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Nigerian, Glory Eniola, Emerges Best Freshman Nursing Student In US Varsity

According to the leadership,Eniola Glory, who is 18 and from Nigeria, was chosen as the top nursing student in her year group at Southern Illinois University in the USA.

Eniola, who has a twin sister and comes from Ijebu-Jesha in Osun State, spoke to the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) on the phone from the USA. She said she is grateful to God and her parents for the chance they both got.

She received an award for being the top student in the Nursing course during her first year at the school.

GLORY AYOBAMI ENIOLA has received a special award for doing well in school as a freshman at Southern Illinois University Carbondale.

She promised to keep working hard and do better in order to win a big award after finishing her studies.

Eniola and her twin sister, Grace, got accepted into Southern Illinois University Carbondale in the USA to study Nursing. They did really well in their classes.

Eniola won an award at a ceremony held by an important group of people. She won because she was very smart and did better than others who were also being considered. This is common among young Nigerians around the world.

But, she gave her award to her dad, Obayomi Eniola. He taught her and her sister about Nigerian customs.

Eniola wants to help people with their health. She thinks being a nurse will help her do that.

The person who won the award said that she faced many difficulties, but she worked hard to be the best in the Nursing School of the school.

I was amazed and cried when they called my name. I got a certificate when I went up to the front.

I feel happy about our parents. I learned that working hard and being committed is important for achieving success. Eniola said that she was happy and felt like she achieved something.

The Nigerian person was proud and knew that their parents had worked very hard to help them with their studies. They knew their parents would be very happy about their academic achievement.

Eniola and her sister really want to become nurses in Nigeria, particularly in their own state of Osun. They hope to help improve healthcare in their state after finishing their studies. That’s what the award winner said.

She said that paying for their school fees and tuition has always been difficult and it has made it harder for them to do well in school.

Eniola asked Governor Ademola Adeleke of Osun State to help their parents with financial support for their school fees to motivate them.

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