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Monday, September 16, 2024

Hudda Throws Bad Insults To Murugi Munyi

In a video shared by Ayfacts News Hub, there is an ongoing online exchange of words between Murugi Munyi and Hudda. It all started after Murugi made a video reviewing beauty products from Hudda’s beauty . In her remarks she said that the packaging wrap to her it looked like a success card, she also said that the products don’t have ingredients written, which she found as a red flag. She promised her followers to make another video after two weeks she will try the products on her skin.

Hudda did not take it lighly, now things have gone from bad to worse since she also responded to her video. It seems she is not yet done with Murugi after she bashed her beauty products, it seems she is breathing fire from the messages she wrote on her status to throw harsh words to Murugi.

Hudda has again addressed Murugi using her fans screenshots, one of her followers wrote that she felt Murugi hate when she said the packaging looks like a success card and Hudda made a response saying that hating is all that she can afford that is why the lyposuction surgery did not work out for her, haters never prosper. In another message she wrote “unaona kama hii packaging inakaa success card kama hiyo mafuta umejaza kwa hiyo akili yako go and do your own branding then bash others sura kama ya ndovu.”

Hudda suggested Murugi to work on her mentality because she is very negative and her problem is not in her body it’s in her mind. She went ahead to share her products ingredients, according to Hudda everyone hates Murugi and that’s why her previous surgery failed, she said no surgery can fix her because her problems are mental.

According to the video posted by Ayfacts Hub, Hudda shared these messages “Same way you abuse my brand is the same way i will abuse you, sura kama ya ndovu get a life.” please read the screenshots of some of the insults that Hudda sent to Murugi. Watch a video from Ayfacts Hub YouTube channel in the link below.

Kindly share your views on this topic, Is it okay to body shame anyone?

Content created and supplied by: Debrah (via Opera
News )

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