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Sunday, March 9, 2025

Dangers of Cigarette Smoke for Passive Smokers

According to healthline – It has become a general secret if smoking is a bad habit that can bring various risks of illness.Smoking smoke is harmful to the health of the body, both for people who smoke, as well as those who become passive smokers.

A passive smoker is a person who is not a smoker but breathes the smoke of another person, or who is in a closed room with the smoker. The more frequently passive smokers are exposed to cigarette smoke, the greater the risk of harm.

The dangers of passive smoking should not be underestimated. Even the lungs of passive smokers can be more damaged than those of an active smoker.

The dangers of cigarette smoke for passive smokers

Cigarette smoke is more dangerous in passive smokers because the active smoker smokes directly from the cigarette and the cigarettes have been filtered. While passive smokers inhale cigarette smoke from cigarettes without a filter, toxic substances that enter the body are more dangerous.

According to the WHO, there are more than 4,000 chemicals found in tobacco smoke, nicotine, carbon monoxide, and formaldehyde.

The danger of inhaling cigarette smoke is that it can contaminate the blood with various harmful chemicals, because it contains carbon monoxide gas.

The gas in cigarette smoke that can be associated with hemoglobin is carbon dioxide. Even the longer you are exposed to cigarette smoke, the greater your risk of inhaling that toxic chemical.

Cigarette smoke is harmful to others around the smoker because it can be inhaled and entered into the body, even if the person is not smoking.

Exposure to cigarette smoke to passive smokers can occur anywhere when there are people smoking, such as at home, restaurants, streets, recreational venues, bars, and more. Health problems caused by exposure to cigarette smoke can also affect adults and children.

The WHO estimates that there are at least 890,000 deaths per year in the world related to passive smoking. The adverse health effects that can occur on passive smokers can also vary in each person, depending on their age.

Dangers of Smoking in Adults

The dangers of smoking for adult passive smokers can increase the risk of cardiovascular disease, respiratory disease, and cancer. Here is the explanation:

1. cardiovascular diseases

Passive smokers exposed to cigarette smoke have a 25-30 percent higher risk of developing heart disease. In addition, exposure to smoke can also make existing hypertensive conditions worse. This can trigger various cardiovascular diseases, such as stroke and heart attack.

2. respiratory diseases

Certain compounds, such as ammonia, sulfur, and formaldehyde, can irritate the eyes, nose, throat, and lungs. These compounds are dangerous for people who have breathing problems, such as bronchitis or asthma. Exposure to passive smokers can also trigger or worsen the symptoms of respiratory disease.

3. Cancer

Exposure to cigarette smoke to passive smokers can increase the risk of about 30 percent to develop lung cancer and various other cancers, such as breast cancer, leukemia, and lymphoma. In the United States, the national health agency (CDC) estimates there are 7,300 deaths from lung cancer per year among passive smokers.

Dangers of smoking to children

Children are more susceptible to the effects of exposure to cigarette smoke in their surroundings. This is because their bodies and organs are still in the development stage.

Here are the health problems that can occur in passive smoking children:

Lung development is impaired or the condition is weak

Respiratory infections, such as pneumonia and bronchitis

Ear infections, usually otitis media, affecting the middle ear.

trigger or aggravate asthma symptoms, i.e. cough, numbness, and shortness of breath

A constant sickness accompanied by snoring.

Chronic cough

Sudden infant death syndrome

The brain tumor (jika sudah sangat parah).

The danger of smoking smoke in babies is something to be careful about. In addition, there is a possibility that a baby will die from cigarette smoke due to respiratory infections. Therefore, it is important for parents to ensure that children do not become passive smokers.

Dangers of Smoking in Pregnant Women

Not only pregnant women who smoke, pregnant mothers who become passive smokers also bear a great danger. Pregnant non-smoking mothers are likely to give birth prematurely and give birth to a baby with a low weight if exposed to cigarette smoke.

Meanwhile, pregnant women who smoke can increase the risk of miscarriage and dead birth, premature birth, low birth weight, and other complications during pregnancy.

Smoking during pregnancy can also increase your child’s risk of developing disorders, such as learning difficulties. The risk of developing cerebral palsy is also increased.

The Third Hand Smoke

If you do not know, it is time to know more about the term third-hand smoke, which is the residues of nicotine and other harmful chemicals caused by cigarette smoke. These residues usually leave on the surface of any object, such as clothes, hair, furniture in a home or cafe, up to a car. Another danger is that these chemical residues can settle for a long time.

It is natural that the concept of third-hand smoke or passive smoking is still considered strange because researchers are still exploring more about the risks, researchers from the University of California, Riverside.

Data found by a team of researchers from the University of California suggests that there is a direct impact between third-hand smoke and human health.

Starting from a meeting room that is not smoke-free, a cafe that is exposed to cigarette smoke on a daily basis, a family room in its own house where its inhabitants often smoke in it, to a table in the front door of the house that has been used as a basecamp for smoking.

The study involved four healthy non-smokers. They were asked to breathe thirdhand smoke for three hours in a laboratory at UC San Francisco. Later, they examined their RNA (DNA transcription results) to detect any changes in gene expression.The results found 382 genes were heavily affected and seven others were unaffected.

Inhaling third-hand smoke for three hours significantly changes the expression of a person’s genes, especially those related to the respiratory epithelium. The long-term risk is cancer.

In fact, it is impossible for a person to suffer from cancer by just breathing third-hand smoke for three hours. However, if this happens continuously over the long term, it is not possible that there are any health consequences.

Just name the inhabitants of the apartments who are exposed to cigarette smoke every day or those who drive in the car with concentrated residue smoke.

Third hand smoke also affects cell performance.

Furthermore, a team of researchers led by Prue Talbot, a professor in the Department of Molecular, Cell and System Biology, also found a correlation of their findings with the risks that occur in cells in the respiratory system. Not only that, third-hand smoke appears to also affect the activity of the mitochondria, the organelles that become “electric generators” for the cells of the body.

If left, the cells could become paralyzed. The respiratory system is the main focus in the team’s research because through the breathing, third-hand smoke enters a person’s lungs. Another alternative is through the skin, but no further research has been conducted on it.

Avoid the health risks of passive smoking

To avoid the various health risks that passive smokers face, you should do some of the following:

1. Avoid being among people who smoke.

When friends, relatives, or someone else is about to smoke near you, it is best to stay away first so that the cigarette smoke is not inhaled. Avoiding cigarette smoke is very important for keeping your lungs healthy.

When friends, relatives, or other people want to smoke near you, it would be better if we try to avoid smoking smoke because it will be disturbing. Avoiding cigarette smoke is very important for keeping your lungs healthy.

2. Persuade your nearest to quit smoking.

If your spouse, friends, or family members are active smokers, it’s not wrong for you to persuade them to quit smoking. You can explain the various health risks that may occur both to himself and to the person who inhales his cigarette smoke. No need to force, but give understanding slowly.

3. Make your home smoke-free.

If someone visits your house and wants to smoke, then you should ask them to smok outside. According to experts, keeping a home free from tobacco smoke is great, especially for children, as it keeps them away from cigarette smoke and avoids the risk of respiratory infections, asthma, cancer, and other serious conditions.

Message from Healthy

If you are a smoker, you should not smoke inside the house. If you are a passive smoker who is frequently exposed to cigarette smoke and has health problems related to breathing, it is best to check yourself to a doctor.

Early detection can increase your chances of recovering faster and minimize the danger of passive smoking.

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