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Saturday, September 7, 2024

Ex-DSS Boss, Amachree Reveals Cost of AK-47 Gun While Addressing Self-Defence in Zamfara

The former Deputy-Director of the DSS, Dennis Amachree, has explained how the directive issued by Governor Matawalle to his people regarding arming themselves in self-defence could cause more deaths and compound the security challenges. Dennis discussed the cost of such weapons and their implications while speaking on Arise News.

Addressing the topic, Dennis Amachree said, “People have been agitating that they should be allowed to have guns.” However, it is not advisable as people have to be trained before handling guns. How many training ranges are there in Nigeria that can equip people with shooting skills? The governor mentioned basic weapons, but I do not know what he meant by that term. Is he talking about Dane guns or pistols?

He continued, “The Ak-47 and other superior weapons are commonly wielded by terrorists.” Therefore, you must have the same type of weapon if you plan to counter them. I see that they have established community protection guards, but they need to be properly trained. He has asked for legislation to make them legal. However, these guns are expensive. Many people do not know that an AK-47 costs N400,000 on the black market. This has made us raise questions regarding those sponsoring armed terrorists. The state government has to spend money on acquiring weapons and training the people. There is also the possibility of anarchy in the state. I do not support the idea.

You can watch the interview. (6:00 minute)

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Dennis Amachree
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