and statements of the 41 defendants recorded after the arrest.

Justice Agomoh admitted all the statements tendered and were marked as exhibits 1 to 46, as the defence counsel, Mr Suraji Musa did not object.



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Hollard Life Head Of Group Business Wins GIA Young Achiever Of The Year  |


Hollard Life’s Roswitha Adjoa Amoako, Head of Group Business and Partnerships at Hollard Life Assurance Ltd, has been adjudged the Young Achiever of the Year at the Ghana Insurance Awards held at the Icon Event Centre in Accra. 

The Ghana Insurance Awards is a platform that seeks to honour top-class performance, professionalism, and innovation across the Ghanaian insurance industry and promote the industry’s growth through progressive competition, innovation, and adherence to the highest professional standards. 

Speaking on the recognition, Managing Director of Hollard Life Assurance, Nashiru Iddrisu, described her win as a commendable feat. 

“Roswitha’s contributions to Hollard Life and the insurance industry are admirable. Her innovative approach, leadership skills, and dedication have been instrumental in driving the success of Hollard Life. We are immensely proud of her well-deserved recognition as the Young Achiever at the Ghana Insurance Awards”, he said. 

Roswitha has led her lean team to double the premium income of the organisation from 2019 to date and has consistently achieved and exceeded targets year after year. Her career journey is a testament to her exceptional work ethic and commitment to excellence. She began her tenure at Hollard Life as a Relationship Manager in the Group Business division, where her talent and dedication quickly made her an invaluable asset to the company. 

Her exceptional performance and leadership qualities led to her promotion to the Head of the Department. Since then, Roswitha has thrived, taking on increasingly challenging roles and responsibilities while maintaining a stellar track record of success. 

One of Roswitha’s most significant accomplishments has been her instrumental role in spearheading successful partnership launches, such as Melcom, Vivo, Lotus, and life and pensions cover with Axis Pensions. Additionally, she has been at the forefront of designing bespoke and innovative insurance products for the public, including the highly acclaimed MeBanbo and Asomdwee MSME insurance products. 


Roswitha commented on her win, “It is incredibly fulfilling to see the insurance industry recognise the efforts of my team and me in creating exciting futures. I extend my heartfelt gratitude to Hollard Ghana for their unwavering support. To my Group CEO, Patience Akyianu, and MD, Nashiru Iddrisu, for their guidance and mentorship. I appreciate every inch of knowledge shared and look forward to more growth”. 

About Hollard Life 

Hollard Life is a subsidiary of the insurance group Hollard Ghana, which combines its deep local knowledge of the market with the world-class expertise of an international insurance brand.

With feet firmly planted on Ghanaian soil but Headquartered in South Africa, Hollard delivers innovative insurance solutions customised to the unique risks Ghanaians face. Hollard was previously Metropolitan Insurance which operated in Ghana for over 25 years. Hollard Life, the youngest subsidiary, was birthed in 2018.

The company offers various life insurance products, including funeral, personal accident, savings and investments, group life insurance and employee plans, and more. Beyond various nationwide office branches and Hollard 2U franchise shops, Ghanaians can find Hollard Life at Shell Fuel Station Welcome Shops, Melcom stores and online at www.hollard.com.gh, www.melcom.com/hollard-insurance and www.jumia.com.gh for all their insurance needs.

Source: Peacefmonline



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Brazil Rename Super Cup In Pele’s Honour


Edson Arantes do Nascimento aka Pele


Brazil’s Super Cup has been renamed the ‘SuperCopa Rei’ in honour of Pele, the country’s Football Confederation (CBF) announced on Wednesday.

The Super Cup is the curtain-raiser for the Brazilian season and pits together the Brazilian Serie A winners and the Copa do Brasil champions.

League champions, Palmeiras, will take on Cup winners, São Paulo, in Sunday’s Super Cup in Belo Horizonte.

Often referred to as ‘O Rei’ (The King), Pele scored 77 goals for Brazil in 92 appearances, and is widely regarded as one of the greatest players of all time.

The three-time World Cup winner died at the age of 82 in 2022. -Getty

“Pele deserves all the tributes,” CBF president, Ednaldo Rodrigues said.

“His legacy will always be revered by the CBF. The Supercopa Rei is a way of giving even more importance to the competition…The idea of calling the competition Supercopa Rei is within the context of utmost importance for the CBF, which is to preserve the memory of Brazilian football, to ensure that new generations do not lose the reference of the great football idols, in this case, the greatest reference of all time.”

It was a painful decision for me to take – Akufo-Addo on going to IMF


President Akufo-Addo

President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo has said that going to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) for a bailout was a painful decision that he took.

He said the IMF was not part of the economic transformation agenda that he had been pursuing,

Addressing the nation on Sunday, May 28, he said “It was a painful decision for me to take, because going to the IMF was not part of the economic transformation agenda I had been pursuing, especially as my government had gone the extra mile to bring to a successful end the IMF programme we inherited from the previous government.”

He further said that the $3billion facility approved by the Fund would not end Ghana’s problems.

“Access to the IMF facility will not spell the immediate end of the difficulties we are in presently.

“But the fact that we’ve been able to negotiate such a deal sends a positive message to our creditors and investors,”he said.

He added “It should lead to the restoration of confidence and the reopening of avenues that have been closed to us this past year and a half.”

A similar comment was earlier made by his Finance Minister Ken Ofori-Atta who warned that the approval of Ghana’s request for bailout would not offer a magic solution to the current economic crisis.

“Ghana’s IMF Board approval is far from a magic solution,” Mr Ofori-Atta stressed.

