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Sunday, September 29, 2024

Opinion: Why Nigerian University Students Should Stop Pidgin English Language In School.

Pidgin English is a creole language that has become popular in Nigeria over the years.

It is a simplified form of the English language and is used widely in informal conversations, music, movies, and even in the media.

However, the use of Pidgin English has raised concerns about its impact on the academic performance of university students in Nigeria.

In this article, we will examine the effect of Nigerian Pidgin English on the academic performance of university students in Nigeria.

Firstly, the use of Pidgin English has been identified as a barrier to effective communication in academic settings.

University students who are accustomed to using Pidgin English may struggle to understand complex academic concepts and communicate effectively with their peers and lecturers.

This could result in poor academic performance, especially in subjects that require a high level of language proficiency, such as English Language and Literature.

Secondly, the use of Pidgin English has been linked to a lack of confidence in the use of Standard English.

University students who are used to communicating in Pidgin English may find it difficult to switch to Standard English when required to do so in academic settings.

This could lead to a lack of confidence and poor academic performance in subjects that require a high level of proficiency in Standard English.

Furthermore, the use of Pidgin English has been identified as a contributor to the decline in the reading culture among Nigerian university students.

Many students who are used to communicating in Pidgin English may find it difficult to read and understand academic materials written in Standard English.

This could lead to a lack of interest in academic reading and poor academic performance in subjects that require extensive reading.

In addition, the use of Pidgin English has been linked to a decline in critical thinking and analytical skills among Nigerian university students.

Pidgin English is a simplified form of English that does not encourage critical thinking and analytical skills. University students who are accustomed to using Pidgin English may find it difficult to analyze complex academic concepts and arguments.

This could result in poor academic performance in subjects that require a high level of critical thinking and analytical skills.

Finally, the use of Pidgin English has been linked to a decline in the writing skills of Nigerian university students.

Pidgin English does not encourage the use of proper grammar, syntax, and punctuation, which are essential components of effective academic writing.

University students who are used to communicating in Pidgin English may find it difficult to write effectively in Standard English, which could lead to poor academic performance in subjects that require extensive writing.

The use of Pidgin English has a negative impact on the academic performance of Nigerian university students.

It hinders effective communication, confidence in the use of Standard English, reading culture, critical thinking and analytical skills, and writing skills.

It is, therefore, important for Nigerian universities to take proactive measures to discourage the use of Pidgin English in academic settings and promote the use of Standard English.

This could be achieved through the provision of language support services, such as language classes, writing workshops, and reading groups, as well as the development of language policies that promote the use of Standard English in academic settings.

Content created and supplied by: smarthusstle (via Opera
News )

Pidgin English
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