Blame The MPs On Failed Developments, Not The President, City Lawyer Donald Kiprorir Says
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Vocal city Lawyer Donald Kipkorir has told citizens that the lack of development of constituency is a mistake of MPs and not the President.
In his statement, the city Lawyer has argued that the members of Parliament have for a long time lied to the people of Kenya on who is responsible for developing their constituencies.
According to him, matters to do with development were only under the President before the 2010 constitution. After then, the MPs were constitutionally given the mandate of ensuring development takes place in their constituencies.
“MPs have lied to Kenyans for too long on development. Before 2010, development was Presidential whim. After 2010, MPs took over.” Stated the SC.
The Government’s role in development according to the SC is that of introducing the bill to Parliament whose purpose is to identify projects that need money allocation. MPs are then responsible when it comes to passing the bill and also making appropriate changes if necessary.
The SC has insisted that the Mps are solely to blame anytime a constituency lags behind in terms of development. He went further to state that Kiharu MP Ndindi Nyoro probably understood the constitution better than the rest.
“It is then that the Budget is passed. So, if your Constituency has no development, don’t blame the President but your MP.” Stated the vocal MP.
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