“What it is, however, is that it is a crucial first step on the necessary journey of strong reforms, inclusive growth and relentless pursuit of a growth agenda geared towards restoring our economy to a place of strength, prosperity and resilience.”

The Finance Minister was speaking at a joint press conference held by the Fund in the wake of the Executive Board’s approval of the $3 billion support.

The approval was secured on Wednesday, May 17 with the first tranche of $600 million received

CETAG Strike: Release Their August Salaries To Them! – Dr. Otchere-Ankrah Admonishes Gov’t | Education


Dr. Benjamin Otchere-Ankrah has appealed to the Ministry of Education and National Labour Commission (NLC) to release the salaries of the members of Colleges of Education Teachers Association of Ghana (CETAG).

His admonition comes on the back of an announcement by government that members of CETAG will not be paid their August salaries due to no work done.

There is a protracted dispute between government and (CETAG) and in a release signed by the Director of Administration for the Ghana Tertiary Education Commission (GTEC), Saaka Sayuti, the Commission noted that the freeze of remuneration will affect all the 46 Colleges of Education.

“We write at the instance of the Honourable Minister of Education, requesting you NOT to pay monthly salary and allowances for the month of August 2023 to the Teaching Staff of all 46 Colleges of Education,” portions of the statement dated August 21 said.

Dr. Otchere-Ankrah bemoaned this directive stressing “there’s an action before a reaction”.

He narrated that the teachers didn’t embark on a strike for no reason but because the government failed to honor its promise to pay its debt to them.

He, therefore, wondered why this drastic decision against the teachers stating “if you had given them their money, they wouldn’t have the moral right to go on strike”.

Further discussing the issue on Peace FM’s “Kokrokoo” show, he questioned the authorities if after freezing the teachers’ salaries, “will you give them interest on the money that you failed to pay to them six months ago?”

He also noted that “it is not possible for the government to dismiss all tutors in the colleges today and replace them tomorrow. It is not possible!” 

The Governance lecturer at the Central University admonished the Education Ministry and NLC to immediately intervene on behalf of the teachers.

“Give them their money. Pay the debt you owe them and also release their salaries to them,” he exclaimed.

Watch video below

Source: Ameyaw Adu Gyamfi//Ghana



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Reactions As Paul Girlfriend Reveals She Was 5yrs when Her Boyfriend & His Brother Sang ‘Busy Body’


There have been diverse reactions on social media after Paul Okoye’s 23-year-old girlfriend Ifeoma Ivy revealed that she was 5years old when her boyfriend and his brother sang “Busy Body”.

It all started after Ifeoma Ivy took to her Tiktok page to post a video dancing and vibing to one of the Psquare’s old hit songs titled “Busy Body” from their album “get squared”.

After she posted it, a curious fan took to her comment section and asked her how old were you when your boo and his brother released this hit song, then she replied and said she was 5years old. After people saw what Paul Okoye girlfriend said, they gathered under the comment section to react and say what they feel about what she said.

Recall that Paul Okoye and his twin brother Peter Okoye, the Psquare duo, released the song “Busy Body” in the year 2005. What are your thoughts on this? Drop what you think below.

Content created and supplied by: Gist_Plug (via Opera
News )

Ifeoma Ivy
Paul Okoye

Wa High Court jurors declare strike over unpaid allowances


Members of the Wa High Court jury in the Upper West have declared an indefinite strike over their unpaid sitting and attendance allowances.

The group, at a media encounter in Wa to announce their decision complained that they have been working for close to two years without pay, adding that several appeals to the government to release the allowances went unsuccessful.

According to Jury members of the Wa High Court, they started unfolding their intention of today’s strike action last Monday when they boycotted criminal proceedings at the Wa High Court, anticipating that the government would have addressed their concerns.

Three days after the boycott, the group, numbering about 25, this morning massed up at the forecourt of the Wa High Court where they declared an indefinite strike action in protest of the non-payment of their 21 months allowances.

A jury is a group of ordinary citizens, typically 7 in number, who are selected to determine the facts of a case and deliver a verdict based on the evidence presented during a trial.

The role of the jury is a critical aspect of justice delivery in Ghana’s legal systems, particularly in criminal cases where they play the role of impartial fact-finders, community representatives, and determinants of guilt or innocence, as we as safeguarding against the potential abuse of power by the government.

Lawyers and accused persons who came to the Wa court this morning to defend their cases were disappointed when the court had to make adjournments due to the absence of the Jury.

A principal state attorney at the Upper West office of the Attorney General Department, Saeed Abdul Shakur, says the strike action will have dire consequences on justice delivery in the region and appealed to the government to address the concerns of the jury.

Tanker Crushes Fresh Graduate After Clearance In Abia Poly


A yet to be identified tanker on Tuesday, reportedly crushed a fresh graduate of Abia State Polytechnic, Aba, Ezekiel Mary Ogechi, in front of the institution.

It was gathered that the deceased, who studied accounting, was at the Polytechnic carrying out academic clearance in preparation for the National Youth Service Corps scheme.

Ogechi was said to have made a distinction in accounting and received a scholarship from an organization to do a post-graduate course.

However, the tragic incident occurred after carrying out the clearance and crossing the road when a tricycle hit her before she was crushed by a moving truck.

READ MORE: Abia Varsity Shutdown Indefinitely As Students Protest Fees Hike

According to a source who spoke to DAILY POST, disclosed that angry students of the Polytechnic mobilized a protest after Ogechi was found lying under the truck.

The source said: “Unfortunately, she was hit by a tricycle while trying to cross to the other side of the road; before she could get up, she was then crushed by a fast moving truck.

“The management of the Abia State Polytechnic and the Students Union Government of the institution saved the day as the angry students were begged to calm down.”