Nollywood actor, Stanley Igboanugo, has shared new loved-up photos of himself with actress Queen Nwokoye to celebrate her birthday. The actor showed how much he adores her by taking to Instagram to show her some love by showering her with praise. Many of his fans who came across the pictures were left with no choice than to react in different ways to his new post.
In some of the photos he shared, the two of them looked comfortable around each other as they shared a hug. They looked excited and all smiles as they took the photos in different postures in front of a luxurious car.
He used his caption to shower her with praise by describing her with nice words. She said, “Happy birthday to you, my darling senior colleague and sister. May God continue to shower his grace, peace, and love upon your life and your family.”
Many of the people who came across the post joined him in celebrating his colleague by sending their birthday wishes to her through the actor’s Instagram page.
Content created and supplied by: Worldnewsreporter (via Opera
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