Do you know that your face might become numb due to certain medical issues or conditions? The medical conditions that produce numbness in the face, whether localised or widespread, require rapid medical attention since they can lead to deadly complications if left untreated.
In this piece, inspired by a post on WebMD, we’ll take a look at some of the medical conditions that might cause you to lose sensation in your face or develop facial numbness. Relax and take in this article while you get some valuable knowledge.
What medical conditions can result in numbness of the face?
First on the list is one of the most dangerous reasons for face numbness, a brain tumour. Facial numbness can have other causes, but this one is still important to discuss.
Second, shingles is yet another medical condition that can cause a person to lose sensation in their face. In order to prevent the spread of this excruciatingly painful disease, prompt medical intervention is essential.
According to healthline Facial numbness is a common symptom among people who are on the verge of having a stroke. This is one of the most prevalent reasons for facial numbness, and as stroke is more common in the elderly, older people are more likely to experience it than younger people.
Multiple sclerosis, a debilitating disease of the central nervous system, can cause face numbness and should be treated urgently because of its seriousness.
Content created and supplied by: Chinamere (via Opera
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