In recent years, there has been a growing concern among experts about a condition known as “tech neck.” This term refers to the damage that prolonged use of smartphones and other electronic devices can cause to the neck and spine.
When we use our phones, we often hold them at a downward angle, which forces the head and neck to bend forward. This puts added stress on the cervical spine, the upper part of the spine that supports the head. Over time, this can lead to a condition called forward head posture, which can result in chronic pain and stiffness in the neck, shoulders, and upper back.
According to Healthline, the constant downward gaze also put a lot of pressure on the cervical spine and muscles leading to headaches and migraines, as well as upper back and neck pain. It’s also associated with a creased risk of chronic pain, especially if not addressed early on.
Additionally, tech neck can also lead to long-term structural changes in the spine, such as disk degeneration of the joints, and even nerve compression.
To avoid tech neck, it is important to be mindful of your posture when using your phone and other electronic devices. Taking regular breaks to stand up and stretch your neck and back can help alleviate the stress on your spine. Experts also recommend holding your phone at eye level, rather than looking down at it, and avoiding, your phone for long periperiodsou can also include exercises that help counterbalance the effects of tech neck such as neck stretches, shoulder rolls, and, back stretches.
While the use of electronic devices has become an integral part of our daily lives, it’s important to be aware of the potential negative effects on our physical health. By taking steps to reduce the amount of time we spend looking down at our devices, and by paying attention to our posture, we can help prevent the negative effects of tech neck and maintain a healthy spine.
Content created and supplied by: Gwanfy (via Opera
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