You can not prevent liver cancer in all cases. Nevertheless, you can lower your odds of liver cancer by doing things to protect the health of your liver.
According to Healthline, steps you can take to prevent your liver from cancer include:
1. Get the hepatitis B vaccine: There’s a vaccine for hepatitis B that is suggested for all eligible children. Adults at high risk for infection should also be vaccinated. This involves people who use illicit drugs, such as heroin, crack cocaine, and crystal methamphetamine. The vaccination is often given in a series of 3 injections for six months.
2. Take measures to prevent hepatitis C: There is no vaccine for hepatitis C, but there are many ways to lower the odds of getting the infection. These measures include using protection, being aware of hepatitis risk associated with illegal drug use, be cautious about tattoos and piercings.
3. Lower your risk of cirrhosis: Changes you can make to reduce your odds of cirrhosis include limiting your alcohol consumption. Limiting the quantity of alcohol you drink can assist prevent liver damage. Take steps to treat obesity: Having obesity raises your odds of liver cancer. Obesity is linked to a higher risk of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, which can result in cirrhosis.
4. Live a healthy lifestyle: Higher levels of physical activity might decrease your odds of liver cancer. Exercising often can benefit your general health. It’s equally a vital part of maintaining your weight within a healthier range. Consuming a balanced diet is vital for cancer prevention. Ensure you incorporate lean protein, whole grains, and vegetables into your meals.
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