As a working class lady, you need to make sure you’re well dressed. I’ll start tbjd article by giving you some tips on how to look good as a working class lady and after that I’ll go ahead and display the different style of Attires you can wear;
– Make sure you dress decently and moderately; Your facial make-up and color combination must be proper and moderately done. Your outfit shouldn’t expose your body, your outfit should blend with your Accessories.
– Your beauty Accessories should be moderately worn; you must be very careful when wearing beauty Accessories so that you don’t wear them excessively.
– Your attire Should look good on you; Don’t pick a style that will look too big or tight on you.
Here are the different styles of corporate Attires you can wear;
– Top and skirt; You can go with a long of short sleeve chiffon top with any skirt of your choice.
– Jacket and skirt; Those ladies who would love to go with jackets should make sure they wear a very nice inner wear.
– Skirts with Slitted design; You can wear a skirt that has the same color with your handbag and shoes.
Content created and supplied by: Promise03 (via Opera
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