A lot of people have given themselves to studying so much that they stand out in their field of endeavor. There are broadly two types of education, that is the formal and informal education. The formal education has to do with such training that takes place within the four walls of a well structured learning environment call the school. Informal education on the other hand has to do with such education that takes place everyday and everywhere. Informal education is not well organized or structured.
The importance and value of education cannot be overemphasized. Both forms of education are so important to both the individual and the society at large. When a people are educated and well read, it becomes difficult to enslave such a people. They become aware of their rights and privileges as a people and able to fight and stand for such rights. They also understand their responsibilities as citizens.
Africa has some of the most educated people in the world. The continent has been blessed so many people who gave it all it takes to be educated. Do you know that the most educated president in the world today is an African?
Who would have believed that the World most educated president is an African? President Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe is recorded to be the most educated president the world had ever produced. With a Bachelor’s degree in History, English, Administration, Education and Law and also a Masters
degree in Law and in Economics alongside several other PhDs aside the 14 honorary degrees, this record will indeed be a very hard one for any other president in the world to break. But, who is the most uneducated president in the world?Jacob Zuma, the president of South Africa is the World’s most uneducated president. Jacob Zuma has no formal education. Infact he is self- schooled. He taught himself to read and write.
Acquiring formal education was difficult for Zuma because he was poor, and lost his father at a very young age. With little or no access to funds, he borrowed books from friends in the neighbourhood, and would insist his friends put him through on how to pronounce words. Many a time, Zuma would personally educate himself in the bush and was involved in the fight against the apartheid government along side Nelson Mandela and this led him to prison, yet he continued in self education. He regarded self education as more important than certification. Hear Jacob Zuma; “I don’t regard myself as uneducated, I only lack formal qualifications and certifications”. But who today will believe he doesn’t possess a primary school certificate when he stands to address his nation on political and economic issues and when he sits in the African Union and the United Nations. He speaks even better than so many professors.
Education is indeed power. Our Governments at all levels need to pay attention to education. The future of our nation is blink if we don’t give priority to education.
Content created and supplied by: AbundantGrace (via Opera
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