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Thursday, September 19, 2024

4 African Countries That Speak Pidgin English (Photos)

Cameroon, a country in the central region of Africa, is one of the African countries that speak pidgin English. Kamtok is the pidginised English of the country. This English-related language has been a lingua franca in the country since at least the 1880s. It is primarily spoken in the North West and South West English speaking regions of the country.

Although Spanish is the major language widely spoken across Equatorial Guinea, a country located on the west coast of Africa, Pidgin English is the lingua franca in Bioko Island, Annobon, and in some areas of Bata. The indigenous languages, which are predominantly of oral tradition, are neither used as a lingua franca nor taught as a subject in schools in Equatorial Guinea.

In the Africa’s most populous country, Pidgin is an English-based creole language largely spoken as a lingua franca across. The language is at times regarded as Pijin or Broken. It can be spoken as a pidgin, a creole, slang, or a decreolised acrolect by different kind of speakers, who may switch between these forms depending on the social setting.

Ghana, a country in the West African region, is also one of the African countries that speak Pidgin English. Ghanaian Pidgin English is a regional variety of West African Pidgin English widely spoken in the country, principally in the southern capital, Accra, and surrounding towns. It is usually confined to a smaller section of society than other West African creoles, and is more stigmatized, maybe due to the prominence of Twi, an Akan dialect, always spoken as lingua franca.

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